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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Prince Tyrone the II went into his father’s throne room and bowed gently

“Father my men and I have searched all over the villages but there is no sign of her, they might have crossed the border so I seek permission to cross over to the other side,” Prince Tyrone said gently

King Tyrone stood up from his Throne and walked up to him, he stood right before his son before looking at his daughter’s portrait on the wall

“Cross any border far and near and bring me, my daughter,” King Tyrone said after a moment of silent

Prince Tyrone II smirked immediately after he heard that, he had always wanted to cross the border but his father won’t let him

“Just what I wanted, That slave should just wait for me,” Prince Tyrone thought smirking evilly

“Gather your men, I want the princess back, and if you fail,” King Tyrone stopped and looked at his son

“I will never fail you father,” Prince Tyrone quickly bowed

“You better not,” the king said ruthlessly and left his throne room



Draco walked into their house to see his father and Camilla’s father discussing outside, he didn’t even bother to greet them as he went straight inside

“Mother,” he called looking around

A woman in her 40s came to him with a wide smile on her face

“My baby,” the woman called and he embrace her instantly

It wasn’t long before his father came in, Camilla’s father was already riding out on his brown horse

“Draco, you have grown so much to neglect my orders, right?” Came his father’s deep voice from outside

Draco held his forehead and close his eyes, he gently opened them again before staring at his father

“Not again,” he muttered

“Did I not tell you to apologize to lady Camilla? But instead, you went and harassed her again,” his father said and Draco smirked

“How do you expect me to apologize to a woman…..” a loud thunderous slap landed on his cheek instantly

“SMIHT!!!!” his wife shouted

“Mother, did you see that? Did you see that he just slapped me? So Captain Derek came here just to complain about his daughter, huh? If he didn’t want men around her why is she a woman?” Draco ranted and another hot slap landed on his other cheek

Draco clenched his fist tightly, his eyes red

“Smith please don’t ki|| him,” his mother shouted, she stood in their middle with Draco breathing heavily as if he could ki|| two people

“Now listen to me Draco, you have before sundown to apologize to that lady,” his father said and Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes

“You can’t make me….” his father made to slap him again but his mother stood in the way

He looked at the two of them

“Until Sundown,” he added and stormed off in a rage

“Mother he can’t make me apologize to a woman,” Draco said, a big frown on his face

“Why will you apologize? You don’t have to worry, I will go see her myself,” his mother replied and roughed his hair

That’s it, she always supports him no matter what



“Kalinda who is Chad?” Hunter suddenly asked and Kalinda who was treating his wound looked at him

“Where did he hear that name from?” she thought silently

“You said he’s the only family you have left,” Hunter added as if he could read her mind

“Me?” she gave him a confused look

“Yeah, the other day that you were drunk you said, that…..”

“How can you listen to a drunk person, I was hallucinating. does that name even exist?” she cut in sharply

Hunter looked at her with a puzzled expression

“You called it,” he added

“I have never heard that name all my life,” she lied

Hunter was silently staring at her

She wrapped his wound and stood but he quickly held her hand, Kalinda looked at her hand he was holding before looking at him

“Am sorry…”

“It’s not your fault, you can do anything you want with your life anyway,” she quickly cut in

Kalinda freed his hold on her and walked out instantly

Getting by the door she gave Viola a long glance and exit the room

“This will be harder than I thought,” Viola muttered



Kalinda walked into the bar and Jefferson’s eyes followed her till she get to Camilla

“My bestie is here!!!” Camilla shouted, her hands raised in mid-air

Kalinda chuckled lightly as everyone stared at them

“So you said we are leaving today, right?” Camilla asked and she frowned her brows

“You’re not among,” Kalinda replied, she took a drink from the table and gulped it down

“I wasn’t asking for permission,” Camilla said, she didn’t look at her face

“She never asked for permission,” Xavier said from behind, he walked up to them and sat on their table

Hunter also came in with Viola, he sat beside Xavier while Viola made to sit beside Kalinda but a glare from Kalinda made her step back, Hunter shifted and she went and sat beside him

“So, we’re going south,” Kalinda said pointing at the mad

Everyone looked at Hunter since he was the only one that can read the blank map

“Oh, yeah, we head south,” Hunter said when he felt all eyes on him

Jefferson on the other hand was serving customers but his eyes were on them, he couldn’t take what Kalinda did to him of his mind and he was curious just to know more about her

“Can I join the trip?”Jefferson said from behind, his gaze fixed on Kalinda

They all looked at him

“I’m Jefferson,” he introduced himself and offered a handshake

“So his name is Jefferson and not Jeff,” Kalinda thought silently staring at him

Seeing that nobody shake hands with him, he gently took down his hand

“Nice to meet you, Jefferson,” Kalinda suddenly said, she offered a handshake

They were about to shake hands when Hunter got in the way and shook his hand instant

“Hunter,” he said dryly, not without giving him a deadly glare

Jefferson smirked

“Where is she? Where is that wh-_-re daughter of Derek? Did she think she can make Smith slap my handsome son and go scot-free, where is she?” Draco’s mother ( Jasmine) shouted coming into the place

“Oh, no,” Camilla muttered and bent down

“Not again,” Xavier added and stood up

Kalinda pulled Camilla out of the table and looked at her face

“Why are you hiding?” she asked with a confused look on her face

“That woman is Jasmine, Draco’s mother, she’s coming to bully me or slap my pretty face,” Camilla muttered sadly

“And why will she do that?” Kalinda asked confused

“Because I told my father about Draco and he must have told Mr smith, Draco’s father, and his mother is here to ruin my face with slaps, she calls it discipline,” Camilla replied

“Oh, there she is, sluty daughter,” Jasmine shouted, she get to their table and without saying a word

She slapped Camilla but a hand blocked it before it could reach to her

“How dare you stood in my way? Do you know who I am?” Jasmine shouted, people already gathered to watch

“Kalinda please let her just slap me, her husband is a nobleman I don’t want trouble,” Camilla whispered

Kalinda ignores her and looked at Jasmine and they lock eyes

“If you know what is good for you get your smelly self out of the way let me teach this sl*tty daughter of Derek disciplines, since she doesn’t have a mother to guard her through,” Jasmine yelled

Camilla looked down in tears

“What right do you have to slap my daughter?” Kalinda suddenly asked

“Don’t be stupid you’re too young to be her mother beside her…..”

“You could have added step to the mother, making it stepmom, it’s common sense, stop embarrassing us women with your dump head, or should I buy a sack for you? so that you will always carry your brain along wherever you go,” Kalinda said

Everyone gasped

No one has ever spoken to her in that manner

“How dare you?” Jasmine roared and slapped Kalinda instantly

Kalinda touched her cheek and smirked

“Since we’re learning the power of slap, how about this?” Kalinda asked, pulling her closer with her left her and sending 9 conservative slaps to her face

Everything went black in Jasmine’s eyes

Jasmine turned around in a cycle trying to maintain her balance and…….




TBC ???

As e dey hot ??

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