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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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πŸ’Œ WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi .πŸ’Œ




Oh no..did I just split out the truth? This is going to be bad.

My son’s life will be in danger if I let everyone know he’s my son.

I need to stick on our agreement..I can’t just do things without consulting my husband.

” What! Salome what the hell did you just say? Who the hell did you just call your son?” The king asked angrily.

” Listen Mrikan, I’m married to your brother.. your children are also my children,how could you treat your own blood like that ” I asked angrily.

” That has nothing to do with you.. I’m just teaching my son a lesson..get your hands off him” the king said pushing me away from sky as sky was still on the ground with blood all over him.

” Guards.. guards.. take him to the medicine man to treat his wounds ” the king ordered leaving as the guards took sky away.


After the king left.

The guards took sky away.

” Gosh that was too much,sky was about to die..the king is too heartless” I said.

“Guys I need some rest..I should go inside” lohara said going in.

Derick began to walk slowly and slowly to the garden like he was thinking about something.

” Hey Derick.. what’s with you,why are you keeping silence” I asked.

” He really does care about her,and he’s going through allot not telling her who he really is ,can he still stick to our agreement? ” He kept saying confusedly.

” Derick who are you talking about.. who’s the he” I asked confusedly tapping his head.

He looked at me surprisingly.

” Oh no..Clara you’ve been following me? Tell me what did you hear” he asked surprisingly.

” Wow.. seems you’re keeping something from us..what is that thing that made you not to notice my presence.. Derick tell me, what’s going on” I asked as he sat down tirelessly.

” Actually Clara,I would have told you but you’re not the kind of person that keeps secrets.. your mouth runs like an ocean ” he said.

” Are you crazy? How could you say that about me..we are friends aren’t we?” I asked.

” Clara.. I’ll tell you,but you have to keep it a secret.. don’t let lohara know ” he said.

” Common..of course I won’t..if you her boyfriend kept it a secret..who I’m I to disclose it” I said in a Rush.

” Fine.. Clara.. honestly, the prince is that boy lohara has been waiting for”

” What! You mean sky or stone face ” I asked surprisingly.

” Don’t act crazy Right now.. this isn’t funny,sky and stone face are same persons “he said.

” Now I get it.. that was why he suddenly changed ,oh no poor I wish she knows ” I said sadly.

” She shouldn’t know yet.. I and the prince has spoken already..we had an agreement,if lohara knows things will go messy ” he said.

” You forgot one thing..if she knows she’ll surely leave you..oh my poor little Derick is about to be alone like me” I said as he hissed.

” Always talking nonsense.. I’m hungry,go back and check after lohara..I should get something to eat ” he said leaving.

Gosh..this is serious,so stone face knew along… could it be he has also been waiting for lohara.. Jess this is crazy.


I sat down alone wondering.

How could stone face be that kind hearted,he really took the strokes for me?

He’s such a kind person..why did God give him such a terrible father.. he’s too kind to be his son.

” Hey lohara” Clara called coming.

” Where’s Derick” I asked.

” Went to eat..hey.. what are you thinking about,are you thinking about your childhood friend?” She asked.

” Clara..can you be quiet.. even if he’s the one I’m thinking about it’s none of your business,more over I was just thinking about stone face,I wonder how he’s doing now ” I said.

” Woooow..I said it… that’s so sweet about you, actually I was surprised you didn’t get angry and burn the just stood and watched the love of your life be flogged ” she said.

” Clara, you’ve been talking allot of nonsense..what’s with you today ” I asked.

” Oh my baby is lost, common princess don’t mind Derick he was just jealous that’s why he didn’t wanted to tell you that sky is the boy you’ve been waiting for” she said getting me surprised.

” What did you say” I asked getting up.

” Oh no lohara..when did it come out of my mouth,oh no I’m dead..I was told not to tell you..this mouth..this mouth..this mouth,I need to cut it off”she said.

” Clara start talking before I remove my bracelet ” I said angrily.

” Oh no.. lohara don’t please.. it’s the truth,sky is the boy… actually Derick and sky agreed not to let you know.. it’s for our own safety ” she said as I pushed her away rushing out immediately in tears.

🌺 SKY🌺

Father came to the medicine house and asked me to return back home.

” Father.. I’m sorry I let you down” I said.

” I wonder why you keep protecting that girl.. don’t you think this has passed beyond our agreement? Goodness” he said angrily when suddenly we saw lohara coming in tears.

” Wow..I can see she has come to say thank you or maybe she thinks you’re already dead..I should get going” father said leaving.

Lohara walked closer to me still in tears.

” Lohara.. what’s the matter,why are you crying? What’s wrong.. please tell me, you don’t have to cry..I don’t like seeing you in tears” I said sadly with my bruises as she landed me a slap.

” Lohara..why did you sla..” she landed me another slap.

I kept quiet looking at her surprisingly with my hands on my both cheeks watching her crying seriously.

” Lohara..have I done something wrong?” I asked again but she gave me another slap.

” You don’t want to fight back? Huh? You don’t want to slap me back? Tell me why..tell me stone face,or is it because I’m your childhood friend from the other world?” She asked as I was Shocked.

” did you know” I asked surprisingly almost in tears.

” So it’s long were you thinking of keeping it a secret.. don’t you know I missed you” she said hugging me immediately as I grabbed her firmly in tears.

” Lohara I missed you allot, I’m so sorry” I said in tears.


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