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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The King’s Property?
His Slave?

Chapter 24

By; Chinaza Godwin


“How are you Sam?”She said. “I’m good and you” He replied, staring at her face, her smile. “I’m fine. I’ve missed you so much” She muttered.

“Ma’am….your phone” The driver said. “Oh thanks” She replied and collected the phone, “take care” She added. He got to the car and drove and waved at them, before leaving.

“What about mom and dad?” She asked, staring at the young man. She glanced at the door, that opened her mother walked out to see who it is. If it were to be her husband, they would have come inside” these are the words that came to her mind. She looked out and saw her, standing with her brother.

“Maya!” She muttered, staring at them. “Maya! Maya! My child” She called and ran to them, she pulled her into a hug, at first she didn’t welcome her, with way she hugged her tightly and her brother who was also staring at them, she welcome her and smiled.

“I’m sorry my child, we tried to look for you at the palace” Her mother muttered in between her tears.

“It’s Okay mom. Am back home” Maya muttered, she pat her back slowly and kissed her hair. “Come let’s go inside. Nothing has changed here” Maya said, with a smile. Her mother keeps staring at her, she can’t believe that she will come home. “Mom let’s go in” Maya said. “Alright” Her mother muttered, they entered the house, her luggage were inside, that’s what her mother saw, it’s the reason why she came out.

“What about dad?” She asked.

“He is fine. He feel sick when he heard that you guys were captured by king Henderson” Her mother said, Maya glance at her mother.

“How are you dear? We’re sorry, we couldn’t do anything. We all know how heartless the king is, the way he ki||ed Grayson for ki||ing his parents, we were scared, but i didn’t stop praying for y’all. Please forgive us” Her mother said, almost in tears.

“It’s okay mom. I’m not angry with this guys anymore” Maya said, calmly. “Com’on tell me what you want to eat, i will prepare your favorite i don’t care if it takes the whole day” She muttered.

“I know it’s a while since you ate it” Her mother said. Maya smiled, “alright you go prepare it, while I go upstairs and change” Maya said.

“I will come with you” Sam said. “Sam, she is going to change” Her mother said, looking at Sam, who put on a little frown on his face.

“Mom it’s alright. I’m not doing it in his presence, com’on let’s go” Maya said with a smile. “Alright” Her mother said, “i will come join you later” Maya said. “No dear, you need to rest” Her mother said, she sighed, she went to the kitchen. He carried her hang bag while she struggled with the luggage, he went first, she followed him. He stopped at the door of her room, waiting for her, the was locked.

“Tell mom to give you the keys” She muttered. “Sister have you forgotten that…..oh now i remember” She said, cutting him off. She put her code, the door opened, the code didn’t change after all those years, they walked in, the room is clean. “sister you know mom and dad, always clean up your room” Sam said.

“Really?” She questioned. “Yes'” He replied and kept the bag on the bed, he sat down. “Dad went to work” Sam said, smiling.

“I know. I hope he do come back home on time” She said. “Yes. He does” Sam replied.

“Tell me how is school and your friends”

“It’s cool. But i want to dad to change my school. Some of my friends have relocated to New York. Canada” He said.

“Don’t worry once you are done with elementary school you will stay with me” She muttered. “Yes” He yelled, happily and hugged her.

“I got you something, toys and your favorite avengers'” She said, smiling and gave him the stuff, she got for him.

“Wow” He muttered. “Can I open it?” He asked, she smiled. “Yes, you can” she replied, he began to open it.

“Oh my goodness,oh boy this is so amazing” He said with a smile. “You like it?” She asked. “Yes, thank you” He said with a smile.

“Sister, please me something” He said. “Wh@ťěver, i promise” She replied.

“That you will get me video game…when I get to highschool” He said, “does it mean that dad didn’t get him a video game” she thought.

“I promise” She replied. ‘Alright, dad said you won’t get me video game, until I get to highschool. Anyways thank you so much sister. I love you” He said and kissed her cheek. “I love you too” she replied, smiling.

“I love you more” He said and ran out of the room, she smiled and sighed softly, she removed her clothes and headed to the washroom, she finished freshened up and went downstairs, to help her mother, even though she asked her to rest.

“Honey, you should be resting. I’m sure your journey was stressful” Michelle said. “Mom, I’ve rested enough. Do i have still to rest again, after all these years, please let me help you” She replied.

“Alright dear” Michelle muttered. “Sam showed me what you got for him…thank you” She muttered.

“Mom, what are you thanking me for? He is my brother, every sister would do anything for her brother” Maya said and continue with the dishes.

“Mom, what about the maids? Did dad send them away?” She asked. “No. They are on leave” Her mother replied.

“Mom!” She called. “Yes dear” Michelle replied.

“Don’t tell dad that am around, let him guess” She muttered, smiling. “Alright” she replied.

“So how was your stay with the king? Did he hurt you? How’s the princess and her brother?” She asked.

“Richard is fine, the princess is fine too” Maya said, smiling.

“I hope he didn’t hurt her? I heard her turned her to his slave” Michelle said. “No mom, she is fine. No longer a slave” She replied.

“Thank God” Michelle muttered.

Forty minutes later, they were done cooking, they were fast. Maya headed to her room to get her phone, she was still in the bedroom, when her father drove in, she heard the sound of the car, but she didn’t know who it was. Edward walked into the house, Sam welcome him with a hug.

“Welcome daddy” He said, smiling. Thank you son” Edward replied. “How was your day” Sam asked.

“It was a little stressful” He replied. Michelle walked in, “welcome honey” She muttered and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you sweetie” He replied with a smile. “Your day?” She asked and helped him with his luggage. “A little stressful” he replied.

“What’s that?” He asked, Michelle began confused and looked around to know what he is talking about.

“That smell? Did anyone come home? Is she back?” He asked, staring at Michelle, who couldn’t help but smiled.

“Maya!” He stuttered, she nods her head positively.

“Where is she?”

“She is very angry with me right? She h@ťěs me?” He questioned, his eyes filled up with tears.

“No Eddie. No. She is doesn’t h@ťě you. She is not angry with you, she is upstairs in her room, she went to get her phone” Michelle replied with a smile. “She asked of you, why not go, go see her” Michelle said. He nods and headed to her room, he knocked on the door, she rushed to open the door, she saw him standing right in her front. Her father. She hugged him tightly, she let everything behind.

“Oh my child. My jewel. Your father is sorry. I’m sorry” He muttered. She pat his back and mumbled, “it’s okay dad”.

“I’m here, am back please don’t say sorry again” She said, she unlocked from the hug, he touched her face. “My child. You are still the same, your face didn’t change at all” he said, smiling though his eyes were filled with tears, but it is tears of joy. Happiness.

“Com’on dad. Go freshen up lunch is ready” she said and held his hand and walked to his room and helped him with his clothes, she brought out his casual outfit, while he stood watching his daughter. It was like a film to you. He can’t believe that he will see her again.

Edward joined them in the dining, Maya was sitting close to her dad, she was talking and laughing with her father, that’s the joy and happiness.

“Maya!” Her mother called. “Yes mom” She replied.

“Please do one thing for me, please keep quite…remember your table manners” She said. “He doesn’t care about it” she added, talking about her husband, he chuckled.

“Alright mom, I’ve heard you” Maya replied. After they were done eating Maya carried out the dirty dishes and quickly wash them, she went to the dining to clean it up, but it was already done by her mother. She smiled.

That’s the joy and happiness.

Please don’t forget to share.
I love y’all?

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