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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 26 ~

Kein who was coming in at that time was
surprised at the screams and commotion

He rushed to his Aunt immediately as he saw
her screaming

My face my face, she continued crying

What’s going on, he asked the servants around

They all bowed their heads immediately

He looked around and saw a lot of babies lying
around the altar


Aunt wait what’s wrong with your face, he asked
trying remove her hand from her face

When he finally did it, he almost threw up

The right part of her face looked as though, acid
was thrown on it

It was badly damaged and looked disgusting

Even her right eye was damaged too

What the hell happened here, he asked in shock

They all faced the floor silently

Quick call the doctor immediately, he roared

Two servants rushed out to call the doctor

Kein carried his aunt, the priestess to her room

She couldn’t lay down as she was still
screaming in pains

Minutes later the doctor came and went in to
check her

Kein left the room so the doctor could

He threw up immediately he got outside

The sight was just too disgusting!!

He heard footsteps behind him and turned

You called for me, Sharon said bowing

What is it with the kids, he asked

Kids?, Sharon asked

Don’t try to act dumb, those kids what are they
doing here, Kein asked

Sharon looked down silently

So it’s true huh!, Aunt took kids of their parents
forcefully for ritual, he asked

She looked up immediately

It’s not that, it was a bad omen so…..

Shut it, don’t you know anything, that thing had
nothing to do with the children at all,how can
she do that to the people she is ruling, they all
h@ťě her right now, Kein snapped

Sharon looked down again

Quick now send those kids back to their parents,
he snapped

She looked up in shock

Didn’t you hear me or do you want me to do it
myself, he snapped

No I can’t do that without the order of….

Are you kidding, can’t you see what happened,
what do you think is the cause of it, Kein

Do it immediately, he ordered

She bowed and rushed out

~ Underground demons ~

There were a lot of people in what looked like a

They were actually having a meeting

How do we find the God of the sun, we really
need his powers, I’ve gone round the earth but
can’t find him, one of them said

And Eggus is dead, we think he encountered
him and was ki||ed, another said

What are you saying Titus, are you telling me
that a baby ki||ed the almighty Eggus, another
one said

What else ki||ed him, Fali, Titus asked

The god of the sun is not a baby, someone in
mask said coming in

They all turned to the person

Apra, what do you mean, Fali asked

I have discovered the identity of the god of the
sun, the mask person said

Who and where is he, Ummi, a female asked

He was born as a mortal and isn’t a baby, what
was born that day was his powers

With his powers activated, we all thought he
was just born, while he already a grown up, the
person said

Does it mean he got back all his powers as
Lorenzo, Titus asked

Not yet, he is still weak, I have been monitoring
him, The person replied

What are we waiting for, we should get him
already, Ummi said

Well I feel something strong guiding him, it may
probably be the thing that ki||ed Eggus, the
person said

Then we should look for a way to get rid of it,
look we will try tomorrow, he may be training
now and if he gets stronger, we will be no match
for him, Fali said

That’s right I agree, Titus said

I hope you won’t leak your identity this time,
Ummi said

Who would suspect me this time, I am staying
at the school, so no one will know, who will
suspect me at all, I will get the god of the sun
this time, the person said

That’s the spirit, you must lure him, I will begin
setting the stage, Titus said

This time I will crush you Lorenzo, the person
said grinning

Chloe opened her eyes slowly

Gosh where the hell was she huh!

She moved around

Wait was she lying on a bed?, How did she….

She spranged up immediately

Relax so you don’t hurt yourself, Adrian said

She turned around, Adrian was standing by the
door and …..

Arrrhhh, she threw her pillow at Keeva who was
sitting beside her

Get away ghost, she screamed

Believe me I did that before, Adrian mumbled

I don’t bite, Keeva said

I don’t care leave me alone, where am I, who
brought me here, Chloe screamed

You are in my house firstly and secondly, she
brought you here, Adrian said and stood up

Are you kidding me, Chloe screamed

I have neighbors, they may think I am raping
you, Adrian said

How are you so calm about this, Chloe asked

Because I was once like you and know I don’t
know how to think of what I’ve done with her,
Adrian said

I want to go home immediately, Chloe snarled

Keeva is harmless, no not at all, she is harmful
and harmless, he said

Keeva glared at him


Her name is Keeva, Chloe asked

He nodded

The name sounds familiar, Chloe said

Keeva rushed to her front immediately

Do you remember, she asked

Get away, she snapped and pushed her away

Wasn’t that an assignment Mr Chris gave us,
Chloe asked

Of course, to research on Keeva, Adrian replied

Research on me!!, Keeva asked in surprise

Adrian won’t you explain all this.., OMG that
means that day I heard you calling Keeva, don’t
tell me it was all real, Chloe snapped

I will explain so calm down, he said

I can’t stay calm!!!!

Minutes later

Chloe looked at Adrian like he had gone crazy

Do you expect me to believe the rubbish you just
told me, she snapped

Then how then can you explain the fact that
you are seeing her, Adrian asked

That I am Surem, you are the god of the sun and
she is the goddess of the moon, and the ruler of
the earth?, She asked

Adrian nodded

It’s actually Suremi, Keeva said

Are you crazy, she screamed and threw a pillow
at him

I am really serious, do you want me to show
you, Adrian asked

Please do, Chloe snapped

Adrian’s sword suddenly flew from his room
and stopped in his front

Chloe opened her mouth in shock

The it even unsheathed itself and fire appeared
on it

That’s that, she stuttered

See it now, Adrian said

That’s not true, you dragged the sword with an
invisible rope, she snapped

Okay let’s say there’s an invisible rope, what of
the fire, Adrian asked

I want to go home, she cried

Adrian was about to say something when Keeva
snapped her fingers

Chloe disappeared

Huh where did she go, he asked

She wanted to go home, so I sent her back,
Keeva said

Just like that, I finally believe you are cheating,
did you treat me as sweet as that, Adrian

Don’t tell me you are jealous, she said dimming
her eyes

Jealous of what??

Listen to me I am not angry but I have to say
this, you are not loyal at all

Immediately you saw your lost best friend, you
abandoned me, didn’t you say you will always
stay beside me, He snapped

OMG did you miss me, she said and gasped

Miss what?, Miss my @zz, he scoffed

OMG Adrian missed me, Keeva grinned

Gosh I am so done with you, why would I even
miss you, he scoffed and stormed off to his

~ Midnight ~

Adrian woke up from his sleep

Gosh his dream was so….

It was annoying, how can one h@ťě her sister so

He stood up and went downstairs to drink water

He met Keeva on the dining drinking wine


What are you doing here, he asked with his
hands on his waist

Nothing, just trying to get drunk, she replied

He scoffed and brought out a bottle water from
the fridge

Is this about Chloe, he asked

I can’t help it, I really missed her, and it was
because of my carelessness she died, I was just
happy to see her, she replied

Then why did you seal her memory if you will
feel this bad, Adrian asked

I not only sealed her memories, I also sealed her
powers too, because the Suremi I know will
come back to revenge me, and she will get hurt,
so I sent her to the mortal world, so she will be
fine there, Keeva replied

He sighed

I dreamt of your sister, she planned it with Taus
to make you fall in love with him then get rid of

The reason why you couldn’t find out as usual
was because he always wore your mom’s ash,
Adrian said

Keeva’s eyes widened in shock

How is that possible, she stuttered

It’s a crime, you can’t …..

I guess your dad kept your mum’s ash, he
interrupted her

It’s understandable because he probably loved
her so much but he gave it to your twin and she
abused it

She made Taus wear it, so you won’t notice any
evil thought or discover anything, and of course
you can’t find anything about what happened
between them in the past, he said

That’s black magic, it’s prohibited, I banished it,
she growled

I don’t know how it works, you will know better,
he said

d@mn it, Keeva mumbled and clenched her fist

Her eyes was very red

How dare them play with me, I will deal with
them when I get back, she growled

She turned to Adrian immediately

You have to be fast, I need to get my body back,
she said

I am working hard enough, he said

But it’s not enough, remember your mum
doesn’t have much time left, it’s few months
more, She said

Stop talking about my mum when you know it’s
not really about her, you just want to get back
your body, that’s your only aim, he snapped

What else should I aim for, I need my body back,
she snapped back

Then get my mum out of your mouth, and are
you thr_@tening me now, he snarled

I am just trying to make you work hard, what
else, she scoffed

By using my mum? You know it’s my weakness
why do you enjoy doing that, you always do it, I
feel like I am a tool just for you to get your body,
he yelled

Don’t f-__-king yell at me, she’s not my mum am
not going to cry about her illness, I can only help
you heal her when I get my body back, she

Oh if you can really heal her why didn’t you heal
your dad when he was dying, he snarled

She grabbed the wine she was drinking and
poured it on his face

You piece of $h|t, how dare you, she thundered

He shook at how she sounded but he was
definitely not backing out

He was too angry to back out

Yes so what, I am using you to get my body, it’s
a win win situation, you save my body and I
save your mum

No one is losing, but how dare you, what makes
you think you are something, she growled

I just asked a question, did I say something bad,
you can’t reply that, he asked

Fine let’s do it this way, I will stay away from
you, protect yourself then, we don’t have any
business together after all

You will train your self hard and get my body
and I will save your mum, are you in, she asked

I am not, can’t you answer my question?, Can
you heal her, he asked

I am out, f-__-k off, she snarled

Yeah you f-__-k off too, he snapped and stormed

She disappeared angrily

The next day

Adrian looked at himself in the mirror

Urhm Keeva pass me the com…..

He paused and sighed

Gosh why did I even call her name, so

You are the annoying one, his mind screamed at

He scoffed and grabbed the comb himself

He finished preparing and went to stand at the
bus stop

He felt really weird

It was weird because they are always together,
he would say she’s his only friend

The bus came and he hopped in

His dad still doesn’t want to get him his

He is probably noticing it now that he is alone

He finally got to school but just as he was
about to enter the class, someone blocked him

Mr Chris is calling you in the dance class, the
girl that blocked him said

Dance class!, Why is he even calling me, he

I don’t know, you have to go check yourself, the
girl replied and left immediately

He scoffed and turned to go, he bumped into
Chloe mistakingly

They both glared at each other

Let’s talk later, the homeroom teacher is calling
me, he said and walked away

She scoffed and entered the class


The homeroom teacher, isn’t he the here, she
thought staring at Me Chris who was sitting
beside the window talking to a student

Did he lie to me, she thought and went to her

But she began to feel uncomfortable, she
always felt that way whenever something bad
was about to happen or something bad has

Is something about to happen, she thought

She couldn’t bear it so she rushed out of the
class immediately to look for Adrian

Meanwhile Adrian got to front of the dance
class and the quietness made him feel

As he turned around to go back, he saw another
boy coming there

Did Mr Chris call you too, the boy asked

Yeah how did you know that, Adrian asked in
the boy in surprise

He called me too, you are going in first right, the
boy asked

Some others students came too with the same
problem and asked him to go in first, since he
came first and they wanted to go meet him and
go back quickly

He became confused but decided to go in

Immediately he stepped inside, everywhere
changed to a cave

Meanwhile Keeva who was standing beside the
Edrine sea gasped and turned back immediately

He has gotten into trouble less than a day that I
left, she mumbled worriedly and disappeared

Meanwhile after asking around Chloe got to the
dance class

There were students in front waiting but
something told her there is more to it

She went to the door and tried to open it but it
wouldn’t budge

What the hell!!

She turned back, the students weren’t even
looking at her

It was as if they were crazy or possessed

Where the possessed!!!

What is going on

Surprisingly not only them, other students were
behaving the same way

Was everyone possessed!!

Where the hell is Adrian

Adrian!!!!!, She screamed loudly


Written by Rosemary 🌹

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