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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The King’s Property
His Slave

Chapter 29

By; Chinaza Godwin


Amelia understands and knows who he is looking for. He didn’t stop looking around, he glare at his sister and asked. “Where’s Maya?” He asked, smiled, she knew that she is the one he is looking for.

“She went to see her family” Amelia replied.

“Okay…she didn’t tell me before leaving. I hope she will come back” Richard said.

“Yeah, she will come back” She replied.

“Alright” He mumbled, his eyes went to her hand and her leg. Her ankle.

“You own them?” He questioned, pointing at it. “Yes” She replied and smiled.

“Well i have seen it before” He mumbled and recall what happened that day. “I know. It’s mine, King Henderson got them for me” She said.

“Oh. Wow. That means you the special person, he was talking about. You are the one who broke the vase” He said with a fixed gaze.

“Yes” She muttered. “I wanna tell you something. Don’t tell anyone. I mean anyone” Amelia whispered.

“Okay. I won’t” He mumbled. She sighed softly and whispered softly to him, “I’m pregnant” He look at her surprised, He opened his mouth while staring at her. “What?” He yelled.

“Yes” She replied with a frown, he touched her belly, though it was covered with the gown she is putting on.

“Really?” He questioned, she nodded. “But it’s not big” He mumbled, she thought he would be mad at her. She smiled, “it will be big very soon” She whispered and smiled.

“How did it get there? Who put it in there?” Richard asked. Richard might be a kid but he can’t stop asking questions. “Com’on tell me. I have seen a lot of women out there, pregnant but i don’t know how it get there”

“Maybe it’s because you are eating too much” He replied himself and shrugged his shoulders.

“At least tell me who put it there” He mumbled, frowning.

“Well it’s God. He listens to our prayers and gives us what will want. Our heart desires”

“Oh wow. Sister i can’t wait to carry him. You know he will be my cousin”

“You will definitely carry him”

“And remember don’t tell anyone about it” She muttered. “It’s safe with me” Richard replied.

“That’s my blood” She said and gave him a high five. “Your nanny will here anytime soon to take you to your room. You need to freshen up and eat something” Amelia said, he frowned.

“What’s the matter honey?” She asked, she noticed the frown on his cute face.

“I don’t wanna leave you” He mumbled.

“Com’on you are not leaving me. Okay let’s do this i will go talk to the king so that you can come over anytime you want. Okay” Amelia said.

“Promise?” He questioned.

“I promise” She replied. His nanny came in, she greeted her and bowed her head, slightly and took Richard to his room.


Saanvi arrived at the restaurant, it was a bit hidden. They were in a hidden place, Raj has been waiting for her, she took a sitter and ordered for the things she wants, the waiter arrived with the champagne, he poured the champagne and left. Raj began his conversations.

“Why didn’t you pick my calls?” He asked, in an angry tone.

“I was busy with work” Saanvi lied.

“Work? When did start working?” He asked, with more anger.

“Did you call me here to question me. By the way you have already sent me the address i saw it and deleted it. And now am here say what you want”

“I’m sorry, i was just angry that you didn’t pick up when i called’

“I saw it and i didn’t want to pick up.

“Get straight to the point. Why you wanted to see me.” Saanvi said, boldly and sip the champagne.

“The princess….she keeps getting him, every minute of the day” He said, showing her the pictures of them kissing, they teachers who took the pictures post on all social media handles.

“She kissed him” He said, even though it was a lie, she didn’t kiss him he kissed her, he is just adding salt to her wounds.

“Very soon she will tell you to leave the palace. Remember you don’t have any where to stay. You are just an ordinary person, No royalty in you, the blood doesn’t run in your vein.

She has every right to ask you to leave the palace”

“She has no right to ask me to leave the palace, only the king”

“Dummy. She has cast a spell on him. She is dangerous. She has your man and she can do anything to make you leave the palace so that she can have him all for herself” He said, she rubbed her forehead furiously.

“But i have a nice plan. Let’s work together. You will get what you want, likewise me”

“Raj…..” She paused as a message came in. “I have to leave now. Let’s talk about this some other time” She said and picked up her bag and walked to cashier, she paid for the champagne and left. Raj angrily smashed the cup on the floor, he stood up, the waiter came in and saw the message he did.

“Sir….” The waiter muttered and rushed to him. “I will pay for it idiot” Raj said and paid for the mess, he was told that she paid for the champagne, he nods and walked over to spot his car was parked, he entered the car.

“Why can’t she understand? Why is it so difficult for her to understand? Goddammit. I need a fúçking partner to achieve my goals”He said. “It’s you i want. Saanvi” He said, smiling wíckedly.

“I need to calm down and tell her about my plans, maybe she will listen to me and follow me. She will be my partner” he thought and drove out.


Henderson called his investigator and told him about Omega’s mother, he asked for her name and pictures, Henderson only gave him the name, but unfortunately they couldn’t find without the pictures. Omega came to the palace and Henderson asked for the pictures.

“How can i find her? I don’t have her pictures” Omega muttered, in a sad tone.

“Don’t worry Ethan, you will see her even without the pictures. She will see you, it might take time, but you will see her. She will recognize her son, without looking at his face. Her son” Henderson said, confidently.

Saanvi returned to the palace, she got a message from her maid that the king is back. She went to her room and settled down, she didn’t come back because of the king, but she can’t hear him, saying all that to her.

“I wish so, i will apologize to her. She might think that am a bad child” Omega said.

“Nah. You are not bad. She will definitely understand” Henderson said.

“Alright, i have to leave now, i will tell them to look around Milan” Omega muttered.

“Okay, i will talk to the guards in Naples. Take care” Henderson said. He nods and left.

That night, after having dinner. She wanted to talk to the king about her brother, she walked in and met him dressing up. He flashed her a smile as he saw her standing by the door side.

“Come in. Come sit. Don’t stress yourself and my baby'” He said, smiling. She sat down,staring at him he finished with his clothes and sat beside her.

“What’s the matter, Honey?”

“Where are you going?” She asked, ignoring his question.

“To see someone” He replied.

“Can i come along” She questioned, staring at him. “No. Amelia it’s late, you need to rest”

“I wanna come along with you, I’ve rested enough”

“No, honey” He muttered. “Why I’m bored here” She mumbled.

“Where are you going? Who is that person?” She asked. “Jackie told me about a woman, who sent you to school” She added. He glared at her and gently took her hands, he kissed both hands and sighed.

“I’m going to see her” He muttered, she smiled.

“I wanna go with you. I want to see her”

“Amelia, you will see her, but now not today or tomorrow. I promise you will see her. I want to sort out some things”

“What’s it that you want to sort out. Why are you hiding things from me?” She asked, her eyes were already filled with tears, she let them pour. He was touched seeing her this way, he knelt down and wiped her tears.

“Amelia please….it won’t take much time, please it’s a promise you will see her”

“Who is she? Is she your mom?” She asked and answered herself, “No it’s not her, you said Grayson ki||ed her”

“Let’s do it this way. When she comes i will introduce her to you and i will tell more about her”

“Alright. Please take care'” She said. “You too” He muttered and kissed her forehead. “Please spend your night here, i will be back in the morning” He added left without the bodyguards, she gave a heavy sigh and sat properly on the king size bed. She pick up her pick and called Maya her number was busy, she texted her and lay on the bed and waited for her response. She waited for almost 5 minutes, she got no response. She became more worried and bored as well.


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