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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💌 WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi .💌



Oma Declan this is my last warning to you,do not copy this story or any of my stories again because if you do..I’ll ask my fans to report your group and you’ll lose ur account & group.



I entered into the room…I began to look for the queen’s make-up box when suddenly I started perceiving some hot smell.

Suddenly my head began to ache as my whole body was shaking..

What’s going on” I asked myself as I saw myself falling to the ground”

I couldn’t hold back the pains as I gave up.


I held kora down to my room as she said .

Seer jecintha,you haven’t said anything since we left, don’t you think I should go back to sapphire because she isn’t familiar with my mum’s room” kora said as I smiled”

” I took her out just for me not to lose her now.. I’ll need her when I become the woman King else I would have let her die with that friend of hers because she may also be a hindrance when I begin to rule,I need to keep her a little with me so as to let the dead incense ki|| her so call friend,I know today the queen would want to spend some time in her personal room but I Don’t want her to die yet..I know when to ki|| her”

Seer jecintha..why are you silence” she asked ”

Kora dear, didn’t you say you like the prince?” I asked smiling ”

Seer jecintha..yes I do like trinaba and I hope one day he’ll realize how much he means to me” she said as I smiled ”

Listen to me dear don’t have to worry yourself about waiting for him to love you,I have a way for you” I said smiling as she looked at me quickly saying ”

Seer jecintha, please tell me..” she said in a rush ”

Kora.. there’s something I’ll give you…and when that thing is been taken by you, wh@ÅĨěver you say will happen.. even though you ask trinaba to marry you” I said as she smiled at me”

Seer jecintha.. that’s Great..I really can’t wait for that… you’re really kind seer jecintha,I wonder why trinaba doesn’t like you” she said ”

” It’s over some minutes already and I think her so call friend is already dead ”

Kora..we can go back and get your friend.. I’m done with you” I said ”

Okay seer jecintha”she said as we rushed back ”

We got there and saw the door open while kora rushed in calling..

Sapphire..did you find anything?” She asked when suddenly we saw sapphire lying dead on the ground ”

Oh no.. sapphire.. sapphire.. sapphire.. sapphire” kora called in tears already ”

This is bad.. what’s happening” I asked surprisingly as she stood up immediately ”

I need to go call father” she said rushing out immediately as I followed her behind ”

” This is so interesting,I jecintha never fails… hahahah ”


I sat down with my family discussing about the curses in our land and how my people are ki||ing themselves just to drink from another person’s blood.

Father..why are we still waiting..we are losing our people.. it’s time for kora to undo the curses” trinaba said ”

Yes you’re right for the first time son..kora is the successor..she has read the book jecintha gave to her so she should be able to do wh@ÅĨěver a successor does ” I said back when suddenly kora and jecintha rushed in ”

Father.. father.. it’s sapphire.. it’s sapphire..” kora said as trinaba stood up immediately”

What happened to sapphire, which sapphire are you referring to?” Trinaba asked confusedly”

Trinaba, father, mother , she’s the sapphire that was prisoned with trinaba some days ago…father I don’t know what happened.. sapphire is lying dead in mother’s personal room ” kora said”

What did you say?” Trinaba asked surprisingly ”

What’s going on I don’t understand ” before I could complete my statement we all saw trinaba rushing out”

Let’s go and see what has happened ” I said leaving with them to the queen’s room”

” We got there and saw trinaba already holding her in his arms”

Sapphire.. sapphire can you hear me? Sapphire stop this already… sapphire wake up please.. sapphire.. sapphire ” trinaba called crying already”

Son will you stop that? You’re crying for a total stranger ” I said aloud”

Don’t call her a stranger.. she’s not a stranger to me” trinaba said in tears as I began to walk around the room”

Jecintha.. check the young girl and find out if she’s already dead” I said looking around as I found a hidden cup with incense ”

” Jecintha touched the girl and said to us”

My king.. she’s already dead” jecintha said as kora grabbed my hands in tears ”

Father.. please father do something.. don’t let sapphire die.. father.. father do something” kora said in tears as trinaba couldn’t hold back his tears ”

Noooooo… sapphire wake upppppp” trinaba cried out as the mum walked to him and hugged him from behind ”

My son.. please stop crying already…this is really confusing..who could have done this to the innocent girl in my room… although I didn’t spend much time with her but I descoverd she was a good girl…I can’t forget the day she brought us some food trinaba..this is so heartbreaking” my queen said as I kept looking at the incense in the cup..I descoverd it was a deadly one”

What! She was ki||ed by this incense” I said surprisingly ”


I’ve been so worried knowing that my son already knows who his father was.


My king.. I’m telling you the truth, I’m carrying your child ” I said to him as he dragged me out of the palace to a hidden place”

Listen to me Laura,I don’t want to hurt my wife..I promised never to have any concubine…you know this whole thing was a mistake… please leave and never show yourself ” he said to me”

My know how long I’ve been in love with you,why can’t you give me a chance, my king.. don’t worry..I won’t bother your wife.. just let me serve you two and raise my child in the palace ” I said in tears”

Laura.. I’m sorry but this can’t happen..I love my wife so much.. everything happened as a result of drunkenness… listen to me..this are some coins, it’ll last you till the rest of your life… take it and leave to the underworld.. I’ll make you the woman King over there, you’ll rule over them… please leave Laura..if you know you love me and don’t want to hurt me” he said”

Fine.. because I love you..I will give you space…thank you for the money.. please take good care of yourself my king ” I said and left”


Why..why..why has things become this way…I just want Luhuda to stay happily with his family… Jacob why did you find out.

” I took a cup of water to drink when suddenly it fell off and broke…I stood up surprisingly as I felt it was a sign”

I took a glance outside and saw everywhere becoming dark.

Sapphire ” I said surprisingly”

Oh no.. sapphire is in danger ” I said rushing out as I released Jacob from the spell immediately”

Jacob..son.. sapphire is in danger ” I said”

What! Mother..this can’t be..the darkness signifies dead… could it be..that..that..that sapphire is Dead?” He asked aloud”

Don’t say that child can never die…if she does then taradem are in trouble… Jacob..gather all the soldiers..we are heading to taradem now” I said angrily”

Yes mother ” he responded bowing”


They were still in Shocks when suddenly we saw the underworld appearing.

We stood firmly immediately with our swords as we were all shocked to see them for the first time in our kingdom with anger”

We saw their queen walking forward slowly and slowly with anger all over her face.

Suddenly we saw trinaba getting up and looking at the queen in Shocks.

Their queen came forward saying..

Luhuda..what have you done to my daughter” the demon queen asked angrily as trinaba kept looking at her surprisingly ”

Aunty……” Trinaba called with his mouth and eyes open ”

Aunty is that you??” Trinaba asked looking at the demon queen as we saw her son coming forward ”

What have you done to my sister” the demon prince asked as the king looked at him in Shocks ”

Aunty..tell me is this really you??” Trinaba asked again as the demon queen rushed to sapphire on the ground placing his hands on her chest ”

” The demon prince stood up angrily in tears saying ”

Mother.. sapphire is goneeeeeeeee😭😭” he cried out drawing out his sword as the demon queen said”

Attackkkkkkkk” she ordered as we began to fight them”

Take my wife inside” king Luhuda ordered fighting ”

So you still protect her this much..I can see your feelings for her hasn’t changed”I heard the demon queen telling the king ”

I asked you never to show up” the king said angrily fighting and ki||ing their soldiers as I looked behind and saw the demon queen’s son”

” He should be my target ”

I rushed to him and began to fight him as he pushed me with some spells to land on the ground”

” I saw trinaba fighting and going closer to the demon queen saying” this really you? Where’s my little star ” trinaba asked as the demon queen said angrily”

I don’t know what you’re talking about ” she said fighting with the king ”

” I stood up looking at the demon prince angrily,for the first time someone pushed me to land on the ground…I know I’ve been faking to Be a seer but I poses a great power that no one can easily defeat me…his ski||s are interesting but I will show him that he’s too small for Me”

” I stood up and began to creat the dead fire spell,if this spell touches him.. he’ll die and decay ”

You old fool.. what are you trying to use on me,you want to use the dead fire on me..after you all have ki||ed my sister you dare want to ki|| me too..” the demon prince said angrily”

Shut your mouth and die like a kid ” I said as I quickly send the fire on him when suddenly the king rushed into the fire saying ”

Jecintha noooooo” the king said as we all saw him landing on the ground with blood in his mouth ”

My king” I called surprisingly ”


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