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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Fated to love }

CHAPTER 41 & 42

BY; Chioma Melody.

Subtitle: New version



Xander held his cheeks in pain as he stared at hani. He couldn’t retaliate but if looks could ki||, hani could’ve drop dead.

” You want me dead right?. Then ki|| me if you can. ki|| me and let the fog die down!” He yelled.

” You’ve been so evil!..and cruel..and.. .and heartless” Hani spat out, breathlessly.

” What do you expect. I was being hopeful all my life to be the crowned king only for Ian to come along and spoil all my plans. I felt heartbroken and it’s okay for me to get a revenge. But I guess this is how it ends for me” He said and stood up from the floor.

He took out the sword from one of the guards and hani’s eyes got wide quickly.

” The only way you all can live in peace is if I die. I know you all h@ťě my presence in this palace. I’ll just….die….anyways” He said, looking at each one of them.

Hani lip puckered for a moment but somehow, she silently prayed for him to die. Him going away would bring less problems for them in the palace.

” I’ll stab myself and…I want everyone to forget about me here. Totally!” He said while trembling in fear.

Queen Lisa didn’t bother looking at him and the other royals were just there, watching the scene in silence.

He raised up his sword and was about to stab himself but he deliberately ran up to Ian before anyone could even blink.

” Stop!!!” Hani screamed and Xander stabbed Ian on his chest before a force coming from hani threw him to the floor.

Ian’s hand cupped the sword as he slowly shut his eyes, his legs getting weaker.

” Oh my days, Ian!!” Hani screamed and scurried towards him quickly but his feet failed him soon enough.

He collapsed on the floor loosely and hani arrived in front of him, her eyes wandering in disbelief.

” No..No…Wake up, Ian. Wake up my love, please. No!.” She cried bitterly, falling on her feet.

She held his face on her chest as her cries became louder.

Nothing could change her h@ťě for xandee now, she was truly hurt, her heart was bleeding in pain.

” I’m so stupid!. I could have noticed his mischief. I had enough time to stop him!. Ian please I’m sorry, if you wanna go just take me with you. I can’t suffer this alone. Please..” She cried, crushing his body with a hug.

The guards went over to attack Xander, but they halted cos he started laughing impertinently.

” Who are you coming for?. Do you want to be next?” He asked, smiling devilishly.

Queen Lisa looked at Xander with a glare.

” This ki||ing is becoming too much, Xander!” She yelled.

” You can’t tell me what to do!” Xander spat.

” You’ve gotten us into more trouble!” Aurora yelled.

” Ian is no longer immune, and since he’ll die, we’ll finally get the throne to ourselves. You all should celebrate rather” He winked and walked out egostically.

” Miss hani. Cry no more!” He smiled, holding his waist boastfully.

Hani stood up and swayed her hands in the air and he flew to the corner at the wall. He began to bleed from his nose quickly.

” If I don’t ki|| you today, Call me a Ɓîtçh!” She yelled,throwing him a murderous glare.

She grabbed a sword from the floor and stabbed him really hard many times. Her face and hand got covered up with blood.

The standby viewer had to close their eyes or else they’d puke out their lungs.

After stabbing him to her satisfaction, she pulled the sword away breathlessly.

Xander looked at where he was stabbed and he started laughing hard.

” I forgot to tell you that I’m not human, I’ve succeeded in taking all the immunity from your husband. So you can try harder” He smirked.

Hani stepped back fearfully as more tears ran down her eyes.

” No!!. It can’t be true” She cried.

” It’s true, kitten. But the truth is hard” He stated, leaning away from the wall towards her.

She grabbed a sword from another guard and tried to stab herself but the sword vanished right from her hands.

She fell on the floor carelessly and crawled back, more tears coming down her cheeks.

” Please just hurt me. ki|| me!” She cried.

” No, I can’t hurt a cutie. Maybe after f_cking you countless times, then I can dump you” He hissed.

Xander pulled out the sword from himself and started to approach her slowly.

” No!. Stay away from me!!. Stay away!!” She yelled and as she crawled back, she immediately vanished into the air.


Hani woke up and found herself in an unusual place, it felt so unreal.

she remembered seeing herself here when she had a nightmare about her father.

Cluelessly, she stood up, going around the place as she stared into nothing.

” Hani” Someone called and she turned around to find Amber coming along. She looked so elegant in her long dress as usual.

” Amber, You’re here too!!” She screamed and immediately went to her quickly. They hugged warmly, and it lasted for some minutes.

” I’m glad you’re fine” Hani said.

” I was always fine. Truth is, even when I left you and Ian. I knew you guys wouldn’t handle it alone and that’s why I’m still here” She said.

” Ian was stabbed. He’s dying. Everything is going bad suddenly. I swear I can’t take this. I’m scared of going back to the palace but you need to help me bring Ian back” She cried loudly

” There’s no way I can bring a dead person back to life. Not now anymore” She said.

” There should be a way to bring him back to life or you’ll take me to be with him too!” Hani scowled.

Amber chuckled and held her shoulders.

” Even if I bring Ian back, the problem at the palace would remain unsolved. This is what happens all the time, Xander will never give up. He still has a way to spoil happy endings!”

” Then just find a way to ki|| him!”

” I have a more better choice, hani. But trust me, it’s one reason why I brought you here” She said.

Hani looked at her patiently before she resumed speaking.

” I want to take you back in time and let you restart everything all over again. This time, with the initiative of what’s ahead of you.”

” What do you mean?. You mean I’ll go back in time….like….months ago?”

” Yes!. You get to clear all your mistakes. Stop Xander and Aurora on time, and be a new version of yourself, not the timid and shy hani. You also need to start using more of your powers.”

” And that’s really gonna work?”

” Probably, The good part of this is you get to see those who you think have died, back to life again” She said and hani heart skipped a bit.

She looked down slowly, and her chin was up again.

” What about Ian? Will he be aware that I am his wife?”

” He wouldn’t even know your name. Unfortunately, you’ll get to restart your love story all over again. It’s like….returning back to how it all began. Don’t rush it, don’t try to make him think he knew you or love you. Just fix things in the right way and i promise you that this presents situation you found yourself in will never happen, okay?”

” Wait. What if Ian never likes me?”

” You both were fated to be.” She said and hani gave a gummy smile.

“I’m solely ready for this but I’m scared, and I’m anxious!” She said.

” I’m always at your call when you need me hani. This the only way to sort things out permanently. I want you to be the Fearless and intriguing hani from now on”

” I’ll try” Hani said, taking in a loud sigh.

Amber chuckled and stretched out her hand and she held it quickly.

” Close your eyes, hani. This might take a little of your time” Amber said and hani looked away, patching her eyes lashes together slowly.



Hani slowly came out of the house with a bucket with her, as usual, the maid will go for a morning bath before their duty.

” I can’t believe I’m seeing this scene again. Everything looks….a bit different” She thought as she walked out.

She looked around, searching for Salome and that’s when she saw her under the tree with her fan girls.

Her joy knew no bound right then.

” Salome!!!” She screamed, dropping her bucket and running towards her quickly.

” This fool is finally awake” Salome spat. She stepped out of the way and hani met the floor, falling into the mud.

The overlookers burst into laughter immediately.

” I think she drank something last night. It starting to affect her” Salome said to the other girls and everyone laughed out once more.

Hani stood up from the mud with a strong glare on her face.

Her hanbok was messily soaked with mud water and her ponytail were dripping out particles.

She dug her hands into the mud fiercely and slapped Salome with it carelessly.

Some particle got into her eyes and other went straight into her mouth.

” Mm…Ahh!!” Salome cried out in pain.

” How about you eat that for breakfast. Fool!” Hani hissed and picked her bucket, throwing it over her head as well.

” Ughhh!!.” Salome screamed and Hani kicked her hard, landing her on her @zz.

” Next time, mock your stupidity and not me!!” Hani spat and walked away quickly.

” I swear, you’ll pay for this, hani. I won’t let you go that easily!” Salome screamed while crawling away blindly.



King Luz sat on his favourite pillow as he went through some papers.

Prince shaman and Xander was with him.

” Shaman, I’ll leave you in charge of my weekly assignment and trips” He said and shaman face brightened.

” What do you mean shaman?. Have I suddenly become invisible?” Xander spat.

” He didn’t say he’s giving me the title of the next king. He only….

” Shut your trap!” Xander spat and Shaman quickly clumped his lips shut. ” If the king wants to give out anything, then it’s me. Even if he wants to die, I should be the first to know it!” He scoffed.

” Are you kidding right now?” Shaman asked.

” Do I ever kid with you, dummy!” Xander spat and Shaman sighed, standing up.

” I’ll kindly take my leave now, father” He bowed and left the room in disgust.

King luz glared at Xander.

” What are you still waiting for?. Follow your brother out and let me find some space” He hissed.

” I came here to warn you, Mr king” Xander said, leaning closer. ” You’d better die now, you’re not growing any younger and I’m inpatient to be the next king. So die!” He spat

The king chuckled.

” To me You’re just a little kid, anxious to take what not yours yet. I’d rather leave shaman in charge of the palace for one night than to leave you in charge of the palace for centuries” He spat.

Xander hand clawed into the table and he gave the king a murderous stare.

” I’ll give you a week to enjoy your reign. After that, I’m taking over. Trust me” He spat before standing up.

He started to leave the room when he met Queen Lisa by the door.

He gave her a look before walking out of her. Lisa watched his retreating backs before walking in fully.

” My Dear husband” She said, sitting next to him. The king rubbed his face, running his fingers into his hair tiredly.

” Why can’t you all let me be in peace for at least one second?” He asked.

” I came to ask you if you need anything?”

” All I want is for you to take the door and leave!” He ordered.

” Fine. I’ll leave” She sighed and was about to pick herself up but then, Erica and Xora walked in as well.

She sat back quickly.

” I’m not leaving!” She spat.

Erica and Xora joined the table.

” Your majesty” They said respectively.

The king stood up and began to leave the table and the three wives watched his back in amusement.

” It’s Lisa’s fault he left!!” Xora spat

” What else….she’s a burden to him!. The more the king despises her son, xander, the more he’s despising her as well” Erica spat.

” Don’t say that!” Lisa growled.

” Like you can beat us if we continue. You’d better go retrain that tall devil you call a son!” Xora spat.

Lisa lowered her chin as her throat ran dry. She didn’t know when her eyes brought down tears, it fell on her cheeks slowly.

She picked herself up and left the room quickly without their notice.



Hani stared through the guard net as she watched the boys have their evening practice.

She hasn’t seen Ian yet and she was getting very anxious.

” Hani!” Someone called from behind and she turned her head to find Vivian, standing there.

” V..Vivian?” Hani stuttered.

” What are you doing here?. I thought you said you were going back to the camp?” She asked.

” Yea…Um..actually…I..I..” Hani slowly looked up and saw Ian coming out carefully.

His hands was in his robe pocket as he stepped out with ease, putting on a serious expression.

In her eyes, he looked so f_cking cute and hot at the same time

Her eyes boomed with excitement instantly.

” I….” Her sentence halted, remembering he didn’t know her yet. But she couldn’t stop him from noticing her, she was so overwhelmed.

” Ian!!” She quickly called, her little hands clutching hold of the net pole.

He raised his head to look at her but his gaze went to Vivian instead and he gave a simple nod.

Vivian slightly waved back at him before dropping her hand.

Hani jaw dropped.

” He doesn’t know me. He doesn’t!” She leaped up, crumpling her lips sadly.

” Hani!!” Vivian called louder and she slowly faced her with a cute frown on her face, getting a dumpling cheek.

” I’m sorry” She said, giving a bow.

” What’s with the frown?”

” N..nothing.” Hani replied, lowering her gaze.

” Turn your backs and return back to the camp then.” Vivian told her.

Hani looked at Ian one more time but he was too busy to even notice her.

Her lips formed a pout and she began to run away in tears.



Ian received a letter from the princess and he was asked to report at the stream immediately.

Ian chuckled and thrashed the paper into a bin before walking towards the stream.

He got there met her sitting by the rock path.

” Princess Aurora?” Ian called, hiding both hands behind his back respectfully.

Aurora turned around and met him there and her cheeks went red.

” Oh you finally came!!. I thought you’d decline my offer” She smiled.

” I was ordered to come here, or I could have just stayed back” He said.

” Okay that’s fine. Anyways, I made plans for both of us.” She said, resting her hand on his shoulder while giving him side glances . “The royal family is hosting a dinner soon and I’d like you to join us. It’s going to be splendid” She smiled.

” Dinner?. I…I..don’t think I can make it. I’d be really busy” He said sincerely.

Hani was slowly approaching the stream and she met them talking to eachother.

” I knew something like this would happen. It never gets old” She scoffed.

She looked around and found two large stones, picking them up quickly without minding how heavy they were.

” I’ll start with her for now” She spat and began to walk towards her dangerously.

At that point, Aurora was under the hand of mercy.

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