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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 35 ~

Two weeks later

Adrian flew on the air while slaying the demons below

He flew to the river and pointed his sword at it, fire appeared on top the water burning fiercely ki||ing the demons that were on top the water

He flew down and hit the sword on the floor with force

The water rose up obeying his command

It consumed the demons beside the river too

More demons were coming

He grabbed his sword again and slashed the air

A strong wind from the sword blew the demons away ki||ing them

Wow bravo Adrian, bravo, Keeva yelled clapping

A group of demons surrounded him

They were actually very good at fighting

But he stood his ground and started fighting them

The noise of swords echoed everywhere

Use everything around, everything can obey you, Keeva said

He glared at the grasses behind the demons

The grass opened it’s mouth and swallowed almost all the demons

It was just one left

Why do I feel like we have met before, Adrian said

The demon raised his sword

Fire appeared on Adrian’s sword and he slashed the air

The wave threw the demon away ki||ing it instantly, it was so strong that it even broke the stage that Keeva had put him in

Keeva fell down from where she was sitting

Okay that was!!!!

Keeva, he called in shock when he saw her on the floor

He rushed to her

Are you okay, he asked worriedly

She sat up weakly

You are getting stronger, she grinned

I am fine, she said

Liar you are badly injured, he scoffed

He carried her from the floor

What are you doing, she asked in shock

He ignored her and took her inside

The he rubbed his hands together, muttered something, and pointed his finger at her

Fire appeared on his fingers but it wasn’t dangerous

You are definitely getting stronger than me now, I feel happy, Keeva said

Keep quiet, he said

She smacked him immediately

You are okay I guess, I mean look how strong you are to hit me, Adrian said

I am fine I told you, she said

He removed his hand

Never knew I could break that stage, he said

You hit me very hard, do you know how strong that is, she asked

You have been working very hard for weeks, I am very proud, Keeva said smiling

Of course it’s because of your nagging, he said

Not really, you always practice before I even wake up, you practice day and night, at this rate, when you regain all your powers you might be stronger than your previous self, she said smiling

He chuckled

Should I prepare breakfast for you, she asked


I mean I am very excited that I want to prepare something for you, uhm I should gift you a weapon too

As a master, when you have a disciple and he is doing well, you have to make a special weapon for him, I wonder what I will make you, Keeva said

But you already made me a sword, he said

That’s an ordinary sword, I will make something unique or stronger, she said

I thought you have just ten percent of your powers, he said

I will use it in making it, she said

And moreover who said ten percent is nothing, she scoffed

I guess you love making weapons, he said

Of course I made a lot of weapons back in the immortal realm, d@mn my chambers was full of them, Keeva said said

How do you make them, won’t you teach me, he asked

I won’t, I will make all your weapons for you, she said

He smiled

Go shower, I will make breakfast, we will be going out today, she said

Where to?, He asked

Chloe’s, she replied


it’s weekend so let’s go out, she said

Do you know her house, he asked

Of course I know everywhere, trust me lad, she replied

He scoffed and went to his room

Minutes later

Noodles, he said looking at the food on the dinning

Yeah my treat, I am very good at it, this will be the best you have ever eaten, she said

He chuckled

What’s funny, she asked

When you were talking, I thought you wanted to full this table with food, never knew it was just noddles, he said

She rolled her eyes

This ungrateful kid, yes this is the only thing I can prepare, I will just eat everything if you don’t want it, she snapped

He put some of the noddles in his mouth and his eyes widened immediately

Indeed that was the best noddles he had ever eaten, what did she add, how is it this tasty!!!

It was very delicious, even his dad who is an excellent cook can’t make it this tasty!!

It’s normal, he lied

Really but you are stuffing everything in your mouth, no one is trying to snatch your food, she said

How did you know how to prepare this, he asked eating hurriedly

I learnt from the best chef in town, infact I learnt everywhere

I loved it because it was fast and easy to prepare, like I can sneak in one’s kitchen and make it fast, she said

Crazy girl, he mumbled

Within five minutes, he was done

He started cleaning his teeth with toothpicks

It really wasn’t that good, but I couldn’t say no, he said

This stupid kid, do the dishes your self, she snapped

Okay I was kidding, it’s really nice, he said smiling

She rolled her eyes

Do we really have to go, Adrian asked as they walked down the street

Aren’t you happy to be away from home now, she asked

I want to visit Chloe, she said

He rolled his eyes

OMG did you see that dress, isn’t it nice, she asked smiling

He stopped walking and stared at the dress

It was actually beautiful but kind of short

It’s great but shor….

Before he could finish talking the dress already appeared on her body and the one she was wearing appeared on the clothes stand

Keeva!!!, He gasped

What’s wrong, she asked looking really innocent

That’s stealing, infact I don’t know what to call it, he said

How do you think I change my clothes every day, I am a fashionista dear, she said

But but…

Looks like it doesn’t suit me that well right, she asked

That’s right you should return it and…

Do you think I should wear the bum short, she asked

Keeva!!, He yelled

What’s wrong, she asked

How can a goddess wear bum short, what kind of goddess is that, he asked

So I should wear a long robe because i am a goddess, she scoffed

Of course you should wear just long dresses, this one is too short, he said

Why don’t you wear a long robe because you are a god too, and also wear a mask, she snapped

I am still here, why should I do that and why the mask, he asked

To cover your face, so you won’t tempt others, she replied

Wow you agree that I look really handsome, he asked

Keep dreaming, she scoffed and started walking fast but he caught up with her immediately

I guess she’s too shy to admit it, but I know I am very handsome, he said grinning

She stopped walking and faced him

Fine you are a fine man, happy now, she rolled her eyes

Of course I am, the great Keeva said I am good looking, he squealed

She scoffed

Some people were staring at him but he didn’t care

How do you think I will look like in the next thirty thousand years, he asked

Probably still like this, I don’t know though, I might not be there, she said

He stopped walking and stared at her

What do you mean, he asked

Tribulation, she replied

Can’t I just do it, he asked her

No it’s my responsibility, she replied

But I am the protector of the earth right, can’t I really do it, he asked

Of course you can but it’s my responsibility, I have to do it as the ruler, she replied

And then what? are you going to be reborn?, he asked

It’s rare, I don’t think so, she replied

He kept quiet

Don’t ever think of doing it, I won’t even let you, she said

He scoffed

They both finally got to front of the house and stopped

How did you know it’s here, he asked

I know everything, she replied

Not all, he added

She rolled her eyes

So what are you going to do, beat the mom, he asked

I am supposed to, but then Chloe might be the one to pay the bills and suffer, I am doing that, Keeva replied

Adrian scoffed

What’s wrong, Keeva asked

Her mom is really crazy, I mean why the hell will she buy such a house, it’s really small, I know very well that she will use the money from the divorce to drink and take drugs, she doesn’t even care at all, Adrian spat

And the Chloe I know will steal half, Keeva said

He looked at her in shock

How did you know that, he asked

I knew Suremi before you, she is still the same, Keeva said

Like seriously, she didn’t even change at all?, Adrian asked

You answer that your self, they are both the same, infact they are one person, how can she change, Keeva scoffed

They both went closer and knocked

Chloe’s mom, Fina came out looking haggard

Probably a hangover!!!

Am I seeing things now, she asked cleaning her eyes

Good day ma’am, Adrian greeted

Ad ad Adrian, she stuttered

Yes ma’am, Adrian replied

What are you doing here, did you follow me, she asked

He scoffed

Not at all, we moved here before you did so, my mum is admitted to a hospital here, Adrian replied

Oh Bianca, is she still ill, she asked

Adrian didn’t reply her

Poor Bianca always ill, I hope she gets better, Chloe’s mom said

And why must it be here that you moved to, she mumbled to herself

Chloe came out and was surprised to see them

Adrian?, She called in shock

What’s the you doing here, she asked

Keeva wanted to see you, he replied

Who’s Keeva, Fina asked

A ghost, Adrian replied

Chloe’s eyes widened in shock

What are you doing, she asked

Can you just wipe her memory, I mean like I was never here, because she might be thinking of moving again, Adrian told Keeva

Wipe who’s memory, Fina asked

You can wipe memories, Chloe asked in surprise

Keeva nodded

What are you waiting for, oh wipe the one of how she was giving money from divorce too, I am going to take the remaining one, Chloe said

They both glared at her

Keeva, she called

Keeva went to Fina and stared at her straight in the eye

Her eyes turned white for a moment and then she smacked her hard on the head, Fina passed out

Is that included in the process, Adrian asked

Not really just wanted to reset her brain, Keeva replied

You should have done it better, that wasn’t hard enough, Chloe scoffed


Written by Rosemary 🌹🌹

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