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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 18 ~

Keeva turned around, she was stunned

The plants around were burning furiously

She immediately stretched her hands at it, the
fire went off and the plant also went back to

Then she rushed to Adrian and pulled his cheek

OMG you did it, I am proud of you, she

You are bathing me with your saliva, he

She smacked his head immediately

Ouch, he cried in pain

When did ghosts start having saliva’s, she

He rolled his eyes

OMG how did you do it, she asked

I think I was furious and my hand became hot,
he replied

Do it again, huh do it again, she said grinning

He put the sword back into it’s sheathe and tried
to pull it out again but this time😏😏😏

Keeva kicked him angrily

Ouch that f-__-king hurts okay, he growled

Of course I know it does, how can you waste my
time like this and you still got nothing, she

The fault is from the teacher, everyone who
taught me knows that I am a smart kid, he

Oh are you blaming me?, Do you know how
many disciples I have trained, she snapped

He scoffed

They are all high gods now, she snarled

He scoffed and entered into the house

Hey come here this kid, this disrespectful brat,
she screamed following inside

I am hungry, I have no time to argue, he snarled

Really, she gasped

Her expression changed immediately

Then fry some chips, gosh I miss eating it, she

Adrian scoffed and stormed into the kitchen

The next day

I am not waking at all, leave me alone, Adrian
snarled at Keeva

Gosh why is she being so troublesome, it’s still
weekend anyway

Adrian I hope you don’t want to see you and
your bed in the sea of Edrine, Keeva asked

Leave me alone, I don’t care, he snapped

This kid, she yelled

She started ranting as usual so he covered his
ears with his pillow

He didn’t hear her voice again, so he removed
the pillow and opened his eyes a little

Hmm freedom, mumbled and closed his eyes

But then he remembered what he saw and

Keevaaaaaaa, he screamed loudly

Yeah baby, she replied from behind

Baby whatttt

He jumped up immediately

He was in the garden with his bed

How is that possible, did his bed walk

The next one will be one the sea, she said

He glared at her angrily

Why must you frustrate my soul, why me, he

Why me, Keeva mocked

Listen very carefully, I am not doing again, I give
up, I don’t care about anything okay, he snarled
and stormed inside

Minutes later

38, 39, 40, Keeva counted as Adrian did his sit

Adrian face really looked like soured food

She continued counting

May I ask why I am doing this trash, he asked

Because your body has to be fit, she replied

He hissed

She turn back and went to him immediately

I didn’t say anything, I really didn’t, he said

She smirked

You are really a big bully, wait and see, I will
become stronger and once I get your body, I will
smack your @zz, he snapped

I will be waiting then, she smirked

Naughty ghost, he mumbled

The next day

~ America ~

Sheila stared at herself in the mirror and smiled

Did you just hear mirror?

Yes mirror, she used her powers to rent a house
from a woman

She would be staying there till she leaves

And the reason she was staring at the mirror?

She was preparing to go to school, she decided
that she was going to investigate Chloe

She grabbed her backpack and left the house

She rushed to the bus stop, luckily the bus came
in just then and she hopped in

Gosh she couldn’t believe she was acting like
those humans, it’s fun anyway, she thought

The bus finally got to school and she went in

Gosh the students started murmuring
immediately she came in

🗣️ Is she a new student
👤 OMG she segzy
👥 How can one be this beautiful, I am
definitely f-__-king her
🗣️ d@mn I will make her my girlfriend

Sheila smiled and made her way to the class

She already knew the way, so there was no need
to ask anyone

There was no teacher in the class when she
went in, Chloe, Jasmine, Izna and Mason were
sitting together

And there was an empty sit in the middle, so she
went there to sit

What are you doing, Chloe asked before she
could sit

Huh did I do something wrong, Sheila asked

Their eyes met and she felt the necklace burn
her neck again

Who the hell was Chloe, she thought, her dad
had said that the necklace would only get hot
when she meets the sun god, then why is the
necklace burning her, she thought

You can’t sit here, the sit belongs to someone,
Jasmine said

Huh but Adrian is not….

Arhhhhhhh, Izna screamed as Chloe stepped on
him to stop him from completing his statement

It doesn’t matter, it’s still Adrian’s chair and he
doesn’t like when others sit on it, Jasmine said

But Adrian might not come back again, Mason

Chloe glared at him

Okay fine, Chloe when did you start acting
sweet to Adrian, Izna asked

Who said I am sweet, I just don’t want another
person to block the window, she snarled

Just what I thought, Mason hissed

You can go sit elsewhere, not here, Jasmine told
her calmly

Oh sure, Shelia smiled and went to the next
empty seat

Who the hell was Adrian?, she heard them
talking about him the last time she came too

Mr Chris came in to teach, she first introduced
herself as he ordered and then he requested for
his assignment

OMG, some students started panicking

She turned to the boy beside her

Can I see your assignment, she asked

He turned to her smiling

What’s funny, she thought

I didn’t do it, he replied still smiling

Whatt, what are you going to submit, she asked

Legends don’t do assignments, my name is
Chrisean by the way, he said smiling like a fish

She scoffed and looked away

Mr Chris began to teach anyway

He was teaching about Keeva

Keeva was the ruler of the earth?

Then who then is her mum, that name is
banned in the palace but she had heard her
mum call the name when she argued with her
dad before she left

Is the woman a bad person or a good person

And where is she??

Hours later the class ended and everyone
started rushing to the cafeteria

She followed and looked around when she got

She saw Chloe, Mason, Jasmine and Izna
together so she started heading towards them

It seems like they are best friends, she thought
on her way there

She finally got there and Chloe scoffed when
she saw here

Come here Sheila, Mason told her pointing at an
empty chair

She smiled and sat down

Jeez, he’s so sweet, she thought

Izna was also smiling, Jasmine had no
expression on her face, she just continued

Prez, she’s a new student, why don’t you help
her settle in, Mason told Jasmine

You can help her do that too, it must not be the
class president, Jasmine said calmly

Mason rolled his eyes

What do you want to eat should I get it for you,
Izna asked

Sheila smiled shyly

Don’t worry, I know what a pretty girl like you
would like, Izna said and rushed out

Jasmine shook her head

He came back minutes later with hamburger,
French fries, cheese sandwich, and yogurt for

OMG Izna did you use your life savings, Mason

What life savings, I do eat like this everyday,
Izna said laughing nervously

He dropped the food in her front and went back
to his seat not without kicking Mason though

They all continued eating quietly

Sheila, Jasmine called all of a sudden

Everyone looked up

You, are you gay, she asked


Gay what… Izna stuttered

What are you talking about, Mason asked

You have been staring at Chloe since, do you
like her, Jasmine asked

Chloe turned to her, she looked down

She noticed that the necklace only burns her
when their eyes meet

Oh that are you kidding, how can she be called
gay because of that, maybe she’s wondering
why Chloe is eating like a pig, Mason said
before he could stop himself

Chloe dropped her spoon

He gasped and covered his mouth

I mean you are eating like a piggy princess, he

Hey Mason, are you trying to get on my nerves,
Chloe snarled

No listen I am….

Hey Sheila, Chrisean the boy from before called
and sat on the table

What are you doing Chrisean, Jasmine asked

Are you blind, can’t you see what I am doing,
Chrisean snapped

Then he turned to Sheila

You are really beautiful, others people are
saying it behind you but I am a straight talker,
ever since I met you, I started breathing again, I
feel like you are my oxygen

You are like the only flower in my garden,
anytime I see you my heart starts beating like I
have heart disease, He said

Ohhhhh, everyone in the cafeteria gasped

Are you kidding Chrisean, isn’t that what you
told Bella last week, Chloe asked

What what what, he stuttered

He turned back to Sheila immediately

Oh that’s my ex and it wasn’t last week, don’t
mind her, Chloe is always angry and bitter, so
she is envious, Chrisean said

Everyone gasped

Izna started giving him sign to leave
immediately, but he was too daft

Why am I suddenly smelling garlic here, f-__-k I
am allergic to that $h|t, Chloe said covering her

Jasmine do you know where it’s coming from,
Chloe asked

I don’t know, oh I think it’s in the table, Jasmine

Chloe suddenly looked at Chrisean

You, don’t tell me you used garlic to bathe
again, Chloe asked

Everyone burst into laughter immediately

Tears filled Chrisean’s eyes

I thought you’ve stopped it, who knew you will
continue that, can you just move, it seems like I
am talking to a human garlic, Chloe said

Chrisean ran away in tears

Well there is a history about him with garlic, so
it was always embarrassing to remember the

Jeez poor child, I guess he never moved on, Izna
shook his head

Chloe is dominating too much, I miss Adrian,
Mason pouted

Sheila stared at Chloe quietly

In Edrine

The teacher in the class finally left the class
and the students started rushing to the cafeteria

Jeez it was a five hours class, that wicked
maths teacher, Adrian mumbled

He rested in the desk tiredly

Gosh his whole body was aching him

That rotten exercise, he mumbled

Jeez you aren’t flexible at all, how can you be
feeling pain because of that exercise and you
all are complaining about a five hours class

These kids, during my time it was more than
half a year in the human world, she said

Seriously, is that why you want to ki|| me for my
mum, he snarled

Yeah if necessary, she said rolling her eyes

What this witch, how dare you talk about half a
year, over there it might not be that long, he

Keeva suddenly stared behind him blankly

He traced her eyes and turned too

Tamina was staring at him


Did she hear, gosh that shouldn’t happen, he
screamed mentally

Is something wrong, he asked her

She had no expression on her face so it was
difficult to know if she heard anything

Maddie asked me to call you for lunch, she

Oh I will be there immediately, Adrian said

Tamina turned and walked away

Do you think she heard me, did she notice
something, Adrian asked

How will I know that, Keeva asked

But you are the ruler of the earth, you are
supposed to know everything, he snarled

She glared at him

He was about to say something when he looked
at the door

Tamina was standing at the door staring at him


She then turned and walked away when he saw

Go have your lunch, Keeva said and

What the hell, did she just abandon me, he
screamed mentally

Tamina used the restroom and went on to wash
her hand

Keeva stared at her calmly

She finished washing her hands and turned to
get the wipes

But then she froze

She felt goose pimples all over her body

She pulled away immediately

Just what I thought, you are a mortal but you
can sense ghosts?, Keeva asked

She moved backwards and almost fell

Ohh you can sense them when they are near, so
the other day on the table you didn’t know I was
there right, Keeva said

How about I wipe your memory, She continued


Written by Rosemary 🌹

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