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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DIAMONDS – Episode 70

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(He’s Cold – hearted,
but he’s mine💋)

Episode 32 by Faith Lucky
(Long episode)

Cali’s Pov:
My breath hitched a bit as he said those words to me and instantly, I knew the reference he was trying to make.

I glared at him and he chuckled.

“Tell me, Cali” he stared at his stick.
“Are you interested or not?”

I fisted my hands and thought for a while.

“I don’t need your help” I suddenly said.
“I’ll find him myself”.

And with that, I turned around to leave.

“Seriously?” He scoffed and bursted into an hysterical laughter and I stopped to look at him.

“Are you kidding me, Cali? You really think you can find him? First of all, how would you locate the palace? Do you think Korea’s a town or something?

“Secondly, I’m the only one who can guide you to prevent your a$$ from being grounded because right now, the Miquel you might meet might not be the Miquel you know”.

“And why do you sound so confident, huh? Why do you sound like you know so much about him?” I asked angrily and he smiled.

“Because I’m his one and only brother”.
That night, I slept with Diane in the car cause I couldn’t think of staying in the Black Diamonds institute, even after Mykel had tried to convince me to do so. I wasn’t mad, was I?

Diane slept so early like a chick. And as I laid quietly
in the dark, I kept thinking about Miquel. Where could he be? Could he really be at the palace?

Oh God! What has become of him?

Helplessly, I had to accept Mykel’s deal..

Well, yes. You wouldn’t blame me cause I had no choice. Miquel’s absence was driving me nuts and I was ready to do anything just to see him.

At least, with the way Mykel sounded, I’ll get to see him by tomorrow!
I’ll set my eyes on him again!!

Oh God! Now, I confirmed it. The story he’d talked about – losing his family on a bridge and all that – it was all about him!!

Its been him the whole time!

The throne of darkness – everything was real. And Mykel was the God d@mn brother.

Ahh! I should’ve known.

Well, the only reason I’d try my best not to ki|| him is the fact that,He’s probably the only key to getting Miquel at the moment.

And for Miquel….I was ready to do anything just to see him.

G0sh! How the hell did I fall so deeply in love with a guy?
I waited outside with Diane for the j*erk to come out as usual.

“Are you sure he’s coming out? It’s been so long already” Diane grouse and looked around.

I just placed my hands on my waist and kept my eyes glued to the direction he was supposed to take.

Well, he’d better not be playing with me.

After a longer while, he finally showed up – in a car.

Hmph. Finally.

I gawped at him as he parked the car in front of us and stepped out

Well…I must admit, there was a striking resemblance between him and Miquel. And thus, he was quite handsome.

But I’d still prefer my Miquel’s look to that $h|t of his.

“I thought you changed your mind” I said sarcastically to him, making sure the anger in my voice was clear enough.

“Nah. Of course, I’d never change my mind. I never back out. Come on, let’s go. But..I hope she isn’t coming along?” He asked, referring to Diane.

“Of course, she is” I scoffed.
“Got a problem with that?”

“Well, if she’s coming,t then the deal is over” he said and my eyes dropped.

Diane also chuckled in surprise.

“I..I don’t get you. Why?” I demanded.

“Well, just in case you don’t know, Cali; we’re going on a mission – a dangerous mission because if the people of the palace gets to know we’re there to save Miquel, we’ll definitely be dead. Therefore, we can’t have ourselves walking in large numbers. Two is a companionship, but three is a crowd. So, its not working out” he enthused and I shook my head in disbelief.
He’s got to be kidding me, huh??

Like…what the heck???

“So….you really expect me to go alone….with you?” I asked disbelievingly and he rolled his eyes.

“We’re running out of time, Cali. Chose. Miquel or your friend?” He said and walked into the car.


He ignited the engines and that was when I knew he was d@mn serious.
I turned to Diane who was speechless.

“Wh…What do you think?” I asked, needing some sort of encouragement.

“Well…to be sincere, Cali. I….don’t know. Don’t you think its risky going alone with him? Do you really trust him that much?” She replied and I turned to look him in the car.

Just staring at him,I remembered all the wicked things he’d done to me. The images replayed fresh in my head and I just couldn’t imagine being alone with him.

But Miquel….

He was d@mn important to me and I was ready to take any risk just to see him.

I sighed weakly and looked at Diane.

“I…I think I’ll do it. I need to see Miquel” I told her and she nodded after a little reluctance.

“How will you return to the institute?” I further asked.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Just be careful, okay?” She said and I nodded.

Mykel honked the car, drawing my attention.

Diane and I gave each other a quick hug.

“Thank you so much, Diane” I said in the process and she smiled and hugged me tight.

We finally unlocked and I ran off to meet Mykel in the car.
After the ride in the car, we arrived at the airport and proceeded to the private jet he was talking about.

G0sh! I still couldn’t believe I was walking side by side with this m0nster.

Well, it’s just for Miquel and Miquel alone. When we’re done from Korea, I’ll definitely fix him in his place.

We took our different seats in the jet and fixed the belts and in no time, we were off the ground.

“Have a safe trip” he turned to me and said with a sarcastic smile and I just glared at him.

His ev!l smile made me recall every f-__-king thing he did to me and how I wish to make him pay.

I took in a deep breath and tried to ignore him.

I shut my eyes and thought of Miquel. I couldn’t wait to see him.
After quite a long time, we arrived at the airport and alighted the jet.

I took in a deep breath as I stepped out with Mykel. And then, it was obvious.

I was in Korea!!!

We were there already!!

My eyes beamed happily and I turned to look at Mykel.

“Wh….What’s next? Where can we find him?” I asked anxiously.

“Patience, Cali. Patience” he smirked and stuff a litted cigarette in his mouth.

He had a bag with him and he opened it and brought out a face cap, putting it on.

“Come on”, he muttered and started walking away and I followed.
We got to the roadside and boarded a cab and after a very long time, we arrived at the destination he’d described to the cabby.
He settled the cabby and he took off afterwards.

I looked around but didn’t find anything interesting. Like….the area was just deserted and bushy.

“I thought you were taking me to the palace?” I snapped at him, but he didn’t reply as he brought a lollipop from his bag and stuck it into his mouth.

He brought out another and offered it to me.

“Here; you should keep yourself busy. Its gonna be a long walk” he said as he pointed it towards me, but I slapped his hand away, making the lollipop fall on the floor.

“I’m not interested. Take me to Miquel” I replied bitterly and he chuckled and started walking away while I followed.
We walked for such a long time, I began to feel suspicious.

“Where exactly are you taking me, huh? And why is it taking so long?” I asked angrily as we fought with the grasses.

“Geez! Cali, you act like a pest, you know? Relax okay? Do you think the palace is more like a two bedroom apartment that you can just go to, knock on the gate and request to see the king? I’ve told you before,,if we’re being suspected by 1%, we’ll be ki||ed. Especially you because, you know? I’m a prince and can easily find a way to convince them. But you, you’re a total stranger and they ki|| strangers without remorse” he replied and I turned to look at her.

What the h*ell is that supposed to mean?

I scoffed and focused on the bushy path.

“You really need to stop hating me, okay? Your boyfriend already punished me enough” he said after a while and I glared at him

“You deserve worst than death, j*erk” I said angrily and he laughed.

“You two will make a perfect couple, huh?” He continued.
“I mean…you love him so much and risking your life for him. And him on the other hand, ki||ed hundreds of people just to seek revenge for you”.

I stopped walking and looked at him. What’s he talking about?

I wanted to ask him for more details, but decided to wave it aside.

“Just shut up, okay?I don’t wanna hear anything from you”I faciled and he smirked.

“His ex girlfriend was a banshee” he suddenly said and for a moment, I stopped walking again.


I looked at him and he smiled – feignly.

“Didn’t you wonder why he suddenly got attracted to you? Despite his grumpy attitude? It’s likely because you reminded him of his first love – our first love”.R

This time around, I was gob smacked and couldn’t move. And he smirked and walked ahead of me.

“Come on, pumpkin. We’re almost there!” He called out to me and I shrugged the thoughts off my head and ran to meet him.

We got to a hill and climbed together.

“Is the palace in the sky or something? I don’t understand” I said underneath my breath as I found it so difficult climbing the hall.

My breath was beginning to waver.
After climbing for such a long time, we got to the top and I found myself breathing heavily.

I stood beside him and stared the direction he faced and…..woah!!!

“That’s the palace” he said and made a slapping sound from his lollipop.

Climbing the hill gave us access to see the huge building ahead of us.

Like….it was so big, tall and wide.

And extremely beautiful.
With so many people moving about.

It looked just like paradise. Was that really the palace?

I breathed heavily as I shaded my face with my palm as a result of the sun while staring at it.

So….how do we get in?

Suddenly, I saw someone at the top of the building – at the balcony.

A person wearing a crown – having about four guards behind.

He just stood and stared into space, his hands crossed behind his back. And despite the fact he was far from me, I could still recognize him.

I could recognize that look from everywhere.

I brought my hand down from my face as my eyes dilated in shock.


I gasped in fright and placed my hand on my chest. I felt all my muscles move and my blood stop flowing

It was him!

My Miquel.

He was right there.

“Miquel???” I called out without thinking twice.

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