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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE FORBIDDEN CURSE – Episode 15 & 16

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{Born To Suffer}

Episodes 15 🥀 16

Written by: Dynamite O.



” I greatly object to this marriage.” A familiar voice blurted out, and shocking gasps followed as they all turned to the aisle to see her standing there, glaring fiercely and boldly.


The sky turned grey immediately, and thunder started booming. Lightening started surging through Kimora’s body, and her eyes turned white.

Wind blew heavily, making everyone leave in panic, even the priest, except the royal family and their officials.

” What are you waiting for? Seize that criminal at once!” King Devon shouted, and the guards ran to Kimora with their weapons.

Lightening struck the ground in different spots around them, which stunned and made them fall.

Kimora started walking to Eric and Yisabel as her eyes blazed with fury.

” Kimora…” Eric muttered in shock.

Yisabel grunted and grabbed a knife to stab Kimora. Kimora held the hand tightly, making her drop the knife.

” Kimora, please.” Yisabel cried pitifully as her hand got crushed.

She left Yisabel roughly and she fell. When she tried standing, she stepped on her wedding gown and tore it.

She fell again, and the wedding gown tore completely from her bak. Her angel wings got exposed and spread out widely, making jaws drop.

Yisabel tried to hide them in shame but it was impossible because they all saw it. She turned to Eric, and the love spell immediately got cleared from his eyes.

” Eric, I don’t know how these wings got there, Honest!” She lied and tried going near him.

He slapped her thunderously, making her crash into the ground.

” If you dare touch me, I’ll end you. Sick Ɓîtçh.” He muttered with utter hatred.

” Guards, what are you waiting for? Arrest this imposter!” He shouted, and Yisabel quickly flew off in bitter tears before she could get caught.

Eric turned to Kimora afterwards, looking so remorseful.

” I’m so sorry, Kimora. Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to do anything that’d hurt you.” He said and touched her face, but she slapped him immediately.

” Keep your hands to yourself, or I’ll cut them off.” She thr_@tened as he held his stinging face.

She stepped back, and lightening struck her. Prince Eric had to close his eyes because of the blinding light, and when he opened them, she was gone.

He fell on his butt, looking down dejectedly as the King and Queen rushed to him.

” Son! Are you okay?” Queen Avery said concerningly, bending down to hold his face, but he slapped her hands off and stood, looking annoyed.

” Son, you don’t have to worry. We can hold the wedding another day, just with another princess. You just have to understand that you’re my son, and one day you’ll inherit the throne. So you have to have a wife!” King Devon spat, despite everything that just happened.

” If you want me to have a wife so badly, wait until I bring one to you, instead of forcing me into shitty marriages.” He snarled before storming off.

Queen Avery watched him leave in worry while King Devon just stared.


The whole institute was still in great dilemma all because of what happened at the wedding.

Hester couldn’t help but smile at everything. The wedding was ruined, so she could finally have Prince Eric to herself.

Kimora appeared in front of her room. She was back to normal as she placed her hand on the knob and turned it open.

She met Diane consoling Celestia, and they were both standing right in front of her. Celestia’s eyes immediately widened on seeing Kimora.

” Kimora…” She gasped, but Kimora suddenly broke into tears.

She fell flat at the door and let all her emotions out right there, sobbing like there was no tomorrow. Celestia rushed to her side and hugged her tightly while Diane just stood and stared, looking lost.

” It’s okay. It’s all gonna be fine, you’re safe now.” Celestia told her words of comfort.


After half an hour of explaining everything to them, right from the beginning where it all started, Diane and Celestia’s eyes and mouth were wide agape.

Celestia’s reaction was even more than Diane’s. She was crying uncontrollably.

” You went through all that, before getting to the Institute?” Diane muttered, and Kimora nodded.

Kimora hugged Celestia closed and patted her back like she was a baby to make her stop crying.

” it was your curse that made me lose my powers temporarily. That means that it was because of that same curse that all those strange things happened that night.” She cried in her arms.

” Somehow, we have to break that curse. If it’s not broken, who knows what might happen next?” Diane reasoned, and they all went silent afterwards.

” We have to find your brother to undo the curse, Kimora. Where is he?” Diane asked.

” He lives at home, but I don’t know where home is. The only thing I grew up to know there was pain and torture.” She responded.

” I’ll be back. I have to walk everything off, this is too much to hear.” Celestia hurriedly left the room, leaving them behind.

Diane went to grab her novel and sat at her reading table. She couldn’t even open it to read and just stared at the cover.

Kimora went to her, but she didn’t even notice her presence.

” Are you alright?” She asked, startling her.

She wanted to lie and say yes, but the look on her face obviously said no. She turned back to her book guiltily.

” I just feel extremely bad for treating you the way I did. You went through so much, and here I was making you go through more.” She said guiltily.

Surprisingly, a tear fell from her eye and landed on the book. Kimora hugged her immediately, making her eyes widen.

” Don’t cry because of anything, you have nothing to cry about. I forgive you from the bottom of my heart.” She said.

Diane didn’t hesitate to return the hug wholesomely. She tried her best not to weep.

” Is there anything I can do to repay your kind act? You’re such an amazing person.” She smiled when they broke the hug.

” You could take me to a library. I also love reading books.” She smiled back.

” Of course, we have a library. There are tons of books that you can read there.”

” Then it’s a date, a book date.” Kimora replied.

They held hands before leaving the room together.

Hester stood at a corner and glared at them jealously.


Kimora and Diane were laughing aloud like best friends as they had lots of books piled in front of them.

They’ve spent a lot of hours reading lots of amazing novels together. They had the best time of their lives.

The other book readers just stared at them like they just ran mad.

They were still on it when Kimora opened another book, and a scroll fell out of it.

She picked it up and saw that it had a golden seal on it, and her name was written on it.

” What is this?” She inquired, showing it to Diane. Diane’s eyes went wide.

” Kimora, you have to hide that. You just found your scroll!” She said.

” Scroll?”

” Yes, every person born in the Supernatural realm has a unique scroll of destiny, I read all about it in the library. Each scroll has a written destiny in it, and it’ll find its way to its owner in a mysterious manner. But the scrolls that I read about have red seals, I wonder why yours had a golden seal.” She explained, and Kimora’s eyes darted back to the scroll.

” You have to keep that scroll. It’s very important that you don’t lose it, and no one else must know what’s written in it but you.” Diane cautioned, and Kimora nodded.

She suddenly teleported out of the library. She was heading back to her room when she met Damon in front of her, and she stopped.

He looked down and saw the scroll with her.

” You’ve found your scroll?” He said, but she immediately hid it behind her.

” What do you want?” She asked.

” Answers. I came here for answers.” He replied.

” Answers about what?” She asked again.

” You have powers, Kimora. How come you hid them from me?” He asked.

” How did you find out about my powers?” She replied with a question.

” News travels faster than you think.” He responded, and she went quiet.

” Now tell me. How did you have powers that I didn’t know about? You hid them from everyone, deceiving us all to think that you were powerless, especially me. Why did you do that?” He asked, stepping closer to her.

Kimora had to lean back slightly so that their faces wouldn’t meet.

” Because… Because I didn’t know about them too.” She replied uneasily.

He stepped back from her.

” I don’t believe you. We shouldn’t keep secrets between ourselves since we’re soulmates.” He said, and her eyes wend wide.

” Soulmates? Did you just call us soulmates?” She gasped.

Damon blinked in realisation of what he just blurted out.

” I take back my words. It was just a slip of the tongue.” He lied, and she frowned.

” If you think that you can question me however you like, then I also have a question for you.” She said, and he raised a brow.

” Why’d you kiss me? She asked, and his face dropped.

” I said, why’d you kiss me, Damon?” She pressed the question on him, but he remained silent.

She went closer to him, making their eyes narrow as tension built between them.

” Tell me why you kissed me, Damon. I’m dying to know.” She pleaded with her eyes.

Damon suddenly grabbed her face with both hands, making her gasp.

He brought his lips near as if to kiss her, but he stopped just an inch to her lips.

” I don’t know why I did that. It was a f-__-kin’ mistake that I regret, till now. So don’t tempt me to do something more crazy.” He finally answered, then he left her face and vanished.

She looked down disappointedly . Somehow, his words found a special way to hurt her feelings.

He’s a devil afterall. Why was she actually expecting a different response? She didn’t know.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and Kimora clenched her fists as tears forcefully slipped out of her eyes. Rain started falling, drenching her on the spot.

She was too heartbroken to even notice that the scroll was gone from her already.

Diane came out of the library and was surprised to find her standing in the rain.

” Kimora, what’s going on? What’re you still doing here?” She asked as she approached her, but Kimora took to her heels suddenly.

” The heck?” Diane muttered before running after her.


Damon stood silently, staring at the full moon with his fists clenched.

The only thought in his head was about what he said to Kimora. He was thinking about it ever since he left.

He felt like his answer was a giant lie, even his heart felt guilty. Was the kiss really a mistake? He had no idea.

His mind went to Dora, and he became downcast as all the memories they enjoyed together flooded in.

Right from the romantic first time they met, to the tragic last time he ever saw her alive. His heart ached terribly as he remembered that awful, gory scene.

He cursed himself inwardly again, feeling so destroyed. He badly wished she was with him, that he could really bring her back.

” Avenge me, Damon.” He heard her voice like a whisper, and it hypnotized him.

His blood boiled, and he started shaking with mad anger, screaming into the night sky. At once, all the birds flying fell dead and burnt into ashes, and all the green trees turned dark and weak.

He gripped his head, groaning and throwing his head about insanely as he closed his eyes.

His eyes shot open, glowing with livid rage. His claws came out, and he spread them menacingly as his anger drove him insane.

” I’m gonna ki|| him.” He muttered before vanishing.


Damon appeared at the palace, looking so dark and deadly. The maids and guards fled immediately they saw him.

No one could face him, not when they still valued their lives. They all knew exactly what he was capable of.

Some were unlucky and couldn’t escape. They screamed as invisible fire burnt their skin alive.

His powers were dealing with them, and he didn’t even have to lift a single finger to do it. He just did it with his mind.

He stepped into the palace without hindrance, and the first person he met in the hallway was King Devon, his own father.

King Devon wasn’t surprised. He even had the bloody guts to smile evilly.

” Finally, the bastard is back to finish his undone business.” He cackled unseriously.

” Is it that obvious? I’m here to thank you for hating me, and for making me into the monster that I am. Now,I’m going to reward you handsomely.” He grinned dangerously.

King Devon held out a sword from his back, as if he already knew that Damon was coming. At once, he sent the sword flying directly to Damon’s heart.

Damon put his hand in front of the sword, and it stopped in the air. King Devon’s eyes widened, and he started trembling as he bathed in his own sweat.

” The great sword of extinction? Where did a dark-hearted mortal like you find this?” He asked, but King Devon didn’t respond.

” In that case, have your sword back.” He said and threw back the sword fastly.

King Devon saw how fast and dangerous the sword became and tried running. Unfortunately, the sword stabbed him from behind and stuck out of his belly.

” Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” He screamed, going down on his knees. He looked down and held the sword, then blood gushed out of his mouth.

” Father!!!” Eric exclaimed and approacged him. King Devon looked at him weakly, then he stopped living and fell lifelessly.

He slowly lifted his eyes to see Damon. His eyes widened beyond their limit.

” Here’s the devil who stole Dora from me.” Damon smiled darkly, and Eric trembled as sweat ran down his face.

” I swear on the Kingdom, Damon. It was an accident.” Eric uttered.

” You ended my lover’s life permanently, now I’m going to end yours too. Goodbye forever, Eric.” He said.

An earthquake began, causing Eric to lose his balance and fall. The ground beneath him cracked open into two parts, and Eric fell right into it.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!!” He screamed, holding the ground so that he wouldn’t fall into the crack.

Fire appeared at the bottom of the crack, burning brightly under his legs.

” Go to hell, bastard.” Damon said devilishly.

Kimora refused to tell her friends what was going on with her. She just isolated herself and buried her face into her knees on the bed while Diane and Celestia tried getting her to talk.

” Kimora, what’s wrong with you? Why aren’t you telling us anything?” Diane complained.

” Yeah, tell us what’s happening to you. We’re your friends.” Celestia added.

Kimora suddenly raided her face for the first time, looking so intensely disturbed.

” Are you okay?” They asked, but Kimora ignored them.

Her heart was in great turmoil, her mind suddenly refused to be calm. She felt deep worry.

” Damon.” She suddenly muttered, then she disappeared from them like that.

” Where the hell has she gone?” Celestia sprang up in alarm.

” I don’t know, honestly.” Diane replied.


Kimora appeared behind Damon. He was glaring at Eric’s fingers, trying to make them slip from the ground so that he’d fall into the crack.

” Damon, stop! Please stop!!!” She yelled, but he ignored her.

” Help me!” Prince Eric screamed as one of his hands lost grip, then he replied all his weight and life on the other.

Kimora went to his front and hugged him tightly, but that did nothing to stop him, and she looked up fearfully at his bloodshot eyes.

Without thinking, she closed her eyes and kissed him deeply. The red glow in his eyes died down, and they widened at the soft contact of their flesh.


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