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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Bring her out and whip her till daybreak,” Prince Tyrone’s voice came from the door

Four guards moved over to Kalinda and dragged her out, she was already unconscious

They threw her down in front of Prince Tyrone, he looked at her with those evil eyes

“Threw her back in the dungeon, she’s not good dead,” Prince Tyrone said and walked away

He stopped by the door and looked back at her

“No visitors,” he added and walked out and his guards followed instantly

Cyprus stared at her for a while and vanished, he made himself invisible that’s why they didn’t see him



“We are calling out the moon tonight, everyone should gather,” Viola said walking in

She couldn’t take the thought of Kalinda out of her head, like why must they whip her that much?? Her back hurts like she’s gonna die but Kalinda’s pain was affecting her

She has a great deal of affection toward Kalinda and she couldn’t let her suffer anymore, she just couldn’t

She looked around and only a few gathered around in a cycle, Viola took her gaze to Nicky the second most powerful before taking her gaze to Gianna

These two together with her are What made up the three witches of the North, they are known to be powerful but Viola was more powerful than them all

“I said to gather here, we are calling out the moon,” Viola added

They could see the blood dripping from her clothes

“Since when did you become queen? I must have missed the coronation,” Nicky said boldly, she was sick and tired of being under Viola

They are both witches and she sees no reason to be afraid of her, Viola took steady steps forward, blood dripping as she walks

Getting close she slap Nicky hard across her face and almost immediately she gripped her neck with her left hand choking her

Viola chuck her hand on Nicky’s chest as her long black nails went straight into her heart, blood gushing out from Nicky’s mouth as Viola grab hold of her heart ready to pull it out

“If am going to die then I deserve an honorable death, it’s my right,” Nicky said but it came as a whisper, her hand hitting against Viola’s own cos she was running shut of breath

“You deserve no honor and you will live to serve me,” Viola said and fling her across the room

Nicky’s back hit a pillar and she coughed out blood, she gasped for air and covered her chest with her hands, blood gushing out

Blood dripped from Viola’s long black nails, She slowly turned around staring from one person to another

“Anyone else has a problem?” She asked, her eyes roamed around and they all bow their heads

“Now let’s call the moon goddess,”



Matthew went to the prison and saw the woman he was making out with, she was lying down without clothes and sobbing

“Matthew please save me, I don’t want to die,” She pleaded

“Am sorry there is nothing I can do, my hands are tied,” He replied gently

“I never wanted to do this, you forced me, you thr_@ten to take away my son if I didn’t do it, and now you will just sit and watch me get ki||ed? how Cruel are you? You are nothing but a coward,” She yelled in between tears

“Hey listen, I never asked him to come in by then, okay? but I will try to see what I can do, you just have to follow my lead,” he replied feeling guilty

“Are you giving me hope or what? She asked instantly

He went closer and whispers something In her ears and a smirk appears on her face Immediately

“Am Sorry sir but your time is up,” a guard said from the door

Matthew walked out and the guard went into the prison. He stared at her lustfully and went closer to her

“You are one pretty lady,” He said still staring lustfully and licking his lips



“Ren, I know, I just wanna be like everyone else, I just wanna get married,” Cassidy said, she looked by her said staring at Ren

“We are both saying the same thing, your prince charming will…..”

“Knight in shining armor,” Cassidy cut in and Ren smiles

“Forgive me, my princess, I meant to say Knight in shinning armor, not prince charming,” Ren replied

She woke up this morning all thanks to the healers, Cassidy pleaded with her father not to ki|| the woman and right now she’s on her way to meet her

“I only wish is to get out of this kingdom and get married to a prince… ” That was interrupted cos someone bumped into her and she fell

“Forgive me, my lady, I was in a hurry,” the person who happens to be Xavier said, he stretched out his hand to help her up and she was busy staring at his face

“Are you a prince?” She asked and Xavier shook his head

“I um….”

“It’s okay, will you Mary me?” Cassidy added and Xavier’s eyes widened

“C’mon let’s go,” Hunter pulled Xavier away and Cassidy stood there staring at them

She stared they were out of sight

“My Princess,” Ren called gently, Cassidy was about to reply her when the heard the sounds of the bells


Everyone in the kingdom gathered as two guards dragged the healer out, the royal guards dragged her through the crowd and many people were picking on her

?️ Is she a spy?

?️ What is your crime woman?

?️ Are you a traitor to the throne

?️Lord Tyrone doesn’t show mercy go and face your doom

?️ What could you have done

She could hear the crowd murmuring but she kept her head down, they dragged her up above where her judgment will be passed and she looked forward to see her two daughters staring at her

The elder one looks like she was eight while the other one looks like she was five, the Healer looks beside the king to see Cassidy standing there

Cassidy nodded gently before she speak up, she face the crowd and cleared her throat

“I’m Sirona, the healer of this great kingdom,” she stopped and looked at Cassidy who nodded

The healer swallowed nothing and continue

“I come before you to confess my treason in the sight of gods and men, I betrayed the faith of my king and the trust of this kingdom, I swore to protect and heal the royal blood but instead I went and healed a slave, I exchange my life with that of the slave the moment I healed her and am not worthy of my life,” she explained, her gaze fixed at her children that were watching

“As we sin so do we suffer, this woman has sinned in front of gods and men, the gods are just but Lord Tyrone can also be merciful,” An elderly man said, he looked at King Tyrone

“What is to be done with her my Lord,” He asked and the crowd started murmuring

King Tyrone stood from his Throne and everyone kept quiet

“As you all know I’m a merciful god and my belove daughter has pleaded on her behalf but as you must know,” He said and looked at Cassidy

“Treason must not go unpunished, bring me her head!” King Tyrone said in a deep cold voice

Noises from the crowd covered the whole place as Cassidy ran towards the woman but a guard held her back

“Father please, it’s my fault ki|| me instead,” She pleaded already in tears

“Women, weak,” Prince Tyrone mumbled and scoffed

The crowd watched as the butcher raise his sword, suddenly an arrow went into his neck and he fell backward and dropped dead

The crowd gasped

?️ Who dare interrupted the king?

?️ Is the person not from her??

King Tyrone together with Prince Tyrone stood on their feet at the same time

“Leave her alone, healing is not a sin, ki||ing is!” Hunter said with his arrow in his hand

“What are you doing? Hunter, are you crazy?” Xavier asked in a whisper

Hunter didn’t even spare him a glance as he maintained his ground guards already surrounded them

“Boy, I like your courage but you must have what it takes to stand and take before your god,” Prince Tyrone said walking over to him

He stopped right in front of Hunter and looked around, Prince Tyrone drown his sword and two guards held Hunter down

He raised his hand…..

“Stop,” he suddenly heard his father’s voice and his hand hang in mid-air

“Lock him in the last dungeon I see if he will be useful,” King Tyrone added and turn to his guards

“Take the healer back to prison,” he added and walked away


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