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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 31 ~

The demons glared at Adrian fiercely, he scoffed

Then he drew out his sword and started running towards them

They all rushed to him too and started fighting him

He slashed them with his sword endlessly

Gosh how many are they?, He groaned

He kept fighting them till it got to the last one

It was unbelievably tough!

Why the last one, he was already tired!!

He still tried his best to fight it but of course, he couldn’t match it’s ski||

It slashed his hand with it’s sword and he screamed and fell to the ground

This isn’t real, why the hell does it hurts like this, Adrian screamed

He heard sounds of someone munching something

He scoffed and rolled away from the ground as the demon was now coming closer

Keeva are you really having fun, you are even eating, he yelled

Fine since that’s how it is, watch me finish your babies, come here baby, he said pointing his sword at the demon

Their swords began to clash again but it wasn’t long before he got injured again

Arrrhhh, why the f-__-k does this hurt, he cried

The demon started coming closer

He had no option than to run away

Gosh Keeva, why the hell is this thing so strong, he screamed as he ran

Surprisingly it appeared before him

He shrieked and moved backwards

Guy let’s talk about this, we can talk about this, he said moving backwards

It stretched out it’s sword to finish him finally when he flew up and jumped on it’s back

It tried to throw him down but he grabbed the neck and began to choke it

It groaned

Heaven knows I won’t let you go no matter how hard you try, he said as it tried to free it self

It suddenly let out a loud cry, turned dust and disappeared

He laid on the ground tiredly and then everywhere changed back to his garden

Are you really trying to ki|| me, Adrian asked breathing heavily

I said thirty minutes but it took you one hour, Keeva said while munching her walnuts

He stood up frowning

Though you tried, I mean you did better than before, she said

But it’s not enough, the demon you fought is a level one fighter, gosh Adrian what did you do?

You ran away!!!, We still have a long way to go seriously, she said

He scoffed and sheathed his sword

What did you expect me to do?, Stay there and get ki||ed, are you kidding, he hissed

So you ran Adrian!!, That isn’t funny She called frowning

I am really serious, I want you to train harder, she said

I am trying, I am really trying, he said

She rolled her eyes

I am going to make dinner, he said leaving the garden

Make for two, she said munching her walnuts

I won’t, make yours yourself, he mumbled

I heard that, she snapped

I didn’t say it behind you, he muttered

She appeared before him immediately

I didn’t mean that, he stuttered

She dragged him inside the house

Ouch this is bullying, I am never making you any food again, he screamed loudly

Chloe bought some provisions from a super market

The provisions at home had finished and her mom definitely did show any sign of replacing them

Well she knew that her dad had been the one stocking the house back then

She took some of her mom’s money to buy them

Well she didn’t care about the consequences because her mom will be the one to even finish the whole thing

She finished buying and turned to go, Sheila was coming from the opposite side but they didn’t see each other because a car almost hit Sheila, so she stopped

Chloe left and entered her street, while Sheila stood in front of the car

The driver came out frowning

What are you doing, why are you blocking my way, he asked feeling really angry

Are you crazy, you almost hit me with this scrap and you are asking me why I am in front of your car, she snapped

Another guy from the car came out

Leon let her be and just give her cash, he said

She scoffed

She was about to say something when her eyes met with the guy inside the car

She gulped and swallowed hard

How can one be this handsome, he is even more handsome than Mason

No Mason is more handsome but then she really admired him

My second crush, she said blushing

Hello, the driver waved at her

She smiled and went to the window

The other guys stared at her in confusion

She tapped on his window so he winded down

Kein do you know her, The driver ( Leon ) asked


That’s an beautiful name, she said smiling

I am Sheila, she said

He scoffed and wound the window up back


The other guy that came out gave her a wallet and went back into the car, they drove off

She stood there blankly

Sheila is in love again!!!!

The next day

Mr Godwin came into their class after their lunch break

Some students were really grinning, they probably knew what he was going to say

Okay first of all, I wanted to talk about the final year camping event, he said

The students squealed happily

Be calm, he snapped

I wanted to inform you that the school will be holding a compulsory camping event for you finale year, it’s not a surprise to you though, it has always happened every year, he said

The students cheered

Compulsory, Adrian scoffed

Keeva grinned

Your performance there will make up some of your scores for your final test in high school

As you all know you will be leaving high school in few months

And we will be going for a break soon, you will write your final exam immediately after the break and soon you will be at the gates of colleges as a college student, he said

The students cheered again

So please make sure you attend the camp if you don’t want to come back here next year, because I am really strict about this matter, he said

Sir do you need to ask, a student asked

They all burst into laughter

Okay next you will be presenting your project during the camp, he said

Sir what project, a student asked

Will you let me land, he snapped

I will be pairing you now according to groups so for your project, make sure you work together, that’s 50% of your test, he said

The whole class groaned

I said shut up, he snapped

He brought out a list and began to call names

Adrian rolled his eyes

We are definitely attending the camp, yeh, Keeva squealed

Adrian scoffed

I guess I finally won, I won, I really won, she yelled happily

Can you be calm, Chloe mumbled

She was sitting close to them, so she was definitely hearing everything

You can cover you ears of you want, Keeva said and started screaming happily

Adrian shook his head

The called all the names and Adrian was sure he didn’t hear his name

Okay he was exempted, he thought

Whose name wasn’t called, Mr Godwin asked

Chloe and Adrian raised their hands

They both looked at each other and scoffed

Okay I prepared the list long ago before the both of you came, he said

Urhm you are four in a team, the both of you and……

He looked at the list, to find a person in a five group team

Urhm okay Tamina Robert, he said

Whatttttt, Chloe gasped

Everyone looked at her

Even Adrian scoffed

How many Taminas are in this class, Chloe asked

Definitely one, Mr Godwin replied

Okay wtf!!!!

You can visit me in my office, if you have any problem with your team mate and I will look for the last partner for your team, he said and left the class

Chloe and Tamina glared at each other

How can I help you Miss Newton, Mr Godwin said looking at his phone

Sir please remove Tamina from our team or remove me, Chloe said

He looked up

Why should I do that, he asked

We are not in good terms, I don’t want to work with her, Chloe replied

And why are you not in good terms, Mr Godwin asked

Chloe was about to reply when Tamina came in

They both glared at each other

Good day sir, please I request that you withdraw me from that group, I was fine with the one you gave me previously, Tamina said

You were the fifth person there, so I pulled you to complete the team, Mr Godwin said

But I don’t want to stay in their group, Tamina said

Why so, he asked

I don’t like them at all, Tamina replied

Chloe scoffed

Like I love you, the feeling is mutual bro, she spat

Tamina turned to her

Thanks goodness, I almost thought you were in love with me, I wanted to go for cleansing for evil love, Tamina said

You should go for it for yourself, you are really bitter, so the bitterness will be washed away, Chloe said

What!!! How dare you smelly rat, Tamina snapped

How dare you, she goat, Chloe snarled

Mr Godwin banged his table angrily

They both turned to him

Are you both mad, he growled

They both scoffed

Get out of my office immediately, he growled

But sir, Tamina said

Get out immediately, listen before you go, you are stuck with each other from now henceforth, even during exam or sport, I will make sure I pair the both of you together, now get lost, he thundered

They glared at each other before storming out


Keeva and Adrian were standing by the door

Do you think he will separate us, Adrian asked

I don’t think so, Keeva replied closing her eyes

Can’t you possess him and make him do it, Adrian asked

I can’t, she mumbled

You can’t or you won’t, he asked

I won’t, she replied

He scoffed

Are you really kidding, he asked frowning

She opened her eyes

Why? You don’t want to work with Tamina, she asked

Of course I don’t like her and I also don’t want her troubles, he replied

Well you have too, because we might use her, she said

He looked at her in confusion

She can sense ghosts bro, she might be able to fish out the wild card, because a demon that was banished to the mortal realm, is almost like a ghost

Chloe would have been the one for the job but her power was sealed, even so we need two people like that, Keeva said

I really shouldn’t have wiped her memories, I didn’t think of that then, Keeva added

He kept quiet

So you have to get close to her, try to be friends with her again, Keeva told him

Adrian rolled his eyes

It’s difficult, I don’t like her, he said

Yeah you have to try, you know that’s how most love starts in a movie, she said

You want her to fall in love with me, he asked

What love!, I will break her bones and use her to wipe the floor if she falls in love with you, she snapped

He glared at her

She coughed nervously

Because you are the god of the sun, what if she breaks your heart or tries to hurt you, she said avoiding his eyes

Just then Chloe and came out looking angry

Tamina stormed off, while Chloe made her way to them

Aren’t you a ghost, you can possess that d@mn teacher and get this done, I will vomit all my intestines if I really stay close to her for a second, Chloe spat

Well we have to work with her, Adrian said

Chloe looked at him like he had gone crazy

What are you saying, she snapped

Listen I will tell you later, he said

Seriously, she scoffed, she made to storm off angrily when he grabbed her hand and pulled her back

Come let’s go to the roof top then, here’s rowdy, I will explain well, he said

She wanted to follow him when someone held her other hand

Okay who…..


Adrian was also shocked

Okay what’s going on!!!

I want to talk to you, he told Chloe

Have to gone nuts, why are you touching me, she snapped

Because I want to talk to you, he said

I guess your hand has gotten better, she snapped

Let her go, I need to speak to her, he told Adrian

Adrian scoffed and glared at him

Why would I, he asked staring into his eyes to reduce his confidence

What are you to her huh, are you her boyfriend, Kein asked staring back at him in his eyes

That jerk!

I am her friend, what are you to her, Adrian asked

Well fine, I am her group partner, I want to speak to her, he replied

What partner, Chloe asked looking confused

Oh you didn’t know? I am the fourth person in your group, Kein said


Okay I wasn’t informed of that, Keeva mumbled



Written by Rosemary 🌹

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