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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💌 WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi .💌



Here is the land of taradem ,a beautiful but cursed land…a land where everyone has dreamt of visiting but unfortunately Has become a cursed one where they is no water ,no good food just mucus and blood to feed on.

It all started after a beautiful maiden was accused of poisoning her master ,it occurred in a dancing festival where different kingdoms came together to celebrate with the taradems.

The maiden who happens to be called Rosy was sentence to death by the king Luhuda .

King Luhuda ordered for rosy to be buried alive thinking she was really behind the death of his faithful servant…

Everything was as a result of greed from the late master’s wife called jecintha..

Jecintha was behind her husband’s death but chossed to place the crime on her innocent maid Rosy all because of wealth.

On the day before rosy was buried..this were her last words.

🔔My king.. please believe me..I can not ki|| my master.. please spare my life ” rosy said on the ground in tears as jecintha grabbed her neck saying”

You murderer,I and my husband treated you like a could you be that heartless to ki|| an innocent man” jecintha said in tears as the king held her away from Rosy saying” dear, please stop crying..I know how you feel especially watching at the murderer still trying to lie.. guards.. guards..burry her nowww” king Luhuda ordered angrily as they pushed rosy into the pit”

My king.. please don’t ki|| me.. I’m innocent ” rosy cried out but the king collected a shovel from one of his guards and began to pour in sand on rosy in the pit”

” Rosy cried out as her whole body was covered with Sand in the pit ,she tried to clear the sand from her face as she managed to say”

I cursed the land of taradem with my innocent blood…they shall be no peace,no food.. brothers will fight themselves.. sisters will fight themselves..the land of taradem shall feed from Thier own blood and mucus…I curse youuuuu” rosy cried out as jecintha shot an arrow directly to her forehead,rosy … died and was buried”


The land of taradem began experiencing some bad changes in the land .. Thier stream was dried up and crops were dying…

Huger befell the land of taradem as everyone began feeding from Thier blood and mucus…

The king wondered if rosy was innocent and if it was her curse that has befallen them but jecintha who happens to be a seer said it wasn’t what the king was thinking.

Some days later the king came across a seer from another land who told him that his land has been cursed.

The king was Shocked and asked about how it can be cancelled.

The seer told him that the cure can only be broken by a SUCCESSOR who is yet to be born.

The king asked how he can find the successor and the seer told him that a woman in colony kingdom is already carrying the child in her stomach..

The king asked about the family and the seer told him she’ll come from the elites .

So the next day he visited the land of colony and told them about everything and demanded to take the child after birth but the elites were uncomfortable with it.



I stood beside the door Wondering about praying to the gods for save delivery..

I heard my wife Elizabeth screaming in pains as her maid was helping her to deliver the baby..

A prophecy came out that my wife will bore a successor… I’ll be so happy to have a female child who happens to be a successor..

I h@ťě it whenever I remember that the king of taradem said he’ll get my daughter for the safety of his land..he has gone nuts..I will never let such a thing happen.

Master.. master.. your wife delivered a set of twins , both female” the maid said as I jumped up happily”

Twinssss? Yessss.. gods of our never disappoint ” I said rushing in to meet my beautiful wife and children”


I sat down on my throne as a guard rushed in bowing.

Greetings My king ” he said bowing”

You may rise…” I said”

My king..I got a message from colony …the successor has been born” he said as I rose up happily saying”

Really!! Oh gods of our land,you have finally heard our cries… guards.. guards.. gather the soldiers we shall head to colony kingdom to get the child from the elites ” I said happily”

Yes my king ” they responded as my wife said to me happily”

My husband,this is a great news for us.. although we are still gonna wait till 20 years before the successor can undo this curses ” she said”

Stop talking much woman..get our son prepared he’ll be coming with me” I said”

What! My mean trinaba will be going with you? Common my king he’s just 4yrs old..what does he knows.. please let him stay back.. he’s the only child I’ve got” she said as I walked closer to her and said”

Diana…you talk too much that’s just my problem with you..get the boy prepared and stop getting me angry ” I said angrily”

Okay my king” she said bowing”


I sat down beside my beautiful children.

My love.. you’ve done a great job..I didn’t expect we were going to have twins..I thought it’ll be just the successor…my love..what kind of bush meat would you want me to get for you right now” I asked my wife who was just smiling at me” know my favorite.. rabbit ” she said as I smiled at her”

I got you my love ” I said as the maid rushed in saying”

Master.. master.. it’s the king of taradem.. he’s on his way here.. he’s almost here my king…to take the child ” she said”

Oh no..we can’t let him take our child Agatha..we can’t give our daughter away because of another man’s mistakes” I said angrily”

My husband please do something..I don’t want any of my child to leave me” she said in tears already”

What should we do.. what should we do “I asked myself as my Maid said to me”

Master,we have two babies here.. let’s hide the successor from the king before he arrives ” she said”

Of course that’s impossible because we don’t even know who among the babies is the successor.. beside I wouldn’t want him to take any of my daughters ” I said angrily as my wife began to cry”

My husband we have to do something..I can’t lose my children ” she said in tears”

What should I do now.. maybe I should really hide the successor but how do I know which is the successor..I need to make any choice.. maybe the gods will help out” I said picking the baby on my Left wrapping her up ”

My husband, where are you taking her to” my wife asked”

Honey.. I’ll keep her inside the bushes at the back of our house… when the King leaves I shall go back and bring her back, although I don’t know if she’s the successor.. it’s not possible that both children will be successors ” I said quickly”

Okay my husband,we shall try our best not to let the king take the children.. it’s Thier mistake they need to face it” my wife said angrily as I left with one of my babies”

I arrived in the bush and hid her beside a tree..I kissed her forehead and said..

My princess… daddy will be back to take you back home okay ” I said and rushed out ”

Immediately I got home the king just badged in .

Greetings My king ” we said bowing as he didn’t even respond to our greetings but grabbed the baby in his arms saying”

Elijah..I hope you’re not surprised about this.. goodbye ” he said about leaving with our child as I drew out my sword and pointed at him”

My king… that’s a new born baby..why do you want to take her away from us.. what does she knows at this age..she can’t even undo the curses in your land.. please let her stay with us.. don’t take her away from us” I said angrily as my wife held his legs saying in tears”

My king..this is our first child.. please have mercy ” she cried out as the king kicked her to land on the ground and collected my sword then wounded my hand with his sword saying”

You two have the guts to waist my time.. fools, if you dare touch me again then I’ll have to cut off this baby’s head with my sword,why are you so blind to see that the child is not even yours,she was sent by the gods to save my land,stay away from this child henceforth” he said leaving with our baby as my wife rushed to me”

Elijah.. Elijah are you okay..oh no you’re bleeding.. Sandra go get the medicine man” she said to our maid as she rushed out Immediately”

Agatha..this is nothing compared to the pain I’m passing through right now.. don’t worry we will get back our child.. henceforth colony and taradem are no more friends love,let me rushed back and get the other child in the forest ” I said rushing out in tears”


I got outside and met my soldiers..I handed over the baby to a soldier.

Let’s go.. wait a sec.. where’s trinaba” I asked looking around ”

Oh king..he was just here” a soldier said as I landed him a slap ”

What have you been doing outside here..why weren’t you able to watch the little prince when you know he plays everytime like a fool..find him now, don’t waist my time” I said angrily ”

Yes my king” they responded ”

” That little brat,the only thing he knows how to do is play around..I will teach him a lesson ”


I sat down on the ground crying when my husband rushed in..

Elijah.. you’re back.. where’s our child” I asked ”

Agatha, have you seen the child? ” He asked getting me confused ”

What are you talking about.. hid her.. don’t you remember?” I asked in tears already”

I couldn’t find her there… what’s happening ” he said in tears”


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