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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??{ His Human Mate }??

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

Chapter 26:


We left Reyhon’s room, I couldn’t stop thinking of my state if Theo hadn’t come. I was still confused on who they were talking about… but guess that will do some other day.

” Are you alright? ” Theo asked for the nth time as we got to my room.

” Yes, Theo I’m fine. ” I faked a smile at him. ” Thanks for saving me from Reyhon, I don’t know what I’ll be in if not of you. ”

” It’s okay. About earlier,,, I just wanna say sorry for what I said. I won’t blame you for being so mad, I wasn’t thinking when I said that. ” He apologized.

” It’s okay… I’ve forgiven you already. Good night, Theo. ”

” Good night, Mela. ” I left him to my room.

” Are you alright? ” I flinched at Lisa’s voice as I closed the door.

” You scared me. ”

” Did he hurt you? ” She asked.

” No, ” I shook my head. ” Theodore stopped him from hurting me. ” I sat on my bed, ” you told him? ”

” I had to, you saved my life and that was the only way I could repay you. Besides, Theo is the only one who actually cared about you. ”

I knew Reyhon has always been a monster, but I never knew be was more dreadful than the devil himself.


~ Night Walker Pack ~

Diana ✓

I yawned widely, stretching as the early morning sun shun on me. ” What’s today? ” I asked May who was busy with arranging my room.

I wasn’t the messy type so, dressing up my room wasn’t something so difficult.

” Tuesday? ” She replied almost like a question.

” What’s today’s date? ” I asked again.

” March 13th, 2020? ”

I yawned again, ” Why do I feel like a princess? ”

” Because you are actually one. ” She replied with a smile.

” No, that’s because I just woke up from the right side of the bed. ” Yes, and that’s just the truth.

Last night, I’ll admit is the best night I’ve ever experienced. Hearing Derek’s deep confession was like shaking hands with the American president.

I felt happy, so happy, although a little sad then. Sad that I had to face the man in my dream, who loved me, wanted me so desperate to his side.

But when I finally did, I was like a nightmare to him. The very person he h@ťěs after the devil.

But yesterday proved how much we mean to each other, especially last night.

I can’t forget how his lips tasted, how soft it felt like on mine. Those sweet fragrance of his perfume was… d@mn, I’m overthinking.

Again, I had this dream, I won’t say that was really a dream cos it almost looked like a real life of my future displaying. I don’t know if it’s actually because of the kiss or… if it’s the happiness working in me.

It’s really not my fault I have to be so silly about the whole thing. That kiss was actually my first, so it taking over my head like an escaped psycho is definitely not my fault.

I’ve watched in movies and in real life too when two lover merge their lips together. At first I was like.. ‘yelk… disgusting.’ and the rest of that.

Now, it’s just like I tasted banana flavor…

May snapped her fingers at me, ” your water is getting cold. ”

Why does she always have to be a distraction all the time, especially whenever it comes to the best part of my thoughts?

The joy in me plus the extra happiness flowing in my inside made me do everything in a rush. I knew I was the kind who spends hours of her time in the bathroom but now… we’ll talk about that some other time.

I sniffed in the food as the aroma seems to be helping matters. ” The last time I remembered eating this, I was ten. ” I said as I started eating on my potato sauce.

” Ten?! ” May almost screamed.

” Mm-hmm. ” Besides, I wasn’t lying.

” I eat this like, everyday of the week. It’s my favorite! ”

” My aunt never cooks it cos, she h@ťěs it as well as her family too. ”

” Poor thing. Well, this is your luck then, you can have this anytime you want. ”

I ate till I was satisfied, besides I wasn’t the food type, I was able to eat but a little and handed May the rest as she already said it, it was her favorite.

I went close to the window, staring out to the field. I saw groups of muscular figure dressed in the same attires.

They seem to have Derek’s stature but some were taller while some were in the same height with him. If anyone would tell me this was a heaven of handsome creatures, I wouldn’t doubt that.

They were all playing football, their ski||s were pretty great compared to the human players.

” Do they play for the humans? ” I asked May who seems to be enjoying the meal.

” Who? ” She said with the food in her mouth.

I looked at her, smiling as she hungrily devoured the food. ” You look funny while eating. ” I told her.

” You won’t understand, Miss, I’m f_cking hungry. ” She swallowed the food particles in her mouth, cleaning it with the back of her hand. ” You asked me something. What is it again? ”

” I’m talking about them, ” I pointed out, ” do they play for the humans too? They have great ski||s. ”

She came to the window. ” You mean them? ” She laughed. ” Of course not, they only practice here once in a while. ”

” I haven’t seen them since I came here. ”

” They’re just too rare to find. Besides, they stay at the other quarter of the castle. ”

” Why? ”

She shrugged. ” That’s their choice, who knows. ”

I kept looking at them, I was loving the way they tackled and made those awesome dribble moves until they were done playing.

They went to one side drying themselves from the heat which ran on their skin. My eyes met with one, he had a towel around his neck and a water can in his hand as he gulped a large quantity of water.

He looked at the direction of my window and I could get a clear view of his face, although I was pretty sure he wasn’t staring at me.

There was something about this guy… He looks just exactly as Derek. He had this thick eye brows, and those segzy ki||ing figures that would make every woman fall.

Even as he brushed his hair back with his fingers, I would have mistaken him to be Derek but no… there was something different about them.

Derek has blue eyes but his were green with a two side dimples, while as Derek only has at one side.

Then, they’ve got to be related or something. ” We can go to the field and watch them while they play if you want. What do you think? ” May said.

” Not interested. ” I left the window, ” I need to see Derek. ”

” He’ll be with the elders, I guess. Is there a problem? ” She asked.

” No, not at all. ” I faked a smile at her.

I went to the meeting room, seems like Derek always have meetings with the elders. It’s almost like everyday he does that and I keep wondering what’s so special about talking over the same thing, over and over again.

I opened the door a little, and so f-__-king annoying of it, the door made a creaking sound. I shut my eyes, peering with my right half opened eyes as I slowly closed it.

I exhaled, as the door finally closed turning to leave when it opened again. I don’t know if I should run or hide but neither of them happened to trigger me at the moment. So, I just stood still.

” Miss Craig, ” an elderly voice called and I stopped. Turning with a fake smile on my face.

” Yes? ”

” His majesty wishes to see you. ” And then the rest of the council’s exited the room before I could enter.

” Diana, ” he called with happiness as he approached me and that was when I just realized I had waved a real smile for the first time since I woke up.

” Morning. ” I said offering him a kiss.

” Morning. Hope you slept well? ”

You angel just made my night awesome, what do you expect? ” I thoughtfully said.

” Yes, I did. ” We went to sit down.

” I was about to check on you but I had an urgent meeting with my councils. Luckily you’re here, I won’t have to bother again. Have you eaten yet? ” He asked.

” Yes. Yes, I have. ”

” Let me guess, you’re here to ask me something? ” He guessed.

” How did you know that? Was the look so obvious on my face? ” I said, touching my face.

He chuckled. ” Just guessed it. ”

” Okay, honestly I do wanna ask you something. ”

” Go ahead, I’m listening. ”

” I uhmm… there was this guy I saw at the field, he looks pretty much like you. He has the same everything about you and I was wondering if you have a twin around. ”

He chuckled again.

” But I noticed something different, he has a green eyes while yours is blue. So, do you have a brother or cousin here? ”

” Yeah, ”

” Wow! ” I exclaimed. ” I knew it. So who’s he? Your brother or cousin? ”

” Step brother. ” He answered.

” Ouch… But how come you two resemble like, real blood brothers? ”

” That’s just our genre. ”

” Wow, ” I was lost of words and… that’s just it, I’m speechless.

His smirk was becoming obvious each second he scoffs a smile. In case he doesn’t know, he’s so f-__-king ki||ing me right now that I can’t even… breath.

I shyly looked away from his gaze, saying. ” You know, you shouldn’t be giving me those gaze, I’m still not adapted to it yet. ”

He started laughing, his smile reached from ear to ear and just in case he haven’t realize, he just ki||ed me for the fourth time.

I looked at him, feeling a bit embarrassed. Did I say something wrong?? Or was my vocabulary shifted???


Did I say something wrong?? Or was my vocabulary shifted??? ???

To Be Continued…

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