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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEVIL SON – Episode 52

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?The Rebirth ?

#season 2
No edit ‼️
Errors are bound to occur but pls bare it
*Do not copy or repost if u dont want bad things in ur life*
Theme:dark powers,love and hatred

Settings: Human world,demon realm and the gods era.

​? Episode 21?
{ They deserve death}
{The antihuman force lab}

[A week later]

“How’s the specimen faring?”Mr Andrew asked as soon as he walked in.

It’s been a week since lucifer have been kept in the test tube while different kind of test was being carried out on him.

He remain unconscious all these days “faring well,the few things we managed to find out are just little details”Ryan replied not taking his eyes off the chemical he’s mixing.

“Yh, what a progress”Mr Matt replied sarcastically but Ryan ignored him totally.

“He’s neither a werewolf nor a vampire,i checked up on other species and make more researchs too, he’s not a merman either, generally he’s in no way related to a shifter”he finally look up then pointed at the big screen monitor hanged in the middle of the lab.

“That’s new then”Mr Andrew frowned “yh,but i think i have a lead about it already,he might actually be a demon and that mean the devil son tale is real”he smiled.

“What nonsense are you saying? The devil son? Then how come he’s lying unconscious in there for an entire week?”Mr matt sneered.

Ryan was about to answer her when they heard a loud inhuman growling and they all turn towards the test tube.

Lucifer whose eyes are still close tightly is struggling to break free in the glass tube.

“Get away from the tube,the glass might be indestructible but we can’t risk anything”Mrs Andrew called out to the people around the test tube.

“Get captain Campbell here now”Mr Andrew turn to Ryan and he nods before rushing out of the lab.

“Ahrghhhh!!!!”a louder growl vibrated through the whole lab and they all felt the ground shook under their feets.

The vibration penetrated into the walls and everything started falling on each other “get to the headquarters now, the building is strong enough to protect us “Mr and Mrs Andrew urge everyone to leave.

Everyone started running out of the lab while the two couples stay behind to make sure everyone left.

Soon captain Campbell rushed in with many antihuman force “get out everyone”he shouted.

“Ensure everyone’s safety and leave immediately as well, he’s like a beast trapped and finally waking up yo escape”Mrs Andrew warned before leaving with her husband.

Another growling came and this time all the glasses around the test tube shattered into pieces.

Lucifer’s eyes snap open at once “$h00t him till he die”Campbell shouted and they all pointed their guns in unison at Lucifer.

He seem unbothered about his environment at first or maybe he didn’t see them until his eyes land on them.

Gone is the handsome devil they captured,he grew taller and bigger and his eyes are the deepest shade of flamming red.

His hands are now claws and he seem completely different that even though they are holding their guns pointed at him, fear paralysed few of them and they didn’t $h00t immediately.

“What are you waiting for?? $h00t him!”Campbell shouted and this seem to released everyone from the spell that stopped them before.

They all started pulling the trigger in unison but soon they realized what a big mistake they made.

Lucifer’s loud voice rang out as soon as the first set of guns hit him but instead of falling down or becoming weak,he rushed at them.

He move faster the lightning itself and all they saw were many blurry figures before the screams of agony followed.

In just few seconds,he ki||ed over ten armed men and proceed to the others ” i should have listened to Mrs Andrew and not $h00t”Campbell was panicking as well.

He decided to escape from there as he see how Lucifer continue ki||ing his men without breaking out a sweat.

He immediately make his way towards the door “the captain is escaping?”the men were all mad at Campbell but he didn’t even spare them a glance as he ran off.

“Fool!”lucifer said and just like that,his blurry figure appeared in front of Campbell and the next second,the man was lifted off the ground.

He tried to struggle but he’s just in no way as strong as Lucifer and a second later,the sound of bone breaking rounded the lab.

He broke his neck in just a snap before throwing his dead body away.

The remaining men quickly drop their weapons signifying they are not going to fight or $h00t him again.

He didn’t even wait another second before he left the lab and the remaining men breathe out a loud sigh of relief.


“What?”Matt yelled “yes captain Campbell didn’t listen to Mrs Andrew’s instructions and told us to $h00t,that monster ki||ed over thirty men and broke Captain’s neck when he tried to escape” one of the men reported.

“I clearly informed him not to act rashly”Mrs Andrew yelled angrily but she soon calm down.

“Where is he now?”she asked”he left as soon as we dropped our guns “well, that’s good then”Mrs Andrew nods.

“Try tracking him,we either get him again or ki|| him, he’s a monster and he’s dangerous “Matt yelled.

“Keep shut,just because Campbell is your relative doesn’t mean to act rashly,my wife told him to leave and not $h00t but he acted on his own,his own death is totally his fault so no need to get more men ki||ed”Mr Andrew snapped at matt.

“Track him down and keep an eye on him, don’t attack him unless you saw him trying to hurt anyone or trying to ki||”Mr Andrew said to the men.

“Matt,you are suspended for a week, you clearly want to give Campbell a proper burial,you can fo that during your suspension “he said before facing the rest.

“Get the corpses of the dead men and make arrangements for a proper burial for them and also send the messages to their families “Mrs Andrew added as well.


{The city}

The news quickly circulated round the whole city and are clearly in panic but after an official statement,many stop worrying about it.


“Lucifer escaped already”luka said “oh,i see,i wonder why he didn’t try to do that, it’s been a week”light said.

“He’s weird”princess also interfered”yh, definitely,i managed to see the destroyed lab,he really destroyed it entirely and i wonder how he did that”luka said.

“I can do that too, it’s not that hard but i guess he was angry cause he ki||ed more than thirty armed men”light said.

“But where did you think he escaped to after he left the lab?”princess asked “i don’t know but i don’t think he will ever show up in the city again “Luka replied.

“You are wrong,i can smell him already, he’s around this particular school”light said and princess gasped.

“Hey calm down,we can’t say he’s here for anyone of us tho”luka said to calm princess down.

“Well,do not forget mom and dad work at the antihuman force lab and dad is even the president,what if he want to revenge being captured?”princess asked.

“I don’t think so,stop worrying about that”luka said smiling”can you not smile now? That look tempting “princess said.

“I need to excuse you guys then”light left the classroom leaving only luka and princess behind.

Just as she left,the door was pushed open and queenie came in smiling sheepishly.

“Hy luka”she greeted and luka simply replied with a nod of his head before totally ignoring her.

“I’m not sure if you are free tomorrow which is Saturday,i want to suggest a movie date”she said boldly.

“Sorry, he’s not free,now get lost senior”princess glared and Queenie was taken aback by this.

“And why are you in the senior class? Aren’t you supposed to be in the cafeteria or your class?”Queenie asked.

“I don’t think i have a reason to explain myself to you”princess replied and Queenie glance at luka as if trying to tell the guy to caution his sister but Luka ignore her completely.

“Luka”she whined “i don’t have a say in that, I’m busy tomorrow as she said”he replied still not sparing her a glance.

“But….i thought you liked me”Queenie said her eyes suddenly becoming teary.

“What?”luka asked “isn’t that why you kissed me even in front of your girlfriend?”she asked this time her tears streaming down her face.

“I don’t understand you”luka said really confused “that girl,light … you kissed me a week ago right in front of her and everyone else”she said.

“Cause we are just playing a game,and you deepened the kiss yourself,also light is not my girlfriend,you are mixing it all up”he said.

“Then if she’s not your girlfriend,why can’t you accept me?”she asked “and your sister talked to me with so much disrespect but you didn’t say a word either”she glared h@ťěfully at princess.

“The last person that give me that look end up in jail while her family nearly went bankrupt, Diana is a perfect example”princess said fearlessly.

Even luka couldn’t help but smile “she’s one hell of a drama queen when she’s jealous”he thought.

Queenie not knowing what to say again ran out of the class in tear “she’s so clingy, she’s even taking the step to propose a date”princess continue to glare at the door even after Queenie left.


“What are you doing here”lucifer asked without turning to look at whoever came into the garden.

He’s lying down in his bloody clothes but all his wounds seems to have healed and close up.

“You are really weird Lucifer, allowing them to capture you then escaping a week later,you wre unbelievable “light said.

“I simply want to know what that portrait signified but then they came at an unexpected time “he grumble.

“So, what did you find out?”she asked walking to his front”that i wasn’t supposed to be this?”he chuckled dryly.

“They all deserve death and i will give it to them,how dare they ran so many tests on my body,i will ki|| them all for this “he said,his eyes full of hatred.

“And here i thought he will change after this,so barbaric, can’t he just go back if the only thing he will keep causing here is trouble?”light thought.

“I can clearly heard that, I’m here to ki|| you,you know so i was wondering if you are just stupid or fearless to come looking for me everytime and i Wonder why i haven’t tried to ki|| you “he said looking at her.

“You won’t find answers to your curiosity by coming after my life, it’s better to adapt to living here first, probably after you learnt all you are supposed to,then i will give you a chance to fight me to death”she replied emotionlessly.

Lucifer glance at her face and for a second,he saw a glimpse of the princess in the portrait at the museum.

“You can find me after you decide, don’t worry and it won’t be fun if you simply ki|| me then left without finding answers so find the answers then we can settle our scores”she said then turn around and left the garden.

Lucifer stare at her retreating figure for a while before looking away “she’s right,i want answers and i must get them”his gaze become sharp.

Tbc …..

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