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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ His Runaway Mate }??

By; Holland Cisca




” Aren’t you gonna ask me who the real enemy is?”

Ace had wanted to ask but hid the fact. He had no choice since Jefferson made him to.

” Who is?” He finally asked.

” The pretty innocent, loving and caring headmaster of BridgeGate. ”

” Mr Anderson? ” The two girls said in unison.

” Anderson Mark. ” He said fully, with a smirk. ” Haven’t you all learned from history, before the devil was thrown down from heaven, he was the most beautiful and melodious singer.

Who would have thought he would be the devil now? No one, not even God. I won’t blame neither of us for not seeing that coming, who knew the real enemy was just within us?”

” If he is truly a wolf as you’ve said, how possible is it that we didn’t notice it all those times we went to BridgeGate?” Asked Lunara.

” The enemies are always in the saint clothing. I will admit, I never knew it until the night you defeated me.” He was staring at Ace. ” He came, and I’m pretty he saw all that happened that night.

He didn’t know I saw him, he thought I was dead. So, he went to all those students, ripping off their hearts out of their chest. ”

” He feeds on human hearts?” Lunara asked surprised.

” That isn’t the real question here. The real question is… What kind of wolf feeds on a human heart?”

” I don’t think there is any wolf who feeds on hearts except from lycans.” Ace said with certainty.

” Won’t doubt that either. But know that not every lycans feeds on human hearts.” He said, referring to himself. ” If there is any other word attached to a Lycan then that’s what he is.”

” What now?” Hanley asked. ” With this happening, do you think BridgeGate is safe? Or do we have to inform the government about this?” She suggested.

” The government has nothing to do about this. This is wolf we are talking about. What makes you think those so-called weapons of theirs can stop him? He’d rather make them his supper.” Jefferson pointed out.

He was right, involving the government into some wolf business would only make things a hell worst than it should be.

” He has a point,” Harmonie sided him, ” we don’t have to involve mere humans into this. Let the wolves handle it themselves.”


Harmonie had gone with Jefferson, while the rest of them still sat motionless.

” Now, do you believe him?” Hanley snarled at him.

He didn’t say a word.

” Or is there anyone who still doubts his innocency?” She asked, glaring at them. ” If he was still the one, he wouldn’t have come here at the first place. He’s got a clear conscience, and a clear mind too.

Now we have seen who the real enemy is, we have to end the hatred we have for him and rather seek for his help. Wh@ťěver Mr Anderson is, doesn’t sound good. With Jeff’s help, I am certain we can end this once and for all.”


” I didn’t expect you’d come. ” She said, staring out of the window. ” Is that why you said I should be careful? Because you knew Mr Anderson was evil? ” She looks at him.

He nodded his head, but his gaze were focused to the steering.

” Thanks for convincing them. You have proven your worth that you are indeed not evil. ”

” I don’t care if they believe me or not, as far as you do, I am happy.”

” But why didn’t you say that earlier? Why didn’t you tell me before now? ”

” I don’t know why but, doing that tonight is the best time. ” Looks at her, ” And… I think it’s time I mark you. I wouldn’t want any man tamper with you. ”


Did she just hear him say Mark??

Her heart almost skipped a beat. The single thing that her brain could think was Bitten.

He was gonna bite her and then turn her into a wolf?

” I’m not gonna turn you without a permission. For now you need my mark for your protection. It’s gonna let me know when you are in trouble. ”

Now she has understood what the ‘Mark’ meant, she felt a lot relaxed and safe with the idea.

” Does it hurt?” She asked.

” For beginners, yes it does, but it’s just for a while. ” He assured her.

He halted outside the gate, and for a brief moment there was total silence between them. She did want to hear him talk, she wanted him to say something before she leaves.

She wanted him to say it… Anything, as far as it’s what her heart wants to hear.

Then he touches her hand.

” Maybe… I don’t know… just maybe…” He stammered.

And without letting him finish his statement, she reached up and pulled him near to her, and the rest of his words was lost against her mouth.

He kissed her gently, carefully, but it wasn’t gentleness she wanted. Not now, not after all this time.

She knotted her fists in his shirt, pulling him hard against her.

He groaned softly, low in his throat, and then his arms circled her waist, gathering her to himself.

And they were close, tangled together, still kissing. And she felt like not going home, but to be with him, and spend the rest of the night with him… Just like this.

After what took like minutes, she broke free from the kiss, their foreheads leaning against each other.

In a soft voice, she said, ” Just tell me that you love me.”

And without hesitating, he said. ” I love you, Ham.”

She smiled, taking hold of his lips again. And for another minute and seconds, their lips never left each other.

From the start, this has always been her dream. To love and to be loved. She never knew she’d feel this way for anyone, especially to him.


Hanley laid almost by the end of the bed, far away that her body wouldn’t touch Ace’s. She was still pissed off over their argument, and yet, he wasn’t ready to apologise to her.

Ace walked in to see the new style. She had left a very large space for him, and have decided to squeeze herself.

He shifted the blanket, laying on the bed. Hanley’s eyes were opened but she was staring at the moon.

He holds her waist, pulling himself to her. ” I don’t like it when you stay far from me.” He said, burying his face in her neck. ” I don’t think I can get use to that. ”

” Well, I can. ”

” No. Why do you still bear grudge with me? He shouldn’t be the reason why we should quarrel. ”

” He isn’t. But the fact that you are making him look like the enemy he isn’t doesn’t look good. I know he has done a lot of bad things, but I believe he is changed now.”

” I had no choice. I won’t tolerate anyone hurting you. ”

She turns to him. ” I know how much you do care for me, and I do feel the same way for you too. But let’s just give him a chance. If what he said about Mr Anderson is true, then it means all this while, we’ve been fooled with his innocency. ”

She noticed how thoughtful he had become, she asked. ” What is it?”

” I was wondering how impossible it was not to recognize him so soon. I mean, he looked innocent and gentle. ”

” Didn’t you hear Jefferson’s gospel, the devil was one of the most innocent being in heaven. Not even God knew he’d turn out to be the devil. It’s possible he must have hidden his scent. Or, is that even possible? ”

” It is. ” He answered.

” Well, why don’t we keep that for next time. Since we know who our real enemy is, we’ll talk about coming up with a plan. But for now, it’s just the two of us. ”

That last statement was what he wanted to hear.

” I don’t want you to bother about anything or anyone. I just want you to bother about me… Alone.” She crossed her legs at each sides of him, laying on his body.

” I hope to see us this way forever.” She kissed his lips. He circled his arms around her waist, and in that manner, they both dozed off in each other’s arms.



Romance between both Teams. I’m getting jealous already. ???

What will Harmonie’s marking be like?

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