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Friday, October 18, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 9 ~

She was wearing a long gown that swept the
floor as she slowly walked up the mouth

She stretched her hand to the mountain, it
opened and something flew out with force

It was a star like object but was so powerful
that the blew the mountains next the mountain
she was standing in away

She closed her eyes and allowed the object
enter her forehead

Her forehead sparkled and the mark of the star
appeared there

A crown appeared on her head

The people below the mountain began to

All hail the ruler!!
All hail True God Keeva!!
All hail the goddess of the moon!!
All hail the high Goddess!!
All hail the ruler of the earth!!

They kept screaming

Keeva smiled and waved at the people

They kept screaming loudly

Adrian woke up from his sleep

He held his head in pains

His head was pounding but he didn’t care about
that at all

He is worried, it has been three days since
Keeva disappeared

But he kept dreaming about her, or should we
say her past

He didn’t know if it was his imagination or it’s

But it looked so real

Today he dreamt about her coronation, the
previous day he had dreamt about the
preparation for the coronation

And the day before the previous day, he dreamt
of when she went to war

That’s weird

He stood up and went to the kitchen

He was visiting his mom at the hospital today
and decided to make some food for her

Plus he was hungry

He was about to turn on the gas when his
phone rang

He groaned and went to the living room

It was Jasmine, he was surprised

She hadn’t called since he left America

Hey J, he called

Adrian how are you doing, she asked

Her voice was low

He frowned

Are you okay did something happen, he asked

I was ill, I am getting better already, she replied

Oops sorry, he mumbled

Yeah how’s school, She asked

School!, Speaking of school, the school went on
a break due to the damage on the roof and they
will be resuming tomorrow

Fine, he replied

Did you see the eclipse that happened few days
ago, Jasmine asked

Eclipse!, He asked

Yeah what else would we call it, everywhere
became dark in day time, she said

What the!!

Did it also happen in America, he thought

Are you listening, Jasmine asked

Yeah Jasmine can I ask you for something, He
asked in return

What do you want to ask me, she asked

Urhm the assignment Mr Chris gave us, about
that moon goddess can you please send me
yours when you are done, he begged

Why you aren’t here anymore, so you don’t have
to care about it, Jasmine said

Yeah but I am interested in that story, he told

Hmm that’s weird, you h@ťě myths, She said

Yeah you are right, but it’s an assignment over
here too, he lied

Oops, okay I will send it to you, Jasmine said

Thanks babe, I got to go now, I want to visit
mom today, he said

Oh send my regards and bye, she mumbled

He sighed and ended the call

Okay that’s weird, it’s crazy to know that you are
probably the reason why the world turned dark
for a while

He shrugged and went to continue his cooking

He finished preparing the dishes, ate his and
went to shower

Minutes later

He looked at his reflection in the mirror and

Jeez what a handsome face, who wouldn’t fall,
he bragged

His nose had healed

But the problem is heart break, he is definitely
not falling in love again, he thought

How about being a player, he asked himself

Nah I will only eat curses, he sighed

Maybe I should just be single, he mumbled

He finished everything and left home

Minutes later he was in the hospital

The hospital looked bigger than the one in

It’s crazy that here looks prettier than America

The schools, hospital, etc

He shrugged and went in

He was shocked when he saw his mom

She now looked more skinny

Adrian, she called excitedly when she saw him

Mom what the hell happened to you, He cried

She smiled sadly

Why are you like this, what’s this hospital doing
to you, he screamed already feeling angry

Adrian calm down, Teddy told him

No I can’t why is mum like this, even in America
she wasn’t this skinny, he snarled

Your mum is dieting, Teddy said

Huh, Adrian frowned

This hospital is good, He was able to diagnose
her, he continued

Adrian looked at Bianca

She has a problem in her heart and it has
spread to her lungs and liver

But he will try to find a cure, Teddy said

What kind of problem, Adrian asked

It’s one of a kind, there isn’t a name yet but
that’s what he found out, Teddy replied

Adrian pouted his lips

Come here baby, Bianca spread her arms

Adrian went to her crying

Why are you crying, you big baby, She asked

I am afraid that something might happen to
you, I can’t stand it, he sobbed

She sighed and looked at the food he brought in
the table

You brought food for me?, She asked

Yeah but unfortunately you can’t eat it, I have to
throw it away now, he mumbled

Are you kidding me, am I invisible, Teddy

Bianca laughed

This unfilal son, you made food for your mum,
what about me, Teddy snapped

I brought carrot for you, Adrian mumbled

Just carrots!, Teddy snarled

Bianca laughed again, this time Adrian joined

Sorry dad you can have the meal now, Adrian

I don’t want it anymore, Teddy scoffed

Really, Adrian asked

Yeah take it away, he snapped

Adrian picked the food up, Teddy’s eyes
widened too

I am taking it home then, Adrian said

Are you kidding me, Teddy screamed

They all started laughing

I thought you said you don’t want it, Bianca

Well since he brought it, I felt bad for him, plus
he told me he can’t breath well with his nose, it
will be stressful to take it back home, Teddy

Seriously, Bianca said laughing

Teddy and Adrian joined in the laughter

Minutes later

Adrian left the room to ease himself

He was about to go in when he heard his
parents talking

Don’t say that, I will do anything to save you,
Teddy said

Am I lying Ted, I have less than a year to be with
you and my boy, she said

Adrian froze

Whenever I look at him or I remember him, I feel

I have never been a good mother to him

I’ve always been at the hospital, she said bitterly

That’s because you were ill, Adrian understands
too, Teddy said

I know you are trying to act strong, but you don’t
have to act rough, I know it’s heavy on you,
Bianca said

Stop it, I am not complaining, I do my work
online and look after you, I am sorry that’s all I
can do for you, he said

Please stop thinking about it, I don’t believe it, I
will do everything to make you survive, he told

Adrian felt his shoulder melting

His mom was really going to die soon?, He
asked himself

He wanted to wake up from the dream but who
was he kidding

As he went to the garden, Keeva’s words rang in
his ears

Your mum is going to pass away before this
year runs out

He fell to the ground in shock

Mum, he mumbled

While other kids, wished for several amazing
things on their birthdays, his only wish since he
was seven was that his mum should be healed

But this might not happen, he thought bitterly

He felt like someone was watching him and
turned back immediately but he saw no one

I can save her, if you help me get back to my
body, Keeva had said

He spranged up immediately and looked around

Keeva, he called and of course he got no reply

He rushed home and went round the house
calling her but to no avail

He went back to where they first met at the
restaurant but of course she wasn’t there either

He became confused

Where could she be, he thought and sat down
already frustrated

It was already getting dark and he was already

If someone told him that soon, he will be
searching for the ghost he tried to kick out by all
means, he wouldn’t believe it

He thought he will be in peace once she left, but
he kept dreaming about her and was always
thinking about here

Where could she be, he thought

He suddenly remembered something

My body is in the sea of Edrine, she had
previously said

He spranged up and rushed to a woman that
was sitting beside the restaurant

Ma’am please where is the sea of Edrine, he

Sea, why are you asking me that, she asked

Well I want to see it, I heard it’s beautiful, he

Okay, it’s close to the park by the right hand
side, she said

Adrian nodded and rushed away

He kept asking people for directions till he got to
the sea

There was a lot of people there but what caught
his attention was a lady standing with her
hands behind her, staring at the sea calmly

He rushed to her

I finally found you, he said panting

She turned to him

I’ve looked for you everywhere, he continued

I will help you get your body back tell me what
to do, he said

Because you discovered your mum will really
pass away, Keeva asked

Yeah I didn’t, did I do wrong, he snarled

She glared at him

It’s a win win situation

You get your body and I save my mum’s life, he

She glared at him

You don’t want to, he asked

This jerk, how dare you talk to me that way, you
should be begging me, she snarled

Why the hell would I do that, he scoffed

Dumb cow, she mumbled

You have started again, I haven’t forgotten how
you insulted me, Adrian snapped

Of course you deserved it, she rolled her eyes

I really feel like beating you up, he snapped

This kid, do you know that when I started ruling
your ancestors had not been born, she snapped

Well then behave your age, Adrian snarled


What do you mean, she asked looking angry

I mean, since you are older than my ancestors
behave like one, he snapped

She kicked him but luckily he dodged it

Today, I am going to beat you up like a kid that
you are, she screamed

Well then bring it in, he snarled

But then he looked around and saw people
staring at him

Seemed like they had been staring at him for a

Oops, he forgot again

Stop it Keeva, people are staring, he said

I don’t care, she screamed

He flinched

Jeez I am doomed, he mumbled looking at her
as she fumed in anger


Written by Rosemary 🌹

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