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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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After taking a bath I walked towards the dining hall. I was not far from the door when I saw a familiar young man standing right next to it.

It was Leon. He was looking regal while wearing his black causal Knight’s uniform. He was looking so handsome just by standing there.

Then Leon glanced my way. He gave me his right smile that I Love so much. I blushed Instantly while remembering what happened last night.

“Good morning Alicia,” Leon greeted me with a smile.

“G-good morning Leon.” I greeted back, I can feel my cheeks Burning.

Leon looked at me eagerly and smiled. He touched my cheeks and gently caressed it.

“You looks so because today, ” Leon said and I felt cheek’s burn Even more.

Leon Chuckled “let’s go inside,” I’m sure you are hungry.

I simply nodded.

Leon took my hand and held it within his. He ushered me inside the dinning room.

Inside, the dishes were prepared on the table. Breakfast today consist of bacon and eggs with buttered toast. I look at it rather confused.

“What is it?” Leon asked. ” Is it not to your liking?”

“Um, no, it’s not that,” I replied. It’s just the food that looks extravagant.

I was a little surprised. The food in the past few days have been good and extravagant.

In the past they have only served me food that was cold and looked like Left overs.

“Ofcourse,X now that I am here I will make sure that the food you eat Will have the right nutrients for your body. “Leon said.”you are rather thin or pale. I don’t know what they have been serving you in the past, but now you need to add on some weight a d I want your skin to be Rosy.

“Thank you,” I said with a smile. I started to eat my breakfast.

After breakfast I Will tell Tricia to prepare your outfit for the horse back riding lessons, Leon said. “I will prepare the horse ? shortly.”

“Hmmm, okay I nodded.

I was startled when Leon held my cheek, I looked at him with surprised eyes. His eyes was looking at me with worry.

“Does it still hurt?” Leon asked.then I remembered the incident yesterday with james. He must be asking about my swollen cheek after James slapped me.

“The swelling has subsided. It only left a mark but it wil fade after some times.” I replied.

“Hmm that’s good, ” Leon said. Then I saw anger flashes in his eyes for a second but it went away fast. “I will take my leave now to prepare the horses. Enjoy your breakfast I Alicia.

“Okay’ I replied and smiled to him. I stared at his retreating back.


At the stable a maid is seen peeking inside. When she saw the stable boy go out and no one was inside she creeped in.

She made her was with a white horse. After looking around again and saw no one, she go near the white horse. She pulled something from inside her pocket and placed it on one of the horses hoof.

After that she hastily ran outside the stable.

The maid ran towards the second princess courtyard.

Princess Elizabeth was seen in a garden gazebo having tea.

“Second princess, ” The maid was panting and bowed down Infront of the princess.

” Have you done what I told you to do,” princess Elizabeth asked.

“Y-yes my princess.” The maid was shaking in fear with her head still Bowed down.

“Good,” Elizabeth smiled wickedly and took a sip of her tea. I’m not gonna let you walk away easily Alicia. After getting my Williams attention. I will make sure William wouldn’t want to see you again.

I was standing behind the rails of the riding field. I am wearing the riding clothes Tricia had prepared for me. It consist of a white long sleeve blouse. A pair of black groves and boots, and a riding cap. My hair was braided into a fishtail.

I was holding a riding rope lazily.

“Where is Leon?” I asked getting a little bored.

“As I know he was preparing the horses just a while ago.” Tricia answered.

Just after a few minutes I see two horses trotting not far from where I was standing. One is a black horse and the other is white. There was a man riding a black horse while he was holding the reins of the White one.

When they got neerer I saw the rider

The rider was non other than Leon. The pure black horse looked majestic, and regal like it was the king of all horses. And together with Leon riding it tall and proud, they emitted a kingly aura.

Leon stopped just few meters in front of me. He alighted the horse and hold both the horse reins. He walked slowly towards me..

Loen asked If am good to go.

Oh yes, I’m ready sir Leon.

Leon tried to hide his chuckle,” well then PRINCESS, let’s start.

Leon offered his hand to me and I took it.
He helped me over in fence, I felt his hand holding me by my waist trying to support me.

“This is Margret. Leon was rubbing the head of the white horse.” She is a gentle horse and the best match for beginners.

I looked at Margret with Wonder, she looks so beautiful. Can I pet her? I asked.

“Sure, Leon smiled, he held the reins closer to me and I was able to hold the bridge of the nose.leon Chuckled looking at me.

Surprisingly I felt a pair of hand on my waist. I was being Carried up a front from the ground.

“Ahhh,”. I yelped .” What are you doing?.

“You are too small to reach so I Carried you. Leon said teasingly.

Well I’m still Young so ofcourse I’m still little.

Wait and see when I grew up. I’m sure to catch up to you. ” I said irritated.

‘ofcourse princess,”I can’t wait for you to grow up,” Leon said with a smile. I can can’t help but feel that he had a hidden meaning to his words.

Leon smiled brightly at me that I can stay irritated at him. So I let him carry me so that I can peg Margret.

“Neigh, the horse made a sound.

“It looks like Margret likes you.” Leon said

“Really,” I was amazed.” Then let’s be friends okay. I will be in your care. ” I Said to Margret. And then Margret neighed again. I giggled.

“Come now, let’s get up on Margret,” Leon said.

He Carried me Easily and put me on Margret.

“Okay first let me teach you the right position in horseback riding. “Leon started to instruct. ” Start by sitting straight.

I do as I was told and sit up straight.

“That’s good don’t get stiff,” Leon said.

I relaxed my Lower back so that I won’t sit too stiff.

“Okay next, let’s align your shoulder, hip and heel. They should be aligned on a straight line. Leon helps me.

“There, then me sure that both of your sides are balanced out. You must not tip over one side or you will fall off the horse ?. Leon instructs so I balanced myself up.

“Okay so now hold the reigns. Be sure that I’m holding it you shouldn’t hold it too loose or too tight, just the Right amount. “Leon said. ” There should be a straight line from your elbow to your hand and to the horses mouth.

I made a mental note on all of what Leon just said.

“That’s good. With this current position we are making sure that you have the Right balance once the horse ? starts moving
.” Leon smiled at me.

I made a mental note on all what Leon just thought me.

“Thats good,” with this current position we are making sure that you have the right balance once the horse starts moving. Leon smiled at me.

I felt my heart thump when I saw his bright smile.

“Alright then, try giving Margret a nudge for her to move forward.” Leon instructed. I do as I was told and gave Margret a gentle nudge with my feet. Margret started to move..

“Oh my, she’s moving,” I said with amazement. Leon was by the horse side maintaining a safe distance.

“That’s good, don’t be so stiff while she’s walking. Let your body flow with the horse’s movement.” Leon Said.

I tried to do what Leon said, I felt that Margret was moving in an easy pace.

“You’re doing great princess,” Leon praised me.

“Really? Thanks, I smiled happily.

“Now try trotting, give your nudge more strength.” Leon instructed.

I gave Margret a strong nudge and she was trotting.

That’s good princess, you are doing good, Leon said.

I see him mount the black horse and catch up to me.

“Let’s trot together, Leon smiled “this is here midnight. He is a very proud horse. He only lets me ride him. I see Leon rub midnight’s neck.

“Really,” so he’s a choosy horse ,” I giggled.

” Well he has a majestic breed. So he knows how to pick his Rider.” Leon bragged.

“So you are Saying you are someone majestic that midnight selected you to be his Rider?” I teased him.

“Not to brag but that would be the point, haha Leon laughed.

“Well I’m just stating the truth, “Leon smiled.

I looked at him Intently. It’s true that he looks rather majestic. Even with casual riding clothes he looks handsome. His aura emits a Royal and majestic hint the he looks more like a prince rather than a knight. I thought that I would want to be always by his side.

When I realized my train of thought and blushed.

“What was I thinking?” I thought. Being with him was an unexpected desire I have just accumulated.

“You look beautiful, * Leon said suddenly.

I looked at him confused.

‘y look beautiful when you blush,” Leon repeated .” Having some color to your pale skin makes you more radiant . It is just right to .
make you come and take some sunlight.

I blushed further after when he said it. I looked away from his embarrassed.

“I guess because I was always indoors that’s why I am a little pale. “I explained.” When I first came here in the palace I had felt that I was never wanted from the start. So I just stayed indoors. That’s until Richard started playing with me. but I have always been inside Richard’s courtyard.”

Leon looked at me with A sad eyes.

“Don’t worry about me. I have always known that I was never welcomed here and accepted that. “” I said sadly.

“Tell me Alicia, what are the things you want to do if you were given an opportunity to travel?* Leon asked me.

I looked at Leon confused why he asked that. He was waiting for my answer patiently.

“If ever I was giving an opportunity to travel then I want to see the sea first. I want to see the vast water that stretches as far as my eyes can see, ” I said. Then I want to see the valleys and mountain. Maybe also see thee snowy caps at Mt.theses. I want to ASLO visit farm’s and look at different kinds of animals.

“Hmmm that is such a long list.” Leon was nodding.

“That isn’t even the Half of it.” I said with a smile. I looked at home. ” I also want to meet different kinds of people . I want to learn Many.

I wasn’t able to finish my sentence when I felt lips pressed on mine. Leon stole a quick kiss From me. I looked at him with surprise and held my lips.

“You looks so gullible when you are happy that I wasn’t able to Resist in stealing kiss .”Leon said and smiled.

I blushed embarrassed.

“Hmmm, I don’t know what to say that I stuttered trying to form a sentence. “Let’s pick up the pace okay,” I awkwardly said.

I kick Margret and she sprang forward.

“Wait Alicia,” I heard Leon yell after me but I was running Infront now.

Then I felt something not right, Margret was acting strangely. Margret was trashing on place.

“Margret what is it?, I was starting to get nervous. I hold the reins tight just to balance but I can’t calm Margret down.

I was getting frightened. I don’t know what to do.

” Alicia” Leon was riding midnight and caught up to me.

“Leon! I don’t know what happened to Margret” I yelled at him frightened,” what will I do?.

I was balancing myself on top of the trashing Margret.i was afraid that I would fall.

“Alicia just hold in.” Balance yourself so you won’t fall.” Leon instructed.

” Leon hold me my eyes were shedding tears now,I was afraid.

Leon stopped meter away and alighted his horse.

“Margret shh girl!” Leon tried to calm her down.

“Leon! ” I was now holding on Margaret’s neck for dear life . She was trashing all around like crazy.

“Hold on Alicia, I’ll surely save you.” Leon yelled.

His words gave me courage. I know wh@ťěver happens he would be there to save me.

“Neigh” Margret said loudly. She was standing on her hind feat while her front was tossing in the air.

“Ahhh, Leon! I yelped. I Lost my grip in Margaret’s neck and I felt myself falling.

“Alicia!” I heard Leon scream.

I saw the Blue sky overhead and I felt fal

TO BE CONTINUED…………..???????????


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