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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE GODFATHER – Episode 54

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( Bounded By Honour. . . )


By; Holland Cisca.

★ ★ ★ ★

Anastasia sat on the seat beside Pablo, they were all waiting for the plane to take its flight. Anastasia was staring out of the window, smiling. “I’m gonna miss Chicago… A lot.”

“A lot?” He repeated.

“Yes. I’m gonna miss Bella and Tessa, I’m gonna miss my job.”

“You don’t have to worry about your job, I’ll open a bigger one for you if you want me to. Besides, I was planning on you doing some thing bigger.”

She Ç0çƙed an eyebrow up, “Some thing like what?” She asked.

“I can’t tell you now.”

“Why can’t you?” She questioned.

“Because, I am planning on making it a surprise.”

“You’ve told me what you’re up to, it’s no longer a surprise.”

“It still is, as long as you have no idea of what it is.”

“Pablo.” She called him in a childish tone, making a childish face for him to tell her what his plans were.

Instead of feeling moved or remorseful, he leaned to her, kissing her lips. “I love you.”

Anastasia rolled her eyes, he’s just so difficult to get. “You’re seriously going to keep this away from me?”

He shrugged.

Anastasia leaned back on her seat, refusing to say a word to him. Every passenger was sitting on their seat, ready for the plane to take off. The pilots started the engine, after what took like minutes, they took off.

“Thank you for coming,” she turned her head to his side, “I wouldn’t have recalled my memories without you.”

He forced a smile on his lips. “You shouldn’t be thanking me, I didn’t do any thing. I was never there when you needed me, I guess all thanks should go to your friends. They really did a lot for you.”

“I know, but they weren’t the ones who kissed me.”

He played a real smile, then chuckled.

“Was he better than me?” He asked, not being specific.

Anastasia was confused at first, but then remembered there was no other man in her life aside from Mr Jayden. She threw her gaze out of the window, staring at the clouds to avoid his eyes.

“I guess he deserves the thanks too.” He said, staring down at his thighs. “Bella told me every thing that happened, how he was always there for you. The hangouts, dinner…” he paused, a hint of jealousy sounded in his voice. “It should have been me, but it wasn’t.”

She touched his cheek, moving his face to look at her. “You don’t have to blame yourself, you had no choice.”

“I had. I had every choice to show up that night you had the accident, but I was so scared Micheal would steal it from me. I was trying to secure the empire, and I was losing you to some one else. What if some thing happened, what if you didn’t survive?”

“Hey, don’t say that. Even if I didn’t survive the accident, I won’t still blame you because it was I who told you to take that empire. If you have to leave, he will take it and you won’t have it back. You did what you think is right, it’s never your fault. Besides, you never asked for it to happen in the first place. Well,” she drops her hand from his cheek, “talking about Mr Jayden, we weren’t a thing at first.”

“You guys became a thing after the incident?”

“Yeah, then, I had no past memories with me. Normally, he is just my favorite customer. Just like Bella told you, he was always there for me, so I thought he was the one for my heart. I never knew he was doing all that to get closer to me.”

“Did he?”

“Obviously, he did.” She sighed. “Thank goodness you came back, who knows what could have happened between us.”

He chuckled.

“What’s funny?” She snapped.


“Some thing made you laugh, what’s it?” She asked again.

“It’s better off if you don’t know.”

She frowned. “I h@ťě you.” She said in clenched teeth.

“And I love you too.”

They got to …. International Airport. Anastasia was surprised they were stopping there. “Don’t tell me you boarded the wrong flight, or have you forgotten your state already? Why are we stopping here and not New York?” She questioned.

“Do you think I love it when I share the same airplane with people?” He said as they walked out of the plane.

“Oh, fantastic! I almost forgot you’re the almighty Pablo Escobar.” She said, flying her hands high.

“You can say that again.” He chuckled.

“So what now, are we just going to stand here and do nothing? Or, do you have a special booked flight for us?” She ranted.

“It’s too early to be so anxious. Don’t worry, I have a special flight for us.”

She trailed behind him as he walked towards a private jet which wasn’t far from the commercial plane. Before they got close to the plane, the door automatically opened. A waitress appeared, wearing a welcoming smile on her face.

“Don’t tell me…” she was shocked and surprised that the rest of the words sank back.

She gasped.

“Like I said, I already have a special flight for us.”

“So you have a private airplane and you spent half a thousand dollars for our flight?”

“Just wanna play a low profile in a strange land.”

“You are so d@mn unpredictable.” She shook her head, walking ahead of him into the plane. She gasped again, “Oh f_cking ki|| me already.”

Anastasia sat on one of the seats, while Pablo sat opposite her. The waitress appeared with a tray of food, but Anastasia waved a no at her.

“Thank you, I’m not hungry.”

Pablo watched her as she dismissed the waitress. “You sure you don’t wanna eat?”

“I’m full. Why don’t you eat instead?” She asked back.

“I can’t eat since you aren’t eating.”

“So, you’re gonna starve yourself because of me?”

“It’s not like I have a choice.”

She shook her head at him.


They successfully landed in his private airport which was only a few meters away from his home. As soon as they landed, the door opened. There was a black lemon parked, waiting for their return.

It would have been a stressful thing for normal humans like her, but with Pablo, it seems less stressful than she expected.

They hopped in, immediately, they zoomed off.

“You never told me your father has a private station.”

“You never asked.”

“Never thought asking was necessary.” She said inwardly to herself.

The car drove into the compound, parking before the entrance door. Anastasia opened the door even before the guards could do so. She was so excited to be back. Though it wasn’t her real home, she still felt welcomed.

“After so many months, never knew I’d be back home.” She smiled.

Pablo walked to her side, holding her by the waist as they headed in. Anastasia glared around like it was her first time being there, recalling those last moments when things seems to be a little more… complicated.

The first thing she did is to search for Clarabelle, like WTF! Days without her felt like years. On hearing of Anastasia’s return, she dropped what she was doing to meet her. On Anastasia’s way to the kitchen, Clarabelle appeared from the other direction.

They both stopped for a while, glaring at each other. Clarabelle’s eyes had already started licking out tears as she stared at Anastasia. She never thought she’d see her again.

“Ana…” she called her name, tearfully.

As if they had mentally planned their timing, they ran to each other, burying themselves in their arms. “You came back!” She said excitedly.

“Yes, I did.”

“I’m so happy, now I won’t have to spend the rest of my days lonely.”

“Don’t tell me you had sleepless nights because of me.”

Clarabelle chuckled. “Isn’t it obvious?”

Anastasia broke the hug. “I’m sorry I left without a good bye.” She apologized.

“It’s okay, I understand. Mr Vito made you do what you did.”

“Thanks for understanding me.”

Clarabelle pulled her for another hug, this time she hugged her so tight.

“Clara, I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe. I can’t…” Clarabelle let’s go of her. She exhaled heavily.

“So tell me, what happened in Chicago. I’m pretty sure a lot happened back there at Chicago.”

“Of course, a lot did happen.”

“I’m all ears.”


Pablo noticed Micheal wasn’t around, and he hasn’t seen him since he returned. He called Fred to the side, “Where is Micheal?” He asked.

“Micheal left as soon as you left for Chicago, and since then, we haven’t seen him.”

“Did you try calling his number?”

“We did that, but he wasn’t picking our calls. Then when I tried calling his number this morning, it says the number doesn’t exist.”

Pablo was quiet, looking thoughtful.

“Do you think he must have dispose his SMS card on purpose so that we can’t find him?”

“For now, let him be. If he doesn’t show up this week, then there’s one thing for sure about his disappearance.”

“What are you thinking?”

He was staring at Fred but made no comment. Then… he smirked.


To Be Continued…

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