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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEVIL SON – Episode 67

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Back at Mr and Mrs Andrew Mansion,they got the news about the attack on Mr Matt and they rush to the scene leaving the children at home alone.

Light decided to watch over both princes and luka till they wake up,luka woke up about an hour ago and his wounds are fully healed by light.

They already changed the bed and the bedspread and now both he and princess are sleeping on his bed.

Lucifer still didn’t return home and light find herself worrying about him and she sighed heavily.

Romeo walked in at this moment and look at the two sleeping on the bed “how’s he?”he asked curiously.

“He will be fine once he wake up again”she replied and Romeo nod and walk closer to the bed.

“Watch over them for me”she said and stood up immediately then ran out.

She smiled “i perceived your scent already, don’t mask it”she giggled as she ran to Lucifer’s room.


She was right,the moment she entered the toom,she met Lucifer lying on his bed with his eyes closed.

“Did you attacked Matt?”she asked but he simply chose to ignore that question and stare innocently back at her as if he didn’t do anything.

She tried to bring up some other topics just to get him to talk but he didn’t say a word and just completely ignore her.

He completely shun her and refused to say a word to her in return no matter what topic she brought up.

“Are you ignoring me now?”she questioned but he remain silent and stare into space.

She tried to annoy him into talking but he just completely ignore her existence but being stubborn herself,she refused to give up or even leave the room.


Lily quickly went after Adrian who excuse himself to use the restroom.

“Hy!”she yelled making Adrian stop and turn back to look at her with a deep frown on her face.

“What are you planning? Are you trying to get under my sister’s skirt too”she move closer to her.

“Are you mad? Do you think I’m crazy? Do you actually think i will spend over a million dollar just to get under someone’s skirt?”he raised an eyebrow.

“This is the hospital’s corridor,meet me outside,we don’t want to disturb other patients”she walk away without waiting for him to say another word.

Adrian decides to speak to her and went to meet her outside where she stood akimbo waiting for him.

“Why did you ask me to come here?”he asked impatiently and obviously annoyed.

As it will turn out, Lily knew Adrian to be a playboy as she used to work in most of the clubs and bar he used to come with different girls.

He even have the habit of wooing girls on the spot just to f_ck them then the next day,he will be with another girl different from the ones from the other day.

“Do not have any crazy idea on using and dumping my sisters like those Ɓîtçhes you are always hooking up with”she warned.

“Yay! Do not thr_@ten me,or i might as well share your little secret of dancing only in your undies in front of older men even though you are a waitress”Adrian smirk as well .

“And like i said,i won’t spend a million dollar on just anyone,not any of those whores who are only after the money anyway, stay off my business and we will be equal and for your information,i knew just the kind of person she is,so stop thr_@tening me like you can do anything “He walk away leaving her annoyed at the entrance.

“I don’t care,just don’t hurt my sister or i will ki|| you with my bare hands “she said angrily.

“Just like you ki||ed that old man at the club just to steal extra money “Adrian said not turning back.

“You!”she was shocked”yes, I knew it was you but then what can i say, you simply did it to make him unconscious,the man is just meant to die “he chuckled and increase his pace.


Light who refused to give up and remain in the room with Lucifer while she keep lecturing him about controlling his temper.

“He’s younger and weaker,you should have dodged his attacks instead of fighting back “she will complain after each sentence.

“Lucy,luka is an alpha wolf,you are a demon! Not an ordinary one but the blood and flesh of the devil himself, he’s a fly compare to you,you really shouldn’t have fought back “she added.

Lucifer groan in annoyance and sit up on the bed while light move closer with a teasing smile on her face.

“You can’t ignore me forever,i know how annoying i can be myself “she smile proudly but Lucifer keep staring at her.

“Won’t you scold me,or yell or probably hit me against the wall out of anger? You are too Ç0çƙy after all so you probably just want me gone right……”her last word was cut short when lucifer pull her closer by grabbing her waist, making her fall directly on him.

She was about to say another word when he slam his lips on hers shutting her up completely and leaving her in total shock.


“Thanks for today’s date,i really enjoy it all,the movie,the food and all the games we played at the park are really fun, thanks”Camila smiled and kiss Ricky on the lips.

They went out on a date according to his suggestion and they have been going on around since morning.

“It’s been a long time since i last walk around so freely instead of riding around in my car,my model agents and even my manager won’t agree with it”she pouted.

“Oh! Look ice cream shop, let’s get ice cream “she look like a kid who just see her favorite candy.

“Sure”he agreed without a second thought so they walk towards the ice cream shop but as their luck would have it and turn against them,they came across Adrian who also left the hospital to get the ice cream since it’s close to the hospital.

He refused to let them walk off freely and keep asking them what they are doing together on a Friday morning instead of being in school .

“You aren’t in school yourself and stop treating us like a kid, he’s in senior year 2 and i will soon be in senior year 1, I’m eighteen already so do not treat me like little girl”Camila replied confidently.

“That still doesn’t justify why you are together and even holding hands beside the road”Adrian remain stubborn as well.

Camila being the daring and fearless one say it with a straight face “we are dati, what’s wrong with that?”she raised an eyebrow.

“What? Dating?”he nearly screamed but all he does was glare back at her brother while Ricky watch the drama and try not to laugh.

Adrian was about to voice out his anger and disappointment when Camila grab Ricky’s hand and ran off while dragging him with her.

Adrian wanted to chase after them but they have gone too far for him to start going after them so he just stare at them in shock as they ran away.


I purple y’all ??

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