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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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THE DIAMONDS – Episode 4

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(She likes him,
but he’s cold-hearted๐Ÿ˜ˆ)

Episode 4

Cali’s Pov:
I opened my eyes blearily and found myself lying on a bed in a strange.

I groaned and struggled to sit up as I suddenly felt different.

I looked and discovered I was in what seemed like a hospital room and the head aches and unusualness i was feeling weren’t there anymore.

What happened to me?

Where am I?

Just then, the door opened and a strict looking lady walked in.

Hold on! I recognize her.

She was among the people that’d come to the house and made me pass out.


I sprang on my feet immediately.

“Hey; where am I? What am I doing here?” I asked impatiently but she ignored me at first.

“I’m talking to you!” I snapped.

“You’re at the Diรฃmรดnd’s institute. The white Diรฃmรดnd’s” she replied simply as she got to a big table in the room and took a syringe.

The Diรฃmรดnd’s institute? Holy Crap!

“I told you I didn’t wanna be here! Why the hell did you take me away forcefully?” I asked angrily but she ignored me and came over to me with the loaded syringe in her hand.

“What’re you doing? Don’t touch me” I moved back.

“Do you want your head aches to return?” She asked with an eye roll and I stood still.

Then, she came closer and injected it through my neck.

“Ouch” I winced a little and she pulled it out when she was done.

Oh God!

*Stubborn girl*, I heard her say in her head and scoffed.

“I’m not stubborn, okay? And I don’t wanna be here” I blurted and she scoffed.

“You should be glad we were the first to get you. Else, you’d have been something else by now” she said with a stern look and started walking out of the room.

Huh? What does she mean by that?

I watched in awe and as soon as she left, someone else came in.

Oh my God!!

“Mum!!” I called and ran to her immediately, getting lost in her arms.

“Oh! My baby” she cooed and stroke my hair.

I breathed heavily in her arms, finally finding relief.

“How’re you feeling now, dear? They told me they were gonna make the headaches stop” she said as we unlocked from the hug, her hands holding my face.

“Please, take me out of here,mum. I don’t wanna be here” I said ruefully as she took me to the bed so we could sit facing each other.

“Cali” she called softly.
“I know you don’t want this. Nobody saw this coming in the first place, but…you just need to go along with it”.


“Its been signed by the government, Cali and you know it. As long as you’re a diรฃmรดnd, you can’t stay outside this walls until you’ve completed your training. You won’t be able to cope as a matter of fact.

“I mean, did you see how the students were staring at you in school? They were avoiding you like a plaque. So, its clearly impossible for you to survive unless you wanna stay indoors for the rest of your life which I’m sure you wouldn’t wanna do.

“You don’t have control of your powers, yet. I mean, doesn’t it bother you?
You keep hearing different thoughts and having the constant headaches. You won’t be able to cope with it out there, Cali. But over here, you stand the chance of taking control. You’ll be taught to control your powers and use them properly.

“Besides, its nice over here. They’ve got comfortable buildings, rich foods and I heard they even throw parties once in a while. Its going to be just like your normal life, Cali and I bet you gonna enjoy it.

“There are hundreds upon hundreds of students here and none of them are dead. So, why would your own case be different?”

She paused and cupped my cheeks in her hands.

“Please, baby. Try and understand”.

I whimpered as cold tears streamed down my cheeks.

I whimpered like a baby and she pulled me in a hug.

“Cali, please. Stop this if you don’t wanna hurt me” she stoked my hair in consolation, but I couldn’t stop crying.

I just couldn’t stomach it easily. I didn’t want to be here.

I wept in her arms and after a while, we disentangled from the hug and she dried off my tears.

“Come on now, there’s no time. We need to get you registered” she said as she took my hand and helped me up.

I tried to control my sniffles as we left the room and got out to what seemed like a passage.

It was a long passage filled with different people walking briskly around.

I lowered my gaze to the floor as I walked beside mum and after a long walk we got to the ‘office’.

There were two people in the office already discussing with the manager. So, mum and I had to sit and wait outside.

I clasped my palms together as I sat next to her on the long bench close to the wall and fed my eyes with the umpteen people that kept passing by like they were going for a meeting or something.

Why the heck are they moving about, huh?

Some were matured and held files while some were pretty young boys and girls – most of which were walking in pairs.

A particular set of boys walked pass me and one of them winked at me, making me wanna puke.

I rolled my eyes at him and he smirked and walked by with the others.

I saw something else that amused me – a boy and a girl walking with the boy’s hand over the lady’s @zz.


Are they allowed to do this around here???

He squeezed the @zz as they walked pass me and they giggled and kissed.

Holy Molly!

I looked at mum, hoping she was watching the whole thing. But unfortunately, she was busy with her phone and I just sighed and looked away.

Suddenly, a lady who was walking like a mosquito stupidly spilled her drink on me.

Like…the cup of drink she held fell from her hand and spilled on my legs.

What the hell???

“Hey! What is wrong with you??”,I snapped as I sprang on my feet, seething with anger.

“Oh! It wasn’t intentional. But you should’ve learnt to sit properly, tho” she replied and moved her hair backwards.


“Have you gone nuts? You spilled your d@mn drink on me and the best you could do was run your stinky mouth around?”. I scoffed.

“Call me stinky one more time and I’ll turn you into a mosquito” she faciled and mum stood up immediately.

“A mosquito? That’s quite funny. Cause I think you’re the one who’s a mosquito already” I chuckled and she fumed and tried doing wh@ลฅฤ›ver it was she had in mind, but mum held her hand.

“Hey, hey, what’s going on here? Please, that’s enough” she said, still holding the lady’s hand and I chuckled and folded mine.

“You’re just lucky I like your mother. Else, you’d have been crawling on the floor by now. Anyway, we’re still stuck here together” she stated icily, rolled her eyes at me and walked away.

Arrogant bi*ch, i thought to myself and returned to my seat.
๐Ÿ’ซThe Black Diรฃmรดnds๐Ÿ’ซ
Hidden Pov:
I stood, facing the window with the glass of wine in my hand and suddenly, the door opened.

Without turning to look at them, I already knew why they were f*”king here!

“Sir” I heard Trisha call but still didn’t turn to look at any of them.

“We’re sorry, but…we couldn’t get her. The White Diรฃmรดnds had taken her already before we arrived. It seems Miquel had sensed her faster than us” she said and my blood boiled at the mention of that name.

“And that’s because you were an hour f-__-king late!” I roared and hit the glass on the floor, crashing it to pieces.

They flinched and kept their heads bowed.

“If only you’d come as soon as I called, this wouldn’t be a problem!”

“We’re sorry…” Davis replied and I groaned and clenched my hands

“Get the hell out of my side! Now!” I rasped and they turned around and left immediately.

d@mn it!

I h@ลฅฤ› it when he’s ahead of me!

I h@ลฅฤ› it when he gets what I’m supposed to get.

I f-__-king h@ลฅฤ› it!!

Now, I must try to get even with him.

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