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Friday, October 18, 2024
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{ Fated to love }

CHAPTER 33& 34

BY; Chioma Melody.

Subtitle: Happy coronation



Hani slowly pulled one eyes open before she opened the other, raising her face from Ian’s back.

” Ian are you okay?” She asked, coming to stand in front of him. She looked so small, compared to him.

” I’m supposed to ask you instead” He said and held her face protectively. ” I hope you didn’t get hurt”

” I’m…I’m…..fine. But what just happened with those flames?. Why didn’t we get hurt?” She asked.

” I think it came from both us. Perhaps, it was trying to protect us”

” Both of us?. Really?” She asked.

” I told you nothing can hurt us as far as we’re together. Our love always conquers everything.” He said.

Hani pressed her lip tight as she blushed.

” Heaven knows how much I love you, Ian. Heaven knows” She said and hugged him, scooting her face into his chest lovingly.

Ian raised his chin and started to notice some presence around him.

” We need to leave here, fav. I don’t think it’s safe anymore” He said.

” Can you give me a piggy ride as we leave?” She asked and Ian instantly looked at her, making a faint blush appear on her cheeks.

” Sure, climb on” He said and squatted a bit. She adjusted her dress and held him, climbing up playfully.

” Can I hug you too?”

” Tightly, If you can” He said and she giggled loudly.

He began to move out of the field and she rested her cheeks on his back, wrapping her hands on his chest.



Ian came out of his camp along with the other Knight, everyone was talking and he was always alone to himself.

Today, they were about to train with horses and with their sword for their usual morning practice.

The Gate was getting opened and all the boys stopped to see who it was. A Palace guard rushed in quickly and he knelt on one foot in front of Ian.

” Good day your majesty” He greeted, bowing his head.

Ian looked at him weirdly, stepping back a bit.

” Are you talking to me or…” He stopped to look at the other boys and everyone was staring back with the same expression.

” It’s you king Ian, Your majesty” He said.

” I’m not Your king” Ian spat.

” Your coronation is taking place this evening and Lady Amber would want you to come over to the palace for preparation. Your room has been prepared, as well as the cloth for the event” He said.

Ian thought for a second before looking at him.

” My coronation?…Are you sure of what you’re saying cos…I..I..don’t seem to understand”

” I do understand very well, Your majesty. You need to leave this camp, it’s not suitable for the king” He replied.

Ian stood there expressing no emotion on his face cos he didn’t know how to react at that point. The guard finally stood up.

” This way, Your highness” He gestured.

He took in one strong gulp before walking towards the direction he gestured. He halted in his steps and looked at him, getting a bit suspicious.

” Wait. Did Xander send you to me?”

” I swear with my life, He didn’t. Amber actually asked me to call for you so you can begin your preparations for your coronation, as well as your Queen”

” Queen?” He stopped again to ask.

” Hani is getting crowned alongside with you as well” He said and finally, a fine smile curved up on Ian’s face.



” Shhh, Hani” Vivian hushed her and stretched out a tissue which hani quickly collected, cleaning her wet lids.

” I’m just very nervous right now.” She swallowed.

” I’m very sorry for not telling you about this earlier. Amber insisted that you guys get it as a surprise today”

” But I feel like I’m not ready yet.”

” It’s just the normal feelings, hani. Don’t worry, when you become Queen, You still need to get trained, okay?. Dry your eyes, angel. You look too beautiful tonight to cry”

Hani sniffed and dropped the tissue.

” I’m fine now. I’m ready to go out.” She said.

” Is there anything else you would need your highness?” Vivian asked teasing her and Hani chuckled.

” No, I’m fine.” Hani sighed.

” Okay your highness. The door” Vivian gestured, opening the door for her and hani walked out of the room.

She looked very simple that night, wearing a plane pink hanbok dress and little hair jewelry.

Her heart was beating erectically as she climbed down the stairs, and when she was getting closer, her breath stopped working. She finally came down, with stares booming at her face from every angle at the royal dinner table.

The royal family dinner had begun and everyone was at the table, including Xander.

Queen Lisa saw hani coming making her immediately leave her seat.

” Awwwwn. Hani dear. You look so beautiful” She said, walking towards her.

” Stop!!” Amber spat and Lisa looked at her with a frown.

” You aren’t the one to welcome her.” She said before she looked over to Ian who was handsomely keeping calm in his seat. ” You need to escorts hani to the table, Ian” She said.

Ian stood up, already dressed in his own fitting attire and he stepped out towards Hani. He was tall and segzily hot that some maids started to have a rethought.

? Do you think we can accept such an handsome king

? Some workers would definitely get carried away when he’s passing orders.

? I wish I was in place of hani right now

? I wish he can accept a concubine

And then, They laughed widely at their usual antics.

Hani shyly looked down cos she couldn’t contain the way Ian was staring at her at that moment. He stopped in front of her and kissed the back of her palm.

” My Queen, I was patiently waiting forever for you to come” He whispered and she got extremely red.

He pulled her to the table and they sat together.

Hani felt Ian’s hand under the table as he slowly knotted their fingers together and she looked up at him.

” You look really beautiful, hani. I’m sorry if I keep on staring at you for the rest of the event.” He said and she returned a chubby smile.

She rested her head on his shoulder, and hugged his arm possessively. The rest of the dinner went well and Xander had been really quiet. Everyone forgot he use to exist.

Soon, it was time for crowning ceremony, and Xander stood up and started leaving quickly.

Ian saw he was leaving and his eyes dimmed with anger.

” I would want Xander to be present during this section” He said with so much authority.

Xander halted in his steps when he heard him. Some guards started to approach him and he looked at them.

” You’ll need to move back towards the hall and partake in this event” The guard said respectfully.

” If you don’t want to die, don’t stop me a second time!” Xander spat and tried to leave but the guard pulled him back, shocking his entire existence.

He started pulling him back to the hall and Xander pushed him away, walking the remaining meters in.

” What’s your business if I leave, Mr Ian??. Don’t I deserve to get an excuse?? Huh??” Xander yelled.

” You dare not speak to me in that tone or you’ll get your front tail chopped off!” Ian spat.

Xander gritted his teeth has his fist went white in anger.

” I need to go use the restroom now!” He spat.

” Hold it in and stay to watch!”

” You can’t order me around like that. I am still a royal!!” He yelled further.

” Guards!!” Ian ordered and all the guards present assembled in front of him.

” Tie him up in a seat and don’t let him go until I say so!” He said.

They immediately grabbed Xander and made him seat on a crouched chair before tying him there with the prisoner ropes.

Xander got really upset but he was trying everything in him not to explode at that moment.

Lady Amber smiled with satisfaction as she turned to face, Ian and hani. They made their rightful vows and then, their crown was presented out.

” With the authority vested on me, I crown both of you as the rightful, Emperor and Queen of Edessa!”

And Ian and Hani were finally complete!.

She smiled and turned to the crowds, before saying;

” You can now make some noise!”

? Happy Coronation!!

? Long Live the King And Queen

Hani smiled, hugging Ian’s arm tightly as she felt so accomplished hearing those words.

? Great King of Edessa

? Her Royal Highness!!

They continously threw praises at them.

Xander silently watched in pain. Tears spitted at the side of his eyes quickly.

He started struggling to break through but the ropes sank into his skin, injuring and peeling his outer skin out.

” Arg!!!!!!” He groaned, throwing his head off in pain.


<< FIELD>>

Vivian saw Amber leaving the palace and she immediately stood up and went after her. She halted just before she could get to her.

” Your highness” She called. Amber took off her mask and turned to face her with a sweet smile.

” Vivian. What are you doing here at the field late this night?” She asked.

” I was stunned yesterday after everything you told me. I still can’t believe you’re the soul of the late Queen but in another person’s body, In Amber’s body. Then where’s the real Amber?” She said.

” I’ve kept her in a good place. It’s something you shouldn’t tell anyone”

” Even to Ian?”

” When I’m comfortable telling him the truth, then I will. For now, don’t tell anyone about it. Not even to Ian” She said.

Vivian sighed and bit her lower lips.

” It really pains me whenever I remember everything that happened to you in the past. How those other Queen ill treated you but you still never did anything to them”

” That’s one reason I reincarnated. To fight. I didn’t just come here to play. I have the King’s body with me as well”

” Oh my God” Vivian gasped, covering her lips.

” The king had not actually died. I stole him and took his life, for some reasons. Soon, those Queen’s and their children will have to leave the palace and I mean, very soon” She said.

Vivian let out a rough sigh.

” I believe you, Your highness. And I can’t wait for this bad and selfish people to finally be out of this palace” She said.

” Thank you for thanking care of Ian, my child. It’s been eighteen years and he’s growing so well.”

” It’s my pleasure” Vivian smiled

” And one more thing, no touching until Hani is eighteen” She said and Vivian chuckled loudly.

” I will inform him about that too”

” Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow” She said and vanished into thin air.

Vivian looked around hoping no one was watching them before running towards the King’s chamber.


Salome’s body was seriously dripping with blood as she was tied to a rope in the ceiling.

The door pushed open and she looked up to find the guards there.

” Oh no. No please!!!” She cried, trying to run but the room barely had any place to run to.

” We are taking you to a different place!” The guard spat.

” Please don’t beat me!” She cried.

They cut off the ropes in her hand and dragged her out in the cold weather outside.

” The horse whips!” He ordered and it was given to him by his other partner.

He stretched it out and salome pinched her eyes close, waiting for the slash.

She was whipped near her ear and she fell, slowly getting back up again.

The whip got to her back and her skin tore in half, injuring her.

” Aah!” She cried agonisingly.

” Crying increase your number of whips!”

” I’m so sorry!” She mumbled.

” Then shut up!” He slammed her back at the same spot and she bit her lips tight, her eyes glands wanting to burst.

” Please f_ck me instead!” She cried and he stopped.

” You said?”

” f_ck me instead, please” She cried.

” Now you’re talking” He smiled and dropped the whips. He grabbed her up roughly and started pushing away quickly towards one of the rooms there.

Ian slowly wiped his face as he got out of the bathroom quickly. He’s wearing only a bottom pants and his long hair were clapping behind his back.

He sat on his bed and stared at the crown that was on his table, the crown he had worn throughout the whole day.

” I’d never believed to be a king so soon. I just hope I’d last here with so many enemies behind my back” He said before laying flat on the bed.

He began to think about his hani and that’s when a knock came through.

” Come in” He said and a guard walked in.

” Your highness, The Queen is at the door”

” Let her in” He said and the guard left quickly.

He arranged his bed and laid back on his bed with his arms behind head while staring at the roof blankly. The door slowly opened and Hani peeked in, showing half of her body.

” Your highness, Are you busy?” She asked and Ian drew his look towards her.

” No, I’m not” He said.

She walked in and closed the door, and Ian couldn’t take his eyes off what she was wearing.

Her chubby hips were flexing under her mini skirt and she was putting on a kiddish crop top that showed off her segzy navel.

Ian looked away, grinning his canine together.

” How were you about to leave your room?.” He asked.

She stood at the bedside, pressing her cute lips tight before speaking up.

” I had to sneak out when I saw Amber leave the palace. I’m so sorry, but I just wanted to meet you. I couldn’t stop thinking about you and I was scared staying alone as well. I know, I have too much excuses” She said, lowering her chin.

” I thought you should be tired after the ceremony” He said, looking around the room to avoid her gaze.

” Yes I am, but I also want to spend my night here. Can I?” She asked, hiding her hands behind her back.

” Sure, the bed is open” He said.

” Thank you!” She smiled and hugged his neck before sitting next to him. He sat up and sighed.

” I’ve been really scared, fav”

” Why?” She looked at him.

” Cos of Xander. You know the guy never gives up and I’m not sure he won’t. There isn’t a happy ending yet, hani. We still need to be careful especially now that we’re right on his fingertips” He said.

” I’m really scared now”

” Don’t worry, I’ll try as much as possible to protect you. I’m not breaking my promise, okay?” He said.

” Okay. Can i get a kiss now?” She asked, pukering a cute look at him and he leaned in, placing a peck on it.

She laid back on the bed and he did the same, both of them staring at the roof in silence. Ian raised one feet on the bed with the other leg laying flatly.

” Hani. Are you sleeping yet?” He asked.

” Not really. You?”

” I can’t, I have no idea why” He said.

They both turned to face eachother simultaneously and their eyes met.

” I really enjoyed the coronation” Hani told him, playing with the tip of his hair.

” Well, I really enjoyed torturing Xander” He said and she giggled loudly, making Ian slowly admire her once again.

She slowly leaned in and Ian wrapped his hands around her waist, leaning in as well so that they were an inch apart.

” I love you, Ian” She pouted, desperately.

” I….love you….too” He said, looking at her lips then back at her eyes.

Hani slowly made the first move but he completed it, capturing her small lips slowly.

He felt so good and immediately leaned above her and kissed her hungrily. Hani hugged his neck,kissing him back and they could tell how hungry they suddenly became. He leaned lower and kissed her neck and hani gave him some space to eat her up.

He kissed her deeply on her collarbone but when he approached her B-__-bs, she stopped him.

” Ian. Amber’s warning” She whispered.

” You’re mine now. I didn’t marry you for nothing” He spat and she came red.

He pulled up her top and his eyes got corrupted for the first time seeing her soft, pale B-__-bs.

He looked at her and hani lowered her gaze, getting extremely red.

Her B-__-bs were so pure he wanted to pull it out of her and devour it. He slowly sulked on her pink bud and Hani’s toe twitched. Her first good feeling. Her bud got instantly hard.

He sulked it again and a gasp left her lips.

” Ooh” She Mõ@ɲed.

Her hand moved over his hair and he sulked it harder.

” Oh….Geez” She gasped.

He leaned away and moved to the other Ɲīpplë, tracing his tongue on it slowly.

” Mnnn” Her face squeezed up and when he finally sulked it to the fullest, she let a light gasp.

” Ohh no. I feel so f_cking good” She whispered.

Ian palmed the bed, leaning above her and he smirked segzily.

” I haven’t even started yet, hani” He said.

” Oh, Please. Start”

” Are you sure we should get committed now?” He asked.

” I really want to” She said desperately, puckering out her lower lip cutely.

Ian sighed, gulping in hardly. She was so desperate and she was looking so f_cking segzy that night he wouldn’t contain it.

He whined in the lock with just a flip of his finger and turned to face her with a segzy expression on his eyes.

” It’s gonna hurt a bit”

” I’ll be fine” She said.

He started taking off his pant ropes with one of his hands, while still looking down at her.

Hani pulled off her black undies and was left with nothing beneath. She was so clean, and pink beneath almost like a fresh plucked fruit.

He slowly kissed her lips and hani hugged his neck, curling her leg unto his back. She was so engrossed in the kiss when Ian slowly pulled into her slowly.

” f_ck!” She broke the kiss, biting her lower lips hardly.

” I’m…sorry” He apologised. She felt so full down there and her body sank into the sheet.

He pulled in slowly and her fingers clutched the sheet, feeling every inch of him crawl into her.

” Ian” She quirked.

” I’ll be gentle, I promise” He said and slowly drove in the remaining length in.

Her hymen broke and her jaw dropped. Tho, She didn’t bleed.

He began to ride her gently and hani grabbed the sheet, tightening her eyes.

” It….Its…hurt..” She bit her lips.

” I’m sorry, You’re just so f_cking tight” He said, staying still inside her. After a while, he began to f_ck her again.

Her hand released from the sheet as the pain left her and it got replaced with something new.

” Oh my!” Her body relaxed to his slow moves.

He found himself banging her already.

” Oh, Ian”

” Oh f_ck!!”

She saw stars on her head as he banged her carelessly this time.

” I…an…..” Her words drawed .

” Just a bit” He groaned, f_cking her real hard as his body couldn’t contain it anymore.

” Oh baby!!…

” Oh please!!….” She Mõ@ɲed, pinching her pretty eyes close.

” Geez!” Ian groaned, throwing his head off as the bump in his throat moved after a gulp.

He rode her harder, th-ru_sting deeper into her and hani p@zzy tightly wrapped around his Ďïčk fondly.

They were getting there, the pleasure was at their edge and was injuring them at every th-ru_st.

And then boom…His hot loads released inside her in multiple fold.

He forgot to pull out.

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