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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Born To Suffer}

Episodes 1 🥀 2

Written by: Dynamite O.



Kimora was washing the dishes in the kitchen. There were thousands of other dirty dishes that are waiting to be washed, but she kept busily washing them with no complains.

She had a smile on her lips, but it didn’t last for long. It turned upside down, and her once happy face turned bitter. She started crying immediately.

Since she has been born, she had never experienced joy. She has seen that people smile when they’re happy, and she tried it… But it didn’t work. Her heart is as grievous as f-__-k.

She wiped her face off and held up a plate. The plate suddenly flew out of her hand and crashed against her head.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” Kimora yelped in horror as blood trickled down her forehead and washed down into the sink and on the floor.

She turned back when she heard laughing and found her elder sister, Yisabel at the door.

This was just a small example of the torment she faced everyday, she usually faced more than this from her family.

Kimora tried moving away, but she slipped on her own blood and fell on the broken pieces of the plate. They pierced right into her butt, and she bit her lips so hard to suppress her scream that they bleeded.

” Hey, everyone! Come see what Kimora has done with the dishes! She broke a plate!” Yisabel announced, and in a split second the other angels came flying down there.

They found Kimora on the ground in hellish pains, but instead of helping her or showing sympathy, they began laughing as well.

” Look at her, she’s menstruating on the ground!” Terrius, her second elder brother said, and they laughed even harder. Kimora looked down at herself to see her blood flowing out like she was really menstruating, and she sobbed bitterly.

She couldn’t even stand because some of the broken pieces got into her leg as well. She felt crazy pains all over her body.

Terrius teleported to her front & grabbed her hair tightly, lifting her up like that. He slapped her face to the sink and her head crashed right into the soapy water.

She pulled her head out, gasping as the stinging water ran down her face. Blood ran down her nose because of the weighty slap.

Yisabel teleported to her as well & grabbed her head before lifting her knee to her nose, fast. Kimora’s nose broke, and more blood escaped from it as Yisabel pushed her down.

She laid half-dead on the ground when Oberon, her eldest brother teleported and punched her right eye. It became blind and purple immediately, and Kimora screamed in agony.

Other supernatural were passing by the house, hearing Kimora’s endless cries of pain. Some laughed in mockery, some stayed to eavesdrop while others just shaked their heads and walked away.

” She’s an outcast. She should be banned from our world.

” I bet she’s a bastard. She doesn’t even have powers.

” What a worthless child. She sickens me to the guts.”

” I h@ťě her voice. I just wish I could rip out her heart.

” Why can’t she just die once and for all?” They commented h@ťěfully.

Oberon grabbed her hair & used his fingers to open her other eye. His eyes turned pure white with light & he glared hard into that eye. Her eye turned white as well and she screamed as instant headache struck and destroyed her skull.

He left her, and she dropped to the ground writhing in agony. Her parents were watching without an iota of pity, they despised her just as much.

” Take her to the cottage and lock her there for three days, that’s her punishment for breaking a dish. No food, no sunlight, no oxygen in fact. I wanna see her body dry up.” Her father said heartlessly, and Terrius grabbed her leg and disappeared with her.

Yisabel used her powers to clean up the kitchen. Kimora’s blood disappeared from everywhere, and all the hundreds of dishes became clean and nearly arranged. The kitchen was spotless in seconds, then they all left.


This was where Kimora spent most of her days in. She sat on the ground while backing the wall, and the room was pitch-black. She kept sighing constantly.

Flashes of her childhood horrors came to her mind. She saw herself getting immensely tortured by her family again, how they’d lock and starve her for days. The memories disappeared, then she buried herself in her knees and cried bitterly.

Her body refused to get lean no matter the number of years she goes without food. It still remained a mystery to her.

Tears kept flowing from her eyes non-stop, and there’d surely be no end to her misery soon. She was born to suffer for eternity.

Some hours later, she slept off soundly on the ground. She used up all her energy in crying, so she fell asleep easily.

Her door creaked open, and Oberon stepped in. He leaned on the door and folded his wings behind him, watching the sleeping beauty before him. His face was completely void of any emotions.

He was bored bored and couldn’t fall asleep because of his segzual cravings. He always had Ɓîtçhes to f-__-k every nifht, but none of them were available, so he decided to come here.

What he had on his mind was different from what he was doing. He just saw her body and lost all his senses as his body awakened and started going crazy with lust.

He bit his lips and stared strangely at her body. He had never done this before, because he had seen her body everyday and took no interest in her, but he didn’t know what changed about her today. She looked even segzier than before.

He bent down & grabbed one of her @zz cheeks. It was so soft and huge, and was still bleeding from the cuts she got earlier. His eyes turned white, and he healed her body entirely.

He didn’t wanna f-__-k a beautiful body like hers with bruises and scars. He preferred a smooth & radiant skin instead.

She sleepily turned to him and opened her eyes. It was blurry at first, but his image got clearer eventually. Her eyes widened surprisingly to see his face.

” Brother, what’re you doing here?” She asked, but Oberon did the unthinkable and made her face the ground, grabbing her @zz up against his Ďïčk.

His eyes widened madly as he could feel her soft flesh on his members. His mind ran wild with naughty imaginations and his eyes darkened with lust.

” Brother! Stop what you’re doing! You’re hurting me!” Kimora cried out and struggled, but but he magically pinned her hands over her head. His clothes came off as well, and his Ďïčk automatically spring out.

” Brother, no! I’m sorry for wh@ťěver I did! Don’t hurt me!” She shouted when she felt him on her hole, but her pleas fell on deaf ears and he forcefully shoved himself into her.

Kimora’s eyes went wide with extreme pain. She tried to scream, but her voice didn’t come out. He sealed her voice off with his powers too.

Wasting no time, he th-ru_sted back and forth into her v**ina. He f-__-ked her so raw, hitting her with his balls multiple times. Kimora’s screams got replaced by hot tears instead.

Her hymen broke, & she felt her blood flow out of her & wet his Ďïčk. He had successfully taken her sacred virginity and made her into a woman.

The whole cottage kept shaking with the energy he kept f-__-kin’ her with, it was bound to come down if he increased his pace, but he didn’t bloody care.

He’s not even thinking about the fact that he was f-__-kin’ his own blood sister. He was a bloody devil in an Angel’s disguise, a disgrace to manhood.

He was done f-__-kin’ her and pulled out of her hole sorely. Kimora dropped to the ground and panted breathlessly as her p**sy remained d@mn hot.

He glared at her with more hatred & wickedness. He had to banish her if he wanted his intimacy with his own sister to remain secret, then he’d make it look like she ran away.

He summoned his energy very powerfully, and the crescent turned red in the sky, casting a bloody moonlight upon everything below it. Heavy wind blew, thr_@tening to uproot trees.

He blinked, and his eyes turned red. A third eye opened on his forehead, and it was red as well.

Kimora looked into it by mistake, and her eyes became red too.

” From now henceforth, I curse you Kimora Hyacinth to eternal doom. You’ll never experience freedom or peace again. You’ll be stricken with bad luck and misery for the rest of your life on Earth, and no one will ever love you. I curse you!!!” He shouted in multiple voices.

A red crescent appeared on Kimora’s forehead for a short while before disappearing, and their eyes turned normal. The ground beneath Kimra opened up and swallowed her, serving as a portal to Earth.

The portal appeared in the sky on Earth, and Kimora fell out of it. She fell down to the trees and crashed multiple times through the branches before landing on the rocky ground of the forest.

She tried to stand up, but was too weak and fell back to the ground. She grabbed the ground tightly and started weeping bitterly.

” Why me!!!” She screamed terribly into the ground.


Some hours later, Kimora was found wobbling and taking trembling steps in the forest. Blood was between her legs, and practically every other part of her body was injured. She looked terrible.

She felt so hungry and thirsty that she might just die. She fell on her knees when she couldn’t walk anymore with tears running down her face.

She looked slowly to her side, only to find a river there. Her eyes widened, she must’ve been so miserable she didn’t even notice it on time.

She crawled to the river and placed her mouth directly into the river, gulping in some water. She sighed satisfactorily, laying her head on the ground to rest.

She heard some noises in the forest and opened her eyes alarmingly. It sounded like bandits, and they were coming right for her way.

” C’mon, let’s get moving! This way!” She heard one of the men shouting, and a gunshot followed. They sounded very angry and dangerous.

She staggered up to her feet and tried running out of the forest. She tripped on a stone, and she fell with a painful cry, attracting the bandits.

They started running and shouting insanely towards her direction. They appeared behind her, and Kimora whimpered as she struggled back to her feet and ran for her life.

” Hey, Stop running!” They shouted and even shot bullets at her. Kimora yelped and ducked to avoid getting shot.

She arrived at a waterfall, and she stopped running abruptly. There was no way for her to escape anymore.

” Hah! We’ve got you now.” They said, surrounding her with their weapons. Kimora’s heart jumped to her mouth as she slowly turned back to them.

They were instantly taken away by her beauty. She was so beautiful and attractive than her siblings that they just stared at her like idiots.

Kimora stepped on a slippery rock, and her foot slipped from it. She lost her balance and started going down, and her eyes widened as a terrified scream ripped through her throat.

She fell into the waterfall, and it didn’t take long before she landed into the ocean. She instantly went unconscious and started drowning.

A mermaid found her and grabbed her hand, swimming her fast out of the ocean. Kimora opened her eyes slightly and saw just her tail before going back to unconsciousness.

The mermaid brought her out of the water and placed her on a nearby rock.

Her tail transformed to legs, and her long hair covered her naked & vulnerable parts. She was pretty, too pretty to even be a mermaid, but Kimora was prettier than her.

She gave her stomach some presses, and Kimora coughed back to life. She started breathing again, but didn’t open her eyes.

Celestia noticed all the wounds on her body and looked very pitiful. She parted her lips and started to sing beautifully, touching her body. A blue light shone from her hands and transferred to Kimora’s body as she healed her.

But something strange happened. Kimora’s body rejected the healing and remained in its bruised up form. She wondered why and stopped singing worriedly.

” Who are you?” She asked half-consciously, in a weak voice.

” I’m Celestia, a mermaid. I just saved your life.” Celestia replied with a bright smile.

” Mermaid? Cool, I wish I was a mermaid too.” Kimora said & smiled.

She wasn’t fully aware of what she was saying, so her words night sound silly or strange.

” Where are you from, young girl?” She asked, touching her beautiful face.

” I’m from… I’m…” Kimora tried replying, but she couldn’t as she went fully unconscious again.

Celestia carried Kimora in her arms and started carrying her to a safer place with her long hair dragging on the ground.

She accidentally tripped on her hair and fell, dropping Kimora.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!” She screamed as she got injured on her knees and hands.

They bled quickly, then she quickly sat up and used her singing to heal herself. She passed the moment off as an unlucky one and tried to carry Kimora again.

She heard cracking noises behind her, and turned to see an unstable tree falling for her. She quickly grabbed Kimora out of the way, so the tree missed them and collapsed heavily on the ground.

Celesta sighed, then was about to walk away with Kimora when a heavy wind blew her so hard that she fell & dropped Kimora again.

She slowly turned to Kimora with wide eyes. These strange occurrences were beginning to look extra-terrestrial to her.

She looked at the crescent in the sky, and it turned into a bloody colour again. An eerie screech came from nowhere that it thr_@tened to split her eardrums, and she covered her ears tightly in pain.


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