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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??{ His Human Mate }??

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

Chapter 30:


Writer ✓


Just as he said, he will stop at nothing until he finds an answer to what he wants.

While others slept that night, Reyhon stayed awake.

He watched as Pamela slept off, now she was sounding like a princess and her eye lashes rested well against each other.

” I’m going to find it out myself, ” he whispered in her ear, before placing a kiss on her cheek.

Leaving the room, Pamela woke up. Her heart beat could be heard and she could feel the pains as it hit hard against her chest.

She was so scared and wanted if possible she could run to Diana’s room to inform her of what Reyhon was about to do.

She wished she was a wolf, but unfortunately she wasn’t, and neither was Diana. So, they weren’t connected to each other.

She sneaked out of the room and luckily, the first person she saw was May.

” Excuse me, ” she said, stopping May on her track.

” I know you,” she pointed. ” You’re the lady who came with alpha Reyhon, right? ”

” Yes. Yes, that’s me. ”

” How may I help you? You know, from the looks on your face, I’d guess you don’t look alright. Is there a problem? ”

” Yes, indeed there is. ”

” So, what is it? ”

” It’s Reyhon, I don’t know but I think he’s heading to Diana’s room. I don’t know what he’s up to, but I doubt it’s a good thing. ”

” Hold on a sec, you think he wants to ki|| her? ” She asked for the tenth time.

” Not only that, I think he wants to do something worst. Let’s just hope my instincts are wrong. ”

May’s eyes flew open as her brain just interpreted Pamela’s words to her. Without waiting any second, she ran to Diana’s room.

On getting there, she saw Reyhon sneak into her room. And May h@ťěd what she was thinking.

” I suggest you have this reported the alpha. ” Pamela said.

May listened to her and she did as she was instructed. She ran with her hands holding her gown high.

She first ran to his office, but was told by a guard that he had returned to his room.

She hurriedly left to his room, offering three knocks on his door.

” Who’s that? ” She heard his voice from the inside.

” Master, it is I, May, Miss’s handmaid. ”

” Come in, ” he instructed her.

May pushed the door open, walking in. He was just taking off his shoes when she entered, and she could still feel her legs shaking.

What is she gonna tell him? How is she gonna say it?

But from the look on her face, one could tell how frightened she was.

” Is there something wrong? ” He asked.

And she wished he could just read her mind and see it all for himself, but Derek wasn’t that kind of person.

He h@ťěs to invade the mind of people without their permission, especially when he needed to hear the problem directly from the lips.

” Answer me, ” he was getting a little impatient by her delay.

” M.. master, ” a heavy air left her lungs as she spatted each words out of her mouth. ” Alpha Reyhon. ”

” What happened to him? ” He sounded less concerned.

” Alpha Reyhon… inside Diana’s room. ” She couldn’t even put it in words, but at least she had hope that he will be able to understand what she is trying to say.

” Since when?! ” He stormed.

” I came as soon as I saw him walk into her room. ”

Even before May could count the next second, Derek was out of sight.

She closed the door after her, running to Diana’s room.

Derek banged in only to find Reyhon on Diana’s body. She was deep in sleep and she didn’t realize what was going on.

Reyhon stepped out of the bed, ” One more step and I will ki|| her, ” he thr_@tened.

” Let her go, ” he pleaded, ” and do wh@ťěver you want to me. ”

Reyhon laughed hard, ” You never beg for mercy, but why seeking for it now? Oh, I must have forgotten so soon, she’s your mate. ”

” Just don’t hurt her, okay. Let her go. ”

” You know, I just realized two unique things about her. ” First, she has this purple spirit that makes those gorgeous eyes turn purple. And second, she’s a virgin. ” He laughed again.

It was as if Derek’s heart would explode like a bomb, and if it does, the whole world was gonna taste it’s effect.

Reyhon’s last statement pulled him down, and for the second time in his life he felt fear.

” Don’t you dare touch her.” He said in a clenched teeth, ” You don’t wanna regret what I’m gonna do to you. ”

But Reyhon filled the atmosphere with his ugly laughter. ” Do you think that scares me? ” He shooks his head, ” No, it’s just like a parable to me. You don’t realize that you just picked the biggest fish, why then do you delay to mate her? Are you scared you might hurt her? ” He chuckled. ” Well, I have decided to do it myself then… Just right now. ”

The urge to strangle his neck burnt in him, and he attempted to come closer but Reyhon pulled Diana out of the bed, raising her wrist to his mouth.

” I’ll have to mark her as mine. And mind you, if you think of stopping me, I’ll have no other choice but to do the worst. ” He thr_@tened.

” Try me. ” The word came out hard.

” We’ll see about that. ” he smirked.

Derek dashed to him, but it was already late as Reyhon had bitten Diana on her wrist. Yet, this didn’t wake Diana up from her slumber.

Derek grabbed Reyhon by the neck and they both tumbled through the window and out of the building. May ran to hold Diana as she almost made it to the ground.

Pamela on the other side ran to the window, she saw neither Derek nor Reyhon and she hoped Derek would be fine.

Not minding if Reyhon was alive or not. All she cared was for Derek to be safe.

She went Diana’s body, as it laid on May’s arms. ” Miss. Diana. ” They both called at the same time.

She didn’t respond. The only response she could give to them was a continuous trembling of her body.

” Miss!! Diana!! ” They called again, this time, sounding more terrified.

” What’s going on? ” May asked her.

” I don’t know, I really don’t know. I think you have to call the doctor! ”

She was shivering the more, causing the both ladies a heart attack. May quickly ran out of the room, to call the doctor.


I hop you still haven’t stopped praying cos??.. I really don’t know what to say. ??

To Be Continued…

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