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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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πŸ’Œ WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi .πŸ’Œ




I really don’t understand why kora can not undo the curses…

A prophecy can not be fake… what’s going on.

My king…someone is here to see you ” a guard said to me as I was shock to see who was coming”

David” I called surprisingly as he kept walking In with smiles written all over his face”

“I couldn’t believe my eyes at the moment as I threw away my staff rushing to him ”

David.. you’re still alive?” I asked surprisingly and hugged him tightly ”

Yes my dear brother, I’ve missed you so much” he said hugging me tightly”

I miss you too..I thought you were dead, after father passed away I looked for you everywhere.. David things has been so tough with me since I became a king.. I’m so sorry i was make a king without your concern ” I said holding his hands as he smiled saying”

Don’t worry about me brother…it wasn’t your fault.. common let’s sit ,stop looking sad.. you’re no longer a kid ” he said as we sat together when my wife came out and was also shocked to see him”

What! David.. David you’re alive ” she said happily hugging him ”

Yes of course my dear.. look at you two looking good…” David said”

Thank you David ” my wife said”

My queen..pass the news to everyone that my long lost brother is back.. they’ll be a feast tonight..and don’t forget to tell your son to return from wherever he has gone to because his uncle is back ” I said”

Yes my husband,by the way have you seen Helena?” she asked”

She said she was going to the forest to get some herbs” I said”

Okay my lord”she bowed leaving”


We were still on our way to the underworld when we saw a bird landing on the prince shoulder,he quickly drew out the letter from it and read..after reading he revised back home ”

Hey.. what’s happening aren’t you going to her grave anymore?” I asked following him behind ”

My dad is asking me to return,a uncle I don’t know of Is back and we’re holding a feast for him…miss Naomi can you stop following me around? People may get the wrong impression about us” he said walking faster”

” I followed him up without saying Anything,I know I came here to look for my murderer but I can’t stop myself from being around him everytime,and if I Don’t cut off tiles with him I Don’t think I’ll be able to hide my identity ”



We arrived at taradem and saw everywhere busy as everyone were drinking blood and celebrating.

“I didn’t know the king has a brother…”

Trinaba you’re here…” The king said as he bowed while I sat down ”

I’m sorry father for coming late..” he said bowing ”

Son.. that’s your uncle over there ” the queen said”

Greetings uncle” he said bowing”

You may rise dear…wow he’s such a grownup.. please sit next to me” the uncle said as he sat beside him”

” I’m so hungry..they shouldn’t think I’ll join them drink blood and mucus.. I’ll go out and look for what to eat”

” I sat down with my veil and we saw a savant coming with a trail of cups filled with blood”


Seer jecintha..why did you call me out here ” I asked”

I’m leaving to the forest to get some herbs.. please take care of the kingdom because I see danger coming ”


Indeed danger was I understand why seer Helena said so because the king’s brother looks very ugly like a beast..this is more than danger seer Helena,this should be call doom hahaha ”

The savant that brought the cup of blood was also in a veil which drew my attention to her , she gave the king his own cup of blood,she gave the queen hers,she walked down and gave the prince his then gave the ugly uncle…she walked to me and dropped the last cup of blood on my table.

” Why does her hands looks familiar”


Hahaha.. sapphire you’re really a good don’t know how happy I was with the hugs trinaba gave me, thank you so much ” kora said as I held her hands saying”

Didn’t I tell you I’ll make him to like you hahaha ” I said laughing while holding hands together”


Goodness what I’m I thinking of,kora is a princess and not a maid.

Gosh I need to look for something to eat..I haven’t eaten since I came to taradem.

I stood up and left as I saw trinaba glancing at me.


” The girl that just left I can see spiritually that she is covered with great powers..who is she and why is her face covered”

” Goodness that’s not why I’m here..I should finish with the queen before thinking about who the girl is..”

” Thank goodness kora has served the blood with jecintha’s blood to the queen and she is drinking it already,I knew everything would go smoothly for me hahaha…but there’s one thing remaining… the blood needs to get her press so she could use the restroom and immediately jecintha will come in as the queen, then when the queen comes out with jecintha’s burned face…no one would even suspect a thing ”

So brother.. please be happy and ask for wh@Ε₯Δ›ver you want.. today is your day” Luhuda said to me as I smiled ”

Thank you haven’t changed” I said as we saw the queen getting up and bowing to the king saying”

My husband,I should use the restroom.. will be back shortly” she said leaving as I smiled to myself ”

” Everything is working just the way I’ve planned…but there’s something I’ve observed from the prince, he keeps staring at the veil girl before she left and now he looks uncomfortable after she left, what’s going on between them because I know that kora is In love with him”

Father.. please excuse me.. I’ll love to take something from my room” the prince said about leaving ”

Son.. what’s so important than your uncle’s feast.. please sit back” the king said as he sat down but kept looking at the door if the veil girl was coming already ”

Few minutes later we saw jecintha coming in and guess what…
She’s now carrying the queen’s face ”

She looked at me as I smiled at her..I watched her walked straight to the king and sat down beside him as he said”

You’re back my queen ” the king said”

Yes my husband ” jecintha said smiling as we saw the real queen coming out with jecintha’s burned face”

Everyone were on Shocks and fear as they stood up running…the king and prince stood up surprisingly.

Jecintha stop right there.. what deadly disease have you possessed ” the king asked as the queen said”

My king.. what’s happening.. that’s not me beside you..oh no what’s happening to my face..noooooo” the real queen cried out”

Stop talking kingdom is suffering from many things and I won’t let you pass that disease to anyone.. guards.. guards.. take jecintha to a single prison immediately ” the king commanded as they bundled her out”

I saw the prince looking confused as he walked up to jecintha who is now with his mother’s face saying ” went to the restroom how come you came out from the main door” the prince asked ”

Son.. what are you talking about” jecintha asked when suddenly a guard rushed in saying ”

My king..there’s a thief in your private store where you keep some eatables for yourself ” he said”

What! Who the heck could that be.. let’s go and check it out ” the king said as we rushed down there”


I entered into a store and saw good food as I off my veil immediately and removed my shoes because I was starving.

And I didn’t know the king would be hiding some delicious food in this store…

Wow.. this taste better…” I said to myself spreading my legs and began to eat”

OMG.. they are even some wine in this store but the king would prefer drinking foolish could he be.

He should be thankful to the gods that he’s not as ugly as his brother that made seer Helena see danger coming.

He’s face is really dangerous..I can’t wait to tell seer Helena the danger she saw.

Common let me eat to my satisfaction because I don’t know when I’ll eat again…

I began to eat faster and drinking some wines when suddenly the door opened and I saw the king and the rest rushing in…

” Oh no I didn’t cover my face”

The demon princess?” The king said surprisingly as everyone began to run”

It’s a ghost… it’s a ghost ” they said”

Where’s the door…my queen we need to leave immediately..she has come to take revenge ” the king grabbed his wife looking for the door as he landed his head on a plank ”

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ” he screamed in pains as I saw trinaba walking slowly and slowly to me”

Sapphire… sapphire ” he called surprisingly as the king held him back”

Son.. don’t go any further..take your mum and leave here now…” The king said as trinaba pushed him away from him”

Let go of me… sapphire.. sapphire please take me with you wherever you are.. sapphire please don’t leave me again ” trinaba said in tears coming closer”

” Seems everyone thinks I’m a ghost,then I should play along”

” I stood up immediately and began to laugh like a ghost ”

Hahaha.. hahaha don’t come closer to me trinaba…I am a ghost and I’m here to take revenge” I said ”

You’re here to take revenge in my store??” The king asked aloud ”


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