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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The King’s Property
His Slave

Chapter 33

By; Chinaza Godwin


She was shocked and can’t stop staring at him like a ghost, he waved his hand to her face to be sure that she is okay.

”Why are you doing that?”

“You’re acting like a kid” He said, smiling. “Stop saying that'”..

“Oh my goodness” She exclaimed and giggles. “Seriously?” She questioned, smiling, “Yes” Henderson replied, seeing the smile on her face, she is gorgeous.

“Oh my gosh. This is so amazing, i envy you” Amelia said, with a baby face.

“Yeah. But now she is angry with me, but it’s not a problem she carried me when I was a kid and take good care of me, she cared so much for me. It’s just a matter of time she will forgive me”

“Oh my. Of course she will, she can’t be mad at you forever” Amelia said, smiling. He loves seeing her this way. He doesn’t want to see her cry and truly it’s just a matter of time, but his Child. He is scared of losing him and Amelia too, he can’t tell her. “She can’t be sad again because of me”

“I will tell the maids to get you something to eat. Do you want me to cook for you” She said, smiling.

“No i don’t you to stress yourself. I’m sorry for the way i behaved in the morning”

“It’s okay. I’m happy that my baby has a great grandma. It’s so amazing, i can’t wait to see her” Amelia said, smiling. He smiled.

“Did you tell her about me” She asked, this words get him glaring at her.

“You didn’t tell her, please tell her that Amelia wants to see her” She added, with a smile.

“I will” He replied. “I wanna go freshen up” He said. “I want to tag along” She said, smiling. “Alright” He replied. She followed him to his bedroom, she helped him remove his clothes, he didn’t try to stop her, he just watched and at the same time lost in thoughts.

“Am done, My lord” She said, smiling. He nods and headed to the bathroom, she waited for him, he took a ten minutes in the bathroom, before coming out, she was still awake. He wore his pajamas and pick up his phone he wanted to leave, but something hit his mind.

“Staying away from her won’t solve the problem. I have to protect her and our baby” He went to her, he lay down with her, he lips came up with a smile as she saw him laying close to her. Not like the other night, that he left without knowing how she slept.

“You don’t want to eat anything?”

“No. I’m fine and i just want you by my side. You’re special” He muttered.

“Awwn…am always by your side and am not leaving you for anything. No what it is…am yours forever” She said, smiling. She went forward to kiss him. “She is pure. Her heart is pure”

But he can’t forgive himself, the pain he caused her. Those image, those nights, he caused her pain.

“Cuddle me” Amelia mumbled and turn to the other side, he obeyed her, they stayed in the position for some time. He began staring into her face, though her eyes were closed, his mind began making thoughts again.

“What a beautiful creature. She is gorgeous and adorable. But i messed up, i have messed up, why didn’t i notice it on time? Why didn’t i listen to her? How do I tell about our child. I have caused her so much pain, i don’t want her to feel more pain. I wish those image could be wiped out, those memories, it keeps flooding into my head and heart. Maybe a punishment will do. But she is not ready to give me one, wh@ťěver punishment she gives i will accept i deserve them, i deserve to be punished” He thought a tears dropped from his eyes and touched her cheek, she quickly opened her eyes, staring at him. His eyes were filled with pain. The pain kept increasing. Pain. When will it over?, she turned properly to take a good look at him, he tried to look away, he want to act as if everything is okay, but he keeps getting betrayed.

“Don’t even think of it” Amelia said, more like a command, her gaze still fixed on him.

“Come here. Lemme be your momma tonight” She muttered, seated upright. “Give a hug. Come here” She whispered. He did as she said, he hugged her his head on her chest, while she pat his hair and continue whispering some sweet words to his ears. If only a hug will do. But this time it does. Her words put him to sleep. He slept off on her arms. It’s a miracle, she kissed his forehead and sighed softly. If only she knows what’s going on in his mind, she would have given him a word of comfort, it will make him feel better. She lay him on the bed, slowly and wanted to leave. “Maybe staying alone will make him feel good” She thought. He stopped her, she took her was sleeping, she looked at him but his eyes were closed.

“How did he know that I was about to leave?” She murmured.

“Please don’t leave me” He mumbled, his eyes were closed, slowly tears escaped from his closed eyes. She didn’t leave, she wiped his tears and kissed him and laid beside him looking at him at the same time praying that nothing bad will happen to him. She couldn’t sleep through out the night.


She touched his body, “it wasn’t like this last night” She murmured and became scared, to make it worse. He hasn’t opened his eyes. “Does it mean that he doesn’t think about me” She murmured. “What has gotten into him?” She thought and quickly called the doctor. Twenty minutes later, Jackie came to the palace and headed to his bedroom.

“What happened to him?” She asked and glanced at him.

“I don’t know, he wasn’t like this last night. I was with him and this morning…” She said, her eyes were swollen, she couldn’t get some sleep and adding to his recent condition, she was crying.

Jackie checked him up, Amelia kept staring at her to know what’s wrong with him. “Please don’t cry. He is just having a fever. He will be fine” Jackie said. “Are you sure?” Amelia questioned and glanced at him.

“Yes. Please don’t get yourself worried, for the sake of your baby” Jackie said.

“Alright” Amelia mumbled.

“And don’t forget to call me when he wakes up” She said. “I will call you Jackie'” She said and escort her to her car.

Saanvi was informed that Jackie was here, they didn’t know the reason, she quickly move out to see for herself, she saw them walking and talking, but unfortunately she didn’t know what their discussion were all about. She told the maid to go find out why the doctor was here.

Amelia return to his room, she knew that Saanvi will like to know what happened, she noticed some footsteps, she move to the door and make a fake call. “Hello Maya the doctor came around, i was that am sick” She said, loudly to their hearing. She ended the call and immediately she left, she noticed that no one was there. She opened the door, she only saw her back, she knew Saanvi was the one who sent her. She entered the room, she pulled a chair and sat on it, she placed her head on the bed.

Since she didn’t get some sleep last night, maybe she will get them now. She stayed in that position for twenty minutes, Henderson slowly opened his eyes and the next thing he saw was Amelia. He stared at her for some time and wondered why she is laying like this. He touched her arm, she opened her eyes. “What’s wrong with you?” He asked. He wanted to leave the bed without knowing what happened to him.

“Your Highness please calm down” She said, pining him back to the bed softly. A cold shivers hit his body as the memory of her he did and what his grandma said. He closed his eyes tightly trying to fight back those memories, she touched his arms. He opened his eyes slowly.

“Did you call anyone?” He asked.

“I called Jackie. She said you have a fever, that you will be fine. She told me to call her once you wake up” Amelia muttered.

“Don’t call her. I will be fine like she said” He said.

“I will call her that’s what she said” Amelia said. He sighed, she pick up her phone and dialed her number. “It’s ringing”

“You’re stubborn. Stop being stubborn and end the call” Henderson muttered. “You’re acting like a child” She said and ended the call.

“You don’t care about me. How i feel? You have changed, you explained everything to me i listened to you, the moment I thought that everything is okay. Boom you started shedding tears while staring at my face. God knows what’s on your mind. Share your thoughts. Share this pain. What’s wrong? Is there something that i don’t know? Something that you want to tell me …and you don’t know how to. Please tell me'” She said.

“I’m sorry i was just thinking about my life and i didn’t realize that i was crying” He said.

“Can you just be happy? Smile. You sudden changes is just ki||ing me slowly” She said.

“I’m sorry” He apologized, she gave a sigh. ‘What would you like to eat? No need to ask” She muttered and used his phone to place and order.

Twenty minutes later, the delivery boy arrived at the palace. The maid brought the food, she dished out the food.

“I’m not hungry'” He said. “That’s what you said last night you didn’t anything through out yesterday. It’s not repeating itself today” She scold him, but in a low tone. “Eat your food” She said, calmly.

“Come eat with me” He said, staring at her. “Thanks, Jackie will be here anytime” She said and walked out of his room.

She headed to her room, “He is acting like a kid” She thought, entered her room, it wasn’t upto two minutes a maid knocked on the door. “Come in” She said.

“What do you want?” She asked, she could possibly see her with a tray.

“I brought your food” She said. “Take it back, i don’t need it” Amelia said, the maid obeyed and return the food, she quickly went to the bathroom and did the needful, she came out and wore her dress.


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