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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEVIL SON – Episode 33

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?The Rebirth ?

#season 2
No edit ‼️
Errors are bound to occur but pls bare it
*Do not copy or repost if u dont want bad things in ur life*
Theme:dark powers,love and hatred

Settings: Human world,demon realm and the gods era.

? Episode Two?

[I want to find who it belongs to]

? Human world ?

*Modern Era*

★Mr & Mrs Andrew’s Mansion ★

“The moon look rather strange tonight, don’t you think so??”Mrs Andrew asked as she stare at the moon from her room balcony and her husband nodded as well joining her at the balcony.

“Mom! Dad! Look at the moon, it’s the blood moon”their seventeen year old daughter princess rushed in smiling excitedly and rush between her parents “see,i was just reading about it on my novel apps,and now it’s really here,so many werewolves are going to get stronger and hungrier tonight”she said clapping her hands together.

Her parents simply look at each other and smile not wanting to discourage their little daughter who is obsessed with fictional occurrence and always wish they are true.

“I will have to ask one of my friends tomorrow,he works at the spaceship science company and they are currently involves in astrology as well,he might be able to tell us why thie happens”Mr Andrew smiles.

“So, princess,go to bed,your dad will find out if it’s your blood moon or something else entirely “Mrs Andrew added as well,both hoping the girl won’t decided to stay in their room tonight.

“No,i don’t want to sleep yet”she whine about it and pout cutely “i want to watch and capture this moment, it’s so mesmerizing and so cool, this happens once in a century… my stories says”she added feeling her parent’s confused looks.

“Mom, princess is right,i want to watch it too”luka grinned excitedly as he walks into the room as well and both mother and father groan inwardly realizing they are stuck with two grown babies for the night.

“Luka! You are nineteen,stop acting like your sister that just turned seventeen years old “Mrs Andrew snapped helplessly as luka pouted as well.

Everyone burst into laughter after that while luka also walk up the all of them at the balcony to get a clearer view of the red moon as well,his eyes mysteriously glows when they came in contact with the moon but no one noticed it.

Luka isn’t Mr and Mrs Andrew’s biological son,they actually adopted the boy after his parent were assassinated years ago,princess was born about a year after that.

They had thought they won’t have their own child,being a well known successful business man and woman,they hardly have time for their personal lives unless it’s weekend so they adopted luka not to feel childless.

“Yh,nineteen,not like I’m thirty yet”luka said in the middle of the silence and everyone can’t hold back themselves from laughing with the funny expression on his face.

“Let’s go and watch it from my room,my window also have a clear view,dad and mom might want to…you know”he winked and the couple gasped while luka quickly stood up and ran off laughing.

“Don’t teach your sister things like that”Mr Andrew said “oh, he’s too innocent to teach me those,i read summer’s library and summer’s book novels, he’s no where near my level”princess laughs as well and ran out after luka.

The couple could only stare at the door after their two baby adults ran out laughing in pure shock at what their daughter said.

Princess and luka went to his room then sat down by his balcony as well and stare at the moon and enjoying the view but it seem like only princess is enjoying this as luka seem to be having some internal struggles with himself.

“Luka! See that!”princess yelled already making a video record with her phone while using her available hand to draw Luka’s attention to wh@ťěver she saw.

The sky have darkened and the thunderstorm increased and then something fast $h00t from the direction the lightning are coming from, moving faster than the lightning itself.

“Wow! Is that a fallen star?? It’s amazing and so unrealistic”she exclaimed not dropping her phone and continue to video record the sky.

Luka shivered all of a sudden,his eyes fixed on the fallen star”not a falling star but wh@ťěver it is,… it’s not ordinary”luka said trying hard to hid his concern.

?Demon realm?

“It landed at the human world lucifer”fayr came in to report the situation to him after the moon returned to it normal self “but, wh@ťěver that is, it’s really powerful”prad’h who’s with them said as well.

“I want to know what that is “Lucifer said still staring at the sky and not caring to acknowledge his brother’s presence or bothering about the strange expressions they have on their faces.

“After it landed,all traces about it vanished, even i can’t perceived the aura anymore no matter how much i tried to”prad’h said “even if you want to, you won’t be able to find it immediately “he added secretly glaring at lucifer.

Lucifer didn’t reply to that, even though he knew that’s the truth . How can he find the power if he doesn’t know who it belongs to and the creature didn’t even leave behind any scent of his or her aura after the blood moon vanished as well.

“Can it be a human?”he thought then suddenly feel like hitting himself”I’m overthinking this,a human?? With such a powerful aura”he shook his head negatively.

The aura is too strong to belong to a human and he won’t want to admit this but the stranger’s aura might be on par with his own powers too which make whoever’s behind that power is a thr_@t to Lucifer himself.

“I want to find whoever is strong enough to make his or her power boomed this way to even turn the blood moon which is actually in few days time and make it appear at once “he said with determination shinning in his cold eyes before leaving his brothers standing alone.

“Father said he can’t return to the human world , he’s the ruler here….bastard making things hard for everyone “fayr sneered at Lucifer’s indifférence to his own stupid decision.

“He should go, infact he can go “fah’n said smirking”yes,he can go,i don’t care, maybe then father will realize he’s not fit to be a ruler “fayr said annoyed since he’s Lucifer’s right hand man but it seems hus brothers are thinking differently from him.

“If he return to the human world,he will surely felt the warmth of his past life,he lost his mate there after all so he’s still connected to that world, that’s why father forbid him from ever going to the human world,he will get attracted to his memories and be lost trying to remember them but it’s impossible anyway,if he’s too bound on having those memories back,it will take him years ti remember “prad’h smirked wickedly.

“What are you talking about brother?”even fah’n couldn’t help but ask again, he’s confused why Prad’h smirked and seem so confident all of a sudden.

“Let ne explain this more broadly little ones”he chuckled when his two brothers glared at him.

“After his powers were released from the chain of doom,he forgot it all,all about his past life i mean. But that doesn’t mean that human side of his is completely dead,it simply didn’t come forward because lucifer remain here in the demon realm,father made him believe he’s a monster and does not fit to live among the human,he made us tell him different things so he can stare here and rule ..right?”he asked and they nodded.

“He didn’t make us do all that just because he want him to rule,he asked us to do so,so lucifer won’t feel the urge to return to the human world and once he didn’t he will eventually forget it all but once he did…, his past memories will hunt him and he will be forced to want to know more,to know all till he triggered those memories,and trust me,once he did he will grew furious and more powerful,this will take him years to achieve so he will just have to choose one of us to rule for the time being till he’s back “he smirked after he finished explaining.

“But then, won’t he be back later and take back the throne”fayr asked “of course he will,but we surely won’t give him the opportunity to do so,we won’t be making the same mistake twice of failing to ki|| him,he won’t be able to defeat the three of us when the time vomes,demons might be immortal but they can still be ki||ed,you just have to find their energy core and stab them there,and yes i know lucifer is different,and so are we,but he’s the same with father so all we have to do is go through father’s secret library and find out everything, don’t worry,we will have enough time for it, he’s not anything like us but i once overhead father saying his death is already predicted in one of the books in his secret library “he laugh out loud and then grinned with pure hatred in his eyes.

?Human world ?
★Mr and Mrs Andrew’s mansion★

Luka slowly open his eyes and let out a soft yawn but immediately frown when he felt something heavy on his chest and his full erection slightly hitting whatver is sleeping next to him.

He look down only to see princess sleeping next to him,her head placed on his bare chest and her shirt also look unusual for just saying they simply slept off.

Three to four of her shirt is unbuttoned and her skirt is raised up to her buttocks showing off her segzy backside slightly and he gulp hardly.

He stare at her lips and felt his Ďïčk getting hard “d@mn, she’s my sister you fool”he said as if talking to someone.

“I don’t care, she’s our mate and i want her”a voice snapped in his head and before he knew it,his wolf take over and pounce on princess and without a second thought kissed her on the lips.

Her eyes snapped open at once after she felt another lip on hers and she gasped when she saw luka on top of her body.

“Princess!! Luka!! Aren’t you two going to get up and get ready for school!”Mrs Andrew’s voice came from the hallway.


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