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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Bounded By Honour. . . )


By; Holland Cisca.

★ ★ ★ ★

Anastasia was cleaning the dinning room but her attention was at the sitting room where Vito and his sons were discussing.

She was looking at Pablo in particular, watching as he smiled at every word they say. She wished he was her master and not Micheal, she wished he was here on the day she was brought into the family, things would have been much better than now.

She was obviously staring at him but to the maid who was with her, she thought she was looking at Micheal.

“Hey. Hey?” She called, distracting her. Anastasia looked at her. “You shouldn’t be staring at them. Being his slave doesn’t mean you’re safe. If the rest of the Escobar’s finds out you’re watching them, they won’t hesitate to have you dead. If you still love your life, then do us the favour of not getting us ki||ed. ”

Anastasia looked at him for the last time before minding her business. After they were done dressing the dinning room, they left.

She went to Michael’s room to pick some of his dirty clothes. She packed them all into a basket, taking them to the laundry room to get them all cleaned up.

She dropped the dirty clothes into the washing machine which washed them. Then she drops them into the rinsing machine which rinsed and dried it up immediately. She then took the dried clothes to the machine which would iron the clothes and fold them into shape.

Washing clothes wasn’t a task for Anastasia. All she have to do is to take the dirty clothes to the laundry room and have the machine do the hard stuffs while she takes it back to where they belong.

She leaves the room not up to ten minutes, holding the basket under her arm. She was staring at the ground lost in thoughts that she didn’t notice Pablo was coming from the other side.

She mistakenly jammed him and he had done that on purpose. The basket fell to the ground and she bends to pick it up to avoid getting Micheal’s clothes stained.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t. . .” She takes off her eyes as soon as she saw it was Pablo standing before her. ” I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” She apologized.

” You’re the girl who served the dishes last night, aren’t you? ” He asked.

” Y–yes, I am.” She stuttered.

” What’s your name? ” He asked.

” Anastasia. My name is Anastasia Romanoff.” She replied.

” Indeed you’re the daughter of Mr Romanoff.” He noticed she still maintained the ground contact.

He was wondering what and why she was staring at the ground. He asked, “What’s so special about the ground that you can’t take your eyes off it? ”

” We were told not to have an eye contact with the Escobar family. It was the rule and we’re all meant to obey it or we get punished. ” She explained.

” Well, staring at the ground while I’m talking looks more disrespectful to me than not keeping to the rules.” He said. ” You can do wh@ťěver the rules says to the others, but I want you looking at me while I’m talking to you.”

Anastasia rose her gaze to him, staring at his face. She had always thought Micheal has a good facial appearance, but no. Pablo does. His beauty was at it’s highest peak.

He was, well, different from all others. He was handsome, not perhaps in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face.

His eyes were as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough. His face had that faraway look in it, which cannot be described in words. His smile, which reached up to his eyes and wrinkled them, flaunted his modesty and humility.

He sometimes spoke too fast from the few times she had heard him talk, above all was his frame and his stature. He was more extremely muscular, with 8 pack abs or 16 cm biceps. However, he could stand out in a crowd, which was mostly due to his way of carrying himself.

Perhaps he was the kind who had girls swooning over him. He was simple and innocent. He was perhaps, just one in a million, who was “nothing special, but all the same unique”.

He noticed her expression and smiled. “It’s nice meeting you, Ms. Romanoff.”

“Me too.”

He left her standing with a broader smile on her face. She realized she has been standing there for long when she noticed he was now out of sight. She took the basket to Micheal’s room, dropping the clothes into the wardrobe.

By the side of his wardrobe, she noticed something dark was in there. She touched the hard object, taking it out from where it was. When she saw it was a gun, she dropped it back.

Her eyes met with a file which had pictures on it. She takes it into her hand, staring at the different faces in it. “What the hell.”

The door open unaware to her, and before she could do anything Micheal was inside the room. She threw the book back in the wardrobe but it was obviously clear that she had touched it.

Micheal gave her a long glare before walking up to her. She slowly stepped backward, scared of what will happen next. He saw that she had touched the book, he grabbed her by the jaw, squeezing it tight.

” Did you touch my stuff?” He asked, despite knowing she did.

” I. . . I was only dressing your clothes, that’s all.”

“I can see you’ve learned how to lie. I said, did you touch my stuff?” He rowled.

” I. . . I’m s–sorry, I. . . I didn’t mean to.” She stammered.

He pushed her to the ground. ” You lied to me? You dare lie to me, huh?” He grabbed her hair, tossing her to the bed. ” I’m gonna make you pay for this.”

He starts to open his belt, on noticing that Anastasia stood up from the bed, rushing to the door. Before she could make it, Micheal had already grabbed her. He slapped her hard, sending her to the ground once again.

She stands up, running to the other side of his bed. “You Ɓîtçh! Do you think you’re walking out of here unpunished?”

He walks to her side but she crawls over the bed, heading to the door again. This time, he was so vexed that he couldn’t hold his temper on her again. He jerks her up, throwing her hard on his bed.

He held her firmly against the bed, making it impossible for her to escape. He tears off the cloth from her skin, leaving her stank naked. He forces her legs open, unzipping the zipper of his trouser.

He digs his hard torso into her sensitive skin, th-ru_sting in an out in a repeated manner with no mercy written on his face. Anastasia was screaming hard, her hips buckled as she struggles to free herself.

He didn’t stop. In and out was the constant rhythm of his action. Her screams were loud so he covers her mouth with his hand to prevent her from shouting.

When he saw her blood, he pulls out, leaving her on the bed. He walks to his wardrobe, picked a baggy shirt and tossed it to her face. ” Put it on and get the f_ck out if here.”

Anastasia was crying, she just lost her pride like that? To the very man she h@ťěd the most?

He wore his trouser back in position, walking out of the room without a word. Anastasia stared at the bed, watching the stains of her blood. She covered her mouth, biting her hand tight from screaming out.

She pulls the shirt on her skin, wiping off her tears. She consoles herself, breathing in and out every seconds. She waited until she had fully calmed down before she left the room.

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