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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“ Where to?” Ace asked as he walked into her room.

She stopped applying the lipglose, staring at him. “ Where else if not the mall? I need to go shopping and get some few stuffs changed.” She replied.

“ Mind if I come with you?” he asked.

“ I would gladly love to but, I alresdy informed Harmonie. She is coming with me.”

“ Fine. I’ll see you when you get back.” He leaves the room.

Hanley phoned harmonie and not quite long, she heard the sound of vehicle outside. She looked out of the window, seeing Harmonie’s car, she quickly exited the room.

On her way to the exit door, she saw Mary. “ Just incase mother asks of me, tell her I’m out for shopping.”

“ I will.”

“ Great, thanks.” She exited the building to where Harmonie’s car was parked. She hopped in.

“ So what’s this shopping going to be like?” was the first question Harmonie asked.

“ Well I was hoping for a good one, fanciful I’d say. What do you think?” looks at her.

“ Home is as boring as hell so, yes, that will be great!”

“ Now, shall we?”

Harmonie zoomed off, out of the compound.




Harmonie was busy taking photos of herself while Hanley did the buying. She went to the makeup section and picked some few makeup kits.

And likewise at the shoe section, she picked at least five shoes and likewise did she do the same to other sections.

She made sure she had enough stuffs with her before paying the money to the cashier. She went to drop the stuffs into the car, returning back to the mall.

Harmonie was d@mn so serious with the photos she was taking, making crazy poses then she’d upload it to her instagram account.

“ Seriously, is this all you’ve got for today?” Hanley stood with her both hands hung on her waist.

“ Hell yeah. You said we were gonna be having a fanciful outing, guess I’m beginning to make mine already. Well,” she clicked on the last photo, posting it on her insta, “ Where to now?” she asked.

“ Anywhere, but not the beach.”

They drove for a few minutes until they reached a neighbourhood outskirt of the border. “ Where are we going?” Hanley asked.

“ To a friend’s house. She is more like a sister to me. A cousin, I’d say.”

She was dressed smartly with a button-up blouse under a grey cardigan and jeans, loafers on her feet.

She had a scarf wrapped around her hair, revealing the perfectly clear skin of her face. She beamed with a bright smile as he stared at them with her big, brown eyes.

“ Harmonie! I am so happy to see you.” She said, reaching out to hug her with her free arm.

Harmonie smiled and tickled the feet of the baby.“ Hi, Norah.” She said, smiling.

The baby withdrew and put his face on his guardian’s shoulder.

“ Han, this is Norah. And Norah, meet my best friend Hanley.” She introduced.

Norah turned to Hanley, warmly reaching out to give her a hug.

“ It’s nice to meet you.” Hanley genuinely said.

She nodded. “ Same here.” Smiling.

She backed away from the door, allowing them to walk inside.

“ I’m sorry here is such a mess,” she said, “ if I had known I would be having guests, I would have cleaned it up a bit.”

Cleaned up what? Hanley thought.

She looked around the house and saw a perfectly spotless house. Even having a little child who knows nothing but his mother’s Břě@šť, yet she could have such a nice and neat home.

Unlike mother, she wasn’t even that clean with me when I was her only child. She said to herself.

There were shelves on the wall behind the couche with baskets contained with toys that were stowed away neatly. The TV was playing a cartoon that entertained two toddlers that sat on a blanket in front of it.

“ Leesa, Arica, say hi to Harmonie and Hanley.” Norah told them as she closed the front door behind them.

Both girls turned to look at them and waved politely before returning their attention back over the television.

“ So, what brought you guys here?” Norah asked, walking towards them.

“ It’s been a while since we saw each other so, I thought of paying you a visit.” Harmonie said, making herself comfortable on a single handed couch.

“ Thank you. I was wondering when to meet you and mother but… Devin has been making my life so complicated. But, nevertheless, I have made up my mind to meet you by next month.” Looks at Hanley, “ Mind for something?”

“ Yeah, anything.” Hanley said without thinking. She was badly in need of water and wanted something to quench her thirst. “ Something liquid like water.”

“ Okay.” She stands up to fetch a glass of water for her.

“ She has a nice home and… kids too.” Hanley complimented.

“ Yeah.”

Norah returned with a glass of water in one hand while the other wedged the little boy. “ Here it is.” She hands it to Hanley who instantly gulped half of the water.

“ If you don’t mind me asking, how did you two meet?” she asked.

“ We attended the same college.” Replied Harmonie.

“ BrideGate?”

They both nodded.

“ Oh, I see.”

“ Uhm, Norah, there is something I want to talk to you about.”

“ You can say it, you know I’m always listening.”

She looks at Hanley, then back at Norah. “ It’s kinda crazy, promise me you won’t laugh.”

“ Come on, Harm, why would I laugh at you over something serious?”

“ It’s… it’s about the wolves.”

“ Your’e mated to one?”

She nodded.

“ Does your mother know about it?” she asked.

“ No, I don’t want her to. She’s gonna freak out or tell dad if I let her know.”

“ So, are you cool with him? I mean, the wolf guy?” Harmonie nods, “ It’s okay if you don’t want anyone to know. Does she know about it too?” she asked, referring to Hanley.

“ She is the first to know.” Looks at Hanley, “ She is also mated to one too.”

Norah looked at her with wide eyes.

“ I think I am forgetting the famous Hanley Preston, alpha Ace’s mate. Am I right?” she asked her.

Hanley was as much surprised to hear her say that. How is that possible?

“ There were rumors everywhere about the runaway mate. Well we all heard it from the emigrates from Masarkkav. It became like a topic in town that there was a young lady who had flee to nowhere after the night of her markings.”

Guilt clouded her.

“ But don’t worry, it’s over a long time ago.”

“ But her name is still in everyones mouth.”

“ Possibly. Are you two… together now?”

“ Yes. Almost close to three months now, I’d say.” she answered.

“ That’s a good thing now.” Moves her gaze to Harmonie, “ What about your’s?”

“ Not really a wolf like Ace.”

“ Let me guess… he’s a Lycan?”

She shrugged.


To Be Continued…

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