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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💌 WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi .💌




Everyone were surprised and confused…

I was still with lohara in my arms as she kept looking at me confusedly.

” Hey, that’s my woman you’re hugging..let go already” Derick said.

” Son..come with me now” father said dragging me out .

We got outside and he landed me a slap.

” You good for nothing,What was that all about huh?” Father asked angrily as I kept mute with my hand on the cheek that was just slapped.

” Why aren’t you saying anything sky? Did you find out something?” He asked furiously.

Oh father knew lohara was the girl and kept it from me, that’s why he wants to ki|| her.

What should I do.. should I tell him I’ve just descoverd the truth? Would that help?

I don’t think it would,if father finds out I’m aware that lohara is the girl I’ve been waiting for then he wouldn’t even want to spare her Life.

I need to come up with a plan.. father is very smart, I’m his blood..I should be smarter than him…oh goodness I want some good Brian what the hell are you doing..think think think.

” Sky, I’m talking to you, have you found out something?” father asked again.

” Father…I got a plan” I said bowing.

” A plan? Who asked for one huh?” He asked angrily.

” Father,I know you really want to get rid of her but have you thought about our coming you said before she may be of help to us” I said.

” You’re out of your senses sky,did you think I want to use her again? I don’t want to keep her alive ” he said.

Wow..I can see he’s really serious then let me play along.

” Father,what has happened to you? What is happening to my smartest father ” I asked sadly.

” What’s that supposed to mean,are you trying to insult me??” He asked.

” Of course not father, listen to me father..I came up with a plan..if I had not acted like that then lohara would have been dead” I said calmly.

” What plan are you talking about ” he asked.

” Father.. you’re the smartest king of our time..why didn’t you realize that someone needs to poses lohara’s powers before we ki|| her? Think about it” I said as he looked at me calmly.

” Father,one of us needs to take over her powers before we ki|| her,we can’t let her die like that…” I said.

” you’re actually making a point but how do we get those powers from her ?” He asked.

” Father, have you forgotten magician will… he’s a magician and could help us with that” I said.

” You mean your fa… sorry your uncle will?” He asked.

” Yes father.. it’s as simple as that.. just get my uncle down here to transfer those powers to any of us before we ki|| lohara, father I h@ťě that girl so much.. especially whenever I see mother’s burnt hands.. that lohara girl doesn’t deserve to live” I said angrily.

” Wow..son.. you’re really my son..very smart,sky listen to me I’m very proud of you..son.. because of this you’ll be promoted with thousands of soldiers to work under you” he said.

” OMG, father.. you’re kidding..” I said surprisingly.

” I’m serious ” he said as I hugged him tightly immediately.

” Thank you father..thank you so much ” I said happily.

I’m so happy about the promotion because it’s means I’ll be leading thousand of soldiers, wh@ťěver I say they do..who ever I care for they protect.

I’ll keep this a secret..I won’t let lohara know until I find a proper time to get them out of this kingdom.

” Son..go now and take them to a spare banquet..let them live freely and eat well, make sure lohara eats the biggest portion because I want her powers to look fresh on me ” he said smiling.

” Yes father ” I said.

” I’ll send a letter to my brother.. he’ll be here tomorrow to transfer her powers to me” father said happily.

” Understood father..I should leave now” I bowed and left.

🌺 KING 🌺

This boy has become smarter than I thought.

By the way..let me Rush to my room and check if the necklace is still the way I kept it under my bed.

I rushed to my room immediately and lifted the bed up..

I saw the necklace exactly the way I kept it…

Hahaha…yesss… it’s still intact.

Sky is smart but deep down him , he’s foolish.

He’ll realize his ideas were the ones that ki||ed the woman he loves.


” Let go..stop dragging me stone face” I said angrily.

” Listen up the three of you..this Is your banquet from today.. feel at home and don’t forget to ask me anything you need” he said about leaving as Derick dragged him back.

” Where did you think you’re going to” Derick asked.

” I beg your pardon” stone face said.

” I won’t let you leave until you tell me why you hugged my girlfriend tightly back ears are open” Derick said angrily opening his ears.

” I owe you no explanation” sky said about leaving as Derick punched him hard on the face.

” Ahhh.. have you gone nuts? ” Stone face said in pains.

” Derick dear, please calm know this people are heartless…by the way stone face..what was that all about,who gave you the guts to hug me , didn’t you see my boyfriend was watching?” I asked angrily.

” Huh.. your boyfriend? How dare you ask me such questions the way I should be asking why you never resisted my charming, smooth and juicy body ” stone face said.

” Youuu”Clara cut in.

“Enough already, I’m tired..I need to rest,sky..if you really brought us here to have some rest then leave please..” Clara said angrily.

” No way Clara,I won’t let this guy leaves until he tells me why he had the guts to hug my woman ” Derick said.

” Fine, I’ll tell you why…the reason I hugged her isn’t something special but our tradition,in our kingdom.. before you ki|| a beautiful must give her a hug and drop some tears so that she may rest in peace…got it?” Stone face said as we kept looking at him.

” What a stupid tradition ” Clara said sitting down.

” Hey..then why did you change your mind from ki||ing her..hey I’m talking to you” Derick asked but stone face hurriedly left.

Everything is so weird.


” Huh.. we’re back home.. sneaking out wasn’t easy mum” I said sitting tirelessly.

” Son..that was a good plan.. I’m happy you succeeded in keeping the note in sky’s room” she said.

” And I’m happy you distracted my brother from suspecting… hahaha.. high five mum” I said jamming hands with her.

” Oh my,son did you see that? Below the door” mum said getting the paper.

” What’s that mother” I asked.

” Goodness.. it’s a letter from your brother…he wants you to visit him tomorrow” she said as we were Shocked.



Taking a walk alone in their so call market.

That king,I feel like chopping his head..I h@ťě him..

He ki||ed Aris.. he’s a monster.

Sadly we can’t that we somehow live can only leave the kingdom after showing your pass to their soldiers watching over the gate.

” everyone this is called a yes and smiling want to smile for some hours and always want to say yes to people..come buy this pill from me” a seller said aloud in the market.

What kind of pill is that.

” Hey mister.. what’s this for?” I asked him.

” Wow.. beautiful miss,I can see your boyfriend has been proposing to you but you’re shy and don’t know how to say yes..this pill can make you say yes to him” he said.

Goodness..if this is real..then I have a plan.

” Hey..give me some..” I said to him.

” Okay it’s 300 naira ” he said giving it to me as I took off immediately.

” money ” I heard him screaming.

Their king gave us a banquet to live in but forgot to give us some cash.

I’ll make sure the king takes this pills , by the time he starts laughing like a fool and saying yes to everything his people will see him crazy and would want to chose another king.

And again,by the time anyone asks if they should let us go.. he’ll end up saying yes.

I need to get into his room.


I saw some maids going into his room with some cups of palm wine as I followed them in from behind and hid quickly behind the door.

” The king is really going to like this palm wine that was tapped by the new palm wine taper ” one of them said.

” Indeed.. common.. let’s go” the other said as they left after dropping the palm wine.

Wow..Aris I’m about taking revenge for your dead.

I rushed quickly to the palm wine and poured everything in the two cups.

Suddenly I heard voices as I hid immediately under a big table.

Gosh.. it’s the king and sky.

” Son.. your uncle will be here tomorrow.. make sure everything is in order” the king said.

” Yes father” the prince responded walking directly to where I was hiding.

Thank goodness he’s standing Infront of me..the king won’t be able to view me.

I turned to my left and saw a kitchen knife.

OMG this is my chance of ki||ing him…

I stretched my hand to get the knife when suddenly sky mistakenly mashed my hand with his giant shoes.

I quickly closed my mouth with the other hand stopping myself from screaming.

It’s so hand hurts…this stone face prince should take off his leg before I d*e.

” Father you’ve already drank the palm wine,how was the taste” sky asked.

” Yes” the king said smiling and leaving. hand..why is the prince still standing here.

“Be careful not to get caught by him next time,use the window and don’t forget to close it Clara” the prince said opening the window and left.

I was Shocked.


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