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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A Woman could be seen running towards a house and six soldiers were after her, she tumbled again a stone and falls

A man who seems to be her husband saw her from afar and run towards her, she fell on him and they both went down

He quickly get up and she hid behind him, the soldier’s stopped right in front of him laughing

“Bring her,” the one who looks like their commander ordered

“No…no… No, please,” the man pleaded but a thunderous slap shut him up

He goes blind instantly as everything became black in his eyes

One of the warriors dragged the woman out pushing her down, he got on top of her in brought daylight and the villagers were watching but no one dares to step forward

They ripped off her clothes as two other soldiers widened her thighs and two held her hand then one was in the middle

“No, please I did anything wrong,” she shouted with tears

“You didn’t have to do anything before I do what you were created for, king Tyrone……”

A big heavy stone landed on his head shutting him up, others looked in the direction the stone came from, and standing there was Jefferson

“The dead slave,” one recognizes instantly

“This is a message from me to your king,” Jefferson yelled and rushed toward them

Getting close he stormed his feet against the floor and leaped in the air and almost immediately he started releasing his arrow at them

Three dropped dead and he was now left with three

“Ahhhhh,” the first one rushed to him with his sword

Jefferson bent down and he went over his shoulder and fell heavy, Another one threw him a punch and he dodge it giving that one Seven consecutive punches

He noticed the one behind who made to stab him and he quickly slide down, the sword went straight to another soldiers stomach

Getting up he pick up a sword and swung it in the air then he position himself

“Tell your king that am coming,” he said and with a swift move he cut the one coming for him opened

An arrow went straight into his thighs

“Argh,” he groans and without looking back he swung his sword and threw it in the direction where the arrow came from taking down the $h00ter

He double-kicked the one at the front before cutting him open and within some time they were dead except for one

Jefferson took a step forward and he falls and shifted back, Jefferson raise his sword and stabbed

The soldier closed his eyes but he felt nothing so he gently opened his eyes, he looked at Jefferson before taking his gaze to the sword that was stucked on the ground close to his ears

“Tell your King Tyrone that I Jefferson Am coming,” Jefferson leaned forward and whispered

The guard ran away and he turned back to see the people staring at him, he maintain a straight face as he walked away



“Thanks for saving my life again, you did a great job back there, convincing your mother to let me go was hard and that old woman still proves stubborn, Gosh! I never knew elderly people can be that stubborn in some places, Kalinda said

“You own me one, hope you’re gonna pay,” Xavier replied with a light smile

“Hey, I never ask you to save me, you did it yourself, and don’t expect me to give you anything in return,” Kalinda shouted

“Slow down, we aren’t fighting, you are gonna love what am about to say,” he replied

“Be quick with it,” Kalinda said with a straight face

“Well let’s leave it for another day, I might change my mind, but just know that you owe me a R..a..n..s…o..m..e,” he said spelling the word…

“Say what you want now or forever hold your peace,” Kalinda said almost yelling

“Hey, calm down, can’t you just be nice for once? I just save your a**,” He said already getting pissed off

“Whenever you are ready let me know, I believe you know where to find me,” Kalinda Said walking away

Xavier quickly grabbed her arm, she stop and look at her arm which he was holding before facing him

“You just broke the rule, and you have to pay. I challenge you to a fight, choose the weapon and the time I’ll choose the place,” Kalinda said meaning every word

He let go of her very quickly wondering the kind of person she is

“Are you for real? Wait… you’re joking, right? He didn’t mind but asked with his eyes wide open.

Kalinda walk out from him without responding to his questions

“Seriously? Is this all I get for saving your a** back there? Not even a thank you? You are unbelievable, bring it on am waiting for you tomorrow,” He said in anger

She walked away without looking back



“Hey, Kalinda you are alive? Hunter asked surprise

“I need to change and leave, open the door,” Kalinda replied

“Hey, is there a problem?” Hunter asked

“The problem is that I need you to open the door,,” Kalinda replied with a straight face

“Ok …ok… Fine, just tell me what happened and I promise not to ask another question again,” Hunter said

“The d@mn door!!! ” Kalinda yelled instantly

He flinched back in fear

“Kalinda, try to be nice a little, it doesn’t cost much to be nice to people that help you or to those that might help you, stop being grumpy, rude, and selfish. I already know what happened between you and Xavier, if you keep being this way I don’t know what might happen,” Hunter said calmly, hoping it will get to her

“Don’t even judge me when you know nothing, you don’t even know a thing about me or my grumpy life, so stay out of my line…. anyway it doesn’t matter what you people think of me, so you all should just f-__-k off,” Kalinda shouted as memories she shared with Jeffrey came running into her head

“Kalinda is just that……..”

“Open the f-__-king door!!!” Kalinda yelled

Hunter went over and open their house door and she went inside, it wasn’t long before she comes back outside with her bag Crossed around her

She looked at Hunter one last time before walking away

Kalinda stopped at the community boundary and looked back, she made to cross the boundary but the red line around her neck shine brightly

“Go back,” her immortal being said

“I’m never going back there,” she said and made to cross but felt a sudden pain in her neck

“It is your destiny to protect the king with your life and right now he’s in danger,” her immortal being said again

She ignored it and made to cross but her neck start burning, invisible burn

Pain gripped her instantly, Kalinda fell to her knees as blood ran down her nose

“Get back,” she heard it says again

“Never!” She said and almost immediately her hands went to her neck cos the thing started choking her

Blood ran down her ears and her eyes turned reddish


“Why… Why… are you punishing me? I did nothing wrong,” she said, her hand holding her neck as if she could see the thing choking her

“It’s your destiny, go back,” She heard it say again

“You better ki|| me cos am never…..”

“I won’t ki|| you, but if he dies, you will live for more than a thousand years until another savior is born, and what I will do to you, even death will be a better option than that,” she heard it say again

“It’s time for him to know his destiny,” it added and the light around her neck slowly died down

Kalinda closes her eyes groaning in pain.

With bloody eyes Kalinda stood up from the floor and staggered to her horse, one would think she was beaten by a group of people

Kalinda rode back to the village on her horse and getting close she saw Draco beating the h*ll out of Hunter

Filled with rage she drown her sword and jumped down her horse

“Look who we’ve got here,” Draco said laughing, he turned to the crowd with his arms wide open as he gently turn to Kalinda

“What can I do you for?” He asked l*cking his lips

“Hand him over,” Kalinda said pointing at Hunter that’s covered with blood

Draco laughed sarcastically

“How about we play a game, if you lose I will behead him…..”

“And if I win?” Kalinda cut in

“I will do wh@ťěver you asked of me,” He replied and she nodded

“Name the game,” Kalinda said

Draco nodded, his hand touching his lips with the Evil smirked that lingered on his face

“You swear it and there is no going back, cos if you take back your word he will be beheaded,” Draco asked pointing at Hunter

“You have my word, now make it quick and choose,” Kalinda replied with a straight face

“I demand a combat by intimacy, whoever gets tired first losses,” Draco said naughtily and Kalinda looked at him

She didn’t get it

“I don’t understand,” she muttered with a confused face

“It’s a combat by which you both will get intimate right here, right now and all this people including me will watch, it happened last summer season with a lady named Clara Barton she came from the North and it also happened last two winter seasons with two ladies called Betty and Whitney,” Camilla said behind her

“And if I say no,” Kalinda looked at Draco and asked

He laughed

“You once said that you’re a woman of your word remember? Or is that word gone?” He laughed and the crowd join him In laughing

That’s just what he wanted and she falls right into his trap

“Women, all of them, they are nothing but p@zzy,” Draco said and a loud unannounced slap landed on his cheek

“Have you no honor?” Kalinda asked immediately after slapping him

“I don’t have any,” Draco said and laughed

Kalinda stood there staring at him without knowing what to do or say, a deal is a deal but she can’t let this jackass touch her hand let alone getting intimate with him

She can’t let Hunter die either cos this thing inside her is gonna make her life h*ll, Hunters head will be cut off even before she could get to him if she declines it

She just feel like ki||ing Draco right now but she can’t, and he’s too disgusting to hold her hand let alone….. Argh! no way.

“What do I do now?” She thought silently

“What say you woman???

TBC ????

As e dey hot ??

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