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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE GIRLS CLUB – Episode 9

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Philomena texted her location to Joshua who quickly drove to where she was. It was a serene environment at one of the beach houses she secretly bought in her name. And It was her first time going to the beach house ever since she bought it. When Joshua finally arrived at the beach house, he found Philomena at the terrace of the building enjoying the calm and peaceful view of the sea.

“Enjoying the view?.” Joshua asked walking up to her.

“Yeah. It’s quite peaceful and calm here. This is exactly how I’ve always wanted my life to be. You are welcome. Please have a seat.” Philomena said pointing out a seat for him.

“Thanks.” Joshua said sitting opposite her.

Philomena then took off her glasses revealing her swollen eyes and scars to Joshua who was shocked with what he saw.

“What happened to your eyes?.” Joshua asked with curiosity written all over his face.

“That’s my secret Joshua.” Philomena said with tears in her eyes.

“What secret are you talking about?.” Joshua wondered.

“This is what I’ve been secretly enduring for five years now.” Philomena said.

“God! Enduring from who?.” Joshua asked.

“From my fake relationship with Lawrence. And for the sake of my sisters.” Philomena finally revealed.

“What? I Know I had doubts about your relationship being true like you’ve always portrayed it to be online and in every social gatherings. But I didn’t expect it to be this bad.” Joshua said feeling pity for Philomena.

“I’m ready to tell the world my story. Get your video camera ready.” Philomena said.

Joshua went back to his car and brought his video camera. After setting it up for recording, Philomena said.

“I want it to be in form of an interview. So feel free to ask me anything while I tell my story.” She said with a smile.

“Sure. Let’s begin with the count of one, two, three, action.” Joshua said.

“Hi everyone, it’s your favorite girl Philomena. Today I’m here to tell you my story. I know you all might be wondering why is her eyes swollen? Why are there scars on her face? And lots more. Well, I hope that my story will inspire other girls out there to speak out. When I was four, my mom remarried after we lost our dad. And through out her 12years of marriage to my step dad, my mom never experienced peace or anything close to it. My step dad would always come home drunk and beat her. When he had beaten her to his satisfaction, he goes ahead to forcefully have segz with her. Growing up in a home that has never been peaceful for once wasn’t easy at all. It was always heated in arguments and fights by my parents. We children had to grow on our own. Cause mom and dad hardly had time for us. I got used to getting up early and dressing my sisters for school at a tender age. When I was 16, on a very sunny day after school, I and my sisters returned home from school and met our parents fighting as usual. I told my sisters to go into their room while I go in to calm my parents down. But the opposite happened that day. I went to my parent’s room and peeped through the door only to see my step dad forcefully having his way into mom. I was heart broken and scared that I returned to the sitting room and sat at the couch. When my step dad was done with Mom, he badged out of the room. And when he saw me sitting in the sitting room, he walked up to me and pulled me by my hair. He dragged me to the bathroom where he tried forcing himself on me. Mom came from behind and knocked him off with a pestle which left him lying unconscious for hours. Mom made me promised her that I will be a good sister to my younger sisters. It was her wish that we get educated and independent. I woke up at the middle of the night only to find the corpse of my parents lying beside each other in the pool of their own blood. Apparently, mom had gone back to stab herself to death after stabbing dad. It wasn’t easy on me after witnessing their deaths, I was haunted for months. Always having thesame night mare over and over again.” Philomena paused and wiped off tears From her eyes.

“But why didn’t your mom leave? Why did she chose to die in such horrible marriage? Why did she endure for 12 good years?.” Joshua asked curioused.

“In her words, she said, My child, I tried but the fear of what people will say or think of me, kept me in this mess. And also, I did it for the sake of you and your younger sisters. I wanted you all to have a father figure in your lives. And I also endured it because there is a respect that comes with being in your husband’s house as a woman. Ever since I remarried, no one has made mockery or looked down on me and my children. Being a single mom or a widow, comes with sentiments and judgements. You won’t understand till you are old enough to understand the discrimination that such women face in the society. But in all of these, being a divorcee comes with the greatest criticisms you can ever think of. No one is interested to know why you left. All they will say is that you are too stubborn, reckless or proud that you can’t stay long in a man’s house. My case would have been worse Philomena because I was married before and I lost my husband to untimely death. Tell me what will people say when they hear I left my second marriage? definitely, they will suspect that something is definitely wrong with me. Cause the society believes that, it’s only women who are well mannered, that stays forever in a man’s house. These were the words she said to me.

“This is really heartbreaking. So she endured a toxic marriage that finally took her life just because she was concerned about what people would say about her?.” Joshua asked marvelled.

“You know, back then, I didn’t understand her but right now being in her shoes, I think I totally understood my late mom. It’s not always about speaking out. It’s about the judgements and condemnations that comes with it. Not everyone will believe you. Your fellow women will criticize you the most. The world is so messed up that no one cares anymore.” Philomena said wiping off her tears.

“You have a point there though. Humanity is gradually fading away. We humans are always quick to judge and condemn another. It doesn’t matter how many people believe you anyway. People speak out because that’s the first step of healing. And I hope you can find the strength and courage to speak out too.” Joshua said.

“I got the courage and willingness to spill everything out today after I went over to my sisters school and received the most hurtful words I’ve ever heard in my entire life. After my parents died, I and my two younger siblings headed back to my maternal home where we stayed with my grandmother. Two years passed and I was 18 and ready to write my senior secondary school certificate examinations but we didn’t have enough money to register for the examination. I had to quit schooling and channeled all my energy into working on people’s farm lands and sometimes I do laundry to raise funds to keep my younger sisters in school. It continued that way until I met madam Flora who became our family friend and she as well paid for my secondary school certificate examinations. I wrote my exams and passed out with flying colors. But then, I didn’t want my sisters to graduate and remain at home labouring like me so I pleaded with Madam Flora to help me get a good paying job that was suitable for a secondary school graduate in the city. She was reluctant at first but after much pleas, she agreed to take me to the city. When we finally arrived at the city, I was shocked to realize that madam Flora was into prostitution and human trafficking business. I was given three days to think things through but all I wanted was to better my sisters lives in fulfilment of my mother’s wish. So I agreed to do it. On my first day, I was taken to a man in his early thirties and that man is my current boyfriend Lawrence.” Philomena revealed

“What? Please go on.” Joshua said.

“Lawrence tried to touch me that day but I pushed him away because I was scared and frightened. After telling him that I was just 18 and still a virgin, he wondered what I was doing there instead of being in school with my mates. I explained everything to him then he went to madam Flora to confirm if my statements were true. After his confirmation, they both came out smiling. And the next thing I realized, was that I’ve been sold to Lawrence as a hired prostitute to remain his segz slave till he gets tired of me.” Philomena said fighting back tears.

“Jesus Christ.” Joshua said feeling bad.

“I thought he was God sent but after giving me some days to feel at home, he came to me one night and had segz with me for the first time in my entire life. And from that day, I have never experienced anything like true happiness in that house. Lawrence does not have segz with me without inflicting pains on me. He makes sure he punches me and beats me mercilessly before having marathon segz with me. After which, he spends lavishly on me the next day. It was more like paying me for my services. I get up, dress up and put on a smile like nothing happened. I was ready to take everything as long as he keeps sponsoring my sisters in school. He is in total control of my accounts and my life entirely. I’m just his segz slave. Lawrence is into drugs and sometimes he will drug me and make me have segz with him and his friends while he videos me. I won’t be surprised if one of my segz tapes comes out one day cause he had thr_@tened to use it against me if I mess up. According to him, it will be the perfect tool to destroy everything I’ve gathered all the years.” She said.

“My goodness! Why did you do it? Why didn’t you go back to your village when you had the opportunity to run away from such hideous job?.” Joshua asked curioused.

“Because I have sisters to protect. Because I wanted the best for my sisters. I wanted them to live a comfortable life. So I became the sacrificial lamb. And they have been the reason why I’ve been able to endure all the beatings, abuses, rapes, drugging and humiliations from Lawrence. My mom died because she was scared of what people would say about her. But I was ready to die in order to give my sisters a better life. But do you know what my younger sister told me today? She said she didn’t force me into this. She said all I did was send them money and that I’ve never introduced them to my boyfriend or my friends. She said I haven’t been at home because I was ashamed of where we live in the village. She said I’ve never allowed them visit me because I wasn’t proud of them. And the most painful part was when she said I was so selfish and self centered to become a mom to them. I went there wearing sunshade glasses so as to cover my swollen eyes. But she thought I wore it to avoid being recognized by people. She thought I was ashamed of them being my sisters. She thought I was enjoying all alone here without them. No one knew the pains I have been going through in the hands of that monster called Lawrence. Last night, Joshua came to me for an interview, and when Lawrence found out, I was R@P£D and severely beaten for sitting next to another man without his permission. And that was how I got the scar on my face. I’m just tired of everything. I just wish to end it all. Cause no one understands me. Even my sisters judge me based on other people’s perspective. I can tolerate everything from anyone but not being condemned and judged by my sisters. Please this is too much on me.” Philomena cried out.

Joshua immediately stopped recording and embraced her firmly while she kept crying on his arms.

“Even if the whole world fails to believe and understand your story, I promise to stand by your side till the end of this mess.” Joshua assured embracing her.

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