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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 20 ~

Chloe removed the phone from her ear in shock

What did he say, Mason asked

Chloe was too shocked to utter a word

Did something happen, Izna asked

Jasmine snatched her phone

The call had already been ended

He picked the call, what did he say, Jasmine

They were currently in Jasmine’s house and
they wanted to talk to Adrian

So Chloe offered to call him and then…

Aren’t you going to say something, Mason

He is in danger, she muttered weakly

What danger, Izna asked

I heard him, someone was trying to hurt him, he
was very scared, Chloe replied

Whatttt, Jasmine gasped

Are you kidding, is that a prank, Mason asked

Do I look like I am joking, she snarled

The person promised to ki|| him and said
something about Lorenzo, she said

Lorenzo, what Lorenzo, who is he, are you sure
it’s Adrian, Izna asked

It was definitely Adrian’s voice I heard, he was

She paused

The name sounds familiar, Keeva, she said

Keeva, Jasmine called

Isn’t that the myth Mr Chris gave us assignment
on, Jasmine asked

Yes that’s right, no wonder it sounded familiar,
Chloe said

Chloe are you really serious, Izna asked already
looked worried

I swear on my life Izna, unless Adrian is the one
pranking us but he sounded really scared, She

They all began to panic

Should we call his dad, Jasmine asked already
chewing her teeth nervously

Yeah why didn’t we think of that, Mason said
and rushed to call Teddy

Unfortunately Teddy didn’t pick his call either,
they called Bianca too but it was the same

They became really worried

Izna and Jasmine were already crying

Well they were the two emotional kids in the

Chloe stood up

Did you find a way, Izna asked immediately

I am going home, she replied

Home! Are you kidding, how can you be so
heartless, Jasmine snarled

Then what are we going to do here, should I sit
and cry like a fool, she snarled

No one said you should do that, but you should
at least care a little, Mason said

And who said I don’t care, I really care about
Adrian, she snarled

They all stared at her

We grew up together, he is like a brother to me
and you think I don’t care, okay what am I going
to do here, I am going home, she snapped

Mason sighed

We are sorry, we are just worried, are you sure of
what you heard, Mason asked

I am hundred percent sure, she replied

Guys calm down, Chloe is right we can’t gain
anything by crying or worrying, let’s hope and
pray for him, Mason said

And Izna let’s go home, Mason added

Izna bit his lips and looked down

Don’t worry too much J, he will be fine, Mason
told Jasmine

She sat down quietly, she had stopped crying

He then pulled Izna up and took him outside,
Chloe followed

Sheila was surprised when she saw them going
home already

She thought they said it was a sleep over

And they all looked very sad and wasn’t even
talking to each other

Huh you must be wondering where she is right?

She had been following them, she followed
them to Jasmine’s house and stayed outside

Joblessness right?

Well she’s really desperate to know why the
necklace burns her whenever their eyes meet,
she had confirmed that Chloe isn’t mortal but
she was curious about her identity

Well she kept following them

Their houses were close to each other and
Izna’s house was the closest

So Mason decided to escort him home seeing
his condition

They both entered his street leaving Chloe alone

Sheila stopped walking and stared at Mason’s
disappearing figure

She smiled sweetly

She turned back to follow Chloe but she couldn’t
find her again

What the!, Is her house that close, she thought

She moved forward a little and looked around

Is her house really around, or did she disappear,
she thought

She sighed and turned back to go but then she
bumped into Chloe who was glaring at her

She screamed in shock

Stalking huh?, Chloe said

I I I I I, she stuttered

She didn’t know what to even do

Is Chloe a witch, how did she catch her, she

I guessed it right, you are attending our school
so you could monitor us right, who exactly are
you after, Chloe asked

She turned back to the street where Mason went
with Izna

Don’t tell me that crap about crushing on Mason
and tell me why you are after me, and who you
are, because you are obviously not someone
ordinary, Chloe said coldly

Jeez how did she!!


Jeez what’s she going to say, she just got

Keeva held Adrian’s hand, staring at him

My goddess are you crying, Rissa asked

Keeva touched her face immediately

Me crying, why would I, I am not crying, she said

Then the liquid coming out of your eyes, are
they coffee?, Rissa asked

Keeva glared at her immediately

I am sorry, my goddess, Rissa bowed

Adrian was sweating under his blanket, Keeva
tried to stand up to remove it but he held her


She looked at him

He was still unconscious but he was holding her
hand tightly

Rissa removed the blanket instead

Ohhhhh, I guess you are curious about how they
got home

Keeva disappeared with Adrian and took him
home to his room

He has been unconscious since then and hasn’t
woken up at all

Don’t worry I won’t leave at all, It was all my
fault, I shouldn’t have left at all, she said crying

Rissa sighed

Gosh what was I thinking, I shouldn’t have taken
you there,I shouldn’t have even left you alone,
she said sniffing

It’s not your fault, it’s the demon’s, you tried very
hard to protect him and you did, Rissa told her

Keeva suddenly gasped

His hand is hot, is something happening, gosh
his forehead is hot too, she cried touching his

Rissa moved closer and touched his forehead

He is burning up, that means he has fever, Rissa

Keeva stretched out her other hand to cast a
spell but Rissa held her immediately

His powers is heavy for him, if you do that, it
might ki|| him instead, Rissa said

Then how do we make it disappear, she

I will be back, Rissa said and disappeared

She appeared with cold water and towel two
minutes later

She soaked the towel in the cold water and
placed it on his forehead

Are you sure it’s going to work, his body is still
hot, Keeva said

It isn’t going to work immediately, it will take
some time, please calm down, Rissa said

Few minutes later

It’s going down, Rissa said touching Adrian’s

Keeva sighed in relief

Huh he is waking up, Rissa squealed

Keeva looked up immediately

Adrian, she called in tears

Keeva, he mumbled

I am here, I am right here, I didn’t leave at all, she

He smiled and squeezed her hand

Gosh I can’t believe this, I was so scared, I am
sorry, she said tearfully

He smirked and sat up

Don’t tell me the almighty goddess Keeva, the
ruler of the earth cried for me, he mocked

She hit his chest immediately

Ouch that hurts, he cried

Liar I know it doesn’t, and moreover I didn’t cry,
she snapped

Ooh she didn’t cry, he teased

Adrian, she snarled

Keeva, he yelled

Do they still remember I am here, Rissa thought

At this juncture, I have concluded that you are
strong, come and train immediately, she snarled

He held his head immediately

f-__-k it really hurts, I feel sleepy, he said

She rolled her eyes

You have to eat first, then take your drugs, she

Ooh is that the ruler of the earth caring for me,
he teased

She glared at him and he kept quiet immediately

Rissa served him his food

Ahhhh, he opened his mouth

What’s that for, Keeva asked

Feed me, my hand hurts, he pouted

Rissa bowed and was about to touch the spoon

Not you, the moon goddess, Adrian said

Oops, she bowed and moved to one corner

Why should I feed you, Keeva snarled

Shouldn’t you take responsibility, you
abandoned me, he said

She glared at him angrily

He grinned

She stood up and went to feed him

Gosh she almost shoved be the spoon into his
throat self, Adrian had to take it and feed
himself, wicked soul 😡😡

Then he took the drugs Rissa brought and laid
on the bed

I never thought I would eat a ghost’s meal, he

Well you have you can add it in your CV, when
you want a job, Keeva said

He hissed

Just what I thought, she huffed and turned to

Keeva come here, he said

She turned to him with scary eyes

Come put me to sleep, he said

What am I, your mum, she scoffed

My friend, he said

Oops you should have just asked me to leave,
Rissa hissed and disappeared

Friend?, Keeva stuttered

Let’s not fight this night, I am still feeling
somehow, I want some one to calm me down
but my mum isn’t here and I have a friend here,
he said

She rolled her eyes and reluctantly walked to the

He pulled her down immediately

What are you doing, she snapped

He hugged her immediately

Hey let go of me, she screamed

Your body is warm, he said

She froze

I love it, is it always warm, he asked

I don’t know, you should tell me that, she said

He smiled and closed his eyes

She stared at his face blankly


Written by Rosemary

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