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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Save me and make me yours!!)

~ Episode 12 ~

👤 OMG he is a thief 😳
👥 Jeez he’s too cute to be a thief
🗣️ I can’t believe this, is he from a poor home?
👥 Gosh a thief in our school

Kein stood in front of Adrian and smirked

So you are a thief huh, Kein said grinning

I can’t believe a thief was admitted in this
school, what a shame, Leon spat

You all should call down, let’s sort this out, the
teacher in the class said

There is no need ma, you aren’t our homeroom
teacher and we have an emergency, Vincent told

Just then Mr Godwin came in

What’s going on here, he asked looking around

This new guy here, stole Leoreth’s gold watch,
Kein said tapping Adrian’s shoulder


Mr Godwin went to Adrian and slapped him

Everyone shrieked

Adrian glared at him

So you are a thief huh, later on you would start
robbing people in the bank, why are you staring
at me that way, Mr Godwin snapped

Adrian didn’t say anything

Mr Godwin slapped him again

Stop staring at me that way jerk, he snarled at

Tamina scoffed

You must come with me immediately, we are
going to the principal’s office, Mr Godwin said
and pulled him out

Adrian followed him calmly

The class started murmuring immediately the

I can’t believe he could do something like that,
he looks innocent, Flynn said

Andorai shook her head

He didn’t do it, Tamina said

They all turned to her

Think about it, Miriam is witness and Leoreth is
the victim, Tamina said

That’s right it’s a set up, Holly gasped

What do we do, we have to save him, Maddie

Tamina you are good at cornering people, you
can make one of them talk, Flynn said

Want would I do that, Tamina asked


I h@ťě him as much as the KLV boys h@ťě him,
and I can never forgive him for calling me bony
structure, she snarled

But you insult others, that’s how they feel too,
Maddie said

And I don’t ask them for help, I am never
helping, he deserves it anyway, she hissed and
walked away

Jeez she’s so stubborn, Flynn mumbled looking
at her

Maddie smacked his head

You might fall down if you keep staring that
way, she said

I wasn’t staring okay, he snapped

Guys aren’t we going to help him, Holly asked

Yeah we should look for a way, Andorai

Adrian was sitting down quietly

He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry but one
thing is certain

He doesn’t understand what is happening

Him steal!!

When, where, how and when did that happen

It is obviously a set up and he felt like smashing
that Ɓîtçh Miriam’s head but he swallowed his

He was trying to stay calm to the extent that he
was vibrating

And Mr Godwin, he has been ranting and
insulting him

He finally found the opportunity he has been
looking for so obviously he’s not going to waste
it right??

Did you steal it, The principal asked Adrian

He was silent, he didn’t reply

Is there any need of asking, he did it, the watch
was found in his bag, Mr Godwin snarled

The principal sighed

Adrian, your dad will be coming tomorrow, she

He looked up immediately


That’s how serious it is, she continued

Adrian bit his lips and looked away

By the time they were done talking to the

School was already over and most of the
students had gone

However online Adrian was being roasted alive

Adrian picked his bag and left ignoring Mr
Godwin question

Never had he ever imagined that he would be a
victim of bullying

He felt really angry that he couldn’t express his

If he didn’t control himself earlier, he would
have definitely murdered someone

Adrian!!, Keeva screamed immediately he
entered the house

She saw his face and frowned

What happened to you, she asked

He ignored her and went upstairs

That spoilt brat, she mumbled

But what happened??

Soon she started hearing sobs

What the!! Hope it’s not what she’s thinking, she
thought and appeared in his room

He was crying

The almighty Adrian was crying!!

What the hell happened!!

Leave, I don’t want you here, he snapped

She sighed and sat beside him

You were accused of stealing, she asked

He looked at her in surprise

Don’t be surprised, I told you I know every thing,
she said

I am not crying, I am just shocked and
speechless and I am couldn’t….

She hugged him immediately

He froze..

It’s okay I understand, she whispered

Tonight I can’t hear and tonight I can’t see, I
can’t hear your crying and I can’t see you crying,
she said

Do you know what I mean, she asked

He was quiet

I won’t tease yo with it, Tomorrow you have to
wake up strong and don’t let them step on you,
she said

He rested his head on her shoulders

Surprisingly he felt relaxed, all his troubles
disappeared and he found himself drifting off
to sleep

The next day

Adrian went to school early, he went straight to
the principal’s office

Her orders though?

He was there till his father came in

His heart started beating fast

His dad will definitely feel disappointed and
very angry, he thought

Soon they were sitting before the principal

I am sorry about that, Teddy said

The principal sighed

He doesn’t look like one who would do such a
thing but what can we do, the evidence says he
is the one, the principal said

It’s my fault, I don’t have time for my son at all, I
am always busy, Teddy said

Adrian looked away and scoffed

Adrian will definitely be punished, you may
leave, the principal told them

Teddy apologized again before leaving, Adrian
followed him

He turned to Adrian as they came out of the

Have you eaten, he asked him

Adrian was surprised

Are you not mad, Adrian asked Teddy

Teddy chuckled

I know you Adrian, you might be stubborn, rude
and hot tempered but you definitely can’t steal
and you also won’t hurt your teacher without a
good reason

I am sorry I can’t fight for you, I just need you to
hang on, once your mom is okay we will leave
here immediately okay, he told Adrian holding
his shoulder

Adrian bit his lips

Now act like the real Adrian Walter and deal
with them, I am behind you, Teddy said

Adrian smiled

Bye, I gotta go, make sure you don’t skip your
meal okay, Teddy said

Adrian nodded

Teddy left

Adrian turned to the class and clenched his fist

The students started murmuring immediately
the saw him

He ignored them and entered the class

He went straight to Miriam’s table and banged
the desk

She flinched

What do you think you are doing, she snarled

You did it didn’t you, Adrian asked

She scoffed

Did what, she snarled

Oh you look tough with me, but with those boys
you look really weak, Adrian said

Leave me alone, it’s not my fault you stole, she

I know why I am calm, I am even surprised, I am
not usually calm, he said

She started playing with her fingers

Tell me do you like them, he asked

Huhhhhh, everyone gasped

She froze

Isn’t that why you love being bullied by them, so
which one do you like, the short one, the plump
one or the bony one, he asked

What the hell is going on here, Kein snarled
entering the class

Who’s short, plump and bony, Victor snarled

The one in the middle is yours, Adrian replied

Everyone burst into laughter

How dare you, you are just a cheap thief, Kein

I was set up by you fools, Adrian said

The three burst into laughter immediately

That’s right, Tamina said and stood up

Everyone turned to her

Oh the wonder woman, is here to rescue you,
Leon mocked

I have evidence that Miriam planted it his bag,
Tamina said

They all gasped

She brought out her phone and played a voice


Hey Miriam, Tamina called

What do you want, leave me alone okay, I didn’t
do anything, Miriam snarled

I wanted to ask you why you set that boy up,
Tamina asked

Are you trying to get me to talk, Miriam scoffed

Nah my phone is not with me, I am just
surprised, I mean he got into the KLV bad books
because he was trying to save you, so how
could you do that to him, Tamina asked

I didn’t do anything, Miriam snarled

I wonder how you will sleep at night, Tamina

Look it’s Kein okay, I didn’t want to do it but he
forced me, I couldn’t refuse, she said


Everyone gasped immediately

Tamina turned off the voice note

You you you you, Miriam stuttered

Huh are you trying to rap now, Adrian asked

Ɓîtçh, Kein growled and tried to hit Tamina but
Adrian kicked him

Tamina was surprised, well Adrian was also

I mean she f-__-king helped him

Just then Mr Godwin ran in with bruises and
blood all over

He looked really funny

The students started laughing and taking

Leoreth walked in after him looking at him

I will ki|| you, she growled

How can you be so strong, he cried

Adrian was confused but then he saw Keeva
leave her body

Making Leoreth look around in confusion

Keeva grinned wickedly

What just happened, what’s happening, Leoreth
asked looking around in confusion



Written by Rosemary 🌹

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