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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ His Runaway Mate }??

By; Holland Cisca




” Come on, Hanley, we have to work at the bar tonight.” Andrew informed.

Hanley grunted childishly. ” Arrggh! Why tonight? ”

” Because Thasmous said so.”

” I am f_cking tired.” She said, stressing the words.

” Come on, we’re gonna make a lot of money tonight. He told me there are lots of customers. What do you think? ”

It was as if Hanley’s sense came back to life. She quickly stood up, picking her sweater from the wardrobe.

” Yeah, you’re right. There’s always a lot of money from quantum customers. ”

Mrs Tina saw how hurriedly they made it to the door, ” Where are you two going to?” She asked.

” Andrew said Thasmous needs us at the bar. ” Hanley said, looking at Andrew. ” Right? ”

He nodded his head. ” That’s true. ”

Mrs Tina didn’t speak, just opened her mouth.

Without wasting any second of their time, they were off to the bar.


” You should have known by now that I do not get drunk.” Alpha Ace said to Edward who was so much excited to see him after so many months.

” I know, and that is why I brought you here.” Ace smiled.

Edward has been his best friend since their days at highschool. He has been the only one who knew about his true identity.

Though Edward was a normal human and Ace was both, yet it didn’t affect their brotherhood.

” Wow, you are right, Andrew. Indeed there are lots of customers tonight. Why will I be so stupid not to come here? ” She clapped her hands gently, rubbing it against each other as they made their way in.

Ace stopped talking. That feeling. That scent. That smell. It feels familiar. It was the same exact smell of the one person he desires to find.

It’s her. She is here. Somewhere, in the bar,,,, with him.

He moved his gaze around, there he saw her with Andrew. He has found her. And he knew his days of searching for her has come to an end.

” Finally, it’s her.” He said to himself.

” Who’s that? ” Edward asked.

” Who? ” He asked back.

” How am I supposed to know? You mentioned a ‘her’ so I was asking ‘what her?'”

” I’m talking about her. ” He motioned to Hanley’s direction. She was having a discussion with one of the female customers.

” Hold on, let me guess, she is your mate?” He said, almost like a question.

” Runaway mate.” He corrected.

Edward chuckled, ” I see. Humans can be funny at times. So what now?” He asked.

” Donald,” he called his driver.

” Yes, sir.” He answered.

” I need you to keep an eye on her. Find out where she stays and who she lives with. It’s a pity tonight has to be the last she’ll be staying with her new family. ”


Thasmous, Andrew and Hanley were the last to leave the bar. They always are the last.

Andrew with Hanley walked back home when Andrew remembered about the carnival. ” Oh, it’s the carnival tonight.”

” Carnival?” Hanley asked, surprised. ” What’s a carnival? ”

Andrew gave her a surprise look, ” Seriously, you don’t know what a carnival is? ”

” I don’t. Masarkkav doesn’t celebrate stuffs like that.” She told him.

” Okay. It’s like a tradition to us. We celebrate it once in every three months. So tonight is gonna make it the third month since we last celebrated it. ” He explained.

” Oh, take me there. ” She said and together, they walked to the field where it was always hosted.

” Wow! It’s so beautiful.” She exclaimed.

” Yeah, it always is.”

Hanley enjoyed every bit of the event. It was one biggest show she has every seen since she was one.

Everything about this place marvelled her. Here in Acacia, things seems a lot comfortable compared to Masarkkav.

She also learnt something new all the time.

” Bring me to this place some other time.” She said to him.

Andrew looked at her. ” You will be leaving Acacia very soon. How is it possible? ” He asked.

” I am leaving Acacia doesn’t mean I will never come back. You will still bring me here when I do, right? ”

He nodded.

” You don’t look happy. ” She noticed.

He said nothing.

” Andrew.”

” You are leaving, and no one not even you knows when you will be returning. We’ve been friends for three months now, I don’t know… ” He paused, taking a deep breath. ” It’s getting late, we should head back home.”

As they returned home from the carnival, they both looked exhausted. Tina has been waiting for so long for their return.

She was troubled that something bad might have happened to them. But she got relieved as soon as she saw them.

” What took you guys so long. I couldn’t sleep, I was so scared for your safety. Is everything alright? ” She asked, worried.

” Of course, aunty Tina. ” She assured her. ” You should get some sleep now.”

Tina nodded sleepily. ” Yeah, I think I should. ” She left to her room.

” We should get some rest too. ” She said, ” Good night, Andy.”

” Good night, Han.” and they went to their respective rooms.

Donald on the other side did followed them from the bar, to the carnival field, then to their home. As soon as he got the right location of their home, he quickly phoned Ace.

He gave to him every detailed information he needed to know. Even told him about her closeness with Andrew. That part shouldn’t have gotten included, should it?

So he was off to Acacia the next day, with Edward and Donald with him.

Lunara on the other side has been so happy since the previous day. Impatiently awaiting to see her daughter-in-law welcomed into her new home.

” Please, do bring her home safe and sound.” She said, almost like a plea.

” I will, mother. ” He left.

Right at the front of Mrs Tina’s home, the black limo was packed. Every eyes has been staring at it since it entered the village.

Only Mrs Tina, her little kids and Hanley was at home. Andrew had gone to the farm to pick some veggies alone.

Then a knock was heard at the door. Mrs Tina left her room to answer the knock. ” Who is that?” She asked.

” It is I, Donald, I am a friend to your daughter, Hanley.” Said Donald from the outside.

” Oh, ” she opened the door, surprised to see the three gentlemen standing outside. One out of the three was on a black fashioned hat and a long coat. ” Please, come in.”

They all entered, and she was wondering why such a well dressed gentlemen would want from a small and wretched home like hers.

” How may I help you, gentlemen? Do you mind for some thing to eat or drink? ” She asked.

” No, ma’am, we’re full. If you don’t mind, we will love to see your daughter. ” Donald was the one with the talks and introduction.

” Forgive my attitude, these are my friends, Edward and Ace.” He introduced.

Ace? That name sounds familiar.

” A pleasure to meet you all.” She offered a warm smile.

” We would love to see your daughter now.” Donald requested.

Something about this Ace of a man troubled her. Why does she feel like that name sounds familiar to her?

And why of all people, would they seek for Hanley?

Since Hanley walked into her home, she knew Hanley to be the girl with Andrew. Anything or anywhere they go to, they went together… Alone.

Why? Why does she suspect him to be the one who had given her the mark??

Something seems suspicious about this sudden visit. And she knew Hanley’s days with them has finally come to an end.

On the other hand, it was the safest thing to do. She has to go back home. To be with her real family.

Or else, the mark will keep hunting her. Or worst, ki|| her.

She got to Hanley’s room, offering a knock on her door. ” Hanley, it’s me, Tina.” She informed.

Hanley didn’t waste a second to open the door. ” Aunt Tina?”

” Hanley, you have a visitor.” She informed.

A visitor?


To Be Continued…

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