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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DISCIPLES – Episode 13 & 14

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(Mount•Zebal• institute…)


By Terri Savage 🖊️




Her dark eyes fell on Salome and it deepened when she saw it’s her.

Everyone’s attention was on them as they waited to watch what would happen, Rain making body contacts with people except Abel and Maria.

Her eyes quickly turned deep red and Salome shifted back when she saw the wicked look on her face.

Rain was about to attack her when master Stefan called out her name.

“Rain” he called and her eyes flashed, coming back to normal.

“Ɓîtçh” she glared at Salome h@ťěfully before walking away.

Salome breathed and went to join the line.

“You took long” Minerva said.

“I didn’t know exactly where I kept it so I had to look for it” Salome said, raising the bead.

“You should be careful, avoid Rain” Molly whispered and Salome nodded.

“She is scary” Salome said.

“Attention everyone, today’s practice is going to be led by the superiors” Master Stefan said.

Murmurs started but it stopped immediately he started talking again.

“The training begins” master Stefan said and started leaving.

Master Lenovon flew from the stage and landed in front of Rain.

“Don’t you dare hurt anyone” he warned and walked away.

Rain hissed out loudly.

“What are we to do now?” Salome asked Molly.

“You guys will be going on a test of your powers” Molly replied.

“Us, the newbies?” Minerva asked.

“What about you guys?” Paul asked.

“We already did us and sadly we lost five students” Loveth replied.

“$h|t” Apollo said.

“You have to be careful when you are in the dark rocks” Jill said.

“I’m getting scared already” Mara said.

“Don’t be, I’m very sure you guys will all pass” Megan said, joining them.

“Where have you been?” Salome asked.

“I have been here to see when you bumped into Rain” she said.

“Her eyes turned red, gosh! It was scary looking at her” Salome said.

“Reason you should avoid her” Molly said.

“You guys are not training?” Jason came there with John.

“And how is that your concern?” Molly scoffed.

“I think I didn’t direct the question to you” Jason faced her.

“Hey! No argument here” John said.

“She should have minded her business” Jason said.

“Do you have a problem with me not minding my business?” she snickered.

“That’s enough, guys” Paul said.

“It’s time for training, let’s join the circle” Apollo said and his eyes went to Megan.

She looked up and saw him staring, somehow she didn’t look away till he smiled at her and she smiled at him but just a little.

“The superiors” Jill gasped as the superiors approached them.

“I greet everyone” Alfred said with a cool smile, and everyone smiled.

His usual popular and baddie segzy smile on his face.

“Superior Alfred” they chorused in greeting.

“Hey everyone” Ramos said cheerfully, and they responded.

“Superior Ramos” Minerva called with a cute smile and he looked at her.

“Hey vampire” he called and she blushed.

“You know my..”

“I do, crazy vampire” she interrupted and she smiled.

He just talked to her, what is more than Ramos talking to her, absolutely nothing.

“Apollo right?” Alfred turned to Apollo.

“Yes superior” Apollo smiled.

“So what is your favorite style?” Alfred asked and they gasped, except Ramos and Apollo though.

“From the back” Apollo replied.

“d@mn, my favorite style, we have something in common, we can be friends” Alfred said and took Apollo away.

Salome’s eyes were roaming around as she searched for Abel.

“Abel is not here Salome” Ramos noticed and said.

“Oh! He left?” she bit her lips and Minerva chuckled.

“Yeah, join the training now” he said and walked away.

Molly and Jason’s gaze met and she glared at him before leaving with the girls.

“Is there a reason for the hatred?”Paul asked.

“I seriously don’t know” Jason replied.

“Maybe he’s annoying” John smiled and walked away.

“Don’t mind him” Jason said and Paul smiled.

They started walking to the circle to join the training.

Salome was about to join the training when she looked back and saw Rain looking at her with nothing but hatred in her eyes.

She quickly looked away and joined the girls, wishing Abel was there. Why did he leave? She can’t believe she’s missing him so much, someone she just met.


“By the gods, I would die if I don’t eat in the next minute” Jill said as they entered the cafeteria.

“We all know how you are a foodie, you did nothing but you are the most hungry here” Loveth said.

“That’s bullying Lovie” Jill pouted, and everyone laughed.

“He looks small but he eats like an elephant” Molly said.

“Seriously, I support Jill, I’m so famished” Salome said.

“You look cute while saying that” Apollo said.

“Your tactics won’t work on her” Mara said.

“I was just stating a fact” Apollo defended himself.

“A criminal would always be suspected” Paul said and Apollo winked at him but he glared at him.

“You are handsome dude” Apollo patted him.

“Jason, are you okay?” Minerva asked.

“Hunger is taking its toll on me” he replied and everyone started laughing except Molly, he looked at and saw a blank look on her face, he shook his head.

“Finally” Jill wowed as they sat down, taking their positions.

They were served immediately and Jill took three bowls.

“Are you seriously going to finish that?” Salome asked with wide eyes.

“Watch him ask for more” John said.

“f_ck” Minerva laughed.

Jill started eating so fast.

“My life is coming back now” he said, his mouth full with the food.

“Keep quiet” Loveth hit his head.

“You don’t like it?” Apollo asked, staring at Megan.

“I like it, what about you? You are not eating” she replied.

“I’m waiting for you” he smiled and she looked away from him.

Maria came in and an idea came into her head immediately she saw Megan.

She glared at the cup beside her and the cup lifted itself splashing the water on her face.

“What the hell!” Molly gasped.

“What happened?” Mara asked.

“She did it” Apollo said, pointing at Maria who took her seat with her food.

Megan immediately lifted the food and hit it on Maria’s face.

“Wow!!” Minerva shouted.

“Two can play the game” Mara chuckled.

“I want more, Megan” Salome hailed.

“You are crazy” Paul said and she smiled.

Maria glared at Megan and walked out angrily.

“She started it” Salome said.

“I love things like this, I h@ťě the fact that fighting isn’t allowed here” Jason said.

“It’s better than way” John said.

“It’s like the superiors are skipping breakfast again” Jason said.

“Said who?” Loveth said and a loud murmuring started, and their eyes went to the door to see Alfred and Ramos.

As usual almost fifty percent of the girls went to them.

Salome bit her lips in disappointment when she didn’t see Abel with them.

“They always have the attention” Molly smiled.

“You are staring” Apollo said and Megan stopped staring at Alfred to faced him.

“I wasn’t staring” she muttered and he smiled.

Rain came in after them and walked straight to the superior table.

“I’m glad Ramos isn’t a man wh-_-re” Minerva said senselessly and all eyes fell on her.

“Guys, it’s not what you are thinking” she quickly said.

“We didn’t say anything either” Mara smiled and Minerva covered her face.

“You are free to crush on him” Jill said.

Instead of Alfred and Ramos going to the superior table, they settled down with them and gasped rented the air.

The superiors sitting on the same table with them.

“Am I dreaming now?” Paul held his chest.

“No” Ramos chuckled.

Minerva quickly removed her hands from her face when she heard Ramos’ voice and she turned, her eyes widened when she saw him sitting beside her.

“Crazy vampire” he called and she started staring without looking away.

“Megan” Alfred winked and she smiled.

“Partner” he winked at Apollo and he returned the smile.

“Are you guys seriously sitting with us?” Jason asked.

“We might start doing it often” Alfred smiled.

“I can’t believe… buoom” Jill started talking but he farted in the process and his eyes widened.

“I just disgraced my generation” he stood up and started running out.

“He ate too much” John said and they started laughing.

“You are not eating, crazy vampire” Ramos turned to Minerva and caught her staring.

“Oh!” she blinked and looked away, feeling the thumping on her heart.

Rain scoffed from her table, so the superiors are now eating breakfast with the junior disciples.

She stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.

“I hope she will heal one day” Ramos muttered.


Master Lenovon dropped the grape he was eating when master Stefan came in.

“Agora told you something about the special one with green blood, and he said something about the dark forces too” Stefan said.

“How did you know?”

“You are still doubting me?” Stefan asked and pulled the chair to him, he sat down.

“Forgive me for that” Master Lenovon said and Stefan smiled.

“She is the one to make Amora the most powerful demon in existence and you know what will happen when that happens”

“The institute will be destroyed, but who is she?”

“You will find out that yourself” master Stefan said and master Lenovon appeared before him, placing his hand on the chair armrest.

“Sometimes I feel like I’m powerless”

“You are not, it’s not your fault, you are not from the lineage of the Solomons”

“I’m the second master after all, you are the most powerful”

“You are wrong about that, Abel is powerful than me”

“Does he know?” master Lenovon asked.

“No, but he can’t ki|| me, I can’t be ki||ed by anyone unless I decide to die but I can’t ki|| him too, he’s indestructible except by one thing” master Stefan said and master Lenovon became curious.

“And what is that?” he asked and master Stefan looked up.

“His MATE” he replied and disappeared.


“He touched me, he talked to me too, I can accept my death now” Minerva said and fell on the floor.

“He’s right when he calls you a crazy vampire” Salome said, eating an apple.

“It’s love, you like Abel too, I saw the look of disappointment in your eyes when the superiors came in without him” Minerva said from the floor.

Salome dropped the apple and sighed.

“You are right, I don’t know but I’m missing him, is it right?”

“It doesn’t take you years to crush on someone, we are in this together” Minerva said.

“What is up next?” Salome asked.

“I think nothing, we are free, I wonder what the girls are doing right now” Minerva said and stood up.

“We can find out later, I want to sleep now” Salome said.

“I will join you” Minerva smiled.


Megan stepped out of her room and she was shocked to see Apollo in front of her door.

“Apollo” she called and he smiled.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I have been wanting to talk to you since I got here” he replied.

“We talked in the cafeteria” she said.

“I can’t consider that a talk” he said.

“What do you really want?” she asked.

“Let’s say I like you” he said with a smirk on his face.

“You are so blurt” she said and walked away.

“He’s going to Alfred, I think” he smiled, leaning on the wall till a girl came to him.

“Hey handsome guy” she said, giving him a knowing look.

He looked at her and smiled.

“Can we talk?” he said.

“Here?” she asked.

“On my bed” he replied and she smiled with a nod.


Minerva smiled when she got to the peach tree, she learnt about it from the girls and she came here after.

She had always loved the scent it gives.

She was about to touch the fruit when someone came down from the tree and she gasped.

“Crazy vampire” Ramos said.

“You love peach tree too?” he asked.

She blinked without answering, she was speechless.

“Are you okay?” he asked and came closer to her.

He touched her forehead and she blinked again.

“You are right” he said and tried to withdrew his hand but she held it.

“Keep touching” she said in a low voice and he smiled.

“You can talk now?” he said.

“Why are you this handsome superior Ramos?” she asked senselessly and he started laughing.


Molly was training in the training ground all alone, she was producing smoke balls with her hands and throwing them in different directions whilst making a 360 turn in the air.

She was still on that when Jason came in.

She felt his presence instantly and her face turned sour.

“What are you doing here?” she asked icily and he stopped walking to look at her.

She is looking at him now.

“Must I have a reason to be here?” he replied.

“I will leave them”

“Why do you dislike me so much?” he asked.

“Do I have a reason to dislike you?” she asked back, and he sighed.

“Fine” she said and started leaving but she suddenly turned.

“Maybe because you are annoying” she said and left.

“Annoying? She must be kidding” he touched his chest.


Salome came out of her room after fighting to sleep. She is missing Abel. She hasn’t set eyes on him since she saw him in the training ground.

And she doesn’t think she can sleep without seeing his face.

Though she knew the way to his house, she didn’t want to look cheap before him.

She was still walking around when she felt someone behind and she quickly looked back to see Rain.

“Superior Rain” Salome said.

Rain walked to her and stood before her, looking h@ťěfully at her.

“I’m here to give you a warning, stay away from Abel if you want to enjoy your stay here” she said bitterly and surprisingly, Salome started laughing.


“Yes, it’s funny, you want me to start avoiding Abel when I haven’t even started getting closer to him, you are a joke superior Rain. You like him right, I do too, I don’t think you are in the position to tell me that” Salome said boldly, and Rain’s eyes flashed deep red.

Fire came out of her eyes and went at Salome, Salome’s eyes widened but something shocking happened, when the fire got to Salome, it met a protective spell and bounced back, hitting Rain on the chest.

“Ahhhh!!” Rain cried as she flew away from Salome, crashing into one of the pillars, the fire leaving a big wound on her chest.

“What… what just happened?”

“Are you okay?” she heard his voice and she looked back immediately.

“Abel.. sorry superior Abel” she said with a hyper tone, almost rushing into his arms but she stopped herself.

“Are you okay, pretty witch?” he asked and her thumped 100 times.

“Yeah, sure, yes, no, I’m fine” she started saying many words and he smiled.

Their eyes hooked on each other and Rain managed to stand up, her heart burning in hurt when she saw the closeness between them.

“You want something, tell me what you want, pretty witch?” he said sweetly and she smiled, biting her lips.

She quickly looked back and saw Rain staring at them.

“I’m waiting, pretty witch” he said.

“Can I hug you for just a minute?” she asked.

“No” he replied and she felt pained.

“You are going to hug me more than that, pretty witch” he said with a cool voice.



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