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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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” Aaaaaa!!” Hanley yawned hungrily, stretching hard.

It was the weekend, so she’s got the time to rest as much as she wants without the alarm sounding in her ears.

She was happy for some reason she doesn’t know. Something made her happy, but what exactly it is was something she can’t remember.

Mary seemed to have noticed that too. During breakfast, she felt happier than she has ever be.

Lunara would have mistaken those happiness to be a good news. Maybe she has finally accepted Ace as her mate, who knows??

But that was way too far from the real reason behind those smiles.

” You seem so much happy, tell me, what’s the secret? ” Lunara inquired.

” I don’t know, I just feel happy today.” She answered, picking the potato chips with her hand.

” Is it because it’s weekend? ” Lunara asked again, really inquisitive to know.

” Weekend?” She chuckled. ” Every week has a weekend, it isn’t some thing new to me. Don’t worry, mother, I’ll tell you when the time comes. ”

” What about now? ”

” I don’t think now is the right time to tell. ”

” When is? ”

” Soon enough. Let’s hope it doesn’t take too long. ”

Hanley preferred staying in her room than to anywhere else. While she was working on her assignments, Mary walked in with a flower.

Hanley’s eyes widened in excitement the moment she saw the flower. Quickly, she jumped out of the bed, rushing to take it from Mary.

” Oh my God! This is so beautiful!” She admired the flower, sniffing in its sweet scent. ” I love it.”

She looked at Mary who was busy smiling. ” I need to meet with mother.”

” It’s not her majesty who bought it. ” Mary said.

” Who did? Edward? Then I must see him immediately. ”

” It wasn’t Edward either. ” Hanley paused halfway as she had already made it to the door. ” Alpha Ace did.”

” I should thank him then. ” She finally exited the room to his study room.

Ace was delighted to see Hanley with the flower, and he had thought she had come to show some little appreciation.

No, Hanley would never appreciate anything that comes from him.

” What makes you think getting me a flower will change my mind? It’s really pretty, I’d say but… ” She admired the flower for the last time. ” I’ll keep it to myself. Thanks for this by the way. ”

She took the flower, heading back to her room. It was so surprising to Ace that she did appreciate the flower without exchanging words or angry glances at him.

Mary has already spread the news to Lunara about what alpha Ace did for Hanley.

Out of excitement, Lunara dropped what she was doing, leaving to Hanley’s room.

” Han, I heard you got a present from…”

She didn’t let her finish her statement, she said. ” What present? ” She asked, pretending not to know what Lunara was talking about.

” Mary told me Ace brought you a present. A flower as she said.” She looked around the room. ” Where is it? ”

” You just have to go to his study room, there you will find it. ” She said less concerned.

” What? ”

” I ain’t interested in flowers so, I dropped it back.” She didn’t notice Lunara staring at her with her mouth halfway open.

” O…kay.” she left the room without saying a word.

She headed to Ace’s study room. He was busy on one of the history books. He looked at his mother who stood by the door, taking off his gaze back to the book he was reading.

” I was thinking you were asleep.” He said, reading through the writings.

” I was making a picture of nature when Mary told me what happened.” Ace rose his gaze at her.

” I’m sorry this is happening. ” He sincerely apologise. ” I hope you never witnessed something like this. ”

” Why would I ever get tired of watching my two children? I only feel pained because this is happening in my home. Maybe fate wants to punish me for what I did to your father.

I regret now. I shouldn’t have left him when he took me. I shouldn’t have proven stubborn and hard to him. This is my karma, let me embrace it. I wasn’t able to work on my mistake earlier, I think I should do that now. ” She blamed herself.

Ace was trying to understand where she was actually heading to. ” Mom, what are you talking about?” He asked.

” Hanley told me she brought the flower back to you.” She answered with certainty that she did hear Hanley say that.

Ace laughed. ” What?” She asked, embarrassed.

” She took it mother. Guess she was playing pranks on you.”

” Oh my goodness, she did? ” Ace nodded with a smile. ” This is unbelievable!” She exclaimed excitedly. ” No, I am not dreaming, am I? She did take the flower? But why would she trick me? ”

He shrugs. ” How am I suppose to know?”

” You two are really something else.” She shook her head, smiling at him. ” I’ll go meet her.”

Still with the excitement, Lunara went back to Hanley’s room where she was busy sniffing and admiring the beauty of the flower.

Lunara stood by the door, her face plastered with an unfading smile. ” I can see you love it.” She said.

Hanley looked at her, smiling. ” It’s beautiful.” She complimented. ” I love it.”

” I thought you said you don’t like it?”

” Come on, mother, I was only joking. Why would I refuse something so big like this?” She sniffed it in for the hundredth time.

Lunara went to sit on the bed. ” I’m happy you love the present. So, does that mean… ” She pause, looking at her.

Hanley sighed. ” I don’t h@ťě him, I just h@ťě the fact that I am mated to him. I mean, I’m just nineteen. And yes, he’s rude and hot tempered, I don’t think I can survive him.”

” You will. It’s only a matter of time. As soon as you get to understand him more better, you’ll get use to it.”

” I hope so. Because it’s gonna be a long way to go.”


To Be Continued….

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