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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The King’s Property
His Slave

Chapter 35

By; Chinaza Godwin


Miriam opened the door without knocking, her eyes couldn’t believe what saw. She felt like it’s a dream, it’s not it’s reality. She has to accept what her eyes just see. She has to accept it wholeheartedly.

She couldn’t take her eyes off his back, he was back facing her. The mark, the birth mark with the letter E on his back, though he has a lot of tattoos on his back, he he didn’t tattoo it close to the mark.

The mark was given to him by his father, Williams. He gave him this mark while he was an infant, as if he knows what will happen in future. She didn’t walk in, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Her eyes were filled up with tears, she prayed in her heart that what her eyes is seeing is true.

“Ethan….” She voice out, with a shaky voice, to her surprise her turned staring, he is also shocked.

“How did she know my name? My real name” He thought, staring at her.

“Did Maya or the king told her anything about me?” He thought, she waited for him to answer her.

“Yes…” He answered, that was the moment she walked in. He has given her the courage to walk in.

“Ethan” She called again, to be sure, this time the tears in her eyes were out, she had no choice than to welcome them, she raised her hands which already shaking to his face, leaving him confused.

“Ethan….you…son…am sorry” She said, with tears. He was still surprise on this whole thing, because she hasn’t offended him, she hasn’t done anything wrong to him, even if she has.

“Why are you saying sorry? What’s wrong? What’s the matter? Come sit on the sofa” He muttered and took her to the sofa, she sat down.

“I will be right back okay” He said and went back to pick up the stuff that fell off from her hands, she didn’t stop looking at him, he noticed her looks. He quickly picked up the stuff and kept them and return to her.

“Are you okay? Have some water” He said and poured the water on the glass, she sip and sigh.

“The mark on your back” She stuttered. “Yeah, the mark” He repeated.

“I have it on my back since birth, birthmark my mom said that it was given to me by my father” He said and smiled. “Don’t be scared'” He said with a smile.

“What’s her name? She asked, staring at him.

“My mom’s name is Mirabelle and my dad’s name is……” He paused and looked at her, “Williams” He said and fixed his gaze on the floor, she opened her eyes widely, he didn’t notice it, he wasn’t looking at her.

“I have been looking for her, my mom i don’t have her pictures, she might be mad at me. …No Ethan am not mad at you” She said, cutting him off. He looked at her and blink his lashes with his mouth opened.

“It’s me….” She muttered. “Mom. You are my mom” He stammered his eyes didn’t leave her face.

“Yes son. Am sorry please forgive me”

“No mom, please don’t say that..”

“I truly sorry, i did it just to save you”

“Oh my goodness, this is a dream tell me that am dreaming. Wake me up wake me from this slumber. Wake me from this dream”

“It is real son. I’m Mirabelle” She said.

“Why did you change your name?”

“It’s because of Grayson, i had a feeling that he will come after me. Which he did, he came to my house after i left the palace, he destroyed everything leaving me with a warning that he will come back, when he comes back he will ki|| me. I have no choice than to leave Naples to somewhere else, i changed my identity. I guess he never comes back, maybe he heard that i have left”

“Mom. You went through a lot. Did you know that i have always wished that you were my mother, not knowing that you are my mom.

I have been looking for my mom, not knowing that i have met her a long time ago.

I have been thinking when will i eat what mom cooked, not knowing that i have eaten from you.

I have been thinking when will my mom clothe me, you know it’s been long. Now you have. Mom i looked for you everywhere, it was so sad that I don’t have your pictures, i would’ve found you earlier”

“It’s okay son. I’m the happiest woman on earth right now, i have seen my lost son…this is a miracle”

“Yes mom, and guess what am the happiest man on earth right now, i have finally seen my mom, though I have seen her before… I love you mom”

“I love you too baby”

“Uhm! I have to tell the king about this, he will be so happy to hear this. And he helped me and gave me the courage, when i felt like giving up.

He said, that my mom will see me and she will recognize me. She knows her son” He said and smiled.

“His a good person and a good friend too” Mirabelle muttered, he nodded slowly. “Cheer up, i will dress you up for work today, when you get back i have a lot of things to tell you” His mom said.

“Alright, sweet mom” He said, with a bright smile on his face. She dressed him up and comb his hair, she kissed his cheek.

“Take care of yourself and my regards to the king and princess”

“Alright mom, you too take care” He said, she walk him to his car, he kissed her cheek, she waited for him to drive out of the company before going back to the house.

Henderson and Amelia were in there talking about Ethan, ” i just remembered his name” Amelia said and sit up.

“Tell me” He replied and also seated up.

His name is Williams and Ms Miriam, i think something is wrong. Her name is Mirabelle not Miriam i guess she changed her name because of Grayson”

“Mirabelle?” He questioned, looking at Amelia. “Yes, Mirabel” she replied.

He then remembered that Ethan’s mother name is Mirabel. “Does it mean that he has seen his mom before, but they didn’t recognize themselves” Henderson said, she looked at him confused.

He arrived at the palace, Henderson was so happy to see him again. He wasn’t expecting him to come, the king and princess were in the room when he came in.

“What’s up bro” Henderson said, Amelia greeted him. “I’m cool man and you” Ethan said, smiling.. “I’m good” Henderson replied with a smile.

“Uhm! I got something to tell you” Ethan said, He told them everything that happened to him today, they were so happy they didn’t hide it.

“This is good news man, this call for celebration. It’s been a while we celebrated. We need to celebrate this”

“Yeah Ethan..this is great news…how is she doing. I can’t wait to see the smile on her face”.

“She is fine and very much happy” He said.

“That means you are Williams, that’s your Father’s name. The name we do call you when we were kids.. I and your majesty were talking about you and then i remembered your name and Ms Miriam, who is Mirabel..not knowing that you two have already met before”

“Yes Ethan, she told me your mom’s name and then i realized that you have told me the same name”

“ so happy” Henderson said, happily. “Okay we will celebrate this” Henderson added.

“Yeahhh…but not now” He muttered, Henderson looked at him confused.

“Why? Okay whenever you are ready, just remember one thing don’t pay any money, leave it for me” Henderson said.

“That’s too much man..” Ethan said.

“Too much, nothing is too much man. You have been there for me please let me do this for you, for us”

“Okay…thanks” Ethan said and smiled. “There he goes again” Henderson said looking away. “Always thanking and apologizing” He said.

“It’s common. We are humans” Amelia said. ” So when are we celebrating” Amelia asked, smiling.

“When Maya comes back to Rome” He muttered, Amelia smiled. “I thought as much, anyways i love your idea”

“Yeah. With your permission i would like to go home and have a good time with her and also tell Maya about this goodness” Ethan muttered.

“Of course man, let’s keep this kingship behind. You don’t need my permission. Go spend as much time as you want” Henderson said.

“Alright man, i still have to say this….” He paused and smiled. “Thank you” Ethan said and left.

Today is his happiest day of his life, he arrived at her house. He was told that she is in the kitchen cooking, he went to his room and changed his wears to another outfit and came to the kitchen.

“What’s sweet mom?” He said and kissed her cheek. “I’m good son, you are back already i hope you saw the king and princess”

“Yes mom and i told them everything”

“Okay son. Are you stressed out? You must be hungry” She said, looking at his face. He smiled, “Nah mom, am good” He replied, smiling.

“Lemme help you out” Ethan said.

“Do you know how to cook?” She asked, he glanced at her and smiled again, “Yes mom, i prepare my own dish” He said.

“Oh wow” She muttered and allowed him.

Saanvi went to see Raj has been ki||ing her phone and battery with his calls, no day passed without his calls, she decided to see him and also know the plans he has. He has sent her the address. She arrived at the place, he was happy to see her after so many calls.

“I thought you won’t come” Raj said with a smile.

“Raj, get straight to the point, why you want to see me. Your plans. I don’t have the whole day” Saanvi said, boldly.

“Alright have some fresh juice” He said with a smirk.

“No thanks” She muttered, staring at the place, it looks unkept.

“Why? you don’t like juice….juicy” He said, she rolled her eyes.

“You didn’t call me here for juice, there’s something important you want to talk about” She said.

“Yeah, the plans goes like this. I want Naples, i want everything thing that belongs to Naples. You know what that means right?” He said, she shook her head, confused.

“I want the princess Amelia dead” He said with a cold tone.

Hope nothing happens to the princess

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