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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 25 ~

Chloe went to Adrian still surprised

What are you doing here, she asked

He looked away from Keeva and faced her

I should be asking you that, wait don’t tell me
you moved here, Adrian said

Of course this is my school, Chloe said

They both gasped


Adrian do you know her, Flynn asked

Adrian looked around, gosh almost everyone
was boring their eyes on them

He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the

When they got to the rooftop, he stopped

Okay why did you bring me here, Chloe asked

I don’t want them to listen to us, Adrian replied

Like we are doing anything bad, Chloe scoffed

He rolled his eyes

But wait don’t tell me, your mum really brought
you here, Adrian said

I should be asking you that, does this mean we
are schoolmates and neighbors again, Chloe

That’s crazy, Mason, Izna and Jasmine will be
shocked to hear this, they were really worried
about you, Adrian said

I know, mum got mad and we had to leave at
night, plus she destroyed my phone, Chloe

Adrian smiled

Welcome dear, He said

Eww that sounds weird hearing it from you, she
said rolling her eyes

He chuckled

She suddenly scoffed

Who’s that’s girl and when did she get here,
Chloe asked

Adrian turned back and saw Keeva staring at
them or should we say Chloe

She looked really sad

Um she’s…..

He paused and gasped

Wait you can see her, he stuttered

Why won’t I see her, am I blind or is she
invisible, Chloe asked

Urhm she’s..

Suremi, Keeva called and rushed to Chloe

Heh who’s Suremi?

But before Chloe could think of anything, Keeva
hugged her

A stranger hugging her?

Is she crazy?

Gosh I can’t believe this is you, I can’t believe
this, you you you look the same, you look the
same, Keeva said crying

Suremi, who’s Suremi, Adrian thought

His eyes widened in shock when he

How is Chloe Suremi, is she pranking us, Adrian

But Chloe can see her too how?

He suddenly remembered what she had said
when she was talking about her self

‘ With my last strength I turned part of the
essence from Suremi that I managed to get and
threw it down into the mortal world

So down there, she maybe existing but not as
Suremi ‘

Huh that’s crazy but how is Chloe Suremi, that’s

Chloe pushed her away

Seriously do you make crazy friends now, Chloe

You can remember me, I know that, I sealed
your memories, I am just very happy to see you,
Keeva said in tears

Chloe can really see Keeva!!

That’s crazy, Adrian mumbled

Chloe looked at Adrian and shook her head

With that she walked away

Keeva stared at her with tears in her eyes as she

What’s going on, Adrian asked immediately she

She’s Suremi, it’s her, Keeva said crying

But how how is that possible, she’s a normal
human being, Adrian said

She was your friend?, Keeva asked

Adrian nodded

I guess it’s fate, it was meant to be, Keeva said
and disappeared

Wait Keeva, Adrian yelled

Gosh where did she go!!


Sheila opened her eyes weakly

Gosh her head was pounding heavily

What the hell was happening huh

She groaned and stood up

Gosh it’s already 8:30 and she is still at home?

She rushed to shower and wore her uniform

Good morning, her neighbor greeted
immediately she came out

Thank goddess you are okay, I was really
worried about you, the neighbor said

Did something happen, Sheila asked

No not at all, I am just glad you are okay, the
neighbor replied

Sheila turned and started leaving

That was when the neighbor saw her leg

Okay I guess she isn’t okay, what is she
wearing, she mumbled

Some students were outside when Sheila got to

Shouldn’t they be in class, she mumbled

They started murmuring immediately they saw

🗣️ Is she okay
👥 Did something happen to her
👤 Why wasn’t she in school since

She ignored their comments and made her way
to the class

But before she could even get inside the class

Izna rushed out probably to get something

He was surprised to see her

OMG Sheila, he gasped

Izna , she called

Are you okay, he asked looking at her legs

She stared at her legs too

OMG she was wearing shoe on one leg and
slippers on the other

Crazy 🤣🤣

Are you really okay, Izna asked

She removed the slippers immediately

I am fine, she mumbled

I was wondering why you weren’t in school for
three days, Izna said

She looked at him in shock

What are you talking about, wasn’t it just
yesterday that I came to school, she gasped

What are you talking about, the last time you
came to school was three days ago, are you
really okay, he asked

What the hell

Oh she remembered talking to Mason, then she
got hurt and cried

She kept crying and was in so much pains

So she went to browse how to reduce
heartbreak pains quickly

Someone online suggested alcohol

Since she’s an immortal and she felt like the
mortal’s alcohol might not work well on her, she
ordered for the strongest one, she doesn’t
remember what happened next apart from
waking up!!

Arrrh, she remembered something and turned to
Izna immediately

Chloe where is she, she asked

Chloe?, When did the both of you become close,
Izna asked

Mason said she was leaving, Sheila replied

Of course, she left since two days ago, Izna said


How is that possible, why did she even drink,
now she’s missed her, where would she start
looking for her!!!

Do you know where she is, she asked

Huh when did the both of you become friends,
Izna asked

I am just worried, Sheila said smiling even
though she was burning inside

I don’t know, Izna replied


She rushed out immediately

What’s wrong with her, Izna mumbled

Gosh she needed to find Chloe, her dad gave her
a mission she must complete it

Since she had no lead in finding the god of the
sun, and the necklace burns her whenever Chloe
is around, they may have a connection

Because her dad said the necklace will only
burn her if she encounters the sun god

She had to find Chloe!!!!

It was lunch time and the students were already
rushing to the cafeteria

Adrian looked at Keeva who was beside Chloe
and scoffed

Keeva sat beside Chloe all through the class

She didn’t say anything to her, she just stared at
her all through

What do you want to eat for lunch, Keeva asked
breaking her silence

Adrian scoffed

I can get you anything you want, I think I am
dreaming,I am very excited, gosh I am about to
cry, she continued

Adrian hissed

Did she really abandon him for Chloe?

She is not loyal at all, nonsense

He wasn’t angry at all, he told himself

I will…..

Chloe banged her fist on the table, interrupting

Can you leave me alone, She snarled

Everyone turned to her

I don’t know you, so stop bugging me, Chloe

Adrian stood up in shock

Okay that wasn’t planned!!

By then everyone was now staring at her

OMG don’t tell me that’s what you told Jasmine
before you left America, that’s harsh, Adrian

Chloe looked at him in confusion

Why do you have to say it that way, everyone
might think you are talking to yourself, Adrian
said and went to her

She was about to talk but Adrian grabbed her
and dragged her away

What again, Chloe groaned immediately they
got out

Are you kidding me, Adrian scoffed

I don’t know her, how is that a bad thing, Chloe

But you don’t have to yell like that people might
think you are mad, Adrian said

Mad because I don’t want to talk to her, Chloe

You don’t get what I am saying, Okay she’s a
ghost, Adrian said

Of course I don’t get…..

What did you just say, Chloe gasped

She’s a ghost, we are the only ones that can see
her, Adrian said

Chloe scoffed

Are you kidding me, why would I believe that
nonsense, Chloe chuckled

Adrian was about to talk when Keeva appeared
in her front

Chloe’s eyes widened

She she, did she just, she app, she came, she

Told ya, Adrian mumbled

Chloe started gasping for air and before one
could say jack, she fainted!


Tamina was in the cafeteria with Holly, Maddie,
Andorai, and Flynn

They were having their lunch but Holly and
Maddie kept looking at the door

I can’t believe Adrian knows that girl, Flynn said

You mean the girl that fought Tamina on, her
first of school, Andorai asked

She’s almost like Adrian, Tamina fought with
Adrian too, Flynn said

Maddie sighed

To be sincere, Tamina what you did to Adrian
was bad, you should apologize, Maddie said

Yeah I agree that was rude, besides back then
you insulted him too, I don’t get why you are
mad that he insulted you, Holly said

Why would I apologize, you all saw what he told
me, Tamina scoffed

Yeah but you started it didn’t you, why would
you accuse him of hitting Leoreth, did you see
him doing that, what if it had implicated him,
Maddie asked

That’s right, You should apologize, Holly said

But Adrian insulted her and….

Stay out of this Flynn, Andorai told him

Cut that crap the both of you, don’t tell me you
are defending him because you have a crush on
him, Tamina spat

Tamina, Maddie snapped

Yea haven’t you been looking at the door,
indirectly waiting for him, what did I say bad,
don’t you like Adrian, Tamina asked

That’s not related to this, Holly said

It is because, I can’t apologize to your crush so
you will be happy, Tamina spat

Enough Tamina you are being too much

That’s the reason you fight with a lot of people,
you are very rude and you can’t take what you
give others, when others do what do to them
you start crying, it’s fine if you don’t want to
apologize, but don’t you dare say that trash
again, Maddie snapped and stormed off

Maddison, Andorai called but she has already

Tamina scoffed and left too

Gosh you all, Andorai groaned

~ The Priestess’s House ~

The Priestess sat down on the floor while her
servants arranged what looked like an altar

Then the woman brought all the kids

They were unconscious, they had drvgged the
babies few minutes ago

The Children were in front of the altar covered
with a red blanket

Sharon lit the candle on the altar and turned her
back on the temple, the others did it too

The Priestess closed her eyes and began to
mutter some incantations

She continued chanting the incantations

She continued for over an hour nothing

She was even breathing and sweating terribly

She opened her eyes angrily

Did you bring all the kids that were born that
day, She snapped

Yes my priestess, Sharon replied

No one was hidden and no one left the town?,
She asked

Yes holy one, Sharon replied

The Priestess stood up angrily

But he is not here, he is not here, she growled

The servants all fell on their knees

Don’t tell me I wasted my food and resources on
this things, she screamed

Forgive us holy one, Sharon begged

ki|| them, all of them, she groaned

Sharon’s eyes widened in shock

Are you deaf, she screamed angrily

She grabbed a sword what was lying on the
altar and went to one of the kids but before the
sword could touch his head

A heavy wind blew and the candles went off, it
also scattered the altar

White flames from the kid she was about to ki||
flew to her face

My face, she screamed

My face, she yelled in pains


Written by Rosemary 🌹

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