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Friday, October 18, 2024
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{ Fated to love }


BY; Chioma Melody.

Subtitle: Confession



Hani ran forward and stopped when she got to where Ian was standing.

” Ian?” She called, wobbling his arm.

He didn’t move and he was staring at Vivian with a dilated pupil. He was looking so shocked.

Hani looked over at Vivian who was putting up a guilt expression.

” Ian, I’m sorry for not telling you this for a while. I knew you wouldn’t like to hear the truth that’s why I kept it away from you. And…I actually loved the fact that you called me a mother, even…when I’m actually not” She slowly mumbled.

” No!” Ian immediately held her shoulders. ” Don’t tell me that you’re not my mother, I grew up to know you as one. I loved you, I cherished you, I ate from you, Vivian…I..I..

He swallowed hard and Vivian started sobbing.

” I’m sorry but I can’t tell you a lie. I’m not, I wish I was, but I’m not your mother” She said and started sobbing.

Lightening was already showing up in the sky and hani looked up, seeing the coming of rain.

Ian left hold of Vivian and without saying a word, he started to walk away quickly.

” Ian!” Vivian called out, running alongside with him.

” Don’t come after me!. I want to be alone” He gritted and continued walking away in a haste.

” Ian please” She immediately held his arm.

He threw off his arm and glared at her.

” Don’t come close to me. I’m warning you and I’m very upset, I might harm you!” He growled.

” Please I know you’re upset but just listen to the rest of my confession please..”

” Stay away!!” He yelled and a force threw her and she met herself on the floor.

Hani gasped.

Ian stared at her with nothingness of guilt in his eyes.

” There’s no need to listen to you cos nothing good comes out of you any longer” He said and walked away.

Hani quickly rushed over to Vivian and squatted before her.

” Are you okay? Vivian?” She asked.

Vivian rubbed her watery nose and looked at her.

” Please help me talk to Ian. You’re the only one he can listen to at this point. I knew something like this would happen and now I can’t avoid it anymore. Please help me talk to him!” She said.

Hani slowly looked down with a heavy sigh.

” But he looks really upset…”

” Please go now, darling. I want you to speak to him as his close friend and I’m sure he’ll calm down” She said and hani bluntly stood up.

” I’ll try” She said.

She started walking out of the field and the rain started to pour down on her body heavily.

Before she could reach a length, her body had gone cold with her hair sticking to her cheeks.

” Ian!” She yelled with her tiny voice, shivering from the cold. She sighed when there was no response and turned around to leave.

” I’m here” He finally said and her heart skipped a bit.

She turned around and he jumped down the fence, standing under the tree shade.

She moved forward a bit and hugged her arm, pulling up her lower lip.

” You’re staying under the rain, hani. Come over here” He said calmly.

” I won’t leave the rain until you tell me you’re not upset!!” She said and Ian raised his brows.

” How’d you know I’m upset” He said.

” Cos of the way you shouted at your mom”

” She’s not my mom” He quickly scoffed.

” It still doesn’t matter as far as she was the one who took of care of you. That shouldn’t change your love for her”

” You can’t understand how it feels. Imagine growing up to think your mother was never your mom but a guardian!.”

” I know. It feels bad” She pouted. ” But she already apologised, and it’s not her fault your mom died, she volunteered to take care of you which is a good thing.”

“She kept it a secret from me since I was born, hani. That’s how much hurt I feel right now!. ”

” But It’s not even a big deal” She sighed. ” Please Ian, I’d be so happy if you forgive her. I know she’s wrong.”

” Hani” He came out under the rain and stopped infront of her. He looks taller

” I don’t like seeing you stay under the rain like this or you might get a cold” He said.

” Please ian, Your mom”

” Don’t distract my thoughts from you. I don’t want to talk about her”

” Then I’ll distract you even more. La…la…la..Ian is a goat @zz if he doesn’t forgive his mom…!!” She shaked her heads sideways and Ian smiled at her cuteness.

His hands slowly cupped her cheeks and he started running his thumb on her cheeks slowly.

” You’re just so really cute” He chuckled and she stopped to look at him.

Her heart started to drum faster again just by looking at his eyes.

” So you’ll forgive Vivian now? right?”

” Perhaps” He spoke in a lower tone.

She smiled brightly and it made her cheeks beam under the dark.

Ian slowly looked around for a few seconds before pulling hani closer.

He leaned to her height and slowly, his cold lips brushed on her small ones and hani heart beat accelerated.

He took in her lips quickly and began sharing a hot kiss under the rain.

His two hands instantly wrapped around her lovely body and hani relaxed her shoulders, pulling her arm around his neck as well.

Their bodies met and the heat between them reached volume.

Vivian was approaching them and she caught them in the scene.

Her mouth dropped at the sight and a wide smile followed afterwards.

” Kissing??. When??” She asked herself with the smile not leaving her face.

She stood there until he finally pulled away from her and paid attention to their little drama

Ian took hani’s hand and gave a little smile.

” I’d really want to say this earlier but I wasn’t sure if I should, and I was wondering maybe I was probably rushing things” He said.

” Really?. You can tell me anything” She said and he took in a deep breath.

” I want us to be more than friends” He said and hani eyes slowly widened with excitement.

” Yea!. I totally accept” She rejoiced.

” Not just being more than friends. A much stronger bond. I want us to be a couple, hani” He said desperately and hani stared at his eyes, seeing the sincerity in them.

She gulped in hardly and lowered her gaze.

” No one accepts love here between a Knight and a maid. They’d ki|| us”

” But no one also said it can work out right. It’d probably work out for us, I promise.” He said and she beamed with a smile.

” I’m readily prepared to be yours Ian” She smiled and and they both ran into eachother’s arm tightly.

” I love you” He said it clearly and hani snuggled into his chest.



The coronation is about to start and Vivian has been roaming about in the large crowd searching for Ian.

They haven’t talked ever since last night and she was a bit unsure if he still wanted her around.

She met him coming into the palace and she went up to him quickly.

” Ian. It’s time” She said.

He walked past her without saying a word and Vivian sighed, turning around to watch his retreating back.

Her eyes widened when she saw him taking the podium to face the crowd ready at the party.

” Everyone. Over here!” He said and everyone turned to look at him. ” This coronation cannot hold any longer. Xander will not be crowned king” He said.

There were large gasp and plentiful murmurings.

? What is this young boy saying

? How did he even get the courage to climb up there

? I hope Xander get him up there

” Now listen!!” He ordered and some people decided to hear him out. ” Xander might be the King’s first son to you all but he’s not the rightful heir to the throne. He doesn’t have the qualities of being a crowned Prince. He lacks the birthmark, the special qualities of all first son of a royal family.”

” He only seeks for the power of becoming the king. Who knows?. he must have been behind the death of the king And that’s why the news of his death has flew away like a breeze” He said.

Xander was already coming out of the palace and he was shocked to find Ian standing at his rightful place.

A guard approached him quickly.

” He’s committing a blasphemy against you, Your highness” He bowed.

” Bring out the sword” He ordered and it was given to him immediately.

He started walking up the podium and Ian stopped talking, glaring at him.

” I only came up here to say the truth and nothing else. If you fight me, then it means you’re scared and I’m saying nothing but the truth!” Ian spat.

” I see nothing but you trying to disrupt my coronation from taking place today” He spat.

” And it wouldn’t hold, LIKE it or not!” He said.

” I had waited long for this day. How can you come up and say this trash about me?. It seems you want to die, right?”

” If I were you, I’d avoid this fight and just accept the truth” Ian spat.

” I am the first Prince, Everyone knows that!!” He yelled.

” And I am the Son of the first Queen who died!. Vivian had captured me and had took care of me as her child!. I’m the rightful heir!!” He yelled and huge confusion reined.

” Argghh!!!” Xander raised up his sword to hit him but Ian dodged it, falling off his feet.

Unfortunately, he was harmless. There was no fighting implement with him.

Xander continued to use the sword to attack him and he fell off the podium.

The ground floor immediately turned into a battle field and the guest ran every which way.

They were still fighting and Ian was looking for a way to dodge his attacks. Soon, some guards joined in the fight, all of them attacking Ian all at once.

Vivian was able to sneak in and watch the fight, she felt scared on Ian’s behalf.

Suddenly, An unfamiliar knife drove into his body and Ian fell on his knee, collapsing on the floor slowly.

Xander stabbed him many more times to prevent him from waking up.

He breathed heavily as he watched him grow limb on the floor. He turned to his guard.

” Take him to the deepest and thinnest part of the dungeon and let him stay there!. Make sure he’s never able to get out!!”

” Yes, Your highness” They said.

And with that, Ian was taken away. Far away.



Xander pushed hani into his room carelessly and locked up the door.

His coronation wasn’t able to take place but he didn’t care. He had placed his crown on his head, making everyone identify him as a king.

Hani cried and went to hide at a corner.

” Please don’t eat me. I’m innocent, I didn’t do anything” She cried.

” Hey, this is not time to cry like a puppy. You should be happy that you’re no longer a maid but my queen!”

” I don’t want to be your Queen. I want Ian back. I want my boyfriend back!” She cried.

” Shut your trap” He yelled with a slap on her cheeks. ” If you don’t cooperate, you’ll gain more slaps than words here” He spat.

He pulled her out and tore her clothes in half and her inner showed up.

She was so adorably chubby inbetween everywhere and Xander got lengthy immediately.

” Stop!. Don’t stare at me that way” She cried, trying to cover herself.

” Now climb the bed!” He ordered.

” Please! I beg you!!!” She cried.

” On my bed!!!” He thundered and hani did as s he said.

He stood in front of her and slowly, he started pulling off his robe with insanity catching up with him.

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