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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💌 WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi .💌




The princess looked at me surprisingly…

” Clara.. what are you doing here, how dare you badge into my room like that, have you forgotten who I am?” She asked angrily aloud as I whipped the cane on her neck and she screamed.

” Ahhhh..oh noooo.. fatherrrrrrr…father…sky…help meee” she screamed rolling on the floor as I kept beating her with the cane.

” Sandra…in wh@ťěver you not ever hurt any of my friends because if you do.. next time it isn’t going to be just beating but I’ll make sure I use acid on your face” I said angrily still beating her up as she kept screaming.

” Ahhhh..let go..let me gooo” she screamed aloud as I saw Derick and sky rushing in.

Derick rushed to me and collected the cane while sky rushed to his sister.

” Oh no.. Sandra are you okay” sky asked smiling as Sandra pushed him away.

” What kind of a brother are you,how dare you smile in this situation..are you trying to mock me huh?” Sandra asked angrily.

” Derick let me go..I need to teach her a lesson.. lohara almost died because of her..let go now” I said trying to push him away.

” stop it already Clara..come with me” Derick said dragging me out with him.

” Let go…let me go now” I said aloud landing him a slap.

He let go and looked at me surprisingly with his hand on his cheek.

” slapped me? Wait a sec do I look like Sandra to you? How could you slap me Clara.. goodness you’re going crazy young lady” he said angrily leaving.

” Common Derick.. I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to do it.. wait up please..” I said running after him.

” You just wait until I tell my girlfriend you slapped me.. she’s gonna pay you back.. lohara doesn’t joke with me you know” he said walking faster.

” Common can’t tell her..this is too little to let her know,you know it was your should have let me dealt with that Sandra girl.. wait for me” I said running after him.


I took my brother and mother into my chambers.

” Will,how could you say there’s nothing you can do about’re a magician.. listen carefully I need those powers she poses..I want to make use of them..she doesn’t even know how to use them” I said.

” You think so? Listen brother..stop being desperate and focus on your kingship..what else do you want,you have everything you have the have my have I and my wife prisoned even though I agreed to’re Rich.. Mrikan tell me what else do you want ” he asked angrily.

” Will,I don’t care about what you’re saying right now..I can see I took you unaware.. I’ll let you go back and practice on how to transfer those her powers to me else you should consider your precious wife dead ” I said as he looked at me angrily.

” Youuu.. don’t even dare hurt my wife..we had an agreement,if you dare lay a finger on her you’ll see the other side of me Mrikan ” he said angrily.

” better don’t hurt your brother’s know will very well..he may be slow now but he attacks dangerously ” mother said.

” Hahaha.. seriously? I know you’ll always support your dear son…will I’m giving you one more day to think of a way to do it ” I said angrily”

” Mother let’s go” will said taking mother with him.

I know fully well that he’s messing around with me..he absolutely knows how to take those powers from lohara.. he’s just trying to piss me.


I sat down thinking about what everyone has been saying.

They said that the prince went to the underworld because of me..and also he came back alive without even a scratch.

Why has he been helping it just out of kindness?

” Lohara” I heard a voice calling from behind.

I turned immediately and saw the prince.

” Stone face” I called getting up as he rushed and held me.

” Common don’t stand.. you’re not strong yet..easy lohara..please sit” he said helping me to sit as I was surprised.

I lifted my brows staring at him as our eyes came in contact..his hand was on my shoulder.

” they a problem?” He asked still staring at me.

” Stone face..why are you being kind to us” I asked staring at him when suddenly we saw Derick and Clara coming.

He took off his hand from my shoulder and stood well.

Derick rushed to him angrily saying.

” Sky..what are you doing here ” Derick asked angrily.

” Was passing so I saw lohara outside and..” Derick punched him hard on the face.

” Derick what the hell are you doing ” I asked surprisingly as we were shocked to see stone face not attacking back.

” Derick what was that all about..” Clara asked surprisingly.

” Keep to your words sky.. keep to your words ” Derick kept saying.

” What words… Derick stop it already ” I said aloud.

Then suddenly we saw the king coming.

”…I can’t believe my slaves are busy playing around” the king said angrily as the prince bowed immediately.

” Father” the prince bowed.

” Sky can you explain to me why this slaves are here playing around? Shouldn’t they be working or braking rocks?” The king asked angrily.

” Father lohara is still recovering..I wanted them to start working tomorrow” the prince said as he landed him a slap.

” Stupid boy..I can see you’ve grown wings” the king said angrily as we saw ma’am Salome rushing out.

” What’s happening here” she asked.

” Guards.. guards.. guards, come over here with your ropes and canes..” the king ordered.

” Father..why..why what do you want to use them for?” Sky asked.

” Since lohara cannot work unless she’s recovered then let me use the ropes and canes on may help her recover faster.

” My king..why are you being too knew exactly what happened to lohara yet you still want her to work ” ma’am Salome said angrily.

” Actually I have nothing to say to any of the time I’m done with lohara then you’ll understand “the king said angrily as the guards brought their swords and canes.

” My king..we are here ” they said.

” Good..start flogging that girl called lohara…give her 200 strokes” the king ordered as Derick rushed forward.

” No way..let me take the punishment for my girlfriend instead..” Derick said.

” Never..she alone should take it.. guards flog her to Dead ” the king ordered again.

” Father..please lohara isn’t strong..what if she gets angry and burn all the guards.. father let me take responsibility.. it’s my mistake I shouldn’t have let them stay without working..please punish me instead” stone face said kneeling as the king smiled.

” Fine.. since you’re not all that dumb.. I’ll let you pay for your mistakes.. guards flog him.

” king…” Ma’am Salome said as five different guards began to flog the prince.

How could the king be this wicked… Derick wanted to be punished but he refused..and immediately stone face told him to punish him..he agreed.. what’s really going on.

Everything seems confusedly..why is stone face helping us.

” 70″ the guards kept counting and flogging stone face as his whole body was covered with blood…

He beard the pains alone.
The ground was covered with blood.

” 120″ the guards counted as we saw stone face looking very weak.

Suddenly he landed on the ground with blood all over him.

” Continue flogging him” the king ordered as they kept flogging him when suddenly ma’am Salome rushed to the front and grabbed stone face into her arms crying.

” Stop it Mrikan.. do you want to ki|| my son” she said angrily in tears As we were shocked.


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