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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The King’s Property
His Slave

Chapter 51

By;Chinaza Godwin


Ethan woke up as he phone rang, he searched for his phone which was on the bed, his eyes were closed, he find it and it was still ringing, he opened his eyes slowly and saw the caller. “Maya..”

He cut the call and switched off his phone. He laid on the bed hoping that he will get some sleep again, unfortunately he didn’t get it. He left the bed angrily and went to the bathroom, he brushed his teeth and washed his face, before coming out. He went to the kitchen, he doesn’t want much he fried eggs and prepared tea and three slices of bread.

He served himself and began to eat, when a call came to his phone again, he knew that Maya was the one calling he didn’t bother to pick up.

Ethan finished eating and went back to his room, he had shower. He came out and dressed up in shirt and trouser. He pick up his phone and left the house, he told his mom that he will be there to see before he leaves for Naples.

He arrived at her house, he pressed the door bell a maid opened the door and greeted him, he responded, he smiled and walked in. He met his mom sitting on the sofa but quickly stood as she saw him and hugged him, she kissed his cheek.

“Good morning Mom” He greeted. “Good morning son. How was your night?” Mirabel asked.

“It was good sweet mom and yours” He replied with a smile. “It was lovely and am glad that you make it here”

“Am sorry, I’ve been busy with some stuff” He apologized. “Okay. What about Maya? Have you heard from her?’

“Did she call you?” He questioned, ignoring her questions. “Yes, she called. She told me about her work and am glad that she is working. She is blessed'” Mirabel said.

“Is that all she said” Ethan asked. “Yeah. But she doesn’t sound well..i mean she sounds like someone who is worried and crying” Mirabel said, Ethan rolled his eyes, though his mom didn’t see it.

“So why don’t you go see her. You know working in a company is really stressful and she needs you too by her side”

“Mom…please i will see what i can do. Besides am here to see you and also the documents for dad’s company i will be going to Naples tomorrow” Ethan said and stood up, headed to towards the kitchen, but suddenly stopped.

“Have you eaten?'” He asked his mom. “Yes I thought you would come on time so that we can have breakfast together. I hope you’ve eaten” Mirabel said… “Yeah!” He replied and headed to the kitchen, he opened the fridge and took a bottle of water, he gulp down a little content from the bottle and kept back in the fridge.

“I can’t believe that she has the audacity to call my mom after what she did. She has no shame'” He thought.

Ethan..Ethan. Son” Mirabel called. “Am coming mom” He replied.

“Please be fast you have a call” She yelled, he quickly rushed to the living room and pick up his phone. It’s Maya. He sighed and ran his hand on his head with a little anger. He can’t take the call here, because of his mom he excused himself.

“What do you want?” Ethan half yelled at her.

“Ethan please am very sorry please…please give me a chance lemme make things right” She plead in tears.

“I can’t believe you still have the gust to call my mom…and to call me too. You disgust me Maya” Ethan said.

“You said you lost your phone..fine quite accepted what happened to your home phone have no answer for that” He added.

“Eddies was the one who gave me back the phone, when i was looking for it. He was the one who took it” She defended.

“Eddie..i h@ťě to hear his name. Don’t ever call my line again. And am serious very serious. Do not call me” He yelled.

“Ethan…please listen to….” He didn’t let her finish her statement, he hang up and walked to the house as if nothing happened.

Amelia woke up and beside her was her man, she smiled and kissed him. He wasn’t asleep, he opened his eyes. She looked away shyly. He smiled.

“I thought you were asleep” She mumbled. “Why is there any problem?” He asked and sit up, she was also seated up. He caressed her nípples that were up so early in the morning, he brought his face closer to kiss her, her lips were already opened for him, but they got distracted when the door opened with Richard yelling..Amelia pushed him slightly and bury her head in shame. But Henderson wasn’t ashamed.

“What’s up lil man?” Henderson asked. “Am good. Good morning” Richard said, smiling. “Good morning prince Richard’ Henderson replied, Amelia couldn’t help but smiled.

“Good morning princess Amelia” Richard greeted his aunt. “Good morning prince Richard” She replied.

“What’s wrong with her? Oh did i stop you guys from doing something?” He asked, Henderson was about to say a word. Amelia interfere.

“No…there’s nothing wrong with me” She stammered, Henderson chuckles, she eyed him.

“Okay..king and princess. I am happy today because i will be going back to school and i got new driver and bodyguards. One more thing please get my nanny back to me, when she recovers” Richard said.

“Alright, prince Richard. I will do as you say” Henderson replied. “ out take care of yourselves and the little one too” Richard said and left.

Henderson get down from the bed, “You’re not gonna give me my kiss?” She questioned.

He turned and smiled, “I thought it won’t be needed.” He said, jokingly. He kissed her.


Maya had no other option than to call Amelia, she didn’t tell her about her and Ethan’s issues, they talked about her work and Amelia asked her to come over to the palace by 3pm.

Maya got the the palace and told Amelia everything, Amelia try to comfort her. “Am sorry about that, you should have created time for him. You know he loves you” Amelia mumble.

“I know it’s my mistake. Am just begging him to give me a chance. He should let me amend this mistake”

“He will okay. He is just mad at you, for not giving him time like you promised. And am sure that you wanted to go to his house, stay on his bed. Let him feed you” Amelia said.

“You want this good memories right?” She asked, Maya nods and hugged her, she weep on her shoulder. “It’s Everything will be fine” Amelia consoled her and kissed her hair, Maya raised her head and nods softly. “Com’on wipe your tears…uhm. I don’t like seeing you like this”

“What about Richard?” Maya asked.

“He is fine…you wouldn’t believe what some days ago” Amelia said. She told Maya everything about the kidnapped and how they were saved by Ethan and the cops and also about Henderson side of story and how Lucas escaped with an injury.

Maya was shocked on hearing the story, she apologized for not coming though she didn’t hear anything about the kidnapped.

The maid brought an orange juice and served them. They sipped from it and continued with their girlie discussion and also about her baby.

Ethan and Henderson walked in the living room of the palace laughing and smiling. The smile on the Ethan seized the moment he saw Maya.

“Hey baby…” Amelia muttered with a smile, he moved forward and kissed her lips, slightly.

“How is your day going?” He asked. “Good! am good” She replied.

“Good to hear that” He replied and waved at Maya., she smiled at him. Amelia hit her arm, softly and gave a sign to talk to Ethan.

“Hi Ethan..” She mumbled. “Hi …” He muttered with a fake smile. Henderson notice it but he didn’t want to ask him in their presence.

They left the living room, Henderson questioned him about his relationship with Maya and the way he responded to her.

“Com’on you know she is just new in the company and she is just like a kid, like Amelia too

Okay. I understand that you’re angry because she didn’t had time for you and you went to the company and you didn’t see her. I totally understand, but you have to forgive her. Besides she doesn’t look like someone who would cheat on you, com’on man….she can’t do that, she is pure” Henderson said.

“I will think about it…but it can’t be done so easily” Ethan said. “Wh@ťěver just forgive her and forget about it” Henderson said.

“I will be going to Naples to my Dad’s company and i have to fixed something’s and it will take a week. Am sorry”

“It’s okay’s for your betterment and am glad you. And am thankful for being with me…being my manager for years. You did great job and am grateful…I wish you success in your company” Henderson said, raised his wine and they cheers. They spent a little time before Ethan left the palace.

“Ethan is going to Naples” Amelia told Maya. “What..?” She yelled shocked.

“You don’t know about this?” Amelia questioned, surprised. But quickly that they haven’t talked to each.

“He will be the new CEO of Intellivision and am very happy for him”

“Me too Amelia” Maya muttered and wiped the tears that thr_@tened to fall. “You want to go Naples” Amelia said. Maya shook her head and sighed softly, she pick up her hand bag. “I want to leave now” Maya mumbled.

“So early..” Amelia murmured. “I promise i will come see you some other day” Maya mumbled and kissed her cheek, before leaving.

Don’t you think Ethan is taking it too personal??

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