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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 41 ~

Titus stared at himself in the mirror

His body was badly burnt, he couldn’t even recognize himself

His face infact his whole body was disfigured

Lorenzo, he muttered with blood shot eyes

I will definitely ki|| you and eat your flesh, he said coldly

You always do that every day aren’t you tired, Ummi asked coming inside the cave

He scoffed

I need to remember myself every day, i want my scar to make me stronger, Titus replied

As if, do you really think Apra will let you ki|| him, he belongs to Apra, Ummi said

I don’t care if its Apra that will ki|| him but I want him dead, he snapped

Apra came in wearing the coat and mask as usual

My lord, Ummi bowed

Titus bit his lips and bowed too

We will begin soon, Apra said

They both raised their heads in surprise

Finally, Ummi asked

Few days from now, Adrian Walter will no longer return to the Walter’s home, Apra grinned

Tell us your plan, Ummi said

Get me my wine, Apra ordered

Titus got the wine immediately

It was of course blood

Apra opened the wine and began to drink directly from the bottle

A goddess is here too, I feel like it’s my lucky year, Apra said laughing

A goddess, Ummi asked

A flower goddess, Apra replied

The fool doesn’t know she has already met the god of the sun, Apra laughed

She’s here for him?, Ummi asked

If she’s here for him, why don’t you make her do the job, then you ki|| two birds with one stone, Titus said

Apra laughed harder

You have always been smart Titus, I think you should have been the overlord, Apra said still laughing

I dare not, Titus bowed immediately

Are you going to tell her, Ummi asked

Apra sipped the wine/blood

Watch what I am going to do, I can always ki|| you either as Lorenzo or Adrian, Apra said laughing like lunatic

The next day

Wow this is really nice, I am getting this and that, urm that too, Chloe said pointing at the clothes

The seller packed it for her and she moved to the next section

Keeva rolled her eyes

You aren’t buying any for me so why did you bring me, Keeva scoffed

Why should I waste my money on that, it’s not like people can see it, Chloe hissed

I am out then bye, Keeva snapped and made to go

Chloe pulled her back

I can just disappear, you know that, Keeva snapped

Aren’t you buying the teddy bear, Chloe asked

Keeva rolled her eyes

It’s really cute, I don’t know the one to choose, Keeva pouted

Just choose any one, aren’t you using it for a celestial beast or wh@ťěver you called it, Chloe asked

And so, can’t the beast be cute, Keeva scoffed

Well take the yellow one, that’s Adrian’s favorite color, Chloe said

Keeva paused

I can’t believe the sign was always there, she mumbled

That’s really crazy, I just thought of it now, yellow for sun, Chloe chuckled

Yours is white I guess, Chloe said

Yes white and black, Keeva replied

Chloe glared at her

What kind of combination is that, she scoffed

OMG, that’s exactly what you said when I told you back than, Keeva said

I guess I still the same, Chloe chuckled

Your mum is really sweet, I mean she even gave your money for shopping, Keeva said

Well that’s gross, but I can’t say no to money, Chloe said

Keeva laughed

They bought the bear and left the store

When will Adrian be back from the hospital, Chloe asked

I don’t know anytime, Keeva replied looking lost

Are you okay, Chloe asked

I can’t help but think that something huge is about to happen, something that might change everything, Keeva said

Chloe stared at her quietly

The fight is going to be tough I mean we have a lot for enemies, Keeva said

Then shouldn’t Adrian be training by now, Chloe asked

He has trained hard Chloe, the rest will lie on fate, he trained very hard for weeks, this current Adrian is not the Adrian of the past, his aura is very strong that it takes a long time to mask it

He is strong but not yet very strong, he has to regain all his powers and memories, then he will be back to who he was before

It might be painful but it’s the only way he can be saved, almost everything is after his power, Keeva said

Don’t worry you have me then, I will fight really hard and we also have you, you are the almighty High Goddess Keeva, we have you by our side and that’s important, Chloe said

Keeva smiled

Let’s go eat lunch okay, I am hungry, Chloe said pulling her forward

People are staring at you, Keeva said

I don’t care, Chloe snapped

Stubborn rat, Keeva mumbled

I heard that, Chloe snarled

Keeva rolled her eyes

Adrian came out of the hospital smiling

He missed his mum a lot, he really couldn’t believe he finally saw her after how many weeks

She looks better than before but he knew she was very sad

Because she knew she was dying

He sighed

I will work really hard mom, you and Keeva are my top priority now, he mumbled and began to leave

He went to the bus stop and stood there

The bus was not there yet

He sighed and closed his eyes

Just then his phone started ringing

He brought it out from his pocket and looked at it


Ahh long time, he hadn’t even told them that he and Chloe are in the same place

He heard the bus coming from afar

He picked the call and looked up

Hello, Mason said

As Adrian was about to reply he saw someone staring at him from the opposite side

The hat guy

He was still wearing a hat but it was a different one

The bus was coming closer, he clenched his fist

Isn’t it exciting, he heard Mason said

Huh, he didn’t hear what he told him before then

Urhm yeah it is, Adrian stuttered his eyes was still on the guy

The bus finally arrived and stopped in his front

He couldn’t see the guy again

He immediately pocketed his phone and crossed the road

The guy was now leaving

God knows I will catch you today, Adrian mumbled and began to run after him

The guy wasn’t running but he was walking very fast

That jerk, Adrian groaned

As Adrian ran after him without watching where he was going, he mistakingly bumped into some group of thugs

Are you blind, the one he bumped into yelled

Sorry sorry, Adrian apologized and ran off

He hadn’t gone up to two meters when someone pulled him back by his shoulder

It was one of those thugs

Did they seriously run after him, he thought and looked back

They were actually running after him! Damnit!!

Are you seriously running away, he snapped

Adrian groaned and looked around

He couldn’t find the guy again

f-__-k this guys, he groaned

The other guys joined and they surrounded him

Can you let me go I am looking for someone, Adrian said

Did he say something, one of them asked

I don’t know maybe I should check, another replied and they burst out laughing

What’s even funny, f-__-k the guy must have gone far by now, he mumbled

He looked back and saw the bus leaving

f-__-k this is…

I can’t believe this fool, did you really think you can run away, The one that he had bumped into earlier snapped

Wait what did he just see…

The guy was inside the bus that was leaving!!!

How how how!!!, The guy removed his hat and he saw his face clearly, their eyes even met


Hot slap landed on his face drawing him away from his thoughts

What the!!!!

He held his cheek in shock

How dare you glare at us like that do you want to die, one of them snarled

Adrian clenched his fist

Even if Taus comes down to the mortal realm, he is definitely beating this guys, he thought

His eyes was already red

Today I will be training with living things, I haven’t done it before so it will be fun, he mumbled

What is he saying, one of the asked

I will explain with practical, Adrian replied

Adrian came into Chloe’s room licking a big lollipop

You are finally back, I thought you would sleep there, Chloe scoffed

She and Keeva were packing for the camp

What happened to your lips, don’t tell me you got into a fight, Keeva frowned

I just got rid of some stupid things, he replied

Adrian you shouldn’t fight, Keeva groaned

They started it, I even lost someone because of it, he snapped

They stared at him

I mean I saw the hat guy and I lost him because of them, He added

The guy again?, Where did you see him, Chloe asked

He was staring at me, I saw him at the bus stop, Adrian replied

I don’t think it’s really necessary to follow him, you might get hurt, Keeva said

I am fine, he might be someone dangerous, Adrian said

Did you break their heads, Keeva asked

Adrian and Chloe glared at her

I thought you said no fighting, Chloe asked

It depends, Keeva rolled her eyes

Chloe your mum is now sweet, she even gave me lollipop, Adrian said

Chloe rolled her eyes

You should thank Keeva, she gave you the best mom, Adrian said

That’s gross, I prefer the old one, I feel like this is another different person, Chloe said

Should I restore her back to default, Keeva asked

No need, at least this one gives me money, Chloe said

Adrian and Keeva shook their heads

Are you seriously helping her pack too, Adrian scoffed

Keeva pass me my red pant, Chloe said

Adrian raised his hand

Fine I will leave, he groaned and turned to go

No wait, Keeva said

He rolled his eyes and turned back

Let’s go out after this, Keeva said

Where to?, Shouldn’t Adrian be training, Chloe asked

If our plans go well, it might be my last time here as a ghost, shouldn’t we go out, Keeva asked

That’s right like I am celebrating your last ghostly moments, Chloe said

I am still a ghost duh, i am talking about in Edrine, Keeva rolled her eyes

Let’s go to where your body is, Chloe said

You can’t see it anyway, it’s under the sea, Keeva said

Oh thats bad I would have loved to see it, Chloe said

Do you think i can see it again, Adrian asked

You’ve seen it before, Chloe asked

Yeah he has, Keeva replied

Just wana rub it on my face huh, you can never grow up, she scoffed

He smirked and sat on the chair

Let’s go to a restaurant I am hungry, I will eat a lot of food, Adrian said

Me too, can’t we do this later, Keeva asked

Chloe glared at her

Just kidding, should I add the pink bra, Keeva asked looking around the bed

Adrian scoffed

Sheila sat down on her dining ready to eat

Gosh she bought different types of meals from a restaurant since she can’t cook

She has never cooked even in the immortal realm

She spent all day trying to tame the ancestral sword for years

She never even had a normal childhood

From the moment she was born as a goddess, her parents immediately put her beside the ancestral sword

Her baby cot was in the room where the ancestral sword was kept

She stayed there with her nanny till she became of age

Then her parents officially gave her the responsibility of taming the sword

When she started newly, she never went outside the room for almost seven thousand years

She basically grew up in the room

That was one of the reasons why she doesn’t have a good relationship with her siblings

Even after those years she spent there, she couldn’t tame it

She fell sick and came out of the room for the first time

She later got better and didn’t sleep there again, but she still stayed there all day

But even after every sacrifice she made and the pain she went through, the sword serves only one master and refused to be tamed

She sighed and grabbed the spoon to start eating

Just as she was about to dig in

She felt a weird and strange aura

Then she started hearing footsteps

Is an evil spirit here?, She thought

She left the food and came outside the house

Everywhere was still bright so she could see clearly

She came out well and looked around

Then she saw someone wearing a long coat

The person was backing her

What’s that?

She muttered some spells to attack the person but all of a sudden the person vanished

Jeez what was that? That thing is definitely dangerous and powerful, the thing definitely know she’s here

Why did it even come here?


Written by Rosemary 🌹

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