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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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[ Finally ]


Mimi who was coming downstairs stopped immediately she saw Noah who’s laughing with Xavier. Her heart skipped. She kept staring till June touched her from behind.


“Good morning”she said awkwardly.

“Oh, you remembered what happened last night”June smiled.

“Geez…..”she covered her face with her palm in embarrassment.

“Morning boys!”June got their attention. Mimi dropped her hands but immediately her eyes met with Noah’s own, she looked down. June smiled and held her hand, bringing her down.

“Didn’t know Mimi is this shy”Finch walked out of the kitchen with Grace.

“I’m not”she muttered.

“Last night was memorable”Grace giggles.

“Kiss, let’s kiss”Finch said.

“Kiss!! Jesus!!”Grace said and they laughed.

“Come on guys!”

“I’m a good kisser”Xavier said.

“I’m never kissing you”June said and they laughed.

“Guys!!”Mimi snapped.

“But you both owe me cars”Xavier said.

“You’re not gonna say no!”Xavier said.

“Let’s just eat”Noah said.

“Yes our new couples”they giggled.



They’re all back home, living their lives as usual. Finch got the letter Gold left on the day.

It’s their graduation party today. All dressed on the graduation gown.

“Look at my girl!”Noah giggles as Mimi cat walked to him. The both of them won’t let others rest since they started dating.

“You’re just too beautiful”he kissed her.

“I know my appearance doesn’t matter but it’s our graduation, can you not do it here”Xavier said.

“Sorry”Mimi smirked and kissed Noah which lasted longer than the first one.

“Hey babe”June said as she hugged Xavier who pecked her check.

“You’re the most handsome guy today”she smiled.

“Since you said it, then it’s true”he also smiled.

“Hey guys! It’s time!”Grace said and they all walked out.

Everyone were already seated in the hall.

“Good luck”June said and Xavier nodded as he joined the other graduating students.

Awards was shared according to their performance. The ceremony was still going on when finch’s phone beep.

*Come out please* he read and looked left and right, but no one was looking at him. He stood up and walked out.

Getting out, he met no one.

“Hey”someone said behind him and he turned slowly, only to see her. Gold. He remembered what she said in her letter.

*I chose my twin over you but I promise it’s gonna be the last time. If you wait for me till I’m back then I’d keep choosing you….forever*

He was d@mn shocked.

“You grew more handsome”she smiled moving closer but he didn’t move.

“It’s me Gold”she pointed to herself when he didn’t make any movement.

“Hey!!”she waved but he still didn’t move and for the first time she have known him, she saw his tears.

“Finch”she touched his check.

“I’m sorry I left without telling you….. I was just….. I’m sorry….. but nothing changed, I still like you”she said, cleaning his tears. That’s just what he wanna hear. I like you. He brought her hands down and held her face possessively. “I like you more”he said and clashed his lips on hers, kissing her passionately. Claps could be heard as they kissed, so he broke it to see who they were.

No other people than his friends.

“Thanks guys”Gold smiled.

“I’ve always wanted to see Finch kiss and I did”Mimi said.

“Even me, I wanna tease him too”Xavier said.

“Now we are complete with our partners!”Noah said.

“Hm hm”Grace coughed and they laughed.

“If Diamond wasn’t a girl, they’d have been a perfect match”Gold said and they laughed.

“Seriously, behind my back”Diamond joined them but the laughter increased when Mimi said “die young”

“All June’s fault”Diamond joined.

“But the name looks good on you”Xavier said.

“Never!”she said and they laughed.

“Photo time!!”someone screamed and they all ran off.

They all took photos, with their partners, group photo, with family and all.



*Nigeria * June’s Mansion.

They all arrived some hours ago. It’s Xavier and June marriage ceremony tomorrow.


“You mean it?”June asked as Mimi opened the package she just received. It’s a delivery which has the Hausa attire.

“Yes, I’m dressing like the Hausa people”Mimi said.

“While me, the Yoruba people”Gold said as she walked into the room with her own attire.

“I’ll just stick to my normal dressing”Diamond also walked in with Grace.

“Did you learn the words?”Grace asked as she arranged her own attire which is that of the Edo people.

“No, I couldn’t”Mimi and Gold said.

“It’s okay, dressing like them is enough.

“Guys, but this isn’t necessary”June said.

“Just ignore her”Grace said.

“I can’t wait to show my dancing steps”Mimi said.

“But I kind of like the Yoruba dance more”Diamond said.

“But I like the Igbo dance though I’m dancing that of the Yoruba”Gold said.

“I’ll just leave you all”June walked out. She met Xavier outside, seems the guys are also doing what the girls are doing.

“Come”Xavier said and she ran to him. He took her hand, walking out.

“Where are we going?”she asked, smiling.

“Somewhere”he said as they got in the car while he drove off.

“You’re excited about tomorrow?”he asked and she nodded smiling.

“I’m more excited, getting married to you, which means we’re gonna be together forever”he said and she smiled, interlocking their hands.

It took an hour for them to arrive at her uncle’s place.

“Xavier”she muttered as they came down. Her eyes on the building. It almost two years since she saw it.

“Mom said a man must be present at our marriage, just see him, please”he said and she looked at him, crying already. He hugged her.

“Please, let’s meet him”he said.

“Thanks”she muttered.

They both walked in and as expected, he’s drinking. Seems he just started. He didn’t even shut the door.

“Uncle”she said in her accent and he turned to look at her. Even if he’s sleeping and hears her call him, he’ll recognize her voice.

He stood up shocked and in shame cause just a look at her, you’d know she’s not the June he has always known. The June he always look down on.

“June”he said after minutes of silence.

“Uncle”she said.

“Na you be this?”he said as he walked to her with an attempt to touch her which she allowed him do.

“Na you….. June……”he said, feeling shameful already. He regrets everything. Just cause his supposed wife left her with him, he treated her like she was nothing.

June sighed and hugged him. She can’t get angry or h@ťě him forever, if he had treated her nice, maybe she wouldn’t have been bought, she wouldn’t have met the amazing people she’s with.

Both cried as they hugged. One of sadness, one of regrets.

“I am sorry”her uncle said as more tears poured.



*Past forward.

June knelt in front of her uncle who’s representing as her father. He handed her a glass of palm wine.

“Show us the man way you love”he said and she smiled, standing up.

“Bring it over here!”Noah said and she smiled.

“Over here!”Finch said. More kept saying till she finally saw him. She walked to him, kneeling in front of him with a bright smile. Handing over the wine, he took it and drank.

“Get ready, we’re making babies tonight”he whispered and she blushed.

Loud scream came as they stood up, walking out of the tent, then the dance started.


Mimi and Grace wouldn’t let the dance floor rest as they kept dancing what they know.

At least they all had smiles on their faces.

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