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Friday, October 18, 2024
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That was the moment Hanley realized that she wasn’t quite familiar with the environment.

And Harmonie wasn’t helping matters at all. She too wasn’t familiar with the school environment.

They were stucked in the middle of nowhere, only hearing screams and voices of people.

” What the heck is that?!” Cried Harmonie. ” What is happening? ”

” I wish I know. ”

” But what does it wants from us? And how did it know we have night class today? ”

” I am as confuse as you are. So don’t give me those bombarding questions of yours. ” She said, trembling. ” We need to get the hell out of here or we become some used over garbages. ”

” Where in heaven’s name is Mr Edward? ” Harmonie whispered.

The creature was metres away from them, but when he perceived her scent, he stopped walking.

Turning to their direction, he ran in great speed. ” He is coming.” Hanley cried. ” Run!!”

And they both began to run. But it was like they were only catwalking to him.

Closer and closer he got to them. All Harmonie could do was to pray her last prayer.

” Oh lord, have mercy on me. I know I have been a bad daughter, but please let my soul not perish in damnation or my parents finds out what is in my wardrobe. Welcome my soul into your bossom and… f_ck! ” She screamed at the sound of his landing.

” Welcome my soul into your bossom, oh lord. And let not my enemies laugh at me. In Jesus name… ”

” Amen. ” Hanley was the first to say the word.

” That was my prayer not yours.”

” At the point of death, there is no ‘my’ but ‘ours.’”

He rowled.

The creature threw himself high that he will land in their body to smash them into smashed tomatoes.

But thankfully, Edward barged into him from the side. They rolled over each other countless times.

Even at the human state, Edward still managed to fight back. The creature held him by his neck, standing to his feet.

” Pitiful.” Growled the creature. He threw Edward’s body afar off, continuing his chase after the two girls.

Edward forced himself to stand, running after him in great speed.

He has never seen himself this fast and stronger before.

They got to the gate, ” f_ck, it’s locked.” Hanley cursed.

” And that bastard is coming!” Harmonie pointed at the creature who approached in great speed. ” Hanley do something!! He is coming!!”

” What do you want me to do! The f_cking gate is locked from the outside. ”

Hanley held Harmonie’s hand tight, ” Let’s just hope your prayers save us both.”

” If truly we are going to die tonight, I pray we meet in the after life and still be friends. ”

Hanley nod. ” Until we meet in the after life. ” They shut their eyes, as the creature kept coming. ” Good bye, Harmonie. ”

” Good bye, Han. ”

They waited for minutes but they could still feel themselves breathing.

” Hanley, can you hear me?” Harmonie asked, eyes still shut close.

” Loud and clear.”

” Are we really alive? Or is this the after life?”

” I don’t think the after life requires closing the eyes. ” She opened her eyes. ” I think we’ve been waisting the heck of our time here.”

Harmonie too opened her eyes, there was no creature before them and they are definitely not dead.

” We’re alive!” She exclaimed happily.

” That doesn’t mean the creature is dead. We better find our way out of here or it comes back for us. ”


Two against one.

Edward attacked from behind, while Ace attacked from the front. The fight was so serious, as if it was gonna last for eternity.

Though Edward had to receive bruises because he was in his human form. And Ace who made no effort to give the creature a chance to attack back.

He threw blows and punches at him, smacking his head hard against the wall and ground.

The creature held his neck, smacking it with its knee. He threw him up, throwing himself high too and with his elbow, he hit Ace to the ground.

Ace groaned.

As he walks to pick him from the ground, Ace was fast to hold his hand, dragging him to the ground. He rolled over him, that he was on the creature.

He grabbed his head tight, smacking it again countless times to the ground.

He held its jaw and head, trying to twist it to the side. But the creature held him by the head, slamming him hard to the ground and using his fist to hit him by the waist.

Edward ran, flying high, then landing his elbow on its chest, causing him to growl louder.

This gave Ace the opportunity to attack once again. He inserted his both claws into the creature’s ribs, raising him above his head.

Then, landing the beast on his knee, causing a crack to be heard. The creature laid helpless in pain.

Ace grabbed its face, as he dragged it to one side of the school building. His footsteps were like thunder, and he huffed, stretching his neck.

He drops it to the ground, breaking the wall of the building. He brings out a rod, then standing the creature to its feet.

He kicked him that the creature’s body pierced into the iron rod. He bent it against him, making it impossible for the creature to escape.

Slowly, the creature returned back to human. ” Jefferson.” Ace said in a deep voice. ” I have been wanting to meet you.”

Jefferson kept breathing faintly, blood rolled out from the sides of his mouth.

” Hello, Ace.”

Ace smirked evilly. ” Punny wolf.” He scoffs, walking away from him to where Edward stood.

Gradually, at each step he took, he was transforming back to his human form. ” Is he dead?” Edward asked.

” No. I’m not done with him yet, this is just the beginning. Tonight is not the time to ki|| him. What about you, are you okay? ” He asked back.

Edward nods his head.


To Be Continued…

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