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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Born To Suffer}

Episodes 41 🥀 42 { FINALE }

Written by: Dynamite O.



Nimona dropped the sword and staggered back into Heather’s hands while covering her blood-covered eyes.

” Favorite child… Can you see? Did it work? Please, tell me it worked..” Heather said desperately, and Nimona uncovered her eyes.

The iris colour in them was lively, brown to be precise, and she looked directly at Heather. She could see.

” Mom…” She muttered, and Heather bursted out joyfully, hugging her tightly.

Dora rolled eyes at them, folding her arms.

” Looks like my work here’s done. The chosen one is dead, same as the motherf-__-ker who betrayed me. I never needed him alive anyways, so see you in never again.” She said without care and began walking out of the circle.

Before she could step out of it, the ground began rumbling, shaking them all to the ground.

An earthquake was happening in various parts of the kingdom, collapsing buildings and ki||ing people everywhere…

They heard laughing, screaming, crying, talking and whispering all at once. They all covered their ears as the eerie noises tore through their eardrums.

When it seemed that it was all over, the three lifted their faces up slowly, and they were stunned to the core by what they saw…

Kimora’s body was levitating in the air. Her head was reattached, and her eyes were closed as the wind blew around her.

She was covered by a great cloud of thick black smoke. Her eyes opened in the smoke cloud, glowing with a bright golden colour.

She waved her hands in the smoke, and it cleared off, revealing her completely.

She was changed, having black wings of smoke behind her. Her horns had grown out of her head, and her hair was even darker and longer than before, reaching the ground. Her claws grew out and were sharpened, and a third eye opened on her forehead, glowing with gold too.

She had risen from the dead, looking like a complete abomination of creation.

All their eyes stretched open wide in great and indescribable shock, their hearts even stopped beating.

Kimora suddenly fisted one of her hands, stretching it to all of them. They all got lifted into the air as their bones stared getting crushed, and they screamed in excruciating pains.

” Daughter!!!” Heather screamed, but Kimora fisted that hand even harder, and her screams got louder, renting the air.

Damon came alive too. He stood and watched as all the chaos went on.

” You all have commited a grievous sin that’s unforgivable. Your punishment shall be unimaginable as consequence. Your souls shall be burnt and tortured in the deepest pits of hell.” She declared, speaking in a distorted fashion.

” You can’t do this to me! I’m your mother! I f-__-kin’ gave birth to you!!!” Heather screamed uneasily.

” You gave birth to me in my former life. I’ve been reincarnated as a different being now in another life, so you are no longer my mother.” She told.

” f-__-k you!!!” Heather spat out.

” I’m sorry! I only did it because she pressurized me to! I didn’t mean to ki|| you!!!” Nimona spoke.

” Because you have chosen the evil path of your mother, you shall suffer the same punishment as her. No excuse will render you free from your punishment.” Kimora stated coldly.

” I only wanted to get back my revenge! This isn’t the way I planned to die! Unhand me, now!” Dora yelled madly.

” I don’t care, Ɓîtçh.” Kimora retorted.

She spread open both of her palms, and fire caught all three of them, burning them hellishly. They screamed in pains and suffering until they got burnt completely and died on the ground.

Their souls left their bodies, but Kimora tied them together with ghostly chains, then she casted them through a portal to the underworld.

Meanwhile, the Palace was experiencing great chaos and disasters.

Eric was already dead in his room. His body was on the ground, and his skull was showing as fire burnt his room completely.

Raya tried to escape from her room too as it caught on fire, but a brick from nowhere just crashed upon her head, making her pass out in the burning room.

Hester went to meet her dad, and together they tried to escape from the palace.

A sandstorm caught them on the way, and they were trapped on the ground as the sand buried them alive completely.

A flood came afterwards and washed over the whole palace completely, leaving nobody to survive.

People in their homes were suffering as well. A plague caught them all, and they all got sick in their homes, coughing out blood and dying instantaneously.

People who were outside and trying to run for their lives were struck by lightening from nowhere.

Rose and Gabrielle who had come out too started crying miserably when they saw a flood coming in. They knew the couldn’t escape from it and hugged themselves tightly.

The flood just smashed on them all, washing them all away.

The Institute was crumbling to pieces. It fell apart heavily, ki||ing every single person in it, then it caught fire.

Damon’s eyes suddenly turned red for no reason, and he began hearing some voices whispering in his ears…


” ki|| HER ”

The great sword of extinction appeared in his hold, then he dragged the tip on the ground as he walked like a mindless and controlled zombie towards Kimora.

Kimora turned back to him too, and her golden emotionless eyes spotted him.

She attracted the sword of blood into her hand, and it was covered with her blood as she walked towards him too.

They were the only ones left alive in the whole kingdom of Euphoria, no one was around to stop them.

When they got to each other, they raised their swords… And without mercy, they stabbed each other through the stomachs.

Pure pain and anguish overwhelmed them as their eyes and mouths flew wide open.

Their eyes returned back to normal, and they both returned to their normal senses…

Staring at themselves, they started crying with the last strength left in them.

Weakly, they shared one last passionate kiss on tears, holding their heads so dearly…

Their souls left them, then their lips broke apart. Their bodies fell beside each other as their bloods flowed out and mixed into themselves.


The whole world had taken significant changes and development. Technology had taken over, so everyone was now living by modern means.

Skyscrapers, posh cars, smartphones, television, all these devices were popularly in use.

A red carpet was spread outside of a movie industry, and the whole press was crowded outside with many news vans and helicopters, waiting for a special someone to come out.

They had just finished the big premiere to an awesome movie, titled ‘ TEST OF TIME’. It was a romance movie that threw the whole of Los Angeles into chaos as they all fell in love with the main actor of the movie.

Talk of the devil, the actor stepped out of the door and stepped on the carpet with his head down. Cameras began clicking on him instantaneously, and the press came forward, bugging him with various questions.

Thankfully, he was shielded by his guards.

He lifted his face up, and flashed the crowd a handsome smile, looking so hot. All his girl fans screamed and passed out.

He was none other than Damon.





“I’M OBSESSED WITH YOU!” His crazy fans screamed.

Someone else appeared beside him, turning out to be Eric. They both got reincarnated as best friends right from childhood.

He began catwalking down the red carpet side by side with Eric, being shielded by his guards while the press tried to interview him.

Even though Eric was beside him, Damon got the most attention. His face was on every news channel existing in the country, so that meant that more than 500 million people were watching him.

He was a trillionaire as well. Quarter of his net worth could pay the whole of Nigeria’s debt.

Celestia somehow found a way to get back with Blaze. They were now dating and lived comfortably in a mansion of their own.

Jeremy became a billionaire, owning a large chain of expensive sops all over the world. Of course he was also in a romantic relationship with Diane.

On the other hand, Nimona and her mother, Heather were working in prisons. Their jobs were to pack the $h|t that got released into the sewage, and they were paid peanut money for it which wasn’t enough to survive.

Dora was admitted into a mental hospital, for running mad after she couldn’t deal with the poverty she was born in.

Master Chaos and Hester, well…. They were owing the government billions of dollars, so they had to stay in the forest where they were discovered by kidnappers and sold to a notorious mafia lord as slaves.

May was reincarnated too, and she became an actress as well, living in a luxurious mansion as a single, beautiful lady with many suitors begging for her hand in marriage.

King Devon became an armed robber. He was wanted by many countries, and he was into hiding.

Queen Avery became the owner of a hospital, taking care of the sick and disabled.

Damon turned to the crowd, and right there he saw Rose with Gabrielle, cheering him on. She’s his blood sister, and Gabrielle was now her boyfriend.

” Go brother! Go get that success you deserve! I’m proud of you!” She shouted, and he smiled back at her.

The two friends got into the backseat of Damon’s Mercedes, then the driver started driving the car.

” I’m so happy I got to where I am today.” He said, smiling at Eric.

” No bro, you’re not getting away with that. We both got to where we are together, you’re just getting more attention because of your more handsome face.” Eric corrected him.

” It’s not my fault I was born more handsome.” Damon chuckled.

” Then get ready for me tonight, because I’m coming to rip that face off.” Eric returned jokingly, and they both laughed.

” We’re going to the club after this, right?” Eric said.

” Of course, everytime.” Damon replied.

With that, the convo ended, and Damon began to stare out of the window in thoughts, focusing on the street.

He saw a bunch of homeless people as the car drove by. He felt pity for them, but there was one particular girl who caught his attention.

It was Kimora! Damon’s eyes widened…

Unfortunately for her, she didn’t get a happy and rich birth like Damon, she came to life as an orphan who found herself on the streets.

She was sitting on a bucket, drawing something on the ground with a stick. She was wearing tattered clothes with a hoodie tried around her waist, and her hair looked completely messed up. She was dirty and unkept.

” Stop the car.” He ordered, and the car came to an abrupt stop.

He opened the door and came out, and Eric came out with him, staring at him surprisingly.

” Damon! What the f-__-k!” He shouted, but Damon never turned back as he kept going.

He got to Kimora and bent down in front of her. She noticed the pair of rich-looking shoes before her and looked into his eyes.

They began staring into each other’s souls deeply, and like magic, all the memories of their past lives came rushing in.

The wet kisses they loved to share, the hot moments they shared in bed, they way their hearts raced for each other, their precious hugs, their laughs, their love…

Slowly, they stood up with shock boldly written on their faces.

” D…. Damon…” She muttered in disbelief.

” Mora…” He remembered too.

They held their faces, and tears began wetting their cheeks.

People around got their phones and began recording the emotional moment.

Their eyes closed gently as they leaned into each other, and like that… Their lips connected.

” Aaaaawwwwwnnnn!!!” The crowd went at the cute couple.

They felt this amazing spark when their lips touched, and they started smooching away without a care for who was watching them.

They broke the kiss, staring at each other, then they hugged each other tightly.

People went wild again, cheering and clapping for the cute couple.

” What the f-__-k did I just see?” Eric muttered, trying to understand the situation.

Even after a thousand years, they still found a strange way back to each other, which goes ahead to prove that love can stand any test of time.

Their love would always remain intact and strong, forever and always.

Kimora Hyacinth and Damon DeVille, the DAMORA COUPLE.


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