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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Melissa sat at the waiting room looking pale and scared.

She had her hand over her face when Oliver walked up to her with a cup of coffee In his hand.

“Have this. It might calm your nerves”Oliver offered and she took the coffee from him.

“How is she doing?”Melissa asked.

“The doctor are still there with her. I haven’t been told a thing” Oliver replied as he sat down beside her.

“Who would have known that you would be meeting Isobel again this way”She said softly.

“I should have been more careful. If she dies. I will blame myself for the rest of my life and …..”

“Isobel is a strong woman. She won’t die easily and besides it’s not your fault. It’s just an accident”Oliver said.

“You won’t hold me responsible if something does happen?”Melissa asked.

“I won’t and have told you that nothing will happen to Isobel. So just stay calm about it” Oliver replied.

“I still feel guilty “Melissa said as tears began to slip from her face.

Oliver moved close to hug her and Melissa enjoyed the fact that she is in his arms. Snuggling close to him while she breathe in his scent.

“It will be fine” Oliver assured as he held her close to him.

“Are you the Guardian of the lady that has just been brought in?” Someone asked behind them and quickly Oliver let go of Melissa to give a reply to the doctor. He failed to see the hurt on Melissa face when he let go of her abruptly.

“How is the patient?”Oliver asked concern etched on his face.

“Apart from dislocating a joint on the leg. She is doing fine. A cast has been put on her leg. She will be wearing it for a couple of weeks”The doctor informed.

“I get that doctor. Can I go and see her now?”Oliver asked and a while later he was led to Isobel ward.

He found her still sleeping on the bed and stood starring at her sleeping features. Her face looked haggard. What has she been doing for the past one year. He thought as he got a call on his phone.

Isobel opened her eyes to find herself in an unfamiliar room. The last thing she had remembered was her returning to her hotel room only to be hit by a car. Could she be dead. She was still thinking about that possiblity when she heard someone voice.

“Cancel every of my plan today. I won’t be coming back to the office”

She saw a man standing by the window with his back turned towards her. Could it be him? She thought as she clutched the clothes tightly in fear.

She was still thinking of a way to escape when the man turned towards her. Relief flooded through her when she realised that it wasnt him.

“How are you feeling?”Oliver asked as he moved towards her.

“My leg hurt”Isobel replied as she tried to sit up.

Oliver helped her up and she sat starring at him while he did the same.

“What’s wrong with my leg? Why does it hurt so much”She asked as she pulled the cloths away only to see her leg wrapped up.

“You dislocated a joint. You have to use the cast for weeks and…..”

“Weeks!”Isobel shrieked out looking worried.

“Yes. You have to be kept in a cast for a….”

“That can’t happen. Have got to leave. I have to leave”She said as she got off the bed wanting to walk on her injured leg but Oliver held her back.

“You can’t leave”He said as he held onto her while she tried to push him away.

“I have to leave. I need to leave “She stated as she tried to pull free from Oliver but he held unto her tightly.

“You can’t leave in this state”Oliver yelled at her and she stopped talking to stare at him.

“Just who the hell are you to tell me that”She said pushing him away.

“Who am I? Don’t you know me?”Oliver asked surprised by her not knowing who he is.

“I don’t! I don’t know who you are and you have no right to hold me here. I have to leave. I need to leave before he comes for me. Just let me leave!” She yelled as she tried to walk past him but her leg prevented her..

She fell on the floor and Oliver bent over her to carry back to the bed while she sat crying softly.

Oliver still couldn’t believe that she doesn’t recognise him and why is she trying to leave? He thought as he pressed the button which got the nurse and doctor in.

“Give her some thing to use to rest for a while. She needs to …..”

“No! I can’t stay here. I need to leave. He will come for me and try to…. Don’t put me to sleep. Just help me get out of here”Isobel begged as she tried to get up but the nurses held her down while the doctor injected her drip bag with some sleeping meds.

“She doesn’t remember you?”Melissa asked a while later as she and Oliver stood over Isobel. Watching her sleep.

“She might just be pretending”Melissa added when Oliver didn’t give a reply.

“She isn’t. The look in her eyes certainly tells that she doesn’t recognise me” Oliver replied.

“I can’t believe that she forgot you. You’ve spent a year looking for her only to get this”Melissa said feeling a bit relieved.

“What are you going to do?”She asked again.

“I don’t know but first. We should wait for her to wake up. She kept saying someone will come for her. If she is in danger. I have to know”Oliver replied.

“I suggest that you don’t meddle In this. Just give her some money and…..”She stopped when Oliver gave her a warning look.

“Fine then. I won’t say a thing but you should head back to the company. I will stay here with her” Melissa offered.

“But I still have to…..”

“The deal is more important. Just go and finish things up. I will stay here with her. To put your mind at rest. I wont leave her side for a minute”Melissa assured and knowing that she would stick to her word. Oliver left for the meeting.

He got back to the hospital at a late hour time and just as he got out of his car. He saw two male nurses pushing out someone on a stretcher.

He was about to go into the hospital room when two female nurses ran outside.

“Stop! Stop !”They yelled at the ambulance which the two male nurse had taken the patient on the stretcher into.

“Oliver!”Melissa yelled as she ran towards him looking apprehensive.

“What’s going on?”Oliver asked.

“Isobel has been taken”She said

“What do you mean?”

“She’s the patient those men are taking and they are not a …..”He didn’t wait to hear the last thing she was about to say when he ran back to his car. Chasing after the ambulance which had Isobel in it.

Isobel woke up to find herself in an ambulance . The ambulance had a man she recognise. A man she had thought she would never see again.

“Scream and you die”The man dressed in white said as he motioned for her to shut up.

“Why are you doing this? Why won’t you just let me be?”She asked.

“It’s not up to me to decide that. The boss is the one who ask us to look for you. He will be the one to end it and the only end to all this is by dying. You know the boss won’t let you go”The man replied.

She tried sitting up on the stretcher but he pushed her back on it.

“Just stay still or I swear I will do as I say. I never liked you. I knew you will be trouble from the beginning but the boss wouldn’t listen to me and even when you ran away he still had us looking for you. Now that the search is over. I will be having a luxurious break”He said when the ambulance stopped moving.

“What’s going on?”The man yelled at his companion who was driving the car.

“Someone block us ahead”The driver said .

“Then drive past him or something”.

“I can’t do that”The driver replied.

Taking hold of Isobel hand he handcuffed it to the stretcher before leaving the ambulance.

Isobel lay still for a while still Frightened and when she heard some weird sound. She sat up, trying to use her leg but the hurt she felt got her sitting back on the stretcher.

The back door opened and quickly she layed back on the stretcher thinking it was one of the men that had come to take her away.

As soon as she heard his footstep. She closed her eyes. Pretending to be asleep. She felt him standing beside her and it wasn’t until he called her name that she opened her eyes.

“Are you okay?”Oliver asked as he stared at Isobel who kept on starring at him.

“Am not okay”She replied crying as she also sat up to envelope him in a tight hug.

“Am not okay but am glad that you are here”She said as she cried into his arms.

Oliver broke the cuff that had her chained to the stretcher and in one swift move. He carried her into his arms. Getting out of the ambulance and walking towards his car.

Isobel opened her closed eyes to see the men that had come for her unconscious on the street.

The stranger whom she still didn’t know his name put her gently in his car while he put the seat belt around her.

She had no recollection of him or how she knew him but somehow she felt that he could be trusted.

He got into the car beside her and she knew he was watching her. Waiting for an explanation. An explanation she isn’t ready to give. She thought as she turned away from him.

He started the car and though it took some hours. He stopped in front of a luxurious apartment and she turned questioning eyes at him.

“This is the house of my friend. She was the one who hit you with her car. You will be safe here rather than the hospital” Oliver said.

“Won’t I be trouble? I mean would this friend of yours want me here?”She asked

“She will”He replied as he got out of the car.

“I will try to walk myself” she said when he opened her door and when she tried to stand up on her own. He lifted her into his arms again.

“Walking on that leg will only make it worse for you” Oliver said while she clutch onto him.

He carried her to the house and pressed in his friend code to open the door.

He put her on the chair and moved towards the kitchen to prepare a drink for them. She was surprised to see that he brought back a beer.

“You like drinking it” he said softly.

Knowing that he knew something she liked . She must have been close to him. She thought as she opened the can to gulp it down before asking him the question that has been bothering her.

“Who are you? Have we met before?”She asked.

“We did. We met a year ago”He replied starring at her.

“That figures “She muttered.

“What do you mean?”Oliver asked.

I was involved in a car accident ten months ago. I was in a coma for six months. When I woke up. I couldn’t recognise anyone and I was told by the doctors that it was temporary amnesia. Just like it was a temporary thing. I remembered things that happened in the past but there are some things which still didn’t return. Like you, I don’t remember you”She said softly.

“It’s fine. If you didn’t remember then am not that important “He replied looking a bit sad.

“You can as well tell me. Maybe something might just…..”

“Tell me why those men are after you ?”He interrupted, changing the topic.

“I better don’t. It wouldn’t be good if I get you involved”She replied.

“Whether you like it or not. Am already involve in this. Just tell me why those men are after you” Oliver demanded.

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