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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“You’re choking me,” Chad said gently

Kalinda who has been hugging him since they came back slowly disengaged from the hug, she looked at his face and hugged him again

“Baby, I love you so much,” she said with teary eyes

“I can’tbreatheh, I need air please,” Chad said and she quickly pulled away

“I just…. am just….. am so sorry am just too excited, my baby” she hugged him again

Chad threw his head backward and let out a frustrated breath

“She’s gonna ki|| me,” he mumbled and Kalinda cupped his face

Staring directly into his eyes as if searching for something, Chad looked into her eyes and was trapped in there, he watches the endless tears flowing freely down her eyes and he didn’t know when he starts crying hugging her in the process

“Can you call me mother? Please I just want to hear it,” Kalinda said gently

Chad buried his face in her back soaking her shoulder with tears

“I ran away from my buyer cos I believed that I will find you, the woman in my dreams also told me to go look for you, but what I don’t know is why you gave me up? Who is evil eyes? Why did he want me dead?” Chad asked

“I love you very much, more than a thousand years, I think the time brought you to me but I didn’t notice on time, but you don’t have to be afraid cos I love you with all my heart and I will keep loving you till the day I die, nothing is gonna change my love you, I love you very much,” Kalinda replied cupping his face

“Who is evil eyes? Why does he want me dead? You still haven’t said why you left me,” he asked and Kalinda was silent

She looked at him after a few moments to see him staring at her

“Can you call me mother? Even though is once?” she asked and he shifted backward

“Why won’t you tell me why evil eyes want me dead? I can’t call you that cos you might leave me again, what am I even saying? I don’t believe you, you’re not my mother and I already have a mom and she sold me when I was a little, and you know what? If you can’t tell me who evil eyes is then stay away from me and am breaking up with you and you’re no longer my girlfriend and….. I don’t know what to say again,” he ran out of the house in tears

“Baby!!!” Kalinda shouted going after him, she bumped into Hunter by the door

“Are you alright?” he asked, holding her hand

She looked at her hand before looking at his face, cleaning the tears in her eyes she walked back inside and he followed her



“mother….. mother….. mother where are you? Mother,” Robin called going into his mother’s chamber

“Robin my stupid boy,” Minerva called upon seeing him and he smiled sheepishly

“Mother,” he called and she nodded

“That’s my stupid boy, now feed me,” she said and she giggled

Robin gave her a confused looked

“The info stupid boy,” she shouted hitting his head

“Ouch, mother they are back, all saw them, even Xavier is with them,” he replied smiling

“My stupid boy,” she called and Robin giggled

“Mother,” he winked at her

Minerva hit his head hard and he let out a loud painful shout


“Wink at me again and you’re dead, now go call that woman and the lady,” she instructed

Robin looked at her confused

“the lady? Who is the lady?” he asked

Minerva glared hard at him and he ran off instantly, getting outside he saw Ren walking behind Draco and Cassidy but immediately she saw him she looked away

“Why is she avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? I thought we are friends?” he muttered, he bumped into Xavier and almost fall but Xavier held his clothes and dragged him up

“Watch it,” Xavier said walking away

Robin looked back at Ren to see her in a guy’s arms, he stared at them with sadness in his eyes as the guy wave her around in the air

“Who is that guy?” he asked himself, still staring at them

Jefferson on the other hand dropped Ren back to her feet as she worshiped his face with kisses, tears rolling down her eyes as she does that

“Baby brother,” she called, her eyes filled with tears

“I thought you died, I thought I will never see you again, I thought…..”

I didn’t and I will never, the king isn’t dead yet but his son is,” Jefferson replied, he cupped her face before joining his head to hers

“Robin, what were you thinking? She’s pretty and pretty girls will never look at you twice,” he uttered walking away



King Tyrone was in his throne room when a guard entered, he bowled afterward dropping the sack in his hand to the floor

“MY Lord a message came in just for you,” he said and King Tyrone glared at him

“Deliver,” he replied coldly

The guard turned the sack upside down and Prince Tyrone II’s head fall from it, King Tyrone watch silently as the guard picked it up and raise it in midair making it to face the king

“NO,” King Tyrone said standing on his feet

“Who was it?’ he asked, his voice alone could tell that he was boiling with rage

“They call him the child of prophecy,” he replied and Gianna entered

“My lord, a message came in from the west, the Princess is there and this child of prophecy is also there,” she said

“Prepare the men, 5 thousand men will travel with me, we leave by sunrise,” King Tyrone ordered



Chad ran out in the night under the moonlight with tears in his eyes, he was still running when he bumped into someone, and without checking who the person wad, he hugged the person’s leg

“Oh $h|t,”Cyprus cursed, he ran his hand through his hair

“I don’t like Children,” He said glaring at him

He actually came to see Kalinda

“Get off me, I don’t like little kids,” he added, in his deep cold voice

Chad held him tightly sobbing, his hand wrapped around his legs with his head resting on his knee

“I don’t like kids, get off me now that am still being nice,” he muttered with a straight face

“Why…… why do…. do you want to ki|| me?” Chad hiccuped

Cyprus was silent, watching the crying boy as he pour out his tears in his leg, He gently carried him up, staring at his face as if looking for something

Chad hugged him instantly, tangling his hand around his neck as if he wants to choke him

“Please don’t ki|| me evil eyes…….

TBC ????

As e dey hot ??

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