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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 46 ~

I got caught, Miriam chuckled

How how, Adrian stuttered

I am disappointed you don’t remember me
Adrian, you are not supposed to forget me, but I
guess you haven’t recovered your powers
complete, she laughed

Adrian stared at her speechlessly

She turned to Keeva and chuckled

You are the ghost of a true god? the one that
was always around him, unfortunately I couldn’t
see you then because I had to mask my aura,
f-__-k that was really stressful, she laughed

You were being bullied and…..

Of course who will suspect one who is always
being bullied, she grinned

Even the readers didn’t suspect me at all, she

You devil why are you after him, Keeva asked

She laughed loudly

Adrian will reply that when he remembers me,
because I am not someone he will forget easily,
I won’t stand that, she replied

She looked at Tamina who was still
unconscious and smiled

That Ɓîtçh was being to nosy, but don’t worry I
didn’t ki|| her, she grinned

Oh one more thing, I guess Sheila didn’t do well,
she continued

What did you do to her, Adrian asked

Just told her a touching story about her parents
and she went berserk, is she still alive, Miriam

You should die for the many crimes you have
committed, I will ki|| you, Keeva said

Of course that’s if you were still a true god, how
dare a mere ghost try to ki|| me, Miriam snarled

I am not a mere ghost, Keeva thundered and
pointed her hand at her

White balled smoke left Keeva’s hand and flew
to Miriam

But Miriam/Apra waved her hand and Keeva
was swept away

She fell to the ground in pains

Keeva!!!, Adrian screamed

He rushed to her immediately

She wanted to say something but the she
closed her eyes and passed out

OMG Lorenzo is in love again, Miriam laughed

But how could you, I mean your relationship
never ends well, she continued

Adrian glared at her

I will ki|| you, he mumbled

A ball of fire appeared in his hand and he
pointed it at her

A sword appeared in her hand and she slashed
it but it divided and some part of the fire passed
her face like a sharp blade

The part of her face that it passed was burnt

Adrian threw another ball of fire but she
disappeared this time

He clenched his fist

<< Immortal realm <<

Taus paced around worriedly, Reeva was sitting
down almost in tears

Manisha and Manuel had not been found after

Three guards suddenly rushed in

Have you found them, he asked immediately

No but but, there is a box outside, one of them

What box, what has it to do with my children, he

It seems like it came from the mortal world, the
second one said

Taus and Reeva appeared outside beside the
box, other guards were also around it

It was a long and large box

Open it, he ordered the guards

Without hesitation one of them rushed to open
it but flinched immediately he touched it

What is wrong, Reeva asked

It’s hot, he replied

Reeva looked at Taus

Taus moved closer and touched it, it was really
very hot

How can a box be that hot, probably from the
god of the sun

And if it’s really from him, the god of the sun
should not be underestimated, Taus thought,
then he looked up

Open it immediately, he growled

The guards rushed to it, enduring the painful
burn because they knew that avoiding it means

Finally they opened it

Taus turned pale when he saw what was inside

Reeva came closer and stared at the box

She screamed loudly and fainted

Manuel’s body was inside

Taus went on his knees and touched his son
with shaky hands

Manuel, he called softly

But of course he was lying lifelessly

There was a large cut on his throat, obviously
the cut that ki||ed him

Regardless of the how hot the box was, Taus
brought out Manuel’s body

His whole body was also battered like he had
been attacked heavily before the final cut at the

Suddenly Manuel’s body began to turn to dust

Taus watched it speechlessly

Turns out the body was protected by the hot
box, so bringing it out means it will change to

And then it disappeared

Taus was still on his knees

He couldn’t cry but there was a big wound in his
heart, his heart was bleeding

He clenched his fist

I will definitely ki|| you Lorenzo, damned god of
the sun, he muttered bitterly

Get me the Kunlun sword, he ordered


Wait are you trying to say that Keeva the
goddess of the moon and ruler of the earth is
here, Jasmine asked

Chloe nodded

How do you expect me to believe that trash,
Izna scoffed

I knew you wouldn’t but you can choose to
believe what you want to, Chloe said

Wait that’s crazy, how do you expect us to
believe that the Adrian we know since we were
kids is the god of the sun, Mason said

And you are the goddess of the stars?, Is this a
movie or something, Jasmine asked

Izna stared at Sheila who was lying down

And Sheila is also an immortal, He added

This is crazy I swear, Mason mumbled

Well after Chloe couldn’t find Tamina, She came
back to tell Keeva

Keeva asked her to stay and left

Then minutes later Sheila appeared in the tent
but she was unconscious

She knew that Keeva probably sent her

Of course Izna, Mason and Jasmine were still
freaking out

So she started explaining everything to them

I feel like I am a character in a horror movie,
Izna said

But that Keeva, isn’t she a myth, Jasmine asked

She isn’t dear, she is real as a ghost, really
stubborn and crazy, Chloe said

That’s crazy, Jasmine mumbled

Just then Adrian came in with Keeva and

Keeva, Chloe called when he saw her

Well he carried Keeva in one arm and Tamina
on the other

Chloe held Keeva and went to lie her down, ( she
wouldn’t touch Tamina 🙄🙄🙄 ) while Adrian
dropped Tamina then he sat beside Keeva

What happened, Chloe asked

Adrian you are bleeding, Jasmine gasped

Chloe brought out the first aid immediately

Jasmine took the first aid box and removed his

I am fine, he mumbled

OMG this is deep, who stabbed you, Izna
gasped when he saw the cut

He sighed

Jasmine brought out the disinfectant and
began it treat the wound

It was Miriam, he mumbled

What Miriam, who’s that, Chloe asked

A girl that’s always being bullied in school, he

A minor character, who no one thinks about, he

Wait that girl I saved from Kein and Victor, she

He nodded

That Ɓîtçh, she growled

He closed his eyes

Jasmine finished treating the injury and
stepped backwards

What happened to Keeva is she okay, Chloe

Is Keeva here, Jasmine asked looking around

Miriam attacked her, he mumbled

Chloe sighed went to cover Keeva with her

OMG the blanket is floating, this is crazy, Izna

Jasmine went to treat Sheila who was also

We aren’t friends but she shouldn’t die right,
Jasmine mumbled

Adrian’s eyes went to Sheila’s necklace

He stretched his hand and burnt the necklace
with fire

It came off and flew to him

OMG, Izna and Mason gasped

He grabbed it and stared at it

Chloe, he called

Chloe turned to him

Tomorrow I will be going to recover my spear,
he said

Isn’t it too…

We don’t have much time, he said

Sure I am in, Chloe said


Apra/Miriam scattered everything in the cave
when she saw her face in the mirror

Ummi and Titus were calm

I will ki|| Lorenzo for sure, Lorenzo or Adrian I
will really ki|| you, she screamed breathing

The burn on her face made her angry!!, She felt
her face was disfigured because Lorenzo’s fire
not an ordinary fire, that’s why even water
caught fire back then

But now her face has a burn on it


How dare Lorenzo play her again!!!, How dare he
hurt her again!!!

She will ki|| him before he regains his powers

She never expected that he will be that powerful

Well he is a true god who is also being trained
by a True god

That d@mn Keeva, it’s all her fault she
awakened the power in him

She had already recognized him immediately he
came to their school

And she was going to look for a way to extract it
without awakening him but the stupid Keeva
went to awakened him and even trained him

You are bleeding my lord, Titus said

She stared at her stomach

The place Keeva attacked her

How can she be powerful even as she is a
ghost, she was surprised that Keeva’s attack
penetrated her

She must not be awakened if that’s how strong
she is

Because she won’t let her get rid of Lorenzo

She turned to them immediately

Prepare for plan B, she ordered

As you command my lord, Ummi bowed

<< Next morning <<

Adrian opened his eyes weakly

f-__-k his chest was hurting as hell

He suddenly felt someone hovering over him

He wanted to scream but then he saw the

Keeva, he called softly

Are you okay, Keeva asked

He smiled and sat up

You are awake, he mumbled

Of course I am the goddess of the moon why
won’t I be, she said

he hugged her immediately

Did you miss me already, she laughed

Of course, I thought something bad happened
to you, he said

What could happen, I am always strong, she

Adrian looked up, Mason and Izna were staring
at him

Wait Adrian you are in love with a ghost, Izna

Adrian pulled away from her and scoffed

What are you doing here, he snapped

That’s was not my question, Izna snapped

Hi Keeva I am Mason, Mason said

They both glared at him

What did she say Adrian, Mason asked

Adrian rolled his eyes

You can write Keeva right, I want to know if you
are really real, Mason said

Me too, Izna said

They brought out a paper and pen

Hi Keeva, how are you doing, Izna said

Great, Keeva wrote on the paper

They screamed immediately

This is crazy, Izna yelled

Adrian shook his head and turned to Tamina
who was already awake and was trying to sit up

She looked tired

Are you okay Tamina, Adrian asked

Everyone in the tent turned to her immediately

I am fine, she replied

Do you remember what happened, Adrian asked

Did you find the person you were looking for,
Tamina asked

Adrian stared at her

I am asking Keeva, you are with kee a aren’t you,
Tamina added

How did you know, Adrian stuttered

Of course I will, I am not dumb


Chloe and Jasmine rushed in just then

We are leaving Adrian, Chloe said

Leaving to where, He asked

The dead body of an old woman was found
around here, so we have been instructed to
return back, everyone is packing, Jasmine

He spranged up immediately

I can’t leave, he said

Adrian, Izna called

You guys leave i will stay, he said

I need to recover my property in the mountain,
he said

You can’t do that, you will be left behind, Mason

You guys go back, Adrian said and grabbed his

Keeva sighed

I will stay with him don’t worry, Keeva said

You still look weak, and you don’t know when
she will come back.. I will come with you, Chloe

Chloe, Adrian called

You know how stubborn I am, I am not backing
out, Chloe said

Me too, Mason said

They turned to him

I want to help, he said

You can’t, you have to go back, I don’t want any
of you to get hurt, plus you will miss your flight,
Adrian said

I don’t care about that, plus you need a team, I
am the team leader, Mason said

They all laughed

Sounds interesting, Jasmine chuckled

Don’t tell me you are coming too please, Adrian
shook his head

Of course, why would I leave my childhood
friend, she said

Gosh no, no no you can get hurt, Adrian shook
his head

Then we will follow you secretly, Mason said

Is it a secret now, you’ve said it, Izna mumbled,
Mason smacked him immediately

That hurt okay, Izna snapped

They laughed again

I won’t be the only one left so I am definitely
coming along, Izna said

Are you all kidding, Adrian scoffed

I want to see how Keeva is, I heard she was
really beautiful, I want to see how beautiful she
is, Izna said

They all glared at him

If we are all leaving them we need to leave
before they begin to call names, Tamina said

They all turned to her

We, Chloe asked

I want to see the ghost that talked to me, just
how she is, Tamina said

You all are crazy, Adrian mumbled


Written by Rosemary 🌹

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